Where's Vanessa?
Three chapters in a day! I'm on a role 😩
N E WAYS- I wanted to pause for a minute to ask you how you guys are liking the story so far? And how you like Vanessa? Like.. what do you like and dislike the most about her :) but yeah that's it. Don't forget to comment and vote :D
Also look at this drawing I traces of Ranboo and Tommy. It looks like a cheesy wedding photo
Also also, if you guys haven't guessed already, this book isn't technically kid-friendly. It's very suggestive and this chapter will show that (a lil too much, perhaps🧍🏻♀️) don't attack me for this shit I've read so many messed up fanfics about fictional characters younger than Chase
When (and if) I get to any more seasons of this, I will eventually label the books as mature since I'm not gonna actually write smut when they are minors because wtf✋🏻just the suggestive paragraphs like "oh they definitely did it" in this book. So enjoy
I groaned in discomfort as I fixed whatever this contraption on my neck was that monitored my bionics, Adam, Bree and Chase standing next to me wearing the same thing.
"Okay, now we'll check your bionic reflexes. First the left arm." Davenport said as he hit a button, Adam, Chase and I getting whacked in the face by one another. I held my nose as I felt the tears form from the impact, scrunching my face to force them back.
"Okay, now the right arm." Mr. Davenport continued as I whacked Chase in the face, who hit Adam... who hit Bree.
"I hate this!" Adam and Chase said in unison as Mr. Davenport shrugged.
"Alright then you two can sit this one out. I'll just do Vanessa and Bree." He responded by having Bree and I smack the two in the face, Chase crumbling to the ground in defeat as I laughed.
"I find this hilarious when I'm not the one being hit." I joked as Chase glared up at me. I helped him up as Leo groaned.
"Come on, Big D, it's summer vacation! Let's hit the beach. Slap on some shorts and show everyone your pasty little walking sticks!" Leo cheered as I nodded.
"Yeah. Now that I've finally become a junior, I won't look like a whore wearing a bikini. I'll just... look somewhat normal." I said as Chase chuckled.
"Yeah. Except for that scare that is oddly shaped like Poseidons trident on your hip." He commented as Adam, Bree, Davenport and Leo raised a brow at him. Chase put his hands in his pockets, eyes widening when he finally realized he said it out loud. "That she's told me about. Not- I haven't- pfft I haven't seen it." He smiled nervously as everyone just brushed it off while I jabbed him in the side with my elbow. Leo continued to look at us back and forth with a suggestive look as he raised his brows.
"I'll kill you." I mouthed as his eyes widened in fear.
"Anyways... Not now, Leo. We're doing some routine bionic chip maintenance. Besides, this is fun, right, guys?" Mr. Davenport smiled as I forced a very fake one.
"If by fun, you mean getting a bloody nose, then sure I'm having a blast!" I said and wiped away at my nose that had been bleeding for whoever knows how long.
"Okay, are we done here? I wanna go be normal for a while!" Bree complained, ripping her brace off and accidentally letting it go, which hit the tray Tasha was holding, spilling the drinks everywhere.
"Ugh! Can't we go just five minutes without something sparking, exploding, or oozing around here? Ever since summer vacation started, it has been like one long science experiment." She exclaimed as I nodded in agreement.
"I haven't been experimented in this much since they found out my blood could cure— never mind I'm not telling Davenport and making him more money than he already has." I cut off my sentence as he frowned at me.
"I'm sorry, honey. I... you know... maybe... maybe Leo's right. Maybe we need to take a break and go to the beach." Davenport caved as we all cheered.
"Yes! Finally I haven't been to the beach since my dad married my mom." I said with a grin as everyone frowned in confusion.
"Wait, your parents had you before they were married?" Bree asked as I nodded.
"Yep. They were going to have another kid when they got married but my mom couldn't conceive anymore. Some genetic disorder." I said without another thought as Chase gave me a concerned look.
"We'll take a whole weekend, as a normal family, you know? No gadgets, no phones. We'll do it totally tech-free." Davenport promised as Tasha "awe'd"
"Oh, that is exactly what I need. You would really do that for me?" She asked with a smile as the two shared a kiss.
"Of course. You are way more important to me than the amazing innovations born of my genius." Davenport said as I rolled my eyes. Even when he flirts, he still can't stop but praise himself. Tasha walked out to get her things packed.
