It's not hard to get information out of Arthur; just make sure his glass is never empty and keep him talking. If he rambles enough then eventually he'll tell you just the thing you need. That's exactly what Pearl did, one night at The Garrison Arthur was particularly sloshed and lounging on a chair as Pearl cleaned up for the night.
Eventually she had finished clearing the glasses, sweeping the floor and changing the barrels and it was clear Arthur was in no state to leave so she sat down opposite him. He'd talked about the state of the company and how Tommy wanted to expand it. He said how they'd recently got their first legal betting licence, how they were planning on going against Kimber and his men (which Pearl thought was particularly ambitious). Occasionally she would drop in a question about the trouble with the IRA.
"I don't fuckin' know do I" he slapped the table, "Tommy deals with that. I just do what I'm told" he whacked back the rest of the whiskey in his glass and Pearl poured a little more.
"What your told?" she echoed, raising an inquisitive brow.
"Yeah, I just have to show 'em that there can't be any funny business. Rough 'em up a bit before the coppers get there, ya know?"
"You sure you don't need someone there to make sure you don't go too far?" Pearl half-joked.
"Nah. I'm on this medicine Polly gave me - calms me down. Plus, it's only a quick job, I'll be back for the family meeting at nine tomorrow. Charlie's ain't far - won't take long to get back."
Oh, Arthur. Thank you, you gorgeous man.
And just like that she had exactly what she needed. She spent a little longer listening to Arthur's ramblings before deciding to head home. She helped Arthur into the booth and let him sleep, leaving a spare key on the table for when he awoke and locked up The Garrison.
When Pearl returned home she'd received correspondence from Grenfeld. She'd written to him the minute the IRA showed interest in the guns, he told her to send them a message. So she responded, told him her plan - told him what to expect.
Pearl went back out into the dark night to post the letter. Her breath left her mouth in balls of condensation as her ears turned pink from the biting frost. She dropped the letter into the postbox at the end of Watery Lane. Her head snapped to the side as she heard the shuffle of feet, looking down the street she saw Arthur stumbling through his front door and a faint chuckle bubbled from her lips.
The next morning Pearl spent busying about the shops of Small Heath receiving curious looks from the shopkeepers as she purchased her items. She dismissed them casually with a 'they're a present for my dad'. As she bypassed the shop windows a particular item caught her eye. It was the scarf Myrtle had spotted all those weeks ago, the deep burgundy looked like a splash of blood amongst the rest of the beige clothing. All of her purchases thus far had been funded by Grenfeld, he'd hardly notice a little extra. She entered the shop and purchased the scarf for her. It was thick and soft, perfect for winter. She placed it into a brown paper bag, chuffed with her actions.
As she stepped out of the shop and collided with a body who grabbed her shoulders and turned her around.
The man was smiling under the shade of his cap, "Doing some shopping, eh?"
She looked down at the numerous bags in her hands and shrugged.
"On a barmaids salary?"
"Well so far working for you hasn't been as profitable as I expected. So, yes, on a barmaids salary" she teased.
Tommy put his hand inside of his coat and pulled out a few notes, placing them into Pearl's hand. "For your job, yesterday. And there's a little extra for keeping my brothers soul from getting dirtier than it already is"
Pearl looked down at the cash, it was far too much for the simple job she'd done, but who was she to complain?
"You're chipper today" she laughed and nudged his elbow. For most people that would result in, at best, a beating - but not Pearl. No, she was different.
"Well why shouldn't I be? It's going to be a good day, Pearl"
"Big plans?"
"Just a lightening of the load. A bit of housekeeping"
He always spoke in such riddles. If she didn't already know what was going on she'd find it infuriating.
"Sounds riveting" she teased. Pearl then straightened her back and made to leave. "Well I best be off. Big plans of my own"
"Yeah?" he called out with a smirk.
"Preparing dinner with Myrtle. I've got a very exciting life, Tommy - don't get too jealous" and with that she turned and walked back home.
Pearl arrived home and went to place all of the bags on her bed. She plucked out the brown paper bag and took it back downstairs with her.
"Myrtle?" Pearl called out as she reached the bottom of the staircase.
"Here!" she responded from the kitchen.
The kitchen was foggy with steam from different pots and pans strewn over the hob; the room was aromatic with the smells of the different chopped vegetables which were currently boiling. Pearl walked over to the back door and opened it to let out some of the steam as Myrtle started to waft a tea towel through the air.
