0) The Referential Theory of meaning: one is likely to conclude that their meaning is the thing they refer. Have to be either rejected or modified in some significant way
1) Referent : is the relationship between a word or an expression and the object it is used to refer to ( referent).
- a speaker indicates which things in the world.
2) Referring expression: is any expression used in an utterance to refer to something or someone, used with a particular referent in mind.
3) Sense: shows the internal relationship between that word or expression and others in the vocabulary of a language.
4) Prototype: is an object which is held to be very typical of the kind of object, which can be referred to by an expression containing the predicate. ( nghi trong dau')
5) Stereotype: is a list of the TYPICAL characteristic of things to which the predicate may be applied. ( dung trong van noi)
6) Semantic feature: are the smallest units of meaning in a word
7) Semantic field: is the organization of related words and expression into a system which shows their relationship to one another.
Ex: type of fruit: apple, lemon, banana, orange, plum..
8) Denotation: of a word is the core, central or referential meaning of the word found in a dictionary.( nghia den, nghia trog tu dien)
- Connotation of a word is the additional meaning that the word has beyond its denotation meaning.( nghia bieu vay, tuy theo cam nhan cua minh)
- Ex: woman: female, mature,human denotation
- Wicked, talkative: connotation
9) Hyponymy: is a paradigmatic relation among words which refer to the inclusion of the meaning of one word in that of another. It implies a super-ordinate/ hyponym and a subordinate/ hyponym term.
Ex: book: subordinate ( general)
Novel: hyponym of book.( particular)
10) Meronymy: cu the trong cai tong the( nose thuoc face)
11) Synonymy: are word having the same or nearly the same thing. They refer to the same of referent in the real word and are usually taken to be synonymous term
Ex: father - dad
+ Absolute synonym: also- too, therefore- hence
+Territorical: note- bill, underground- subway.
+Semantic: to look- glare- glance
+Stylistic: mum- mummy.
+Euphemism: die-pass away- begone
12) Antonym: are the word that are opposite in meaning.
+ Gradable: trai nguoc k hoan toan. Giua 2 tu con co the co cac tu #
Ex: hot- cold: cool, warm
+ Binary: trai nguoc hoan toan
Ex: male - female; alive- dead
+ Converse term: below - above, own- belong to, lend- borrow
+ Multiple incomlatible: k the nham lan duoc, tach biet.
Ex: spring - summer- fall- winter
13) Polysemy: occurs when a word has two or more related meanings.
Ex: bright= shining/ intelligent
Red: color/ lucky/ tevolution
14) Metaphor: is hidden comparision on the basis of similarity
ex: head: top position of body/ leader.
15) Homonymy : are words which have the same pronunciation and the same writing, but unrelated meaning
ex: bank: bo song/ ngan hang
16) Homophone: are word which sound alike but written differently , different meaning
ex: sew- sow, deer- dear
17) Homograph: same spelling, different meaning, pronunciation
ex: tear ( xe) - tear( nuoc mat)
18) Sentence: is a grammatically complete string of word expressing a complete thought
19) Utterance: is any stretch of talk, by one person , before and after which there is silence on the part of the person.
- Used by a particular person on a particular occasion.
- Dong trong ngoac ''...''
20) Proposition: is that part of the meaning of the utterance of a declarative sentence which describes some states of affair.
+ Analytic sentence: is one that is necessary TRUE ( hoan toan dung su that)
+ Contradictory : Is a sentence that is necessary FALSE( hoan toan sai su that)
+ Synthetic : TRUE OR FALSE
21) Presupposition: what a speaker assumes that the receiver of the message already knows.
- the preposition of an utterance remains the same under its NEGATION:
ex: John didn't stopping smoking/ John stopped smoking John once smoked cigarettes.
Ex: did John stop smoking? Why did J stop smoking???
22) Type of preposition:
+ Existence P.P: I've coached Jack's children jack has children
+Factive PP: we regret telling him( we told him)
+ Counterfactive PP: he pretends to be ill( he is not ill)
+ Counterfactual PP: if I weren't ill...( I was ill)
+Lexical PP: u r late again( I was late before)
+Structural PP: when did he leave? ( he left)
23) Speech art: when a speaker makes an utterance, he carries out a certain act called S.A
Ex: close the door( saying/requesting)
+ Phan loai: representative SA
+Commissive SA: ng noi cam ket lam j
+ Declarative SA: ng noi tuyen bo, phat ngon
+ Directive SA: commanding, requesting, warning, Inviting..
+ Expressive SA: greeting, apologizing, complaining, thanking...
+ Rogative: refer to a special kind of directives which deal with request for information and which is typically in form of a question
Ex: where u r? I'm from Vn.
24) Hyperbole: cuong dieu
Ex: I've invited millions of pp to my party
25) Litotoes: noi giam ( I don't think I would agree with u)
26) Irony: cham biem( u r lucky to have such an ugly and awkward wife)
27) Euphemism:
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