Pearl left just before dawn. When she awoke she was aching all over not being able to pinpoint the pain to a certain place, due to the multiple wounds littering her body. She changed back into her own clothes, which were still torn and covered in blood and left Ada's nightclothes on Tommy's bed. She headed downstairs and noticed Tommy wasn't on the sofa.
Behind her she could hear the rustling of papers and stepped back into the kitchen. The doors to the betting den were open and a singular light was on inside of Tommy's office.
The devil works hard but bloody hell Tommy Shelby works harder.
Pearl stood just beside the door frame so that he couldn't see her from where he sat. She watched him for a moment; his calculated eyes and tense posture. Grace was right when she'd said that Tommy was an enigma.
She wondered what Tommy thought of in these quiet moments by himself, although she was sure they were few and far between. She wondered if it was always business all of the time because that's what it seemed to be - or at least how he portrayed it. She wondered if he thought about his family; where they were, what they were doing. Or maybe he thought about the war? That would be likely. Pearl imagined that would be a hard thing to shake, even if you ever got rid of the thoughts at all. It captivated her that he never seemed openly phased by what he had been through. Thomas Shelby had the most perfectly crafted persona that seemed virtually impenetrable.
Pearl shook herself from her trance when she realised she was watching Tommy a little too intently and slipped out of the house before anymore members of the Shelby family awoke.
When she returned home she went up to her room and washed down her body being careful around her stitches. Pearl threw away her clothes and changed into a clean blouse and skirt. She walked over to the mirror to examine herself.
The first thing she noticed was the scab over where her lip had split and a large, splotchy, purple bruise blossoming on her left cheekbone. The rest of her face was ghastly pale with hollowed out cheeks and prominent dark circles under her eyes.
To put it lightly, she looked like shit.
All of the other wounds were on her body, so were easily covered. She used a bit of makeup to cover the bruise and added a neutral lipstick in an attempt to cover the scab - it didn't work.
Even though all she'd done was get ready Pearl had overexerted herself and went to lie down on her bed. She stayed on top of her sheets in a bid to not fall back asleep - she was determined to get back into work today, if anything just to show Campbell that he hadn't sent her out of service.
Her eyes fluttered shut and she took some steady breaths, trying to ignore the pain all over.
However, Pearl must have fallen asleep because a little while later she heard a succession of knocks on her bedroom door and noted that the winter sun was filling her room. She glanced at the clock and noticed it was already four-thirty and the day was nearly over.
"Pearl?" Myrtle's gentle voice floated from the other side of the door. Pearl got up and walked to the other side of the room, opening the door and greeting Myrtle with a smile. "I was just wondering... there's two men outside of our front door? I offered them tea but they don't seem to be particularly chatty blokes"
Pearl's face scrunched in confusion and she walked over to her bedroom window looking down at the street. Surely enough, there were two blinders, peaked caps worn proudly on their head, standing vigil outside of their front door. She made her way outside and the two men turned as soon as she opened the door.
"What are you doing?" Pearl snapped.
"We're meant to watch over the house, make sure you don't receive any unwanted guests. Tommy's orders"
Tommy's orders. Fucking hell he doesn't half-arse anything.
She'd never be able to get anything done with these Peaky boys watching over her at all times. Tommy was becoming annoyingly observant of Pearl - and inexplicably protective.
"Well that's completely unnecessary" they didn't acknowledge Pearl at all, "My orders. I'll deal with Tommy - he won't have your bollocks, don't worry"
The pair looked between each other before one fished a small pill bottle from his pocket and gave it to Pearl.
"Tommy also said to take these. Pain killers"
"Yes alright, now..." she started to gesture for them to go away, "Shoo"
Once again they looked at each other and hesitantly walked away from the house. Pearl shut the door, walked to the kitchen and examined the bottle. She fetched a glass of water and took two of the pills. Myrtle entered the kitchen, a sceptical look settled onto her features.
"That Tommy's taken a liking to you"
Pearl grimaced in response, "Don't be daft. He's a control freak"
Myrtle's face turned solemn and she placed her hand on Pearl's forearm, "I don't want to sound like a broken record but be careful. You don't want to be dragged into any of this blinder business"
Pearl stared down at the simple, comforting touch. She hadn't had any real parental figure in such a long time, no one cared about her that way. Pearl found herself enveloping Myrtle in a tight embrace inducing a 'whmph' from the old woman before she settled into the hug. She stroked Pearl's hair tenderly.
