chapter five
After years of waiting for disaster, having a due date is both a relief and a whole new set of worries. I no longer feel like a sitting duck, blissfully ignorant to the impending danger. But every time I walk in the forest, spend a movie night with Jisung, go to my father's house — I'm aware that there are only three, two, one of these evenings left.
Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin come to visit us, and Seungmin and I manage to sneak away for a run while the others skip rocks at the beach.
"I... didn't expect it," he says. "It was kind of surreal — Felix telling me what you two had planned. I'd been trying to block out the Volturi problem. Healthy disassociation or whatever."
"It's not really a happy place, is it?"
"Not really. But it involves all of us, whether or not we're willing to admit it. And now it involves me quite a bit..."
I laugh. "I'm sorry. I got you into this shit — all of you."
"Trust me, the drama between us and the Volturi didn't start with you. Besides, it's risky for all of us."
"I wonder... why are you doing it? Helping me and Felix?"
"Why?" He shrugs. "Because you're my brothers. I wanna make sure you're safe."
I pout. "Min."
He rolls his eyes, stifling a smile. "I know, Min."
"It must be hard. You know, with Hyunjin and Jeongin. I only have one husband to worry about."
He laughs. "It's scary, yeah. But I know they would've done the same if Felix had asked one of them instead of me." He lets out a heavy sigh. "Speaking of him — Felix is planning something. Something he's not telling us."
"I think so too."
"Whatever it is, hopefully it'll be helpful. We're gonna need it."
My conversation with Seungmin doesn't do much to ease my worries. After they leave, as the days tick down, it only gets worse. Jisung notices — naturally, because he always notices — that my anxiety is acting up.
"Tell me what's bothering you, my love."
"Nothing, I'm fine. Do we really have to have this conversation again?"
He takes my face, makes me meet his eyes. "If you're trying to protect me or something, cut it out. I wanna help you any way I can." But his voice is clipped. "We can talk about the Volturi more, if that's what it is."
I sigh. "Okay, look, you're right. I've been stressed lately. It's because... there's this guy in my life, and I love him so fucking much that sometimes I feel like I'm gonna keel over and die."
He laughs and rolls his eyes. "Whoever is this guy?"
"He's right here." I lean in to kiss his cheeks and forehead, memorizing his scars.
"It'll pass. You know that, don't you, my love? Good and bad comes and goes, you'll feel better, I promise."
"Of course."
The thing is, it won't pass. D-day will come and everything will be different afterward. Either I'll be inducted into the Volturi, my only comfort that Jisung is home, safe, not stuck paying for a crime he didn't commit, or I'll be dead. There's a chance I could make it if Seungmin, Felix and I managed to flee, but that would only be delaying the inevitable, wouldn't it?
Thoughts like that, that death is inevitable, become more and more commonplace. It scares me. Sometimes I wish I was already on the way to Italy — the anticipation is hell.
And then Felix calls.
"I'm totally at home." He totally isn't. "You guys should come over. Soon. Maybe tomorrow. It's getting boring over here, I wanna see your adorable faces."
"Really, Felix? Is now a good time for everyone or...?" I can't be too clear about what I'm asking — Jisung is next to me.
"Yeah, it's a fine time, why wouldn't it be? Crops are winding down, though, so don't expect too much agricultural merriment. I'm afraid we've reaped all the mandioca for the season, Jisungie."
His shoulders slump. "Damn."
"So y'all coming or what?"
Our eyes meet. He shrugs and smiles. I return it, though my entire chest is tight.
"We'll be there Tuesday," I say. "I want to have dinner with my parents first."
"Good call. See you guys soon."
"Why's it telling me I'm not logged in!?"
Charlie is shouting from the dining room. Jisung and I play a quick game of rock paper scissors; he plods off to help his father-in-law with the damned technology. I stay in the kitchen, heating up enough tomato soup for four people.
"It's saying you're not logged in because you're not logged in," Jisung says in the other room. "What's your password?"
Charlie's eyes narrow. Jisung turns his back while Charlie types.
"Does it work now?"
"Looks like it. Thanks, son."
Jisung comes back to the kitchen, satisfied. He's finally gotten on Charlie's good side, and it only took him ten short years of ass-kissing and homemade food deliveries.
"Can you grab the bowls?" I ask.
He rummages around in the cupboards. "You ready to eat?"
"I'm petrified. I hated tomato soup when I was alive — imagine how it'll taste now."
"Minho!" Billy calls.
"What's the computer doing now?"
"No, I picked up some garlic bread to go with the soup. Couple minutes in the microwave should be enough."
"Oh, great." I take the bread out, wrap it in foil and put it into the microwave. Nothing happens when I press the start button.
"Should I ask how to fix it?" Jisung says.
"No no." I check over my shoulder before I lay my palm on top of the microwave. My arm braces and lashes back as electricity jolts out of me. The light inside the microwave flickers on and the bread starts spinning.
"That works too," he murmurs.
I shake my hand out. Depending on the voltage, my gift stings like — well, like an electric shock, so I avoid using it when I can. I always feel it, the power, buzzing under my skin. It's why Jisung couldn't read my thoughts, even when I was a human — there has always been an electric field inside me, protecting me.
