Chapter Eighteen-Captains?
As soon as we stop back at the facility Loki explodes from the van in relief while I grab the bags with a giggle. "You took those curves fast on purpose." He accuses and I laugh louder as we head inside.
"I definitely did," I admit and get a smile for it. The facility seems empty, but perhaps that's just the lateness of the hour. It was sunset when we left the city, but I hadn't guessed how long it would take to get us back. Velvet night has been thrown over the sky and seems to have banished all the living to their respective spaces. "So...what is it to be royalty back on Asgard?" I question and he sighs.
"Well, you haven't any siblings, so for you, it would be hearty battles with lavish dinners afterward. Praise would be heaped upon you, lovers would obviously throw themselves at you," I giggle at that and he pauses as we reach my door, looking into my eyes with amusement dancing in those meadow green eyes. "and although I believe you could have subjects cowering in fear, I believe you would rule with a...fair and kind hand." My eyebrows pop up at the shockingly sweet words.
"You're doing a good job getting on my good side, but I hope that was genuine," I tell him as I turn the handle for my room. Loki fakes offense.
"Would I lie?" He scoffs and I snort as I finally step into my room only to find Steve sitting on the bed. He instantly stands when we both walk in and his eyes switch between Loki and I, including the cream dress that I have on. I'm sure this looks a little strange.
"Steve, hi." I greet him a little nervously and set the bags down to the side. "We just went out for the day. Needed a break from everything for a bit." I explain while he nods slowly.
"I understand. This place can be a little suffocating at times." He gives me an out and I sigh in relief that I don't have to keep going.
"I think we'll continue our fun another time, darling," Loki speaks up, taking my hand and pressing a frigid kiss to my knuckles. He looks to Steve and gives him a cursory glance up and down, then shakes his head. "Remember if you don't please her, I'm in the wings, Captain." He tells him and my eyes shut in embarrassment. Chuckling, he ducks out and shuts the door behind him.
"Sorry." I breathe and open my eyes to a near smile on his face.
"Not your fault. I figured you were up to something when we received pounds of gourmet food. Tony and Natasha were very grateful, by the way." He tells me and I'm glad the weirdness in the room seems to be fading.
"Oh, and you weren't?" I tease and walk over to the bathroom with my dress bag to hang the two. I glance back over to see him shrug as I hang them on the door.
"Think I'd rather have you here." My hands stall as they slide down the dress. His eyes are trained on me and that's part of what makes him so disorienting and wonderful. Most guys would look away after saying something vulnerable, but he just keeps staring at me like that. I take a shaky breath. "I waited up because I wanted to talk. I wanted to earlier today, but things kind of got into the way. I figured talking late at night was the best chance at no interruptions. Of course, unless you're tired because I can just go-"
"I'm not tired," I assure him quickly and he stops halfway to the door. "We can talk." He nods and suddenly looks nervous himself. I step out of the bathroom with furrowed brows. "If you're worried about last night you don't have to be. I'm pretty sure we've done a bit more than just fall asleep together." He chuckles and allows the tension to drop from his shoulders. After a breath, he takes a step towards me until we're in the same positions as this morning; me between him and the wall. Those clear blue eyes scan mine again as his hands slide over the fabric clinging to my hips. My hands ball up his t-shirt to keep him close. "I...I think I'd rather you kiss me than talk." I declare a little nervously but he just grins. Our noses gently graze, then his lips press into mine.
I'm going to call this our first kiss since all I remember of our actual first was the taste of whiskey, soft lips, and a little blood since I think I bit him. This feels decades from that. His lips are still soft, but he's firm. Hands tugging me closer while mine wrap around his neck to scrape my nails against his baby hairs. Slowly switching between my top lip between his and my bottom lip, it's agonizing ecstasy that I'm happy to revel in. When he pulls back, I sigh at the warm feeling in me and the fact that for some reason he stopped. My eyes open when he presses his forehead against mine and my lips fold in on themselves as if preserving the taste of him.
"No interruptions you said? What kind of girl do you think I am, Captain?" I tease and he chuckles breathlessly.
"I'd been meaning to do that for a while. And I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go on a date with me." He pulls his head back just enough to see my face fully as I smile. My lips part to answer just as I see a flash of light outside.
"Aw, shit." I breathe and Steve's brows furrow before looking outside to what looks like a woman glowing like she's on fire. So much for no interruptions. I push Steve back and quickly slip on sweatpants and a tank-top before we both sprint out to where the glowing woman slowly approaches. The rainbow shine fades into a simple blonde woman in uniform.
"Hey Cap. Rhodes around?" She asks simply before they shake hands.
"Inside. Just here to visit or...?" The or is slightly ominous, but the woman's eyes are on me.