"I promise I'll stay safe"
I promise I'll keep you safe.
Myrtle pulled back and smiled at Pearl, so blissfully unaware of all that she'd gotten herself involved in. Even before she stepped foot in Small Heath.
"Okay, good. Now I noticed you didn't go to work today? I'll not have a sluggard around this house, the second you can't make rent, you're out" Myrtle teased, starting to make herself a cup of tea.
Pearl laughed and promised she'd be back at The Garrison the following day. She then made her way back to her room, deciding if she wanted to be back on her feet then she'd need more rest.
When Pearl arrived at The Garrison the next day Harry had told her to go home. Said it was Tommy's orders that she go home and rest. Obviously, she ignored him and grabbed a bucket to start mopping the floor. Harry gave her a wary glance but decided best to leave her to it - if she wanted to take it up with Tommy that was her problem.
Pearl took it easy at work, careful not to undo any of her stitches or cause herself any unnecessary pain. It was a rather quiet day anyway, just the regulars who weren't kicking up much of a fuss.
Arthur came in around two and strode up to the bar.
"I knew you'd come anyway. How you feelin' love?" he smacked his large palms against the wood.
"Like horse shit, Arthur." She raised the glass she was cleaning, "but keeping busy"
He chuckled at her persistence, "Not surprised, you took a right fookin' beatin'. Almost put mine to shame"
Pearl smiled in response but there was no depth or sincerity to it. "Yeah, well turns out Campbell's a right wicked bastard"
"He don't have any honour for beatin' down on a young girl so 'ard. Makes me sick to think about"
Arthur gripped the bar a little tighter and his face hardened. Pearl placed a comforting hand on his, "You underestimate Campbell's determination, Arthur. I don't think there's many people he wouldn't beat to get what he wants. Nothing special about what he did to me"
Arthur glanced at Pearl and leaned forward on the bar, lowering his voice slightly.
"Listen, you stuck your neck out and protected the family from that spy. Now we'll do the same for you" he shook her shoulder in gratitude and then leant back.
She was in.
"Thank you. Now, would you like a bottle of whiskey brought to the snug?" Pearl was already making her way over to the shelves.
"Not today, love. Got some business down at the boxing ring. Just wanted to come check up on ya" he straightened his cap and Pearl waved as he strode out of the pub.
She finished up on the glasses, pondering on what business Arthur would be conducting at the boxing ring. She also wondered if Tommy knew about it, seeing as it wasn't being held at Arthur's office in the betting den.
About two hours had passed when a man sauntered into the pub, he wasn't a regular and Pearl had definitely never seen him before. He walked up to the bar with only a nod of acknowledgement to Pearl.
"What can I get for you?" she smiled sweetly.
"A whiskey. Irish" The man harshly punctuated the last word with a strong Irish accent.
Since stepping into Small Heath Pearl hadn't had particularly good experience with any Irishmen, or women for that matter. She noted that his voice was slightly different to Inspector Campbell's, less harsh, even though she couldn't very well decipher the different regional accents. Pearl made the assumption that this man was one of the fenians that Harry had warned her about, so she kept her head low and poured him a drink.
"I think I'll take that" he grabbed the bottle from the counter, "I'm meeting a Mr Thomas Shelby, send him in when he gets here"
And with that the man took the bottle and entered into the snug.
Once the doors had closed Pearl scoffed at his arrogance. He was brazen if he thought Thomas Shelby was one to take orders - and to go and let himself into the snug, no less, before Tommy had even
arrived. He was asking for a cutting.
Not two minutes later Tommy walked through the door, checking his pocket watch as he did so. He didn't seem surprised that she'd disobeyed his orders to not come to work.
"Go home, Pearl"
He sighed deeply at her obstinance and she simply folded her arms across her chest.
"Fine. Bring a bottle of whiskey to the snug. And two glasses"
She picked up a glass from behind the bar and handed it to him, "Actually, your friend's already let himself in. Smug prick he is"
Tommy lowered his head so that the peak of his cap covered his face and chuckled, as though he didn't want to be seen.
