Pearl had lived the past week in utter darkness. She had no reason to watch the Blinders anymore - Tommy gave her insignificant pieces of information to pass on to Grenfeld's men to keep their suspicions at bay. Other than that all she had to do was wait until Tommy had finished his business with Campbell.
Unfortunately, Pearl had no friends in Birmingham - besides Myrtle - now that the Shelby family had completely iced her out. She wasn't surprised Tommy had told them, not that she knew exactly what he'd told them. But it must have been enough because Arthur no longer spoke to her in The Garrison and when she happened to come across Polly, Pearl would only receive an earth shattering glare.
So Pearl found herself wandering the streets of Small Heath, her biggest worry being not to slip on the slushy snow piled up on the sides of roads. She was returning home from the bakery with a few loaves for Myrtle and she looked up to the sky which was a swirling grey just as it had been ever since Pearl had arrived.
She thought about her sister and how desperately she missed her. She wondered if Grenfeld had moved her out of that hole yet, as she'd asked. It wouldn't shock her if he hadn't, he wasn't exactly revered for his upstanding morals.
Just as she thought that, someone with morals as grey as the sky turned the corner onto the street ahead of her.
Her stomach knotted at the sight of Inspector Campbell. In turn, his face soured at the sight of her, yet he carried on forward stopping right in front of Pearl.
"Miss Moore"
Oh god. She really hadn't missed his voice.
"Back in Birmingham?" he seethed.
"I only left for a few days, I hardly thought you'd noticed" Pearl defensively crossed her arms over her chest.
"Yes, well, considering the nature of our last encounter I thought it wise that we keep a closer eye on you"
Pearl practically laughed, "Our last encoun- You mean when you shot me?"
Campbell's eyes widened and his head flicked from side to side, scanning the street, clearly agitated that anyone could have overheard. He swiftly grabbed Pearl by the wrist and pulled her a few steps to the side so they were tucked in the entrance to a dim alley.
"That was a misunderstanding. You weren't complying to the rules of your detainment" he spat in a hushed whisper.
Pearl grimaced and wiped away a small spray of his spit that splattered on to her cheek, "Because your methods were beyond barbaric! And you had unlawfully detained me. You were in the wrong, not me. Besides if I ever went to the papers-"
"We agreed you wouldn't do that. I have the power to unmask you"
"No need. You underestimate Thomas Shelby, Inspector. He worked out who I am with no help from you"
Campbell was taken aback as the surprise washed over him and Pearl took the opportunity to rip her wrist out of his grasp. Campbell opened and closed his mouth a few times as he thought of what to say but faltered each time.
"Yeah... I thought you might have that reaction" Pearl sighed.
"How are you still here- alive even?" Campbell bumbled, still clearly tripping over his own thoughts.
She shrugged, "I don't pretend to know what's going on in Thomas Shelby's head"
Campbell stilled for a moment before slowly turning to her, a horrified look of realisation marking the creases of his face and unsettling Pearl.
"You've united the gangs" he whispered.
Now it was Pearl's turn to be left baffled, "What?"
"That's the only possible explanation to why you haven't been mutilated and thrown in the Cut. You've united Silver Fang and the Peaky Blinders"
"You're mental!" Pearl struggled to keep up with his accusations and was slightly baffled because for once she was denying an accusation that actually wasn't true. "You've actually, properly lost it!"
Campbell turned on her his eyes still frenzied but now the worry was concealed in small slits which were shooting at Pearl. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly.
"Don't lie to me. Not about this, Marie. What are you planning?"
For the second time Pearl had been rendered speechless as she heard her birth given name.
"No" her voice unintentionally came out as a thoughtless whisper, so she cleared her throat with a distinct cough and glared back at him, "You're wrong"
He brought his face unnervingly close to hers, "I promise you Marie if I find out-"
"Inspector Campbell!"
A voice boomed down the alley causing Campbell to quickly let go of Pearl. They both sprung apart looking further down the dark alley towards an emerging group of men.
"I thought you came to clean up the streets, not harass our women?" Tommy called out with Arthur and John on either side.
"Although you have picked a fine one-" John added with a smirk but was quickly cut off by a shove on the shoulder from Arthur.
"Shuddup" Arthur mumbled under his breath.
