Chapter Fifteen-Alien?
Finally, we skid to a stop in front of the lab and Tony practically drags me in by my arm.
"Rea, you beautiful thing, have I got a surprise for you." He tells me, nearly shivering with excitement. My eyes go to a bashful Bruce, then stop. There's an emptiness here without Steve and I'm not really sure how to feel about it.
"We ran your blood again," Bruce says and my brows furrow.
"Thought there was nothing there?" I ask and both men nod, Thor by my side listening as I am.
"Yes, that's what we thought. Then we put it up against Point Break over here and found something interesting." Tony's fingers fly over his keyboard before two holographic DNA strips appear in front of us all.
"There's a similarity here. Not Asgardian, not quite, but something close." Bruce explains.
"Before you can ask, we don't know what yet. We actually might not have any record of you to begin with." Tony continues and I hold up a shivering hand before the two continue.
"Are...are you telling me," I start in a soft, low voice, "that I'm an alien? Is that what you're saying to me right now?" Brows furrowed, arms across my chest, I wait for their answer. Bruce and Tony glance at one another then back at me. That's all the answer I need. "Right, okay. Sure. Of course, I am. Jesus, I think...I think I need to sit down." Thor is quick to just scoop me up and carry me to the couch in the corner and Bruce instantly hands me a glass of water.
"This is shocking, yes, but not horrible!" Thor assures me as he crouches beside me. I look at his sincere face and almost laugh. "I'm an alien and I am mighty." My panic tamps down a bit as he does his best to comfort me.
"Thank you, I-" Suddenly Loki appears in the doorway and my eyes sharpen. He knew about this before I did. My hand raises and I crook a finger at him. He approaches warily. "Turns out I'm an alien, Loki. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?" I question and he sighs.
"I was trying to tell you in the forest, darling."
"What do you know of this, Loki?" Thor asks, standing from his crouch. Loki seems to consider his options for a moment before answering.
"What creature," I shiver a bit at being called that, "do we know of has tattoos just here?" He traces a long finger across his upper torso and I watch Thor's eyes widen.
"Skogsra." He murmurs and turns back to me. Loki smirks.
"And what does that mean?" Tony asks before I can. Thor turns to me and is obviously looking at me in a different light than before.
"It is a race that has long been extinct. Or presumed so. A race of powerful warriors. They were slaughtered at the hands of the dark elves a long time ago. How did you come to survive?" He asks and everyone turns to me for an answer.
"I don't know! I'm learning this at the same time you are!" Bruce nods as if he expected this.
"Thor, could these people do what Rea does?" He asks a good question and we all turn to Thor. His head shakes.
"Only a few had this gift. I should've thought of this before." He chides himself and looks to me once again.
"What I want to know is how Loki knew you had this tat, Rea." Tony questions curiously. I wave a hand at the question.
"Accident. Came out of the shower and he was there. Thor, is there anything else you can tell us?" I question desperately.
"I am afraid their- ah, your, history has been wiped out with your race." I deflate back against the couch with a huff. This is such utter bullshit. "But," I perk up again. "your tattoos will indicate where you stood in society. High or low." He informs me and I look up at him skeptically.
"So, just flash you all my tattoos and you can tell me where I ranked on the caste scale?" I ask a little saucily and Thor nods. "Loki never said so." My eyes are sharp when I look at him and he shrugs.
"Didn't get a good enough look, dear."
"I doubt that very much."
"Actually, I'd also like to run a scan. If this is something you were born with, it might give us more insight into you." Bruce says and I nod, pressing a hand to my temples. Unbidden, the wish that Steve was here hits me like a train. Although, after all this, I'm not sure how he'll react.
"Okay, that's fine. But just you. Really don't need a whole group of people here for this." I talk to Bruce and he blinks with surprise. "Where do you want me?"
"Wherever you're the most comfortable. Might help if you were lying down or standing." Bruce tells me and I'm thankful for his gentleness despite Loki's presence. I stand and Thor extends an arm with his hand just behind my back in case I fall. I hand Loki's jacket back to him then stare at the three men that have yet to leave.
"Alright, alright. Tell us when you're ready." Tony agrees and Thor shoos Loki out while Tony shoos Thor out. Sighing, I meet Bruce's understanding and kind eyes.
