"Jean." My father spoke out in a soft voice, his eyes wide in surprise. He slowly put his phone down on the table, ending his call abruptly.
"I didn't mean to involve you and your mother in this." My father interrupted me, his tone apologetic. I took a step forward, a bewildered expression on my face.
"Involve us in what?"
My father just sighed, turning away and I marched towards him, grabbing onto his arm. "Dad, you have to tell me what is going on, for both of our safety."
The exhaustion was evident on my father's face, his white hair starting to sprout out even more. He looks so fatigued, and this observation made me furrow my eyebrows in concern.
He's feeling conflicted in telling me the truth, and it heart sinks seeing the fatigue and pain in his eyes. He seems so...defeated, it was so unlike of my father, who always seem invulnerable to me.
"Dad? Are you okay?"
"Jean, there's something I didn't say to you and your mother, and I'm very sorry about that."
"What is it?"
"Some of the attacks some to you might have been staged, they are threats."
"Threats? For what?"
"From my company."
My eyes widened at his answer, baffled by it. "Yo-your company? But why--how...?"
I stumbled over my words, unable to form a proper sentence due to the confusing thoughts in my mind. My father hesitated, opening his mouth to speak when a loud crash sounded from my parents' bedroom.
"Mum." I whispered out in horror, glancing at my father with wide eyes. Slamming the door open, we made a mad dash for the bedroom. Upon entering the room, I gasped when I saw my mother trembling on the bed, her eyes focused on a familiar stranger in the room.
It was the same aperion that I thought was a magician.
Without a word, he pointed towards my father. "They want you to give it to them, right now." His words held a hint of threat as he glanced back towards my frightened mother.
He took a menacing step towards my mother, panic arising within me. "Mum!" I called out to her, my mind in a mess, not knowing what to do.
Just then, I felt a warm, comforting hand on my shoulder. My father stared at me for a second, before turning his attention to my mother. However, I knew what he was trying to tell me through his composed stare.
Stay calm.
"Alright, I'll give them what they want, as long as you promise not to lay a hand on my family, ever again." My father warned, growling the last few words out.
"Wh-what do you mean by that, honey?" My mother stuttered nervously, her eyes swirling with confusion.
Snapping out of my panicked state, I squeezed my eyes close, biting on my lip.
That's right, dad is right, I need to stay calm.
Think, Jean, think! You've always countered your shortcomings with your thinking!
An idea struck in my mind, my hand going to my phone in my pocket. If I remember correctly, this Apeiron could read minds, but since my father is distracting him, he couldn't concentrate on my thoughts.
Placing my phone behind my back, I quickly unlocked it with my fingerprint. I knew my phone well enough, after all, I owned it for over two years. Tapping on the contacts icon, I went to the 'recents' tab, knowing that his number was recently added.
Clicking on his number, I glanced up to see that the Apeiron was still engaged in the conversation with my father. "...come with me, now."
With those words, my father started to tense up. The situation was dire now, we couldn't stop him from teleporting away and another negative thought struck my mind.
He doesn't know it's my number!
Please pick up, please pick up, please.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
My phone vibrated once in my hand, signalling to me that he picked up the call or it either went to voicemail. I'm hoping for the former.
"No, I refuse to, I'll only uphold my end of the bargain if you accept my condition." My father barked out his words, taking a caution step towards the teleporting man.
"Fine then." The Apeiron replied, marching towards my mother.
"Mum! No!"
My father rushed towards them, reaching out to grab my mother. However, he was a second too late as the Apeiron touched my mother's arm, dissipating into thin air.
Gasping in horror, my father glanced around with wide eyes. I heard a whooshing sound beside me, seeing the Apeiron teleporting near the window, with my pale-faced mother. She looked like she could faint at any moment, my heart skipping a beat.
It's fine if it's me, but not my mother, not her.
A sudden rage bubbled inside me, my face twisting with anger. "Hey, you teleporting magician dude! Stay away from my mum!"
By now, the thoughts about the call in my mind was already gone. It only held the concern I had for my mother.
He glared at me, his eyes showing annoyance at the ridiculous nickname I had for him. "It's not a teleporting magician! It's Blink, Blink! Don't you see my name everywhere on television?!"
"I don't care! Let go of my mum, right now!"
"Hah! If I don't let go, what can you do to me, huh?"
Just then, my phone vibrated in my hand and I frowned, my anger slightly quelling down. Lifting my phone up, I noticed there was a message from him.