"Okay, what do you want?" the woman brushed her hands against her waist apron and smiled at Pearl.
Pearl simply held the brown bag out in front of her and Myrtle looked curiously at the object.
"It's for you" Pearl laughed as she forced the bag into Myrtle's hands.
The old woman stuck her hand inside and pulled out the ends of the scarf; her fingers running over the soft material. She looked at Pearl incredulously.
"Oh no, don't waste your money on me! Take it back."
Pearl took the scarf and wrapped it round Myrtle's neck, "How could I possibly when it suits you as well as it does?"
Myrtle smiled slightly and her eyes twinkled at the sight of the scarf around her, "Well, you're a daft girl for bringing it in here. I'll never get the smell of cabbage out of this now" She pulled the scarf off and placed it back inside the bag, "Thank you, sweetheart"
"Yeah, of course"
The pair stayed smiling at each other for a little while longer before Myrtle instructed Pearl to put the bag in another room; lest the scarf actually ended up stinking of dinner forever.
She helped Myrtle finish off the dinner and they both sat down to eat.
Pearl revelled in the normality of having a sit down dinner with someone who she had come to see as an almost parental figure in her life. The light topics of conversation that flowed so easily were somewhat foreign to Pearl. However, since she'd come to Birmingham she enjoyed these frequent conversations, away from all her other activities.
Once they'd finished Pearl cleaned up and headed back upstairs. She sat down on her bed and took some deep, calming breaths as she looked at the wall across from her. Her hands gripped the sheets tightly as she anticipated the events of the next few hours.
Charlie's yard was dark, a low mist hanging over the ground. You wouldn't be able to tell who was coming, who was going or what they left behind. One single light swung from the metal canopy, an ominous squeak each time from the rust on the chain.
The mist was broken by two men, Irish, coming to strike what they think is a deal and kill a blinder, oh how chuffed they are. There's a spring in their step and a gun in both their pockets. They're talking hurriedly to each other, heads ducked low and voices hushed. They make a quick scan of the area - no one's arrived. They make notes of the area: quickest exit routes, hiding spots and possible areas for ambush. They're hardly stupid - they'd never trust a Shelby. But they've got the high ground, a plan. Nothings getting past them tonight.
The pair turn quickly as they hear footsteps approach. A shadow emerged from behind a metal post, from the mist - a Peaky Blinder. Completely unmistakeable with the shape of the cap, the billowing of the coat and the cigarette smoke escaping their lips.
The men squinted their eyes both wondering - which Blinder? Surely, one of the Shelby's.
The figure stepped right up to them with their head bowed and threw their cigarette aside. They slowly raised their head and the pair were met with soft hazel eyes, delicate eyelashes and feminine pink lips.
"Good evening boys" Pearl spoke.
The men weren't sure whether to laugh or reach for their guns. They simply stared at her, bemused.
She raised her eyebrow "Well? We have business don't we?"
"Piss off, we're not doing business with a fucking women. We were told we were meeting with a Shelby, Thomas Shelby"
"Well you've got me so stop whinging about it" the men still looked displeased, "Don't I look like a blinder to you? You would've shot me dead on the spot if I didn't"
"We're not doing business with a woman" he repeated, using the tone most commonly used for disciplining a toddler which made Pearl roll her eyes.
"I'm sure the Shelby's will arrive shortly" She sent them a pointed look, "Although, i'm not sure you'll be here when they do"
Simultaneously, they whipped out their guns and pointed them directly at Pearl's head. She raised her hands in surrender but her expression never faltered. "Come on, now. What's with all this hostility?"
"Look love, I don't know what the fuck is going on but you better piss off before you get hurt" the man to Pearl's left seethed.
Without missing a beat Pearl pulled her revolver from within her coat whilst quickly raising her leg and kneeing the man to her right directly in the balls, his body bending in half and his gun dropping from his grip. Once doing so she shot the man to her left directly between the eyes. Blood splattered diagonally across the side of her face and she watched the man fall back, a shocked expression on his face for eternity. Pearl then stepped toward the man hunched over.
"Now, why is it that you men think my gender is such an issue" she waved about her gun flippantly as she spoke, as though it were nothing more than a cigarette held loosely between her fingers, "Why do you- No, all men actually. Why do all men dismiss us Every. Single. Time." Each word was punctuated by the barrel of her gun whacking against the palm of her other hand.