"Wow, Big D, it's really nice of you to blow off work for my mom." Leo smiled as Davenport nodded.
"Well, you know, Leo, now and then, everybody needs a little piece and-" He was cut off by the Klaxon blaring, red flashing lights and the loud siren causing me to cover my ears in pain. I still had yet to calibrate the sirens to not bug me as much. "QUIET!" Davenport finished as we all walked over to the cyber desk.
"It's the early warning satellite system." Chase stated as I glared at the screen, scanning what it was warning us about.
"A giant solar flare is going to hit! If this hits the atmosphere it'll cause massive power failures and a total blackout of satellite communications." I explained as Leo groaned in annoyance. He clearly was not up for this.
"Okay, I should tell my mom we're not going to the beach, then." He said as Mr. Davenport stopped him.
"No, no, no, no. Don't tell your mom a thing about this." He said as Chase scoffed.
"Oh, right. Let's just ignore the biggest solar flare in history to keep the little lady happy." He said as I frowned at him.
"Don't worry about the solar flare. I'll handle it. Just pack your stuff in the R.V. and get ready to get your beach on!" Davenport exclaimed as we all shook our heads at him.
"No body says that." I told him as he faked a smile.
"I know nobody says that. I know that." He replied as Adam, Bree, Chase and I got into our bathing suits, Adam grabbing goggles.
"Adam, safety goggles aren't going to protect our eyes from the solar flare." Chase pointed out as he laughed.
"No, but it will protect us from the glare when pasty-legs Davenport puts on his shorts!" He joked as I looked at Bree.
"Do you have an extra pair of sunglasses? I don't want to be blinded by your father." I asked as she nodded and handed me a pair. I put my hands on my hips, smiling at Chase. "Alright, I'm ready to get my beach— I'm going to stop before I embarrass myself." I said, quickly walking out of the lab.
"All right, Tasha, your totally tech-free weekend starts... now." Mr. Davenport said as we had just parked at the beach.
"Great. I'm gonna go claim our spot. If we wait too long, we're gonna end up sitting next to talkers. I hate friendly people." Tasha said as I nodded in agreement.
"You go ahead. I'll be right there." Davenport said as Tasha left. All of us started to head out before Mr. Davenport stopped us. "Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you guys think you're going?"
"The... beach?" I stated the obvious as Mr. Davenport narrowed his eyes at me. "Well you asked."
"Did you guys forget about the solar flare?" He asked as Chase spoke up.
"What do you expect us to do? Bionics can't stop a solar flare." He said as Mr. Davenport smirked.
"No, but I have something that can." Mr. Davenport pulled a picture frame up, revealing a hand print scanner. The r.v. Suddenly changed into a mobile lab. "Welcome to the Davenport Industries mobile action lab." He grinned as Leo gaped in awe.
"Very impressive, Big D. You're the master of the ta-da moment!" Leo cheered as Davenport geeked.
".. ta-da!" He sang as I clapped slowly.
"Great. We got a mobile lab, too!" I said sarcastically. "We can never get away." I grumbled as Adam patted my shoulder.
"I've been trying for years." He admitted as Mr. Davenport frowned.
"Anyways.. I call her the ugly lady because it's what's on the inside that counts. You guys will launch the rocket just like in your training simulations. It will block the solar flare by releasing a cloud of heavy gas into the atmosphere." He explained as I sighed.
"Alright, what button do we and do we not push?" I asked, looking down at the table as Davenport chuckled forcefully.
"This supercomputer is calculating the precise time that you need to launch the rocket. It could be minutes, it could be hours. You'll just have to wait and see." He said as we all started to protest.
"Come on! I came here for the sand in my butt and the salt water in my mouth! I did not sign up for this." I complained.
"Yeah. And I was supposed to be 6'1. Life is full of disappointments." Davenport snapped, eyeing Adam up and down with a glare.
"Great. So we all have to pay the price for another short guy with an axe to grind." Chase commented as I crossed my arms.
"Look, guys, focus. It takes all three of you to initiate the sequence. Once the alert sounds, you'll have a 2-hour window to launch the rocket before the flare becomes unstoppable. Got it?" Davenport said as Bree stopped him.
"Wait, you said three of us. But there's four." She stated as Davenport nodded.
"Right. Vanessa hasn't trained for this kind of mission, so she doesn't need to be here." Davenport said as my eyes lit up.