Pearl rested her forearms atop the bar, "Also, Tommy, while I have you. You don't need to send men to watch over my house, I'm capable of defending myself"
"Are you sure about that?" Tommy's eyes flicked to the scab on her lip before meeting her gaze.
Pearl was slightly affronted that he assumed she was defenceless but reminded herself that nothing about her outward appearance suggested otherwise. She picked up a rag and started to wring it through her hands."I just- I already told you I don't like to feel like I'm being watched. I appreciate the sentiment but it's unnecessary"
"Noted" he nodded but there was no earnestness to it, "Now after you're done here today I need you to get a message to Arthur, consider it you're first official job"
"My first job for the Shelby family, how lucrative" Pearl responded with a hint of mockery.
Tommy ignored her snide remark and lit a cigarette, "Tell him we're having a family meeting at six, he needs to be there"
"Will do. Now you best go meet your friend, I don't suppose he's a fan of waiting"
"He's in my bloody pub, he'll wait as long as I want him to"
Pearl raised her eyebrows as if to say 'check the ego' but all Tommy did was smirk as he took the glass and made his way into the snug.
Pearl smiled down at the rag before placing it on the counter and looking around the pub to make sure no one was paying her any attention. She sauntered over to the hatch and leant in slightly so that she was just within earshot of the two men and managed to catch the end of a sentence.
"... he was very well connected to our brotherhood. By membership and blood. He was my cousin." And just like that Grace's actions have come around to bite Tommy in the arse. "My cousin came to buy guns"
"And I told him I have none" Tommy's tone was monotone as always, anyone who didn't know any better would've believed him.
"Your man Danny Owens talks a lot when he's drunk. He says you got them from a factory down the road"
Danny's alive? She'd heard from the people in the pub that Danny had had one of his episodes and ended up killing an Italian, so to stop a war Tommy had to get rid of Danny.
Pearl remembered feeling a swell of sorrow for the poor man, it wasn't his fault, it wasn't any of their faults. The war had bent and broken the minds of the lads that returned, god knows what they had to live through now.
But that sorrow was misplaced. Danny's alive.
After the shock settled she focused back on the conversation.
"He says only the brothers know where the guns are kept"
"Well Danny also says he sees German infantry men on the back of mill carts. Then he shoots them with his broomstick"
"We have men in the BSA factory, they say it's you who has them. And we have men in the police station"
Pearl hadn't realised how well connected the IRA were, they were crawling all over Birmingham.
"Every finger, Mr Shelby. Every finger in this city points in one direction"
Then it went quiet for a while.
"My cousin was shot. I am judge, jury and executioner. I find you guilty, and I pass sentence. You deliver the guns to me or I deliver death and hells fury to you and your little tribe of heathens"
Then their voices went to a whisper. Pearl imagined Tommy was trying to strike a deal but there was no need. She knew exactly what she had to do.
Pearl finished her shift before the two men had finished their conversation but she'd heard enough. The IRA were actively seeking the guns, they were all over town.
What she knew was enough to decipher her next move.
So, she planned to make her way to the boxing ring to find Arthur, once she had she'd return home and write to Grenfeld. However, before she did she headed down to the Cut, specifically the area around what she had now learned was Charlie's yard.
Pearl knew she'd lost her gun in the chaos a few nights prior and wished to retrieve it. She made her way along the bank and as she took a step she felt something hard beneath her foot. She raised her shoe and saw her revolver half buried within the mud.
Pearl carefully plucked it out, thankful that no one had found it, and scraped the mud off the sides. She put it back so it sat within the holster on her thigh and started to make her way to the boxing ring.
The boxing ring was located in a grotty corner of Small Heath, not that the other corners held any sense of grandeur. As Pearl approached she could hear the cheers of blood-thirsty men inside. She entered through what looked to be once barn doors. There was a large crowd huddled around a particular ring. She approached one of the less rowdy onlookers; he was a stout man with a shiny, red face.
"Excuse me, have you seen Arthur Shelby?"
The man side-eyed Pearl and snorted before pointing to the centre of the ring.
She nudged her way past a few of the men and low and behold there was Arthur. His hair was dishevelled and greasy from sweat, his face too had a clear sheen from his exertion. Although, his expression was unlike anything she'd ever seen before; he looked wild, feral you could even go as far as rabid. It was as though he had reverted to his primal instincts; he was a lion attacking his prey.
