Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating. I just really wanted some time to read a few bad boy books and school & family do NOT mix with Wattpad time. At all.
So for this (incredibly late) chapter, I am going to write 10 things about myself. 5 as a young goddess, 5 as a normal 11 year old (Divergent-PJo/Hoo-TMI-TFIOS) girl hehe.
1)I am in the TAG( talented and gifted) class at school and absolutely LOVE reading.
2) I love all of my followers and the people who read this book. This chapter, as I have decided, is dedicated to Maria_Heart. She commented about the book and I decided to update for the sake of (my eyes, no more bad boy books!) myself.
3) My favorite book characters are:
*Pjo/Hoo*(Meh main fandooom)
Leo V, Nico A, Hazel L :3, and Reyna A.R.A.
*TMI *(only read 1 book, but I loved ittttttt)
Jace Wayland (sticking with Wayland), and Simon ('mundanes' are awesome :)
*Divergent*(only read 1, but who can't fall in love with them after that?!)
Tris Prior and (well duh) Tobias (aka. Four)
Hazel Grace Lancaster ( ;) ) and Augustus Waters (sobs)
4) My full name is Genysis Xiomara Storm.
5) I was born in America, but my dad is Mexican and my mom is Guatemale(somethin).
-------Young goddess facts :3-----
6) I am Leos height as a goddess, but I still age seeing as I am still a (an immortal) kid, even if I am a mature one.
7) Lock your doors at night. Travis has buckets of pegasus manure mixed with Clarrise's sweat. Connor won't do anything, though. After a lot of minor(hahah no) pranks, he agreed to not do anything.
8) I have full rights by Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes to hurt you if you lay so much as a finger on Connor Stoll.
9) My weapon comes from my own flesh. They never fall out of my grip, and they burn soooo much. Hecate put extra heat on the torches so be very careful.
10) Hermes says that I am very good at pranks, despite my parentage. Hades also says that he likes it when I get mad because my hair looks like its on fire (literally, oops)!. So be very very careful. :D
I guess that's all for this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! I will try really hard to update, but its hard trying to climb the lava wall at camp Half- Blood while Percy and Lily drench you in ice cold water *shiver*.
Thanks for reading,
More to soon be posted,
Arrevedeci, fellow demigods & gods,
💋Geny X. Storm.
Daughter of Hestia,
Blessed by Hermes (muahahah)
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