The young firebender made his way through the snow as it started to billow around him. The flame in his hand was still as bright as ever, the cold weather had helped him improve his firebending greatly. He eventually reached a small stone structure on the side of a mountain. He had taken a cave and made his home, a home not too far from the Northern Tribe, but far enough to be left alone when he wanted.
"You're late," The waterbender sitting inside said. He wore a large blue and white fur cape, a silver chain keeping it together.
"Well being stuck outside when a blizzard starts might do that," He laughed, shutting the door behind him and lightning the fireplace.
"I got news from Jinora," Techno said, "she says that she's decided to look for the Avatar again."
"And you don't want to get my hopes up, just to know and forget later," Ranboo said, letting out a sigh. He thought they would have found whoever the Avatar is by now, when they didn't show up in the Fire Nation during the time of Ranboo's training he thought maybe they would have gone to one of the Water Tribes. He came to the Northern Water Tribe and hadn't left for years, Techno had given him hope that perhaps he might be able to work this out without the Avatar.
"No, I think you should go," Techno said.
"Um, thanks for telling me, but I don't know anymore. What if the Avatar can't help me?" Ranboo said, letting himself think aloud.
"But don't you have a friend there? I know cause you never stop talking about him," Techno said, "That Tubbo kid. I mean even if you don't find an answer maybe he might be able to help you cope."
"I- I'll think about it. Maybe I'll go in a week or two when you get another letter confirming whether or not they actually found the Avatar," Ranboo said, he didn't want to admit that he was afraid Tubbo had moved on, that he found new friends and forgotten about him.
"Okay, just wanted to let you know," Techno said, he stood up and started towards the door.
"Man, I haven't been to Airbender Island in 10 years," Ranboo muttered. He didn't mean for Techno to hear but he did anyway.
"Seven years," Techno said.
"I haven't seen my friend from there in seven years," Techno said, "take it from me, you might want to go back."
"I will when you do," Ranboo said, Techno chuckled. "We've reached an impasse then." And with that he disappeared into the ice and snow.
Shorter chapter? Yes. I just felt this pacing was necessary for their story. I will be extended in the future but for now I'm trying to balance out how much I've been focusing on the Avatar arc and look at other arcs.
QotC: Are you guys okay with the occasional short chapter like this? Or would you prefer to have longer 1000 words plus chapters? I can work with either
Thank you all for reading and please vote and comment. Peace out benders and Minecrafters from around the world!
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