"YES!" I cheered, pumping a fist in the air.
"But that's not fair!" Adam complained as I giggled.
"And neither is the way you guys treat each other. See ya!" I said before running out the door, the beach clear in my mind.
And then, what I thought wouldn't happen... did.
I was in a random island, in the middle of fucking nowhere.
I spun around in confusion, frowning when I didn't see the R.V. Or hear people talking.
"Leo? Chase? What the hell?"
Leo's POV
I would have thought I'd see Vanessa sun bathing or swimming in the ocean, but I haven't even caught a glimpse of her since she ran out of the R.V. I walked up to Big D and my mom, hoping to see Vanessa.
"Have you guys seen Nessie? I haven't seen her since she ran out of the R.V." I asked as my mom shook her head.
"Nope. Maybe she's at the boardwalk." Tasha suggested as I shook my head.
"No I didn't see her there. I'm going to go back and check the R.V." I said and ran back, only to see my siblings sitting around, bored out of their minds.
"I really hope your answer is 'SHe's in the bathroom' when I ask where Nessie is." I said as Chase frowned at me.
"What?" The three said in unison.
"I went to go find Vanessa, but she's gone. It's like she just disappeared." I said as a wave of worry came crashing down on me. "You don't think someone took her, do you?" I asked as Bree and Chase shook their heads.
"Definitely not. Vanessa knows how to defend herself, she wouldn't go down without a fight." Bree reassured as Chase started pacing.
"But what if someone came at her from behind? Completely caught her off-guard?" Chase panicked as Adam stood up.
"Don't worry, Chase. I'm sure whoever took her will bring her back when they realize she's not their kid." He said as Chase gave him a 'you're an idiot' face.
"We should go find her." Bree suggested and ran out, leaving Adam Chase and I alone.
"Well I'm sure we have plenty of time before the alarm goes off. We should find her by then she couldn't have gotten far." Chase said as I nodded, the rest of us running out and towards the boardwalk.
I poked a stick at a dead crab sighing in frustration. I had already tried to send Chase my coordinates, but I was too far from civilization to do that. I was stranded with no food, and no water. And I thought today was finally gonna be a good day.
I sighed as collapsed under a tree, tapping my temple as I made a voice memo. "I'm a hour into being stranded on a deserted island. I have no clue how I got here, and I don't have the resources to survive long enough for rescue to find me. I can't send my coordinates anywhere, and I don't know if I can receive anything either. Probably not. I will use whatever I can to survive, but for now... this may be a horrible ending." I ended the voice memo as I felt the tears forming, wishing that I was somewhere safer.
Maybe not Davenport's, or Chase's arms, but somewhere relaxing that wasn't going to be my end. Like Paris. I've always wanted to go there. My mind had been set in Paris, I had been thinking about it so hard I actually got there.
I shot you from my seated position, looking up at the Eiffel Tower in complete shock. "How the hell did I get here?!" I asked myself as people stared at me. I quickly ran into an alleyway, thankful that I had finally been in civilization. I took no time to send my coordinates to Chase, praying he would get them.
Chase's POV
I could feel the panic starting to settle in as I began to fear the worst. Vanessa may have been kidnapped as far as any of us knew. And that only included me, Adam, Bree and Leo.
A box appeared in my vision, Vanessa's name popping up followed by... Paris, France?
"Guys! I know where Vanessa is!" I called out as Adam, Bree and Leo ran over. "She's in Paris. Bree, I'll send you the coordinates, you use your super-speed to get her." I ordered as Bree nodded, dashing off.
Vanessa's POV
I don't know what was happening, but one moment I was in France, and the next I was on Bree's back, then next to everyone. I was quickly consumed in a tight hug by Chase, looking around in confusion.
"What happened?!" Chase asked as I shrugged.
"I don't know! I was running out of the R.V, and suddenly I was on a deserted island! Then Paris? Maybe my bionics glitched. Whatever it was I was not very happy." I explained as Chase shook his head.
"There's no way you could have glitched. Something happened to you and we have to figure it out." Chase said as I frowned.
"Should we go tell Mr-"
"No! We already have to deal with the solar flare- THE SOLAR FLARE!" Chase yelled as we all booked it back to the R.V... that was not there.
