Facebooook Tiiiime!
Piper McLean has updated her status.
Some newcomer tried to flirt with me.
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Jason Grace:WHAT?!
Annabeth Chase: How did you handle it?
Piper McLean: He's in the infirmary now....
Hazel Levesque: Oh my... What did you do to him?
Piper McLean: Well I slapped him and then Percy came...
Percy Jackson: Your Welcome, Grace
Jason Grace: Thx, Perc
Annabeth Chase: I'm not going to correct him...I'm not going to correct him...
Maria Heart: You better not!
Nico Di Angelo: Calm down, Maria. We don't want another incident like yesterday.
Lily Adranine: Ooooh. Wait don't tell us yet. Let me get a friend on..
Leo Valdez: Who is this "Friend"?
Maria Heart: Oh. Yeah go tell her to log on. She loves this kind of stuff.
Lily Adranine: I'm gonna go tell her right now.
Lily Adranine has logged off.
Annabeth Chase: * Goi- nopenopenope.
Maria Heart: Hehehe..
Nico Do Angelo: Now what do we talk about?
Percy Jackson: Hmmm... Oh I know! What were you guys talking about on yesterday's chat?
Piper McLean: Should we tell him ?
Annabeth Chase: Yes. Thalia said that if we didn't tell him, she was.
Jason Grace: On Disney Channel....
Percy Jackson: Yeeeess..
Annabeth Chase: A new movie is coming ouuuut....
Percy Jackson: *does hand motion* Go oooooon...
Piper McLean: And that movie is called...
Percy Jackson: For the love of Zeus's Fist, JUST TELL MEH!
Nico Di Angelo: Wait..
Percy Jackson: Hmph.
Thalia Grace: The movie is called Finding Dory.
Nico Di Angelo: Thals!
Thalia Grace: It had to be done Neeks..
Percy Jackson: ..... :0
Percy Jackson: My life will be completed..
Annabeth Chase: *facepalm*
Lily Adranine has logged on.
Lily Adranine: Ok. I found her.
Leo Valdez: OK yeah that's good but who is she!?!?
Maria Heart: Don't worry. She's super fun. Nico you'll understand her.
Nico Di Angelo: Wut.
Annabeth Chase: My eyes..they buuuurn.
Percy Jackson: Appear mysterious person..
Genysis Storm has logged on.
Annabeth Chase: Who are you?
Genysis Storm: I'm a daughter of Hes-
Lily Adranine: Hephaestus. She's a daughter of Hephaestus
Maria Heart: Genysis, tell them bout urself *I'm eviiil annie eviiiil.*
Annabeth Chase has logged off.
Percy Jackson: *glares*
Maria Heart: Hehehe
Lily Adranine: Anyway... Go on Genysis.
Genysis Storm: Well... I have red hair and green Eyes. I'm bisexual.I was blessed by the gods.My palms turn into torches. I can set on fire like Leo. And I'm NOT a daughter of Hephaestus.
Nico Di Angelo: Yush! In not the only bisexual demigod!
Maria Heart: Told you :D
Leo Valdez: Wait... If you can set on fire... How come u aren't a daughter of Hephaustes?
Annabeth Chase has logged on.
Annabeth Chase: Leo has a point. The only other god/godess is Hestia, bit she's a maiden...
Maria Heart: Well....
Genysis Storm: I'm actually a daughter of Hestia.
Annabeth Chase: But how?!?!
Piper McLean: Yeah your mom said that she would always be a virgin!
Genysis Storm: She still is a virgin.
Piper McLean: But hooow?!
Genysis Storm: She met my dad. Then she went back to Olympus. She had dreams and thoughts of having a child. So the next day she went to the Hearth and used her dreams and flames to make me. For my dad.
Hazel Levesque: Cool! That is so unusual.
Percy Jackson: Not to be rude... But why r u here again?
Annabeth Chase: *growls*
Genysis Storm: Idk, Lily told me that Piper was gonna tell us something
Piper McLean: Oh right! So this kid from the Apollo cabin tries to flirt with me while I'm training with my dagger , Wearing a sports bra and running shorts.
Piper McLean: He says "Your ass looks really nice".
Piper McLean: I turn around slap him . then I say "I may not be the fighting type, but I will still f**ck you up.
Hazel Levesque: Such Language!
Piper McLean:Anyway, Percy comes in and sees him flirting with me. He hits him were the sun doesn't shine and says "Don't flirt with my best friend's girlfriend, or you'll see what it feels like to be unconscious. Then he kicks him again.
Genysis Storm: I wish I could've seen that it would've been hilarious!
Percy Jackson: I'm gonna say it again. You're welcome Grace.
I am really proud of this chappie. Pic of Piper at the top.
More to soon be posted,
Au Revoir fellow demigods,
💙Genysis Storm💙
Daughter of Hestia
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