I've been wondering — what else would it protect me from? The Volturi guard's deadly gifts, Aro's soul-reading? Felix can foresee my decisions just fine, so I know I'm not untouchable. What about fighting? I can't imagine getting a death sentence and taking it lying down. If I have to die, it won't be quiet and it won't be pretty.
"Minho, Jisung!" Charlie shouts. "Someone's calling!"
Jisung goes to help him while I collect my thoughts, taking the bread out of the microwave. I take a bowl of soup in each hand and head out into the dining room. Charlie's iPad is propped-up on the table, my mother's face on the screen.
We all say hi at the same time. Mom's mouth is moving but we can't hear her.
"I think it's muted, Mrs. Lee," Jisung says gently.
Mom's brow furrows. She pokes the screen until the sound miraculously comes back.
"Hi, boys!"
"Kokoa's here, too." Billy holds her up for Mom to see.
"Hi, Kokoa!" Mom tilts her screen down so we can see what she's made for herself. "I heated up some tomato soup too. Now we might as well be all together in one room."
"Tomato soup from a can?" Charlie squints into the camera.
"Unfortunately, yes. I know it won't be as good as yours, Jisung."
He beams. "It's because the tomatoes are from my garden."
"How do you manage that in Forks of all places?"
Jisung and Mom launch into a gardeners' conversation. I dip my spoon into the soup and touch it to my tongue. Tastes like dirt. I put a spoonful in my mouth and it slides laboriously down my throat.
I feel like the night ends just as it began. Suddenly all the bowls are empty except for two, and Kokoa is flaked out in Billy's lap.
"I should go," Mom says. "Phil has an early game tomorrow and I have to be there." She pretends to gag. "No no no, it'll be fun. But I'll bring my Kindle too, just in case."
"Say hi to Phil," Charlie says.
"Sure will." Mom sends flying kisses into the camera. "Love you, bye bye bye."
"Wait, Mom," I say. "I, uh, miss you. I love you so much, I always will."
She looks a little surprised. "I love you too, honey. Let's talk sometime soon, okay?"
"Yeah... that'd be great."
The call ends. I get up quickly and take as many dishes as I can carry to the kitchen. Jisung is on my heels.
"Are you feeling okay, my love?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Have you been missing your mom? We can go to Phoenix tomorrow instead of Paraguay — I'm up for anything."
"No, that's fine. Thanks, though. I just... sometimes I miss her."
He gives me a kiss on the cheek and helps me with the dishes.
"Remember not to let her out, okay?" I say as we head to the front door. "Kokoa's getting old, she can't just wander around anymore. And I know you don't think it's necessary, but please brush her teeth at least once."
"Yeah yeah yeah," says Charlie, "I know the drill. Where're you two going this time?"
"A trip to see my family," Jisung says. "We'll be back sometime within the week."
"Right, I know that drill too," Charlie mutters. I hug him, say I love him and he says it back.
"I'm glad we did this," Billy says, squeezing my hand. "You're important to me, Minho. I wish you luck."
"Thanks, Billy."
"Really." He looks up at me, into my eyes. "Good luck. We'll be here for you."
I just put on a smile and thank him again.
As a vampire, I must always take precautions when I show myself in public. I'm aware of the perils, but despite them — and perhaps sometimes because of them — travelling the world has always been one of my passions.
Here, in Shibuya City, there are so many things that inspire me, so many things to see, that sometimes all I can do is marvel. I've witnessed the development of the modern world — watched as technology was invented, skyscrapers were built and humans started bathing. It's times like these I feel most grateful to be alive.
Standing still and gawking, unfortunately, isn't an option here. I'm a drop in a river of bustling foot traffic that has no interest in indulging my touristy awe.
I can't stay long anyway; Minho and Jisung are coming to visit tomorrow. However reluctant I am to admit it, I skittered away because I needed a break from my family. Haseong's spirits have been low, Felix is never home and Changbin is stalking around the farm like a storm cloud.
I head back to the skytrain station, moving swiftly through the crowd. It's a shock when I hear someone call out my name. I spin around and scan the sea of faces.
Matthew Kim emerges with his arms stretched toward the sky, a big smile on his face. "Hey, doc!"
"My Lord! Little Matthew Kim, is that you?"
"In the flesh." He gives me a bearhug. "It's Big Matthew now. Going for realism. Cool shades."
I push them up my nose. "Thank you kindly. It's been years, what have you and your coven been doing?"
"Globetrotting, sightseeing, causing trouble. I didn't expect to see you here — last I heard you were in Gaborone."
"Gaborone? No, we're still northeast of Asunción."
He flicks his nose with his thumb and steps closer, leaning down to speak in my ear. "You don't have to play dumb. We're in. We said yes."
"You said yes to what, exactly?"
"Wait, you don't know?"
"What... what don't I know?"
a lot of cameos in this chapter damn (and yes
charlie x billy is canon in this universe 🤧)
also i've never eaten tomato soup in my
life and i intend to keep it that way
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