"Pidge!" I stumble into the house, already feeling the burning in my chest. "Cure!" Pidge runs out with a jar in hand. We go through with the usual procedure.
"You have to be more careful. Soon your body will build up a resistance against this and we'll need to make it stronger. I don't know how long it'll take to find a stronger recipe that would work."
"I'll just, get bit less. I'll be fine Pidge. Worry about yourself, you're younger than me and you're worth more to the world. People need you," I brush off.
"Yeah, well I need you. You're the closest thing I've had to a family since my mom died. I don't want to loose you," Pidge says, insistent.
"You won't. I promise," I smile down at her. She wraps her arms around me in a hug, I return the hug and we stay there for a minute, not having been able to just talk to each other since the others got here. They always needed something so this is like a breath of fresh air.
Suddenly, a gunshot from a handgun goes off.
"What the hell are they doing now?" I grumble, making my way outside. Lance is holding a handgun, his arms straight out and stiff while Hunk hides behind him. "Where'd you get the gun?" I ask. Lance jumps and turns to point the gun at me. I raise my hands in a weak surrender position. "Calm down. Where'd you find it?"
"Th-the z-zombie had it in the holster on his belt. He-He used to be the cop that patrolled the neighborhood I-I lived in," Lance answers. He points to the zombie on the ground.
It's silent for a moment. Lance being frozen in shock, Hunk still hiding behind the tall twig, and me not knowing how to respond.
"You got him right in the head," I point out. "Nice aim Sharpshooter."
"Sharpshooter," Lance mumbles to himself. "I like that. Call me Sharpshooter McClain!"
"You can't leave the body out here. It'll attract more zombies," I say, turning to walk back inside.
"What am I supposed to do with it?" Lance yells.
"Get something to cover your nose, go out into the woods, and burn it."
"What is this? An episode of Supernatural? I have to burn the bones to get rid of the evil spirit?"
"I don't know. I've never seen the show. I was too busy protecting Pidge and fending for my life," I walk inside.
Lance barges into the shed, complaining to Hunk. "That smells horrible! Now it's lingering on us! Hunk smell," he holds his arm to Hunk, who tries to kindly push it away.
"Rinse off in the lake. The water company doesn't work at this time of day," I say from the couch.
"You're kidding right? I have to go out there to shower with the chance of being eaten by more zombies?" Hunk says, accusing me of joking.
"Hardly any of them go near the lake. You'll be fine. Just take a weapon with you in case."
"Great so I have to fight a zombie naked. Great," the big man mutters.
"Hey, we can always distract them with my hot bod," Lance says, taking a total 180 in terms of attitude.
"Yeah, maybe they'll take you as a meal and turn Hunk. What a great idea," I mutter.
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