The group scattered around Subject KR17 for different attacks. "Predictable." He told them before sending a wave of energy to knock them down. "At least give a challenge." Lincoln stood up and looked at Bella. "Get ready to throw a lightning bolt on my signal." He said. Bella nodded. "On it." She said before starting to race around in circles to generate enough electricity for a strike. "Alex and Scorpious, use your powers to distract this guy for as long as you can." He added. Alex and Scorpious nodded and went after Subject KR17. Lincoln then turned to Ian. "Get ready to grab his totem." He said. Ian nodded and looked at him. "What're you gonna do?" He asked. Lincoln looked at his hands. "We're about to find out." He said as he started using both his electric and quake abilities towards the both of his hands. Meanwhile the group with the Infinity Stones were trying to figure out how to fight Mallus. "On my world the totems could hurt him." Phoebe said. "Maybe these can do the same." She added holding up the Reality Stone. "One way to find out." Justin said. He used the Space Stone to attack Mallus, hardly even making a scratch. "I'll take that as a no." He said. "Any other ideas?" He asked. Michael looked at him. "We can't hurt him." He said. "But at least we can slow him down while figuring it out." He added. The group agreed and started using the stones. Just then a purple blur came and grabbed Nathan, taking him away from the fight. Nathan then realized it was Subject KR17. Nathan tried to use the Mind Stone but it was like Subject KR17's armor was affecting his power. "Hello Wells." Subject KR17 said. Nathan pushed Subject KR17 off of him. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. Subject KR17 shrugged. "You can still stop me." He said encouragingly. Nathan looked at him confused. "Why would you want to be stopped?" He asked while using the Mind Stone to try and read his thoughts. "I know what happens whether I win or lose." Subject KR17 said. "And you can't affect energy." He added as he vanished halfway for a second. "Look around you." He told Nathan. "It's not happening yet...but you know it will." He added. "But even so I can't have everyone make it out okay." He said before racing off. Meanwhile Tommy and the Totem bearers were trying to take on Thanos. While the totems slowed him down, they weren't affecting him. Ruby used the Earth totem to launch rocks and boulders at the enemy. "Seriously rocks?" Dalton asked. "Oh I'm sorry." Ruby said. "Do you see any branches to attack him with?" She asked annoyed. Tommy looked at them. "Can you guys do this another time?" He asked. "We literally have a bigger problem at the moment." He added. He ran towards Thanos, sending a canary cry towards him. While forcing himself through the scream, Thanos ran to Tommy and punched his side, sending him to the ground. He was about to strike again when Frost Assassin blasted him with his ice. "You're welcome." He said to Tommy while holding out his hand. Tommy took his hand and let him help him up. "Yeah thanks." He said. Meanwhile Sam was fighting with Mallus when she noticed where everyone was positioned, it was exactly like her vision. "Where's Phoebe and the twins?" She thought you herself as she noticed a purple blur race within view and started looking for them. Suddenly she saw the same purple lightning crack across the sky, some of it even hitting the ground."Get away from her!" She heard Mark shout. Sam turned to see him launching himself at the enemy, who was Subject KR17, attacking Clara. As he neared, a glow came from the Subject KR17's hand and a sharpened crystal appeared. "Too late." The Subject KR17 said before throwing the crystal at him. This time Sam knew where the crystal was headed and saw Phoebe come to the fight. Mark dodged the crystal as it was coming towards him, not knowing Phoebe was there. Sam used the time stone to send a green energy to stop with a barrier. But something went wrong and the crystal broke the barrier and absorbed it, striking Phoebe. "No!" Sam shouted. Mark immediately felt like something had struck him and looked to see Phoebe with the crystal in her. Subject KR17 races off and Mark and Clara raced over to Phoebe. "Mom!" Clara shouted as she ran over. The twins reached Phoebe and pulled out the crystal. "I shouldn't have done that." Mark said shaking his head. Sam races over and apologized for not being able to stop it. "I'm okay really." Phoebe said. "The Reality Stone created a barrier for his power so I can heal." She explained. Everyone sighed in relief and then Mark suddenly started losing his footing. "Mark?" Clara asked. Mark shook his head. "Something's wrong." He said as he began to glow and crystallize. Clara started doing the same but it stopped when touching the Power stone, then it reverted to normal. Phoebe realized what was happening and shook her head frantically. Mark suddenly became fully crystallized and shattered. "No!" Phoebe shouted as a massive amount of power shot out of her from the Reality Stone. Bella has seen this and raced after Subject KR17. He vanished into thin air at the same place Tommy's group. She raced over to Tommy. "Where is he?" She asked. Tommy wasn't sure what she meant but noticed a red stone on the ground and picked it up. "The Air totem." Bella said. "Let's get it out of here before..." As she was about to finish, Subject KR17 returned and blasted her with a massive amount of energy, knocking her unconscious. "Bella!" Tommy shouted. He then looked at Subject KR17 with pure rage. "You have failed this realm." He said before blasting him with a massive amount power from the Air totem. Frost Assassin came over with eyes completely black as well as his hair with white streaks. He blasted Subject KR17 with his black ice. The combination of the powers caused the copy to vanish into thin air. Meanwhile Lincoln gave the order, and a time remnant that Bella left behind threw, and became the lightning that went towards Subject KR17. Lincoln blasted the lightning to give it an extra boost while Alex and Scorpious got away. The lightning struck Subject KR17 enough to make the Anansi Totem be removed. Ian immediately grabbed the totem and placed it on. As he started to run, Subject KR17 launched a massive amount of energy towards Ian. Alex saw this and decided to finally use something other than his crystal and energy abilities. He used super-speed and shoved Ian out of the way, causing him to get hit instead. Arcturion stopped fighting elsewhere after feeling what happened. "Alex." He said. Each of the villains vanished and Ian raced over to Alex who was lying unconscious. "Come on man wake up!" Ian said shaking him. "Alex come on!" He shouted.
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