The apeiron was confused at my actions, cocking his head to one side. "Wh-what are you...?"
Darkness is his weakness.
Reading the message mentally, I knew he could read my thoughts too. Instantly, I snapped my head up and eyed at the switch for the lights.
"Don't tell me-"
I reached for the switch just as my father lunged for Blink. The moment I hit the switch, the lights were gone, leaving us in darkness. The cloudy sky blocked the moonlight, only a slight amount of light seeping through the clouds. I felt an ache in my back from the sudden movements, however, my mind couldn't comprehend the pain at that time.
Hearing grunts and groans, my phone vibrated once again and I quickly blocked the light illuminating from it with my body. Skimming over the message hurriedly, a sigh of relief escaped my mouth.
Keep the call going, I'll track your location and come to you. Just hang on, until I get there.
Tossing my phone aside, to make sure that Blink doesn't make use of its torchlight, I squinted my eyes in the darkness. I heard my mother screaming out my father's name, I watched in horror as my father was overpowered by the apeiron.
He was trying to push my father out the window, and I gasped loudly. Terrified for his life, I felt the panic overwhelming me once again.
"...If you--ugh, push me out right now, I won't be able--to give you what they want." My father struggled his words out.
Blink registered his words immediately, pulling him away from the window in a rough manner.
"Alright, fine. I'll give you a minute to go get it, if you don't, I won't uphold my promise to not hurt them." He gestured towards me and my mother, rage flashing past my father's eyes.
Throwing a discreet look to my phone, I knew I had to buy more time until he comes. No matter what, Blink can't leave this room, if he does, there's no telling what he's going to do.
"How do I know if you'll keep your promise to the end?"
Apparently, that question managed to delay him further, making him frown, a contemplative look on his face. Biting nervously on my lower lip, I looked out the window, squinting my eyes at the dark, cloudy sky.
Something slowly floated into my view, the object becoming clearer and clearer with each second. Eventually, it became a silhouette of a person, flying across the sky and my lips curved into a small, relieved smile. The figure flew closer to my window, just as Blink opened his mouth to respond to my father.
Zooming through the opened window, his movements caused the curtains to sway violently. My mother let out a slight shriek, surprised at a stranger flying right into her room, whereas, my dad seems conflicted over the new presence in the room. Meanwhile, my smile just grew bigger as the familiar stranger rammed into Blink.
His costume made it really obvious that it was him, who would want to wear a ridiculous costume like that?
"Argh!" Blink cried out in pain, slamming him into the wall. Unfortunately, his back hit against the switch, causing the lights to switch back on.
Launching myself forward to the switch, I watched as Blink drowsily struggled to remain conscious, while Omni hastened his pace towards him. Omni held a blindfold in his hands, which I assumed was to prevent Blink from teleporting away. Nevertheless, Blink's reaction was swift as he teleported away, just as I hit the switch.
Omni cursed aloud, flying out the window and disappeared from our sights. Turning the lights back on, I helped my father up to his feet, with my mother's aid.
By now, the ache in my back started to increase and I blinked my eyes, realising I still had my bruised back.
"The two of you have to tell me what's going on, right here, right now." My mother demanded in a shaky voice as she glanced at me.
"Don't look at me, mum. I'm not the cause of this."
"It's me." My father sighed out as he led my mother back to the bed, settling down beside her. I stood in front of them, waiting for my father to explain the whole situation.
"I'm sorry, to the both of you. I don't have the time to explain everything, right now. All I can say is that any danger that comes to you is because of me."
My mother had the same baffled expression I had a few minutes ago. "Wh-what? Why? What is happening here?"
"Not right now, first, we have to find a safer place to-"
Strange particles started floating into my vision, right beside my mother. It hovered in the air as it combined slowly, eventually forming into a silhouette of a person. Feeling a slight whoosh in the air, I tensed up when the person became a familiar one.
His bizarre costume only suited someone like him.
Somehow, my mind forced my body to move as I leaped towards my mother. I couldn't be bothered about the sharp pain that shot up my back, too concerned about my mother's safety. Blink extended his hand out to my mother, as she held a terrified look on her face.
"No, stay aw-"
"If you touch her, I'll show it to the whole world." My father warned and Blink immediately stopped his hand, looking at my father with cold eyes.
Taking a step towards my father, Blink held a wicked glint in his eyes. Instinctively leaning to my father to protect him, I felt a sudden gust of wind in the room and lifted my head.