She bent down and picked up both of the dropped guns, placing them in her pocket. Pearl pushed the shoulder of the man so that he was sat, looking up at her. "I mean look how easy that was, all it took was one swift knock to the balls for you to be defenceless. And now look-" she pointed her gun at the dead man, "-your friend is dead because of it"
"You're not a blinder..." the man started to scramble to his feet.
"Ah-" Pearl swung the gun round so it was pointed at him and shook her head with a smile. He sat back down, "That is a keen observation and I'll get to that, don't fret"
She did a half skip towards the man and swung her leg straight back into his groin, sending him curling over in pain once more. "I just need you to sit tight for a little longer"
Pearl walked back over to the dead man and straddled his waist. She removed her cap and used the blade at the peak to cut open his shirt. She then leant forward and started to carve letters into his sternum. Not deep enough to make a bloody mess, just enough to scar. Pearl had a bit of an issue with the blade getting caught in his skin, The two letters were scrappy and rushed. Once completed Pearl looked down at her art work. 'S F'
Silver Fang.
She then plucked the man's top lip between her thumb and forefinger and stretched it down. Pearl got her blade once again and cut two lines down either side of his lip, in line with the edges of his nose.
By this point Pearl's hands were drenched in blood. She gripped the man's cheeks in her hands and turned his face from side to side, watching how the mutilated skin flapped to the side exposing his canines - or you could call them his fangs.
She turned her head back over to the living man, who was watching her in absolute horror. She scoffed as she stood back up, "Oh, please. Your bloody lot's done worse than this, jesus"
He ignored her comment and watched as she paced side to side in front of him, "You're part of the Silver Fang?"
"Another keen observation, you're good at this. As you know, The Silver Fang makes the Peaky Blinders look like a fucking picnic. You shouldn't have gone after what they wanted" she stopped pacing and placed her hands on her hips, "Right. You're turn" her voice frighteningly chipper.
This sent the man into a frenzy scrabbling up from the ground. Pearl was quick to try and restrain him, but not quick enough. He got to his feet and grabbed her by the shoulders, shoving her to the ground. Pearl let out a short yelp as she fell and grabbed the man's wrist so that he fell with her. Once on the ground the man tried to hold down her hands but she wriggled so much underneath him that he couldn't manage. Pearl didn't have enough room to try and swing a punch so instead she slapped him across the face, which she knew wouldn't be particularly effective. And it wasn't, the man barely moved. However he did look mildly confused from the simple hit and Pearl used that opportunity to roll him over quickly, using all of her body weight. The pair rolled until Pearl was on top and she swiftly pulled one of the guns from her pocket and pressed it against his head.
She frustratedly blew away a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her face. "Why do you always have to make this so difficult?" she whined, mostly to herself.
Pearl moved her knees so that they were atop of the man's arms, restraining him completely. She removed the gun from his head and grabbed her cap which had fallen astray during the tussle. The man started to thrash around once again and Pearl simply placed both her hands upon his forehead and pushed his head down.
"Would you stop doing that? I'm not gonna kill you"
She made quick work of the cutting, only doing his lips, deciding the letters would be illegible from the way this man was squirming. He cried out as she did it but it didn't phase her slightly. Once finished she stood up, Pearl was done with him and he had no fight left - all he did was make a low noise, something between a wail and a groan.
"Now, I have a message for you to take back" she pointed at him breathlessly, "No more fenians are to come after these guns - that includes after they've left Mr Shelby's possession. And if they do, this-" she motioned between the two men, "- won't be the worst of it."
She then looked at him directly, murderously, "Secondly, from me to you, I know what you were planning on doing tonight. It was never just a deal, it was an assassination. So if you or any of your fucking brotherhood make an attempt on Thomas Shelby's life ever again, I won't hesitate to come after you myself. Do I make myself clear?"
The man didn't respond, he barely even looked at her.
"I said do I make myself fucking clear!" Pearl yelled as she knelt down and smacked the ground beside his head.
The man nodded quickly. Due to the way he was lying the blood ran from his lips to his cheeks and mingled with his tears. Pearl cocked her head to the side, observing him. She watched as the different fluids ran across his face and the way the tears watered down the blood. It was like deconstructing the elements of a Monet, each splash and line of colour meticulously placed.
Pearl then snapped out of it, refocused on where she was and what she was doing.