However this wasn't prey, this was a rather lanky looking boy. He looked much younger than Arthur and much less experienced. The poor lad didn't stand a chance against Arthur, who was in every way his superior. Yet, Arthur wasn't letting up.
He threw punch after punch, tossing this boy around the ring like a rag doll. Blood was building up all over his face from different wounds and he had no fight left in him. Pearl looked around as the men had stopped their cheering and now looked on in borderline horror. They seemed to be too scared to say anything, less the blinder turned on them.
Arthur was going to kill this boy. Pearl didn't even think Arthur knew he was going to kill him.
She moved closer to the ring, "Arthur!"
Nothing. Hadn't even come close to breaking the seal.
Pearl placed her hands on the rope and leant forward more, "Arthur!"
A man grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backwards, his eyes wide, "Whadda'you think you're doing. That's Arthur fuckin' Shelby, are you crazy?"
He spoke about Arthur as though he wasn't a living, breathing, human being. As though he was some wild beast. Pearl scoffed at the man and roughly shrugged his hand off her shoulder, starting to get more flustered as the boy fell to his knees, "Arthur! He's had enough now. You can stop!"
The succession of punches continued and one swift knock to the face sent the boy flying to the ground. Pearl gasped and shot her eyes over to Arthur, he still wasn't yielding.
In a last ditch effort Pearl grabbed her gun out of its holster and fired three shots into the air. It instantly fell silent and she heard the clink of three bullet casings bounce against the floor.
"Arthur, that's enough."
Arthur slowly turned to face Pearl. He looked broken, his eyes were glossing over and he looked back down at the boy - Pearl even thought she saw his lip tremble slightly.
They all watched the young lad on the floor for a moment with baited breath. He then took a sharp inhale and started to cough hysterically.
Pearl placed a light hand on Arthur's wrist and when they locked eyes she gently pulled him from the ring. As the pair walked away Arthur shouted to the gathered crowd, "Alright, shows over. Piss off"
The pair walked to the corner of the boxing ring where Arthur's jacket and hat were strewn across some stools. They took a seat and he pulled a bottle of whiskey from underneath his stool, which Pearl hadn't noticed was there.
He took a swig and Pearl allowed him to take a few breaths before speaking.
"What happened?"
Arthur averted his gaze for a moment before warily eyeing up Pearl. She could tell he was unsure about telling her, he almost looked embarrassed or perhaps ashamed? Pearl couldn't figure it out.
He took another swig,"I'm sorry you 'ad to see that. This is no place for a lady"
"But I'm here anyway, you can tell me Arthur" She looked at him with kind eyes and his posture relaxed.
"Alright. I came 'ere to meet me dad"
Pearl's eyes widened slightly, "I didn't know your father was around"
"He's not. Popped over for a short visit but Tom kicked him out the house" Arthur looked down and started to rub his hand anxiously down his leg, "I thought I'd give him a chance, said he was a changed man. Told me about this business plan over in America, The Shelby Casino"
Pearl nodded along as Arthur spoke.
"Well he just sounded so confident about it all, I thought I'd help. He's me dad after all. I knew Tommy wouldn't agree so I took some money out of the family fund to get dad started. He said he'd go over there, get the ball rolling and all, then we could come over and join him..."
Arthur went quiet and a solemn look settled across his face. Pearl leant forward onto her knees.
"Then what?"
He quickly looked at her timidly before looking away again, "Well it was all fookin' lies, wasn't it? Bastard took the money and got on the next train out of Birmingham"
Pearl frowned at Arthur, "Oh, Arthur. I'm so sorry"
"Yeah, so I came back 'ere. Probably shouldn't 'ave"
"No, probably not" Pearl looked towards the ring where the beaten boy had already been taken away, most likely to be tended to, "But he'll be okay. You stopped before you went too far, remember?"
He looked up at Pearl with a small smile, "Only because 'a you. Where'd a girl like you learn how to use a gun anyway?"