Tommy ignored this mini squabble going on beside him and kept his hard gaze trained on Campbell. Pearl noticed a slight twitch in his jaw, but it was only small.
The brothers continued forward until Tommy was next to Pearl and Arthur and John were blocking the exit to the alley. Campbell tutted at this show before him clearly deeming it wholly unnecessary and dramatic.
"Do you boys mind? We were having a private conversation" Campbell grumbled.
"I expect you can forgive me for being wary, Inspector, given the outcome of your last conversation with Miss Moore"
Pearl looked up at Tommy, slightly astounded that he would mention the shooting to Campbell. Tommy, however, didn't even spare her a glance. Albeit, it didn't go unnoticed the way he stepped slightly in front of Pearl and widened his shoulders to block Campbell's view of her ever so slightly.
Despite the fact Pearl would argue until her last breath that she could fend for herself, she couldn't argue against the fact that Tommy had now saved her on more than one occasion. Besides, even if Tommy hated her she couldn't help but feel a little glad that he still looked out for her - even if it was just out of habit.
Either way Campbell seemed to be backing down slightly as he looked between the three men.
"John, walk Pearl home" Tommy commanded, his gaze still unwavering from Campbell's, "Arthur and I have some business to discuss with the Inspector"
Before she even had the chance to speak Pearl was being pulled alongside John and out of the alleyway. She cast one last look behind her and caught Tommy watching her leave out of the very corner of his eye. Then she turned a corner and he was gone.
Pearl walked silently beside John feeling beyond awkward as she knew no one in the Shelby family was her biggest fan right now. Her mind was turning precariously, thinking of the right thing to say. Eventually she decided on a simple, quiet, "Thank you"
John turned and gave her a smile which swiftly fell off of his face. They carried on walking in silence after that and the sound of John chewing on a toothpick was growing increasingly louder and increasingly irritating.
Suddenly John stopped and turned to her, clearly confused as he scratched the side of his head, "Why'dya do it?"
Pearl stuttered for a moment as she wondered which was he referring to out of the many things she'd done. John noticed that she didn't understand the question and rephrased.
"Why'dya double cross us? Was it just for money? Because we have money, if that's all you need-"
"John, how much has Tommy told you?" Pearl queried. This was the first time she really noticed how young he was in spirit, despite all he'd been through in the war. After everything he still had the aura of a playful young boy. Although Pearl assumed that played against him when it came to family business.
"He told us you were sent here to steal the guns but you changed your mind. He said he doesn't know if you can be trusted and if you can't you'll end up in the cut" John recalled.
Pearl scoffed slightly, "Where it's good to know where I stand, I suppose"
"Nah I think he said it to pacify Aunt Pol. I don't think Tommy could ever hurt ya, not physical like"
Pearl glanced at John and he gave her the kind of smirk that said 'you know I'm right'.
"So is that why you did it, for the money?"
They turned and continued to walk as Pearl pondered her answer, "It was partly for the money, for me and my sister. It was partly for... well slightly selfish reasons really"
John scrunched his eyebrows together and laughed, "Stop taking the piss! You're the least selfish person in this bloody city. You help out Arthur all the time, you work overtime at The Garrison practically everyday, you then spend the rest of your time hanging out with a sixty-five year old woman-"
"Hey! Myrtle's fun" Pearl exclaimed slightly offended.
"And despite working against us, you seem to have got rid of anyone who's been a threat to our family. I know you care about the family- about Tommy. We all know it." John had never looked more sincere than when he said those words. Everything he said always seemed to have a sarcastic tone or mocking jab hidden between the lines but this... this was honest.
That's when Pearl could see exactly where the war had broken him. For a few seconds that young boy was gone and the grown man stood in his place.
Pearl sighed, "All of that doesn't mean I'm not selfish. I'm doing this, working for these people because I want to be powerful. I assume Tommy told you who my father was?"
"Yeah. Almost shit myself when I found out"
"Well I want to be powerful, like him. And I'm doing everything I can to get there"
John moved in closer and nudged Pearl's elbow affectionately, "Ambition and selfishness are two very different things"
Pearl gave him a deflated smile, "Yes, but there seems to be a very fine line and I think I may have crossed it"
John seemed stumped then and couldn't figure out just what to say to make it better. Luckily for him they'd just arrived onto Glovers Road and he bid her a quick goodbye after dropping her at her door.