"Right, you best be off. Take your friend with you, he's not a pretty sight - wouldn't want the locals to see" Pearl brushed off her knees and stood up, "And if you see the blinders, tell them- What am I saying? No, you won't be able to speak for a while" she smiled down at him. Pearl then turned on her heel and started to walk out of the scrap yard.
As she was making her way out she heard voices, familiar voices. Then the mist cleared and three men walked through in a triangular formation, Arthur at the front.
Pearl wasted no time as she turned and pelted it in the opposite direction, not bothering to grab her cap off of the floor as she went. However, she wasn't quick enough.
"Oi!" Arthur called out, "Lad, watchu' doin'!"
Pearl didn't stop, her lungs were burning in her chest. She pushed her legs faster although she'd realised early on that Arthur, nor any of the peaky boys, were following her. Pearl just didn't like the feeling that she'd been caught - even if Arthur hadn't realised who she was. She moved faster and faster still, running down back alleys until she reached the back door of her home.
Pearl scanned all the windows and didn't see a single light shining. She entered through the back door and ran up the stairs, quickly removing the blood soaked clothes as soon as she entered her room; leaving them strewn across the floor. She filled a basin with water and scrubbed at her face and hands, trying to remove all traces of the blood.
Pearl felt shaken and decided that she would not fall asleep tonight, so once she had changed she entered back out to the dark streets.
Pearl stepped into The Garrison and slammed the door shut behind her. She hurriedly made her way towards the shelf of liquor and grabbed a bottle of whiskey with trembling hands, being careful not to drop it. Within seconds the lid was removed and the liquid was being poured down her throat, a glass long forgotten.
She felt sick to her stomach but not by what she'd done, by the fact she was almost caught.
Pearl had done what she had to help Tommy. Hadn't she? But she could never explain that to him. Not without explaining everything else. Had she waited any longer and Arthur would've seen her face and it would've been over for her.
As her thoughts continued to race she drank faster from the bottle, trying to stop the increasing rate of her beating heart.
The burning in her throat urged her to put the bottle down and she slumped against the bar in defeat, panting heavily. She swung both hands to her face and slapped herself repeatedly; perhaps an attempt to snap out of it or perhaps annoyance at her sloppiness.
Pearl winced as she slapped the bruise atop her cheekbone. She turned and inspected her warped reflection in the bottle of whiskey. Her eyes had been oddly elongated but she could still see the hollow area underneath from the lack of sleep. Her bruise now enlarged along the edges of her face still shone prominently. It was like looking in a mirror at a carnival and she hated it.
She grabbed the bottle and threw it aside letting it splinter and smash across the floor - she'd have to sweep that later. With a huff Pearl crossed her arms and laid them flat on the bar, burying her head inside them. She just had to let the panic subside.
Arthur hadn't seen her. Tommy didn't know. There would be no repercussions.
Then she heard the door handle wiggle and for a moment thought she'd manifested the repercussions into a human form. She quickly sprinted to the back room and shut the door, not wanting to face whoever was intruding in this deeply embarrassing moment of frustration.
Tommy's voice. Always fucking Tommy's voice.
"Pearl, I know you're here"
She quickly rubbed against her face, hoping that the repeated slaps hadn't left any obvious trace. Pearl stepped through the door and saw Tommy waiting expectantly on the other side of the bar.
"Drink?" he then flicked his eyes to the broken glass on the floor, "Maybe not."
She grabbed a new bottle from the shelf and poured a glass, sliding it towards him.
"A Fenian's dead" he said as he knocked back the glass of whiskey.
His words froze Pearl, although they didn't sound accusatory. Just as monotone as always. Tommy noticed her staring with a wide eyed expressions.
"It wasn't me."
She nodded, slowly and mindlessly. His words only partially understood.
He finished the last drops in his glass, "Everyone thinks it was"
"Everyone?" her first word was croaky and strained after not speaking for a while but he still managed to catch what she had said.
"Polly, Ada, the police. Not Arthur though, says he saw who it was. Says it was too small to be me"
"So Arthur knows who it was?"
Pearl tried to keep the tremble out of her voice as she inquired. Not really wanting to know what the answer was.
"No" internally she let out the biggest sigh of relief, "He thought it was one of us at first but the bodies..."
He looked at her warily as though he didn't want to share, purely for the sake of her fragility.
"Go on" she coaxed.