"When you're ready, Rea." He assures me and the corner of my mouth lifts at his compassion. I shrug my sweater off, tossing it onto the couch just behind me. Bruce's eyes don't leave mine until I nod. It helps that his eyes are clinical and searching like a normal doctor's visit.
"It looks Celtic." Bruce hypothesizes and turns away to grab the scanner.
"It's been there as long as I can remember." His eyes flick to mine in surprise. "Thought I just got crazy one night and that's when it happened."
"That's interesting." Bruce murmurs and scans over the twisting lines under my breasts and little bit reaching up between them. Then he pulls away from the long scanner and waves it in the air. Just the tattoo appears and my eyes rove over the curls and twists. I've only ever seen it in the mirror so this is a bit different. I grab my sweater and shrug it back on as he talks. "I'm going to bring up whatever the chemical signature is so we can determine if it's a tattoo or...something else," Bruce says and I nod, reluctantly heading to the door and opening it again. Tony, Thor, and Loki immediately perk up.
"You can come back in now." I turn and walk back to Bruce while they file in. Thor instantly walks over to the hologram and studies the tat while Loki observes from my side. Tony walks to Bruce and they start murmuring science. Suddenly, Thor moves in front of me and drops a knee as if proposing.
"It's certain. You are the last queen of the Skogsra." He tells me and bows his head in respect. My lips part and eyes widen. Everyone else seems just as shocked. Except for Loki, of course.
"Thor, please...there's no need for that," I tell him and he stands, much to my relief and I think to everyone else's as well.
"It's a gesture of respect from one ruler to another." He defends his actions and I shake my head.
"I'm not a ruler!" I burst. "Look I appreciate the gesture, but just because I was born into whatever, doesn't mean that's who I am. Please, I'd rather you treated me the same." He nods in acceptance.
"Thought you seemed royal, Rea." Tony teases, but nothing is really getting through to my muddled brain anymore. My light-headedness probably isn't helping things.
"I'm going to grab a bite. I...I don't feel so great right now. Thanks, everybody." Tony reaches over and walks me to the door with an arm around my shoulders.
"Take care of yourself, Rea. We'll tell you if anything pops up." I nod and step out after patting his hand gratefully.
"Thanks, Tony." I murmur and start walking towards the gathering room.
"Leaving without me, darling?" Loki slides next to me and I stop in the middle of the hallway, seething slightly.
"You knew. You knew and you didn't say anything. You knew that night, Loki!" I scold, overwhelmed and annoyed with the god. He has the decency to look slightly abashed. "I need to be alone, for now," I tell him and walk away again, this time without the sound of footsteps behind me.
I arrive in the gathering room and thankfully no one is here. There's a little dinner left over from last night that doesn't have a sticky note (the team has different colored sticky notes for their food) so I grab that and pop it in the microwave. I'm swaying slightly on my feet so I down two glasses of water in case I'm dehydrated. Not sure what the normal reaction for finding out that I'm an alien queen is but eating seems alright. I'm stirring the tortellini together when I hear soft footfalls.
"Hey." Steve greets me quietly. I glance over at him and my lips just barely twitch at the sight of him while nerves settle in my belly. His brows furrow. "Everything alright?" He moves closer and leans against the counter next to me. I look up at his bright blues and sigh.
"It's been a bit of a rough morning," I admit. His eyes rove over my face for the cause when I don't immediately continue.
"Passed the lab on my way here. Tony and Bruce were more excited than usual. Something happen?" He questions and I tense slightly. This is harder than I thought it would be. As I look into his eyes I realize how much it would hurt if he decided he didn't want anything to do with me after this. And I'd understand if he didn't.
"Well, I-"
"The Captain is allowed to tend to you, but I may not?" I'm interrupted by Loki strutting into the room and stopping just next to me.
"Yes," I answer curtly, irritation with him flaring up again.
"Oh, my queen, you hurt me." He puts a hand over his heart and fakes a wounded tone. I sigh and look helplessly at Steve. He glances at Loki, then back at me. He takes my plate and fork in hand and offers me his arm.
"Come with me?" Steve suggests and I'm quick to accept his offer, shooting Loki a warning look as we walk out. We hurriedly walk through the hallways until we come to the elevator. He presses the top and up we go until we've reached the top floor. For a couple of moments, my worries slip away as we hurry down the hallway.
First thoughts everybody!? Are you surprised?
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