Heaving a breath of relief, I gazed at Omni standing in the room, behind Blink.
"Tch, of course." Blink rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue as he glared at my father.
"What is your business here, Blink?"
"I'm not obliged to tell you that, Omni."
"Don't think you're off the hook yet, they'll come for it, eventually." Blink said those words to my father, before proceeding to teleport away.
Omni was a second too late in tackling him, stumbling forward as he recovered himself. My father quickly tended to my terrified mother, comforting her while I glanced at Omni.
"Thank you, you saved me and my family, once again." I smiled softly at him and he shook his head, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.
"There isn't any need to thank me, I'm just glad I made it here on time."
"Well, thanking is the only way I can think of to repay you."
Omni's eyes lighted up at those words and I knew, he was smiling at me. Somehow, the thought of him smiling because of my words made me flustered as I cleared my throat.
"...so, am I right?"
"Ab-about what?" I stuttered, still trying to recover from my flustered state.
"These attacks, they aren't a coincidence, aren't they?"
"They aren't." My father stepped into the conversation, standing behind me. I looked up at him, moving aside to allow him to do the explanation.
"These Apeirons are being used to get to me, through my family. The people that are controlling them--they are people I'm working for." My father stared concisely and I widened my eyes at my father.
"Why?" Omni asked simply, his voice filled with curiousity.
"I'm planning to blow the whistle."
"...dad." I whispered out, watching him settling down beside my mother, who regarded him in disbelief.
"A whistle-blower?" Omni mused out, an unfathomable look in his eyes.
My father nodded his head solemnly and I gasped. "Dad, are you crazy? Your whole life could change because of that, you may not be able to continue your career anymore."
"What they did was unforgiveable, I can't just overlook it."
"Overlook what? What did they exactly do, dad?"
An unfathomable look flitted across my father's face, ducking his head down as he refused to answer my question.
"Anyway, for now, we'll have to stay at another place temporarily. If one of them is already sent here, they'll send more." My father completely skipped the topic, deciding not to respond to my question at all.
I sighed, taking my phone along with me, the call with Omni already ending long ago.
Dad will only answer my question when he is ready to, that's always how he has been.
My mother stood up at the same time, demanding answers from my father yet again.
This is going to be a long night.
The final decision of the discussion was to stay temporarily at another house, which belonged to my father's friend. My mother was still mad at my father, for endangering us. Somehow, my father was insistent on not staying at Jessie's house. It was particularly odd of him to do that, but I didn't want to intrude into their heated discussion, I focused my attention on Omni.
"You should go, everyone is waiting for you, out there." I smiled softly at him, gesturing for him to head off.
"Are you sure? What if more of them comes back?" Omni questioned, concern evident in his eyes.
"It's fine, we'll be fine. Besides, it's our problem to handle--not yours."
Giving me a dubious look, I chuckled at him, rolling my eyes. Shoving him lightly, I signalled for him to get moving. I couldn't shove him too hard, since it would put a strain on my back and it would be rude of me to do that. He stumbled forward, glancing back and forth between me and the opened window.
"Just go! We'll be fine!"
Taking a step forward, he hesitated, turning back to me. "You know how to find me if you need my help."
With those words, he flew out into the night, disappearing from my line of sight. Approaching the window, I gazed up at the cloudy sky, a tiny smile on my face as I proceeded to close the window.
"Are you ready to head off, honey?" My father hollered up the stairs to my mother, breaking me from my reverie.
It was already the next day, in the early afternoon. My parents decided that we should head over to our temporary shelter as soon as possible.
My sore back was doing slightly better, it would probably take another two weeks to cure.
"Yeah, in a minute!" My mother exclaimed, tapping me on my shoulder.
"Come on, sweetie. It's time."
I nodded my head at my mother, scanning my surroundings for one last time. A pensive mood filled the atmosphere, not knowing if this is the last time we would see our home.
"Let's go." My mother whispered to me, tugging on my hand.
Arriving to a stop, my parents and I exited the car, heading to the trunk to father our belongings. Shifting my head upwards, my jaw hung open, astounded. Jessie's family was considered rich to me, but even I think they couldn't afford a house like this.
Jesus christ! It's a freaking penthouse, in the richest part of Serenity's residential area!
"...dad, who exactly is this friend of yours?" I finally managed to utter some words out, still amazed by the spectacular sight.
