Everything was dark, but a small sparkle in something glassy that stood in front of me.
I could feel something on me. Moving quickly, back and forth. There was pressure in my lower body. Someone was gripping my thighs with much force. I could hear someone quietly panting.
Slowly opening my eyes, I made out a figure. A young man with shaggy brown hair was lying on top of me with sweat dripping from his large forehead and eyes tightly closed.
It took my brain a while to process what was happening.
Soon enough, I understood.
My eyes widely opened and I started to scream.
The mans eyes opened. He took his hand and vigorously placed it over my mouth. I started to squirm as his heavy body stayed fixed onto mine.
"Shut up!" He barked.
I bit his hand roughly.
"You fucker." He takes a small pocket knife from the right side of his and runs the blade quickly across my face, sending a sharp pain through my body and causing me to whimper.
I started punching his back, trying anything for him to stop.
"Don't resist it, sweetheart." He slurred. My father would always say that to me. I would always stop fighting him. I knew I would never win , so I gave up. But this time, I refused too.
Using all of my strength, I smashed my head into the guys nose, leaving him unconscious. His body shut down and dropped on me.
I wiggled my way from under him and stood up, staring at the still body.
"Daisy? Is that you?" Tommy.
I turned around and was relieved to see the face of Thomas Shelby.
I ran into his arms and cried violently.
His arms welcomed me as he took me in his warm embrace. Placing a hand on my head and the other on my lower back, protecting me.
He soon lifts my body up, holding me close and starts walking the direction of home.
I dug my head into his chest, hearing his quick heart beats.
We soon make it home and he kicks the door open with his foot. Everyone is sat on the couches including Ada and Pol, who are hugging each other with tears staining there pale faces. My father wasn't here, thank god. Ada probably beat him out the door. Many people seemed to have left.
"I found her. She's hurt. Everyone move off the lounge chair!" Tommy yells as Pol and Dean run to my side.
Everyone shuffled on their feet to move.
I was placed gently on the couch, still sending pain shooting down my arms and legs.
Ada runs to my side and strokes my head.
"Oh my god!" She starts to cry loudly, her hands shaking. "Tommy, what happened to her?"
"I don't know. I found her in an alleyway. There was a man on the pavement. He looked unconscious. He had a knife in his hand."
"Daisy, you need to tell us what happened." Ada said.
I shook my head back and forth, refusing to speak. I was too hurt.
"At least tell me. I am your best friend. I love you more than anyone. More than Freddie." She whispered in my ear.
I look her in the eyes. There was so much pain in them. Her eyes were broken. Filled with misery and agony.
"I ran. I saw my father and ran. While I was running I tripped and scrapped my leg, horribly. I kept running though. I had to get away. It became hard to breathe. Hard to see and hear. I could feel my legs giving up on me. My mind was giving up too. I felt someone grab me and everything went dark. I finally woke up to..." I was choking on my tears. "To a man. He was on me. I screamed and he sliced my cheek. He was... he was... hurting me. Just like my father. It was just like when I was 7. I was relieving my nightmares and past. I finally headbutted him and he fell to the ground. Then Tommy came... I'm sorry, Ada."
Ada was sobbing. She hugged me and wouldn't let go.
I looked over to my side and saw Polly kneeling down beside me. She obviously heard what I had just told Ada.
"Let's get you fixed up." She said standing up and looking at Dean. "Dean, come. Esme, you as well. John. Lewis. Send everyone home, please."
Dean picks me up and walks me upstairs to the bathroom, Pol, Ada, and Esme following.
Esme closes the door behind us. I was set down on the cold floor with a warm towel holding my head up.
Dean walked to the corner covering his eyes and crying. I've never seen him look so upset. He was forcing himself not to look at my wrecked body, but couldn't help but peek.
Esme stripped me of my now mud stained and ripped dress.
"Oh my god!" Pol put her hand over her mouth as she examined my body.
There were bruises on my inner thighs and hips, a huge cut on my outer leg, blood dripping from my hairline, cuts on my arms and feet.
"Esme, I need warm water and a sponge. Also an old cloth and some alcohol as well, please." Aunt Pol states while looking at my bruises.
Esme nods and runs downstairs.
Dean walks slowly over to me and kneels down by my head.
"Who did this to my baby sister?" He cried, grabbing my hand.
His once brown eyes were a distressed grey color with red in the whites of it. His lips were cracked and nose red and dry. His eyebrows were furrowed and mouth facing downwards.
Esme returned with all the equipment.
Aunt Pol grabbed the alcohol and cloth moving down to my gash.
"Breathe, Daisy."
She poured the alcohol on my open wound letting a scream to escape from my mouth.
Dean turned my head to look at him as they continued to pour alcohol on my cuts. He looked deep into my eyes as if he were reading my mind. He was studying my eyes like a book. This distracted me from the pain happening around my body. His eyes were like walking into a jungle, full of wild animals searching for food and shelter. Searching for something. Hope maybe. The jungle was dull. Dry. Empty. The animals were trapped. They were trying to escape the forest, but couldn't seem to get out.
"What the hell is this?" I was distracted from my focus in Deans's eyes by Aunt Pol's voice.
Dean looked at where she was pointing on my right inner thigh, near my private area.
"It looks like someones initials." Esme said getting closer as well.
Aunt Pol opened my legs wider to get a closer look.
"Oh my god." Ada turned away to cry.
Dean's expression changed from depressed to furious in a matter of seconds.
"I know who the fuck did this."
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