"I hardly grew up in high society, a girl's got to defend herself somehow"
"Shoulda used it on Campbell the other night"
Pearl chuckled, "I hardly think shooting a copper would go down well"
"You don't gotta worry about that when your with the Peaky Blinders, love"
Pearl scoffed humorously at the borderline insanity of it all. Being in with the blinders was like being in with God, almost omnipresent protection.
"I'm sorry to ask, but does Tommy know about any of this?"
Arthur's smile dropped and he almost grimaced, "No. He's gonna be fookin' fumin' when he finds out" he took another swig of whiskey. "Fuck" he seethed.
Pearl took pity on the man before her. She could only imagine the shit-storm Arthur would receive when he returned home. "Look, how about I tell Tommy. He told me to let you know you've got a family meeting at six so I'll go and break it to him and you get yourself cleaned up before you see him?"
"Not bloody likely, you don't know what he's like when he's angry. 'M not gonna make you do that" Arthur shook his head fervently.
"You're not making me do anything, I offered. Besides, I've been on the receiving end of Thomas Shelby's rath before, I can handle round two"
She could tell Arthur really didn't want to have to confront Tommy about his fuck up but felt guilty about sending Pearl in his place. He gave her a wary look but she seemed confident in herself so he accepted.
"It's a good thing you've got your gun on you, I'll tell you that"
"God, Arthur! He's hardly going to kill me." Pearl laughed.
Arthur took the bottle and gave her a look that said 'don't be so sure', but she shrugged it off.
So she left Arthur and made her way down to Watery Lane.
The sky was grey and drizzly, pouring over the residents of Small Heath causing small droplets to hold within Pearl's hair and eyelashes, she pulled her coat a little tighter to conceal the warmth. She side-stepped every puddle, desperate to not look a mess every time she encounters Tommy.
Not that she cared what he thought, of course.
Pearl approached number six and knocked firmly on the door three times. She was greeted at the door by Ada, holding a baffled smile on her lips.
"You don't look half bad do ya? Considering." she beckoned her in, taking a look at what was becoming a downpour outside before shutting the door.
"Thank fuck. I hardly feel it"
"Soldiering on. I like you, Pearl Moore" Ada spoke her name with such intrigue, Pearl held the same interest for the woman before her.
The only daughter of the Shelby clan. Surely it wasn't easy. This family were practically royalty around here, making Ada their princess. If Pearl had been afforded as much protection as she had after one scrape she could hardly imagine the suffocating level of scrutiny Ada was under.
"I assume you're here to see my brother. He's quite busy but i'm sure he'll make time for you"
"What makes you say that?" Pearl furrowed her brow as she followed Ada into the kitchen.
"For whatever reason you caught Tommy's attention and trust me that's a hard thing to catch" she smirked and folded her arms.
"Are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact I was bleeding all over your kitchen two nights ago" Once Pearl had spoken that sentence her face softened, "Thank you, by the way. Your whole family were so kind in helping me, I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for you lot"
"Don't be daft of course we'd help" Ada's face turned slightly bitter, "And trust me being in with the Shelby family is not something you want to be thankful for"
Not a moment later the green double doors were pushed open and Tommy walked through. He noticed Pearl instantly and she caught a spark in his eyes. Recognition? Shock? Fondness? She wasn't sure. Tommy was a puzzle that Pearl was starting to put together - piece by piece.
He cleared his throat "Pearl."
Ada threw her head over her shoulder looking between her brother and Pearl before turning on her heel and making her way upstairs. Tommy pulled a cigarette case out of his pocket, picking one out and then offering one to Pearl. She took one and let him light it.
"Can I have a word?"
Tommy motioned for her to carry on as he rubbed the butt of the cigarette along his lips and lit it.
"I was just with Arthur, at the boxing ring. He was rather distressed"
"What's he done?" Tommy's tone was sharp, his sentence punctuated by the grey slither of smoke.
"He's not- I just want you to hear me out before jumping to any conclusions" Pearl took a long drag of the cigarette, partly for courage - although she told herself it wasn't.
Pearl explained what Arthur had done, that he'd taken the money without consent and his father had run off with it. Tommy didn't look surprised nor angry at any of this information, but Pearl knew better. His emotions were always calculated, always hidden. For all she knew he could be on the brink of outrage and his jaw wouldn't even flinch.
He seemed to soak in the information silently and Pearl fidgeted with her cigarette as she waited for a response. After a few more seconds of silence she took a step forward, an almost pleading look upon her face.
