Back at the base, Tommy went into a room where he and Bella were keeping an eye on Frost Assassin. "Just got word from the others." He said. "They're on their way back and they've got the Earth Totem." Bella looked at him. "Good, now we just need two more." She said. Tommy nodded. "And the Anansi Totem if we're lucky." He added. "Hey Tommy." Frost Assassin said holding up his arms that were chained. "These really necessary?" He asked. "Carbine metal being chained to an unpredictable ice guy...yeah kinda." Tommy replied. "The Death Totem is literally inside me." Frost Assassin said. "And you know as well as I do when we have to fight that guy you'll need my help." Tommy looked at him. "And until then..." He said pointing to the chains. "Those stay put." He added as Bella looked at him. "He's not wrong Tommy." She said. "I don't trust him either but when the time comes we'll need him to be available." She added with a sigh. "And this is coming from a relative of the Reverse Flash." She reminded him. "You gave me another chance when no one else would." She said before removing the chains. "Nice speech." Frost Assassin said. "Like you said we need you." Bella said. "But I'm also a cross and you see just how bad things can get for you." She added before leaving the room. "I see why you like her." Frost Assassin said. Tommy rolled his eyes. "Don't try it." He said. "You're just lucky I haven't killed you yet." He added before starting to leave. "Better hope this goes as planned." Frost Assassin said. "Otherwise you may not see her again." Tommy stopped and looked at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. Frost Assassin looked at him. "That guy's powers don't work on anyone with the Totems or Infinity Stones." He reminded Tommy. "So if one or neither of you have one, and things go wrong...well I'm sure you can figure out the rest." He added. Tommy nodded. "Possibly death...but we don't know that for sure." He said. "Ian was able to survive." He added. "Barely if the crystal twins hadn't done something about it." Frost Assassin added. "There's another way you know?" He said. "For you to survive...if you're willing." Meanwhile the group returned and Perseus went straight to Phoebe. "Do you realize how long you were gone?" He asked sternly. "Do you realize you don't own me?" Phoebe asked. "I'm not one of your experiments and neither are our kids when they are born so don't even try it." She said. Clara and Mark were watching from the other side of the room. "Starting to be glad she didn't speak about him." Mark said. He looked at Clara to see her staring at the Power Stone. " to Clara." He said with a laugh. "Sorry just thinking." Clara said. "About...certain bat kid?" Mark asked with a chuckle. "He looked for you and never came back." Clara explained. "I'm just worried about him." Mark looked at his sister and sighed. "Listen when all of this is over we're going to find him." He said. "You have my word." Clara looked at him confused. "You don't even like the guy." She said. "True." Mark admitted. "But you're my sister... and I got your back." He added. "We just need to get out of here first." In another part of the Battlerealm, the mysterious figure came into a cave and walked to a sort of throne area. "The subjects are in hiding." He said. A giant purple man sat on the throne. "So now we wait." He said. "Seriously?" The mysterious figure asked. "They almost have the thing to beat us and the almighty Thanos just wants to wait?" Thanos looked at him. "Without the one you wear they are useless." He said. "Plus none of them are capable of retrieving the Soul Stone out of all of them." He added. "Yeah well neither are you or the time demon Mallus." The figure said. "Besides I'm one step ahead." He added with a purple crystal in his hand. "We'll get it...just a matter of time." He said before placing the crystal into a nearby living Adaptoid, who collapsed on the ground. "Be lucky that we have plenty of those in disposal." Thanos said. "If I'm gonna trust you I might as well call you something." The figure stood silent and looked at him. "Subject KR17." He answered. "That's what the people who did the experiments labeled me." He added. "Well Subject KR17...I expect no surprises." Thanos said. Subject walked out of the room while staying silent. Meanwhile back at the hideout Ruby was testing out the Earth Totem when Ian walked over. "Only a few hours and you're already better at that thing." He said with a laugh. Ruby smiled and looked at him. "Almost sounds like you're...jealous?" She asked with a laugh. "No." Ian said with a smile. "Okay maybe a little bit." He admitted. "I mean come on I'm basically the one of the few people here without powers." He said. Ruby looked at him. "Have you talked to him?" She asked. Ian looked at her confused. "Arcturion?" Ruby asked. "You know...about Clyde?" Ian took a breath. "We know it wasn't him." He said. "Yeah but he was also with him when it happened." Ruby said. "You don't think it's affected him?" She asked. Ian nodded. "To be fair he hasn't said anything about it so I wouldn't know what to say anyway." He explained. "I mean you know me and Clyde didn't exactly get along." He added. "Yeah." Ruby said. "Can't believe I almost dated the guy." She said. Ian looked at her surprised. "Wait what?" He asked in shock. "Didn't get that far." Ruby added. "Story for another time." She said. Meanwhile a bit of a distance from the hideout Arcturion was looking around at the Battlerealm. "You did always like being by yourself." Someone said behind him. Arcturion looked and turned back. "What do you want Ian?" He asked. "Just wanted to check on ya." The boy answered. "Really bad time to cause an identity crisis Arc." He said. Arcturion immediately got confused. Ian never called him Arc. "Clyde?" He asked. The boy smiled. "About time." He said before kissing him.
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