Pearl stepped inside and was instantly greeted with steam bellowing towards her from the kitchen and spotted a frantic Myrtle bustling about within the cloud, fanning manically around the kitchen.
"Pearl I need the bread!" Myrtle outstretched her hand without looking in Pearl's direction.
Pearl fumbled around in the bag she was holding and realised she must have left it or dropped it during her encounters on her way home. She looked at Myrtle blankly and motioned to her empty hands with a pitiful, "Sorry"
Those next few seconds were maybe the scariest of Pearl's life as Myrtle wound up the towel within her hands and stalked towards Pearl, her hair significantly expanded from the steam and a murderous look in her eye.
She started to strike Pearl continuously all over with the tea towel and Pearl wriggled and writhed trying to block each new hit as Myrtle hollered, "I. Asked. You. To. Buy. One. Thing!"
The next day consisted of a torrential downpour which flooded the streets and caused most residents of Small Heath to stay contained safely within their homes. Pearl did just that as she huddled up on the sofa in the living room with a blanket to keep warm. She drank tea and watched the rain fall outside.
It was daft but Pearl pondered on the thought that perhaps it was raining in London and Lillian was sitting at her window looking out too. Although the whole notion made her glum so she thought no further about it.
Pearl looked over and saw Myrtle slouched asleep in her chair, head tilted back, mouth open, snoring and knitting needles still in clutch which made her giggle.
Her attention was drawn back to the road outside as she heard a car drive past once more. Pearl noticed that this same car had driven past the house maybe five or six times now, coming to a slow pace around Pearl's door and then driving off - only to return five minutes later. She watched the car perform this same routine once more and started to feel a touch of worry pulling at the pit of her stomach.
She stood from the sofa and watched the window waiting for the car to return, drumming her fingers against her leg anxiously. Sure enough, there it was once more. Pearl walked to the door and put on her coat, growing increasingly furious by the second that Grenfeld's men were so obviously spying on her.
Pearl stepped out and was instantly drenched by the pouring rain, she squinted as she looked down the road and waited for the car to return.
And it did. It drove down the road but this time, seeing Pearl standing outside of her door, it pulled to a stop. She walked to the passenger door on the brink of exploding on whoever was driving the vehicle.
However, once her vision cleared every feeling seemed to evaporate.
Her eyes were met by the crystal blue of Tommy's staring at her dubiously from beneath his cap. She slowly opened the car door and sat down beside him. Pearl looked forward for a moment and swallowed thickly anticipating whatever was about to come out of Tommy's mouth.
But nothing ever did.
They both sat in absolute silence concealed from the outside world by a curtain of rain surrounding them. The only sound being the raindrops and the irregularity of their breathing.
After a while Pearl thought the silence might be causing her physical pain and she couldn't stop herself from turning to him.
"What do you want?" she breathed.
He looked at her with a clear conflict battling behind his doubtful eyes. Tommy's lips parted and then closed again, his eyes not leaving Pearl's for a second.
She gently lifted her hand which was resting closest to him and placed it on top of his. She acted similarly to one who was approaching a wild animal they were trying to tame - with all the cautiousness in the world.
Once her hand settled upon his and tried once more, "What is it, Tommy?"
He seemed startled by his own name as he instantly straightened up and faced forward.
"Come to the betting den tomorrow at eleven. We can start discussing how we're going to get rid of Campbell" his voice was hard and distant.
"I have work tomorrow-"
"Be there at eleven."
Pearl nodded languidly as she realised he wasn't asking. This wasn't a partnership and he was making sure she understood.
After a few more seconds Tommy shook Pearl's hand off of his and started the car.
He cleared his throat, "Get out"
She was struck by an awful sense of deja-vu. This had happened between them months before - she was truly back at point A when it came to Tommy.
Pearl didn't bother to argue. He had closed himself off to her completely and she needed to accept that.
Trust could never fully be won back, not really and Pearl had done worse than just broken his trust - she'd humiliated him. Tommy was a proud man, Pearl believed it unlikely he'd ever get over it.
So Pearl stepped out of the car and allowed him to drive away. She stood in the rain a little while longer letting the feeling of it pelting against her skin distract her from her ever flowing thoughts.
Happy New Year everybody!!
Also happy birthday to everyone's best girl Florence Pugh <3
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