The walls of the penthouse were clear, transparent glass, with stark white curtains hanging at the sides. The roof and wooden flooring was beige in colour, with furniture decorating the interior. Fluffy white carpets were placed under the furniture to bring more variety to the design, with simple lighting that lighted up the darker areas of the house.
My father stood behind me, ruffling my hair as he chuckled at my dumbfounded expression. "Well, it's quite a long story. It's just someone I knew from my high school."
"Talk about jackpot..." I mumbled to myself, resulting a light slap from my mother on my shoulder.
How did dad even know someone this rich?
I cried out in pain, rubbing at my tingling shoulder. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt, with a flimsy cardigan covering me, of course it would hurt.
"Jean, we aren't here to take advantage of that." My mother scolded me, making me whine.
"I know! You didn't have to hit me for that..."
I spent a good five minutes being stunned by the exterior of the penthouse. The next thing I knew, I spent another good five minutes admiring the interior once I entered the penthouse.
Everything about this penthouse was impeccable, in terms of the design and cleanliness.
"...jackpot..." I muttered out the same word again, and I heard my mother sighing behind me, shaking her head.
"This house belongs to my friend's son, but he isn't here right now, so he said we could stay here temporarily." My father stated as we settled down on the comfortable couch.
It is very comfy, indeed.
I could see the discomfort on my parents were feeling too, at intruding someone's private home. However, it was the only choice we had if we wanted to escape from danger.
"Why isn't his son living here now?" I questioned, still scouring my surroundings in amazement.
"He's one of the people affected, and he's still in coma."
Oh, that's...horrible.
His words immediately made me sprung up from the couch, as if needles were poking at my bottom. I raised my hands up in the air, not daring to touch anything.
"Are you sure we should be staying here, dad?"
His son is in coma, for god's sake!
"It's fine, his son even promised to loan me this house if I ever got into trouble." My father explained and I became guiltier for staying at this house.
After a long round of debating with my father, I finally decided to settle down inside one of the guest bedrooms. I was still reluctant to occupy this house, it was just so rude of us to stay here with the owner still in coma.
Why is my life taking a turn for the worse?
Walking down the corridor, I passed by a room, a reminder replaying in my mind as I stared at the wooden door. I held my bottle in my hand, the cold sensation causing my hand to tingle slightly.
"We aren't allowed to enter the son's room, under any circumstances. We can't open the door either, we have to pretend that it isn't there."
Blinking my eyes, I furrowed my eyes at the door. Curiosity welled up inside me, making me take a step closer to the door. My hand lingered on the doorknob, before gingerly turning it, slowly pushing the door open.
Peeking my head inside, I heaved a sigh of relief when I realised there wasn't anyone in the room. I took this opportunity to admire the design of the room, it was more luxurious compared to the other bedrooms.
A humongous bed laid in the centre of the bedroom, with a bedside table. There was also a worktable, with an expensive-looking chair. The room was accompanied by a balcony and a walk-in wardrobe, followed by another door.
I'm guessing that would be the bathroom.
Hm? The bathroom door is closed.
The parents must be trying to keep the house clean and safe for their son's return.
Sipping on my water, the same sense of guilt overwhelmed me. I winced, realising I was being rude again.
Damn it, Jean!
Why did you enter his room? He's in a freaking coma, where's your manners?
Reprimanding myself, I quickly spun around and headed for the door. In that moment, my feet decided to tangle with one another and before I noticed it, I was tripping over my own feet.
What did I think? Of course, my day wouldn't go by without my clumsiness making an appearance again.
Screaming internally, since my mouth was filled with water, I heard a door opening right beside me as my eyes widened in shock.
The bathroom door?!
An unknown, half-naked man strolled out from the bathroom, a short towel wrapped around his waist. He was rubbing furiously at his wet hair with another towel, his lean body making me flush and I managed to regain my balance.
Somehow, I swallowed my water down in surprise, causing me to choke on it. Coughing violently, the man shot his head up in terror as I regarded him with teary, frightened eyes. My eyes widened further when I caught a glimpse of his familiar face, causing me to gasp. In response, I coughed harder and the man stood frozen in his spot, nonplussed.
What is he doing here?!
Hey there lovely readers! Here is another update for all of you, I hope you liked this chapter, as usual <3! Yes, I ship Barry and Iris, like alot. Them feeeeeeeels, you know?
PS: I apologise in advance to my dear readers, wattpad is screwing me over with not updating my changes and I have no idea why, I apologise for spamming your notifications.
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