"Well their bodies had been mutilated. One of the lads was still alive. They had the markings of a different gang, from London." He didn't give any more detail, of course, he didn't need to. "This gang, they're dangerous- ruthless. We don't wanna get involved in some pre-existing war, so, we let the fenian go and take the other lads body with him"
"Silver Fang" the alcohol forced the words quietly from her lips.
She didn't know why she'd said it aloud, then wondered if Tommy had even heard her. Alas, of course he had, his ears were keen, especially when it was Pearl speaking.
"Yes. You know them?"
"Yea- Heard of them" she quickly corrected herself.
"We're not getting involved with those people Pearl, not yet. They're animals- the lot of them. They're unlike any gang I know. We run Birmingham with razor blades, they run the country with cutthroat spies. They're everywhere and have no morals. Now we know there's one in Birmingham-"
Pearl turned away from him and put her head in her hands, trying to steady her breaths. Tommy's words had affected her more than she'd like because- well he was describing her. Pearl liked the image she'd built in Birmingham; she was sweet and naive, some poor girl from London that people have taken pity on. She wished it was that simple. She wished that was who she was.
But no, she was cutthroat and ruthless. No amount of lies could change that.
Tommy quickly stepped to Pearl and enclosed his arms around her, holding her head to his chest. "I didn't mean to upset you. Don't worry, they'll be gone by now"
She removed her face from her hands and looked at Tommy.
"I'm sure they are. I'm not worried"
Tommy had no clue that Pearl was already doing everything she could to make sure that once this business was over Tommy and his family- in fact all of Birmingham would be left unharmed. Exactly as she'd found it.
Pearl raised her arms and held Tommy's face in her hands. "You'll be fine. I'm certain of it"
His lips quirked into a half-smile because, of course, how on worth could a simple woman protect him?
Tommy pressed his hands firmer against the small of her back so that she was firmly against him. His bright blue eyes bore into hers; they were quizzical, he was searching for something.
"What are you?" his voice dropped to a low murmur.
He was so close she felt as though his words had passed through his lips and entered her own mouth. The deep baritone voice tasted sweet on her tongue.
"I'm just a girl, Tommy"
"No. You're not. You're something else- I don't think I'll ever know what"
She stroked her thumb against his cheek as she contemplated, "What do you want me to be?"
"The solution"
His answer was instantaneous. It required no thought.
"The solution to what?" she smiled.
Then Tommy gently lowered his head and placed a kiss upon Pearl's lips. It was soft and quick; testing the waters. He pulled back slightly and his eyes flicked between hers.
"I'll be your solution, Tommy"
She pulled his face towards hers and reconnected their lips. Pearl hadn't realised how long she'd wanted to feel Tommy occupying all of her senses; his hands on her hips and in her hair, his smell entering through her nostrils and pumping through her blood, the taste of him on her lips. Most importantly was the weight of him against her and the pressure of him pulling her closer.
Pearl needed Tommy desperately, she couldn't bear this feeling ever going away. She'd never felt this raw need to have this one specific person entangled with her.
Tommy quickened the pace of the kisses and Pearl tried desperately to keep up. Her hands slid to his neck and pulled him ever closer. Tommy stepped forward so that the bar was pressing uncomfortably against Pearl's back. She placed her right palm flat against the bar and tried to push herself up, closer to Tommy.
He felt her face shift up to him and pushed her away gently, with a hand against her cheek. Pearl rested against the bar and breathlessly looked up at Tommy. He brought his forehead to hers and scrunched his eyes shut.
"I should go" he broke the silence.
Pearl moved her head away from his in shock, "What?"
"You're drunk, so I should go"
"You underestimate my tolerance"
He chuckled and stepped back, straightening the lapels of his coat. "Go, Pearl"
Her eyebrows raised at his braiseness, "Now you're ordering me to leave?"
"I think it's best you go. I need a minute" he glanced down at his crotch and pulled the edge of his coat to cover it.
Pearl's hand flew to her mouth to suppress a smile. She nodded slowly at him before turning and walking out of The Garrison, stepping over the broken bottle, "I should probably sweep-"
"No, I'll get it. Go"
Pearl had to bow her head as she laughed on her way out of The Garrison. She touched her tingling lips as she stepped outside, still feeling the ghost of Tommy's over them. As she revelled in the glow of the moment she realised she'd completely neglected to tell Tommy that she'd be leaving for London tomorrow.
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