Power Virus
The group walked around the Battlerealm until reaching an almost missable building. "Awesome, it's still here." Arcturion said. "Come on guys." Alex said. "We'll be safe here." Everyone went into the building and Ruby and Phoebe put Ian on a couch. Phoebe looked around at the hideout. "How is any of this realm still here?" She asked. Michael looked at her. "Been asking myself the same question." He said before looking at Alex and Arcturion. "Last I checked you stayed behind and destroyed it." He added. "We did." Alex said. "But obviously it either didn't work or it reformed itself in some way." Ruby Ruby stood up and looked at the group. "As much as I don't want to be back in this place..." She explained. "I'm more worried about Ian." She added. Phoebe nodded and then had an idea. "The power level of that guy matched your abilities." She said to Alex and Arcturion. "We could try." Alex said. The two of them walked over and looked at the purple glow that had spread through Ian's veins in his arm. The two of them placed a hand on his arm, a blue and purple energy came from them and a burst of purple energy shot them back. "Are you guys okay?" Phoebe asked. Arcturion and Alex sat up. "I think so." Arcturion said. Ian slowly started to wake up. "What happened?" He asked. Ruby looked at him. "You're okay." She said. "What's the last thing you remember?" She asked as Ian sat up. "We were talking to that purple guy." He said feeling dazed. "I went to grab the Anansi Totem and then blacked out." He added before looking at Alex and Arcturion. "What happened to you guys?" He asked. "We were trying to get rid of that." Alex said pointing to the glowing veins that had shortened down. "Whatever this is we couldn't get rid of it completely." He added. Ian looked at the glow in his veins, seeing there wasn't much left. "Do you think you could remove it completely?" He asked. Alex shook his head. "Once it got to that point it was like it activated some type of defense barrier from us." He said. Michael thought for a minute looking at Ian and then at Phoebe. "You both touched him." He said. "So why was Ian the only one affected by what happened?" He asked in confusion. Phoebe held up the Reality Stone. "This glowed and created a surge of energy that made some form of shield around me." She explained. "What she means to say is..." The alien began to add in. Phoebe stood up and looked at him annoyed. "Scorpious, this isn't your planet or species...not all of them anyway." She said as Clara and Mark walked in. "I don't need a translator." She finished. Mark and Clara looked at Scorpious. "Dad?" Mark asked. Scorpious looked unsettled and turned to Phoebe. "Forgive me for my words but I must ask." He asked her. "Will you explain to me why our children obtain the appearance of humans instead of their species?" Phoebe got wide eyed in shock and frustration. "Maybe because their mother is a human?" She asked pointing to herself. "Or did you suddenly forget that fact about Mark and Clara?" She asked. "Human names as well?" Scorpious asked. "Are you trying to bring shame upon my bloodline?" He asked as Phoebe shook her head. "Now I finally realize why they never bothered to talk about you." She said. "But as you can see they turned out just fine even while having human appearances." Tommy was listening on the other end of the room and walked over. "So basically have your hands on a fancy rock or be paralyzed by this virus thing?" He said as Bella entered. "Not just the rocks." She said. "Have you ever heard about the Totems of Zambezi?" She asked. Frost Assassin walked over with a smirk. "Guessing their wielders are protected too?" He asked. Tommy then noticed Frost Assassin had a scar from when he killed him, but it was glowing. "Where'd you get that?" He asked. "Woke up after being killed and found myself in some lab." Frost Assassin answered. "After that I realized I got a little upgrade." He explained as Tommy wrapped his head around everything. "So how much more of these are left?" He asked. Bella looked at the glow from Frost Assassin's wound. "That would be the Death Totem...Reality Stone and Time Stone." She said gravitating to Phoebe and then Michael. "That's three...then their friends have the water and fire totems...five." She continued. Michael nodded and looked at her. "Six...Justin has the Space Stone." He added. Clara took a breath and took the purple stone out of her pocket as Mark looked in surprise. "Make that seven." She said holding up the Power Stone. "Got it just before we were transported." She added. Ian looked Ruby. "That kid we met...he has the Mind Stone." He added. "So that means that we have eight." Ruby said. "How many do we actually need?" She asked Bella. "There six of each item." Bella answered. "We just need four more...but one will be trickier to get." She informed the group. Ian remembered the necklace that the masked figure was wearing. "The Anansi Totem...that's why he could use those animal attacks." He said. Bella nodded. "If we can manage to get it then all we'll have left are the Soul Stone, Earth Totem and Wind Totem." She said. Tommy then realized something. "Only twelve...but what'll happen to everyone else if we can't stop it?" He asked. Bella looked at him worried. "We won't let it come to that." She answered. "We all have to work together." She said looking around at everyone. Alex looked at them. "That guy said he had Dalton and Perseus." He said. "Arcturion and I will go after them." He added. Phoebe turned to him. "His energy blast may have affected your powers." She said. "You really shouldn't try anything right now." She added as Alex and Arcturion were already leaving. "Try and stop me." Alex replied before he and Arcturion opened a portal and walked through.
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