Present Meets Future
As the two of them were walking around a group of Adaptoids appeared and surrounded them. "What are these things?" The alien asked. The woman looked at him. "Just stay away from the purple ones and go after the dark blue ones first." She said. The alien rolled his eyes and did the opposite. "I don't take orders from you." He said before swinging towards a purple Adaptoid. The impact caused more arm to him and was absorbed by the Adaptoid. "Considering I actually know what we're fighting..." The woman said. "You might wanna start." She grabbed a type of bracelet and put it on. "Just think about the ability right?" She asked. The alien looked at her. "Why do you have that?" He asked. "Because I knew where we were going now your turn." The woman replied. The alien explained it was based on identity of the person with abilities. "Good to know." She said. She tapped the bracelet and a small keypad appeared. She then typed Dashfire and started to see a green energy go around her. "Thank you Drake Osborn." She said as she raced off in a flaming blur. The woman pushed her hands out and released fireballs at all the purple Adaptoids, causing them to shatter. "Now you get the dark blue ones." She said. The alien used his abilities and caused the Adaptoids to shatter. "Impressive." He said. "Especially for a..." The woman looked at him. "You better think about finishing that sentence." She said. "Otherwise these things are the least of your worries." The woman noticed a portal open and a bunch of kids came out. A bunch of Adaptoids began to surround them. Tommy looked around. "What the heck are these things?" He asked. Alex and Arcturion looked at each other. "We'll hold them off." They said. Ian saw them about to grab each other's hands and remembered a vision he saw before. "Guys wait!" He started to warn but it was too late. A bright flash appeared and Arcturion and Alex merged. They then created multiple crystals and shot them towards the Adaptoids. As the Adaptoids shattered, the woman and alien revealed themselves. "Good to see you two still got it." The woman said. Mark and Clara looked at them in surprise. "What's up with you two?" Tommy asked. Clara walked to the woman. "Mom?" She asked. "Not just yet." The woman said laughing. Ian and Ruby looked at each other and then at the woman. "Phoebe?" Ruby asked. "Good to see you again Ruby." Phoebe said with a smile. Tommy shook his head and felt weirded out. "How are you...?" He said. "You were our age... and now...what?" He asked. "It's a long story." Phoebe answered. Bella reached into her pocket and pulled out a stone. "I believe this belongs to you." She said handing it to Phoebe. "You shouldn't have had it." Mark said as Phoebe took the stone. "And why are we saying that?" Phoebe asked. Clara looked at Bella. "Because Thawne's have proven on multiple occasions that they can't be trusted." She answered. Phoebe looked at her. "She's not wrong." Another voice added. The figure had appeared above everyone. Ian looked at the figure and noticed the Anansi Totem around his neck. "And who are you supposed to be?" Tommy asked. The figure chuckled. "You'll know...someday." He said as he landed on the ground. "I'd be more worried about your teammates." He added. "Fire and water don't exactly mix." Phoebe got wide eyed. "Dalton and Perseus." She said. "What have you done with them?" She asked. "They have something I require to finish my task." The figure said before touching the Anansi Totem. "And after I get every last one...your world will perish." He added. Ian stepped closer as Ruby followed. "What are you doing?" She whispered. "Just trust me without that thing he's nothing." Ian replied. Ruby was hesitant but nodded. "Just be careful." She said. Ian assured her he would and kept going. "Why are you doing this?" Arcturion asked. "What is the Grandmaster offering you?" The figure laughed. "I was wondering if I'd ever run into the failed experiment." He said. "And there's no offers...just orders." He added. "I'm here to do what you backed out of." Just then a burst of purple energy shot from the figure and went inside Arcturion, causing him and Alex to separate. The two fell on the ground in pain as the figure laughed. "I wouldn't try merging anytime soon." He said. "That's be a price to pay." The figure began to talk about the sacrifices made to get here and then said another name as Ian approached from behind. "You think Clyde Clancy knows how quickly he died Arcturion." He asked. Ian remembered seeing his cousins dead body in an apartment and started to feel rage. "No faster than I'm gonna kill you." He said before grabbing the Anansi Totem. A burst of energy shot through him, making him unable to move with the pain. "What's happening?" He asked. "Ian!" Ruby shouted in panic. The figure chuckled and Ian collapsed to the ground as the energy faded. Phoebe ran over and the figure grabbed her arm. The energy shot through her but another red energy acted as a force field knocking the figure back. The figure then saw the Reality Stone and smiled. "Lucky shot for you." He said laughing. "Can't say the same for him." He said looking at Ian. The figure touched the Anansi Totem and used the bird spirit to quickly fly off. Ruby ran over to Ian, who was still unconscious. "Ian!" She said trying to shake him awake. Phoebe placed her fingers on Ian's neck for a pulse. "He's alive." She said with relief. "But whatever this is really affected him." Ruby calmed down after knowing he was okay. "Why didn't it affect you?" She asked. Phoebe held up the Reality Stone. "Guess it protects the wielder." She said shrugging. "But when he touched me I couldn't copy his abilities." She added. Alex and Arcturion looked at each other and then at her. "You mean...?" Alex asked. Phoebe nodded. "Just like you two." She said. Tommy looked and saw some of Ian's veins begin to glow purple. "Please tell me he's some type of Meta and that's normal." He said. Ruby noticed it and became uneasy. "We need to get him somewhere safe." She said. Arcturion smiled. "We know just the place." He said turning towards Alex. "Let's hurry and hope that the old hideout's still around." He said everyone headed off while Phoebe helped Ruby with Ian.
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