Sanguinem et Aurum
In which Alex finds Kaya at midnight.
Happy birthday to Victoria, the creator of Kaya Blackwood!
Pairing(s): Alex Devan/Kaya Blackwood
Warning(s): N/A
WC: 938
Kaya found that the crackle of a winter wind against class sounding a lot like a spell being casted. She would know, given her own powers and abilities. But as she sat in the Archives of the Principia late at night, the wind howling outside only sounded like malicious laughter in the distance.
The praetor winced at the thought, forcing it from her mind as she reached forward and took a sip from the mug she'd brought down with her. Instantly, she recoiled at the taste of bitter coffee in the middle of the night—not her smartest move. Despite the taste, however, Kaya continued on with her work.
She should have been sleeping. She should have been washing away the stress of the day with rest and dreams, but instead, Kaya distracted herself from those false hopes. When her dreams weren't plagued with omens, they only provided her with irrational futures and possibilities. They only made her laugh; it wasn't even guaranteed that she'd be alive for them to happen. Even so, as praetor in these troubling times, she had enough things to keep her busy.
The daughter of Trivia blew out a sigh, turning the page in the report she was reading. Her mind was too foggy to differentiate and automatically translate the Latin on the pages, so with a groan, she shoved the paper away.
"Can't sleep?" A deep voice echoed throughout the Archives, demanding, yet soft.
Kaya looked up, and felt serenity wash over her with one look into Alex Devan's dark eyes. Her associate leant against the doorframe of the Archives, his arms folded across his hoodie-clad chest. His dark hair was rumpled, his bronze skin almost shimmering like the gold of the room they were in.
"That's one way of putting it," Kaya concurred, glancing away from the son of Mars. However, she couldn't fool herself—her gaze averted itself to him almost systematically.
A ghost of an amused smirk laced Alex's lips, and Kaya's heart skipped a beat at seeing it. So few people knew of Alex's heart of gold—too many thought of him as the cold praetor of the legion who ruled with an open mind and an iron fist. If only their people knew that he liked art, that he laughed at Kaya's stupid jokes, the list went on.
Kaya shook herself out of her reverie, standing from her seat with poise and elegance—the makings of a queen. She rounded the table she was seated at, leaning against it. "What're you doing up?"
"I could ask you the same question," Alex nodded, a knowing look in his mocha eyes. He dropped his arms to his sides, sauntering forward to the beat of Kaya's heart.
Kaya shrugged, trying to maintain her cool demeanor that she normally possessed. However, both Kaya and Alex knew that the closer they were to one another meant that those walls would come crumbling down—and sometimes, not at their will. They had that effect on one another, to unravel the secrets and tensions they both had to carry and see the genuine soul they had beneath.
Alex was that close to her now. His face was a few inches above and away from hers, so close that Kaya could count the stars in his eyes. He watched her carefully with those eyes, running a hand up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"Nightmares?" The son of Mars asked softly, grazing her cheek with his hand softly.
Kaya leant into his touch, however fleeting it was, and shook her head. "I just can't sleep."
Alex nodded, glancing down. "So naturally, your next move is to do some light reading." He leant forward and grabbed one of the books that Kaya had out from its spot on the table. "Like the completed reports of Julius Caesar."
Kaya felt her cheeks flush in the darkness. She reached up, snatching the book from Alex's grasp. "Excuse me for wanting to consult with another Roman official."
"Y'know, consulting a leader who was killed by his people might not be the smartest move."
"Shut up."
Alex grinned like the Cheshire cat, and Kaya smiled back at the sight. She set the book down behind her, slinking her arms around Alex's neck until she was resting her head against his chest.
"Alex?" Kaya whispered.
"Yes?" Alex ran a soothing hand through her hair, rubbing her back.
"Will we be okay?" Kaya pulled away, her voice timid as she stood on the precipice of fate.
Alex furrowed his eyebrows in thought, but smiled through it. "One way or another."
Kaya gave him a funny look. "What does that mean?"
"It means, Blackwood, that what's meant to happen is going to happen. We can't fight fate, no matter how terrifying it could be to think about. But you know what I do know?" Alex leant his forehead against hers.
Kaya hummed in response, encouraging him to continue.
"Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll be there beside you. I can promise you that. There's not a single task you'll complete where I won't be at your side, guiding you, encouraging you." Alex brushed his lips across her forehead, sending a shiver down Kaya's spine.
"Promise?" Kaya whispered, her eyes shut. She imagined Alex's words as clear as day, as bright as gold, rising like the monuments of Rome that stood against time.
"I swear on the River Styx." Alex met her gaze, the intensity within it making her heart flutter. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, pulling away with a smile. "Now let's get to bed."
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