T'kai wheels in on his wheelchair all burnt up and miserable. "Well it could of been worse." He says, watching Brandon float down and lean on a wall.
"You know you could of just..." he said, T'kai shook his head, letting his dreadlocks hit his eyes. "Ow!" He exclaimed. Brandon looked over than down at his boots.
"Like I said you have the cha-" T'kai wheeled into him making him Yelp and fall on the floor.
"You little dip sh-." Brandon forms a large fireball intending to kill him right where he stood. T'kai gulped and watched as the large, slow moving fire ball made his way to him.
"Alright I concede. " he says, snapping his fingers. He was no longer in front of the fireball in fact all his injuries seem to disappear.
"Sure enjoy letting other people see what I can do." he says. Brandon laughs at him and smirks.
"About time you showed someone your powers." He says.
T'kai Prince
Ability: Time Skips, Time Manipulation, Reverse Time, and Stop Time for only 20seconds
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