"Well, I felt a big energy signature coming from around here so I figured I'd pop by just in case. Should've known it was from one of you. Hi. Carol Danvers." She greets me with a pretty smile and I wave back.
"Reagan Monroe. Hey." I answer, a bit dumbfounded.
"How can you tell the energy was coming from her?" Steve questions and I relax at the fact that he seems to know her. She steps forward so she's less than a foot from me and holds her hands out, then slowly floats them over me.
"I can feel it like a wildfire coming off you. You're pretty cute for a nuclear bomb." She smirks and steps away as I blink.
"Nuclear bomb?" I repeat and she nods.
"Don't worry it's just an expression. You probably won't explode." She winks at me while Steve shakes his head beside me.
"Well, I'll be damned!" We all turn to find Rhodes and Tony waltzing towards us.
"I'd say. Haven't had a phone call in a while." Carol says as she steps to the side to gift Rhodey a hug.
"Hard to call when you're flying around space. Good to see you. Have a few more heroes around these days." She nods and gifts Tony a quick hug as well.
"I can see that. Powerful ones too. With a few more maybe you all will be able to take care of yourselves." She teases and Tony snorts.
"But then we'd see you less than we do already and that would be a travesty." He returns as she turns to face me once again.
"Skogsra, right? Relatively unique signature around you. I'm...sorry I couldn't help your race." Her gaze turns apologetic as I struggle to catch up with her. Her hand reaches out and smooths over my arm. "The Canelians colonized your planet after the destruction. It's beautiful." For some reason, this hits me hard. A whole race I never knew. A history that I'll never get to know, is gone.
"Thank you." I murmur and she nods. Lightly, I feel Steve's hand on the small of my back for reassurance as we slowly wander inside.
"You could take her there, Captain. Wouldn't mind a trip myself either." Tony looks at her hopefully and she laughs.
"No ship with me this time so no oxygen for you. She could take it though." Carol glances at me as we enter the dim building. "Skogsra can breathe in space." My mouth tips up.
"That's cool." Finally, something that isn't morally grey to deal with. I glance up at Steve who spares me a quick smile. "How do you know all this stuff?" I question and she shrugs.
"If you're defending the galaxy it's kind of important to know about the mass genocides." She tells me with a curious smile and bright eyes. "I'd kill for some good food though."
"Just brought back some fancy food from a Michelin starred restaurant. You're welcome to it." I offer.
"Uh, we don't get any food?" Tony questions as we board the elevator.
"You can have fancy food whenever you want. She's been in space." I point out and catch Carol's quick grin just as we exit the elevator. We walk into the gathering room and I point out what's what to the best of my ability. Carol chooses a slice of raspberry cheesecake, grilled shrimp over couscous, and steak covered in cocoa. Our strange group settles down at the table with me facing Carol, Steve by my side, and Tony facing Rhodes. "Uh, sorry, but who exactly are you?" She chuckles lightly and elbows Rhodes.
"Hurts that you haven't been raving about me." The man rolls his eyes as she grins. "Captain Marvel. Kind of the spun the phrase Avenger." She tells me and joyously continues eating.
"She can shoot beams from her hands and fly. Usually has her hands full saving other planets, so that's why we don't see her as often as we'd like." Steve explains softly and I nod gratefully.
"And you've been planet?" The words feel strange on my tongue, but Carol just nods like this is perfectly normal.
"Skadar. Yes. The Canelians were having some trouble with the wildlife, but that's all settled now and the planet is really thriving again." She tells me and another puzzle piece in my mind slides into place despite my not knowing it was missing. "I'm guessing you didn't know that you were alien your whole life?" Carol asks and Tony snorts before I can.
"Try a few days." Rhodes answers before Tony can and I'm pretty sure he gets kicked under the table for it. Carol's eyes widen.
"Then you're handling this well." She congratulates me and I shrug.
"At this moment, yes." Carol's eyebrows raise as she stacks her empty containers together.
"Then I'll tell you all about it over breakfast. I'd like to spare a few days with these idiots anyway." She smirks over at Rhodes and Tony.
"You'll find you're not the only space goer in the facility this time. Point Break and his mischevious brother are here." Carol shrugs at Tony's words and tosses her things in the trash before stopping with her hand on her jutted-out hip.
"Think I can handle it. Especially with your new powerhouse." She winks at me and a small smile makes its way to my face. "Walk me to my room Rhodes?" She asks and starts walking out as he catches up to her. Tony huffs and leans back in his chair with his eyes shut.
"Too much excitement for me today. I'm out." His hand slides over my shoulder and he pats Steve's before walking out.
"Night, Tony." Steve wishes and Tony waves his hand in return. After that, it's silent except for the buzz of the fridge and the lights.
Surprise. ;)
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