5 Years Later
Lightning was flashing in the red skies, wouldn't be surprising to mistake the Battlerealm for Earth X. Blood red crystals surrounded the realm, along with fire and what was left of Adaptoids. A flash appeared and Isabelle found herself in the new world. "Who are you guys?" A boy's voice said behind her. She turned to see the other people who had vanished from their earth's. The other girl looked at the man who was with them in confusion. "Grayson Wayward?" She asked. The man looked at her. "You know who I am?" He asked. "I know someone you're thinking about hunts people like me." The girl said in a serious tone. Before anything could go further, Isabelle stopped the two of them. "My name is Isabelle Queen." She said. "I can't tell you where exactly we are but I know this isn't the time to turn on each other." She added. The boy looked at her. "We don't even know each other." He said. The girl nodded in agreement and looked at Isabelle. "My name is Alex Fei." She said. Grayson looked at Alex. "Slade Wilson's daughter?" He asked. "You're hard to cross paths with." He added. "And who said anything about wanting to cross paths with the cops?" Alex asked. As the two argued, the boy introduced himself to Isabelle as Evan Kendricks. "I don't understand." He said. "One minute I was in this lab and next thing I know I'm here." He said. Alex and Grayson stopped and looked at him. "I was training just before I appeared here." Alex said. "And I was running from the energy wave that had just appeared." He explained. Isabelle realized what he meant and remembered what happened. "You three survived your world's destructions." She said. She explained what had happened the best she could with even her limited information. "Why us?" Evan asked. "Could've been anyone else so why would we be spared?" Just then another figure appeared walking towards them in the distance. As it neared Isabelle recognized her as Clara. She was wearing a dark version of her Glimmer uniform with the Power Stone on one of her knuckles. "Clara." Isabelle said. Clara stood emotionless and looked at her. "Call me Obscurity." She said before blasting a dark form of her energy blast at them. Everyone was affected and landed on the ground. Isabelle looked at her confused. "Why are you doing this?" She asked. Clara smirked as the Power Stone glowed with its' energy holding them down. "Rage has had a bounty on you since you arrived." She answered to the group. "Plenty of people are willing to collect, luckily I'm here first." Just then another figure walked over and pointed a gun at her. "Except you're in my territory Obscurity." He said. Clara looked to see Michael who was now wearing a similar armor to his father's Crossbones uniform. "Agent Fury." Clara said with a laugh. "Just let me handle the individuals and I'll be on my way." She said. Michael looked at her for a second. "Yeah not gonna happen." He said before pulling the trigger. "Woah!" Evan said holding one of his hands up as a teal colored blast came from it, hitting both Michael and Clara as well as the bullet. The two of them were surrounded by a teal glow as they froze in place. "Wait how did you?" Grayson began to ask. Alex stopped him and interrupted. "Doesn't matter." She said showing them that the Power Stone was glowing, as well as the Time Stone that Michael was wearing as a necklace. "I don't think we have much longer." She said before the group rushed off. As they ran, a few yards away was a fight with Dalton and Perseus using the Water and Fire Totems. In another area, a Frost Assassin was in Death Totem mode as a flash of red lightning avoided his attacks while using the Wind Totem. Another area had Ruby using her Earth Totem abilities towards Phoebe who was messing with the attacks with the Reality Stone. Just when they thought they were in the clear, a large portal opened in front of them and Justin walked out with the Space Stone on his chest. "Going somewhere?" He asked before opening portals below them, transporting them into crystallized cells. Justin transported himself to a lair and looked at a masked figure in blood red crystal armor. "The intruders are now imprisoned." He announced. "Good." The armored figure said. "Keep then that way while I visit another one for alternative reasons." He said walking off. On the way he ordered an Adaptoid to call off the search. He reach the cell and chuckled at the sight of Nathan in the cell. "Who are you?" Nathan asked frustratedly. "What's going on?" The figure chuckle as he neared. "Perhaps you should see for yourself." He said pointing to his own forehead. Nathan didn't realize what he meant until he saw his reflection from a nearby crystal. The Mind Stone was now placed on his forehead. He closed his eyes and transported himself into the mind realm, reliving everything that had happened, even watching his family vanish from the energy wave. "This doesn't make any sense." He said looking at the memories. "We killed the person who would cause this...didn't we?" He asked himself unsure. Meanwhile Isabelle, Evan, Alex, and Grayson were in a cell and being guarded by upgraded Adaptoids. "You kids have any ideas on getting out of here?" Grayson asked. Alex looked at him annoyed. "Aren't you supposed to be some kind of special agent?" She asked. "Pretty sure escape falls under that category." She added. Grayson rolled his eyes. "Well sorry little missy if an intergalactic crystal prison is a bit beyond my expertise." He said to her. "Besides you're one to talk being the daughter of Slade Wilson." He added before looking at Evan's watch. "And by looks of that it looks like someone decided to have a shopping spree at the Time Bureau." He said. "Looks like me and blondie over here are the only ones in a cell that have no criminal background." He said. Isabelle looked at him. "Black Sirens' daughter." She said correcting him. "Normally I don't want to use my canary cry but you're making it very tempting." She said. As they continued, two hooded figures snuck around the walls near the rooftop. Evan noticed the figures and looked at the others. "Uhh guys?" He whispered. "You might wanna look at this." He said pointing towards the figures. With Isabelle and Grayson still arguing, Alex came over and saw what he was talking about. The figures jumped down and attacked the Adaptoids. One of the figures pulled out a rifle with glowing green bullets while the other pulled out daggers with the same glowing colored blades. The dagger wielding figure swung the daggers, causing massive damage to the Adaptoid until it shattered like glass. The rifle holding figure did the same thing but with shooting the Adaptoids, he then shot the crystal cell, causing it to crack. The other figure put their daggers away and used a canary cry to break down the cell. The group stepped out as the figures took off their hoods, it was Tommy and Ian. "Isabelle." Tommy said in relief. Isabelle rushed over and hugged her brother. "What happened to the Battlerealm?" She asked. "And the others?" She added. Tommy shook his head. "I'm not sure." He told her. "But something caused the crisis to happen but for some reason it looks like me and Ian are the only ones who stayed the same." He explained. "Yeah and the last thing I remember is going to put that crystal away and the next thing I know everything changed." Ian explained. Isabelle then noticed neither of them had their totems. "Where are they?" She asked. Tommy explained that during a fight with Bella she managed to take the wind totem. "I know she wouldn't have done that if crisis didn't affect her." He said. As for the Anansi Totem, they didn't really know where to go with that one. "I never had mine after what happened to Arcturion and Alex." He explained. "Everyone else got theirs and I can't even find mine." Just as he said that a mysterious red energy form of a tiger and jumped in front of him before morphing into an Adaptoid wearing the totem. "You just had to say it didn't you kid?" Grayson asked in an annoyed tone.
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