"Please don't beat him up over this Tommy. He's cut up about it enough himself, he almost killed a lad at the boxing ring earlier"
"Arthur knows he shouldn't have taken the money without consulting the family first"
"You would've said no-"
"-And then he gets you to tell me. Should've been here himself"
Pearl sighed and put out her cigarette, "I offered. Thought you would take it better if you heard it from me"
Tommy quirked his eyebrow. She knew it came across as cocky but so far, it was true.
"Listen Tommy, he's the oldest and yet you're running the show. You say this business is equal but you know it's not - you're the brains, the mastermind behind the operation. He just wanted to make something of himself, he saw an opportunity and he took it. You of all people shouldn't reprimand him for that"
"You think I'm a mastermind" he put out his cigarette and stepped closer, smugness oozing out of him.
"God, I take it back"
Tommy chuckled slightly and rested his hand on the kitchen table beside him, his face closer to Pearl's than she would like.
"You got one thing wrong. This is a family business. Arthur should've told me about the money"
"Trust me, he knows. He's learnt his lesson on his own, just- please, don't go too hard on him"
Tommy's eyes flicked between Pearl's, she could see him contemplating within the icy blue irises. He slowly lifted his free hand and stroked his knuckles against her cheek, just below where her bruise was, which froze her in place.
"You've got a good heart, Pearl"
Sometimes she forgot how little he knew about her.
"So do you, Tommy Shelby"
He frowned and shook his head, "Wouldn't bother trying to convince yourself of that. Flattery gets you nowhere"
Before her brain could register her movements she placed her right hand upon the lapel of his blazer, just over his heart. She surprised herself by how comfortable the action seemed, to both parties, "No. I know it- I've seen it, as much as you'd protest it doesn't exist. You could have let me die the other day but you didn't. You had no reason to do that, I'm not worth anything to you"
Tommy placed a warm hand upon her cheek as he leant forward and placed a delicate kiss upon Pearl's forehead, causing her eyes to flutter shut. "It turns out you are. You're my moral compass"
Pearl smiled up at him, "And I take it very seriously"
The pair simply looked at each other, no more words had to be said. In that moment she had forgotten all about the guns and Grenfeld and the entirety of her past along with it. She was just a girl in awe of Thomas Shelby, as she was sure many had been before her.
Tommy's thumb stroked across her cheek and Pearl found herself leaning into the touch. "So you'll go easy on Arthur?"
Tommy smiled at the girl's tenacity. "He won't hear anything about it from me"
"Thank you" she breathed.
They stayed like that for a few seconds longer before Pearl stepped back and let Tommy's hand drop.
"I'm sure you've got business to attend to" she waved her hand towards the green doors.
Tommy let out a short cough and turned towards the doors with a curt nod. Now that she was further away and her head slightly clearer Pearl remembered her reason for being in Small Heath in the first place.
"Before I go, who was that man who came into the pub earlier?"
He sized her up, presumably deciding what to say but as everyone already knew; Pearl was trusted now.
"A Fenian from out of town, relative of the man Grace killed. He wants something from me"
"Wants something?"
She pushed further but not too much, not enough to raise questions.
"I'm in possession of something very valuable, something everybody wants" his words were pensive, as if exasperated by the pressure of holding onto the guns.
"And are you going to give him what he wants?"
Tommy's stare remained fixed on the wall, "No. I'll arrange for the coppers to do their job. Make sure they're in the right place at the right time and have them taken away"
Pearl didn't understand this plan. Surely if Tommy was to have this one man locked up, three more would return in his place more vengeful than the last. Tommy needed help with this, he needed Pearl. He just didn't know it yet.
Polly and John stepped through the front door and Pearl glanced at the clock. Six o'clock. She decided she better head off and turned to Tommy before leaving.
"Goodbye Tommy" she said as she took a few steps back.
All he could do in return was raise his hand as a quick goodbye as he watched her walk out of the house.
☼ ☼ ☼
Hey!! I haven't done an authors note thus far but just wanted to check in and get your thoughts. Are you enjoying the story so far and is there anything you really want to see happen? I obviously have the story mapped out but I'm always open to suggestions on where you'd like to see the story/ characters go :))
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