So turns out, the R.V. was towed, we tried to illegally get $200 to get it back, and now I was currently resting my head on Chase's shoulder as we sat in a real jail cell that was being watched by a fake sheriff.
Adam called out for Mr. Davenport, and surprisingly enough he was pushed in by another beach cop. "I did not steal anything. That woman committed assault with a deadly floatie! Aah!" He yelled as he saw us. I waved at him in exhaustion. I don't know what that whole thing with the deserted island was about, but I was very tired now.
"Long story short, Big D-- Botched mission, world is doomed, solar flare's a-comin. Oopsie!" Leo explained. If this was a cartoon, steam probably would have been leaving Davenport's ears. I yawned and got up slowly.
"You know, an hour ago, I was a little freaked out because I didn't know what was happening, but now I think I prefer the mystery! What are we gonna do?" He asked as Adam piped up.
"I can use my super strength to get us out." He suggested as Mr. Davenport nodded.
"Good one. Okay, we have to figure out a way to distract captain cocoa butter over there." He said as I crossed my arms.
"I got this." I whispered, walking up to the bars. "Hey, sir!" I yapped, getting the beach sheriff's attention. "Someone is towing your scooter." I continued as he rolled his eyes.
"Don't try and fool me, dude. I can see past your voodoo eyes." He said as I sighed, the sheriffs phone ringing. "Hello? What? What do you mean someone's towing my scooter, dude?" He asked and slowly turned to me before freaking out. "WITCH! THERE'S A WITCH!" He yelled before running out of the station.
"Okay how did you do that?" Leo asked while taking a step back.
"A magician never reveals her secrets." I joked with a wink, Chase side-eyeing. me.
"Oh you're good." He complimented. I shrugged, stepping out of the was to let Adam break us out.
"Now's our chance. Adam, be discreet. Just turn the lock pin every so slightly—" Davenport instructed as Adam lifted up the door, snapping it off the hinges.
"Oopsie." He smiled innocently.
"Or you could do that." I said before we all ran out and to the towing company.
As we finally got into the R.V. We paused, gaping at the mess the towers had made.
"This is bad." Chase said as I nodded
"This is really bad." I continued.
"Yeah, it is. Two hundred dollars to get my R.V. back, two hundred dollars for disorderly conduct, and a hundred dollars for stealing a cell phone. What were you thinking?" Mr. Davenport asked, all of us frowning at him.
"That was you!" Leo blamed as his step-dad glared at him.
"There is a solar flare headed towards us right now!" Davenport snapped.
"Ahh, I'm freakin' out!" Adam yelled as Davenport tried to calm him down.
"Look, don't panic. In simulations, you guys have launched this rocket in two minutes, and you've still got..."
Launch window closes in 60 seconds. The RV stated as the five of us began to panic.
"Half that. Okay, we're gonna have to work together. Adam, pick up that rocket. Leo and Ness, find the launch keys. Bree, console. And, Chase, you're gonna have to help me figure out the launch vectors." Davenport ordered as Leo and I searched the ground for the keys.
"Bree, how many words can you type in a minute?" Chase asked as Bree and I scoffed.
"All of them." We said in unison as I continued to search for the keys. I found mine, Leo finding his pair as Bree typed away.
"I found them!" Leo and I echoed as Davenport nodded.
"Alright they have to be turned at the exact same time." Davenport said as I put the key in the keyhole. Leo jumped for his, making it in time as the two of us turned the keys.
Solar Flare neutralized
We all cheered in victory. "It worked! We did it!" Mr. Davenport mused as Bree sighed.
"Okay, now that that's finally taken care of, can we please go have fun at the beach?" She begged as Mr. Davenport nodded. And then the Klaxon went off again.
"NO!" I yelled in anger as Davenport laughed.
"I'm just messing with you. It's my car alarm." He giggled and clicked it off as I glared at him, fear clouding his eyes as I began chasing after him to the beach.
Chase and I sat far away from everyone after Leo managed to persuade his mom to let us stay until sunset. And by far away I mean everyone looked like ants when we turned our heads. This beach was huge.
I looked behind us to see a small cave with a tiny body of water, dragging Chase to check it out. Surprisingly, it was deep enough for us to swim in. I quickly jumped in, sighing in relief as Chase followed me in.
"So, we're alone finally. Far from anyone." Chase said with a small smile while I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my hips.
"Yep. And no one to tell us about a mission and ruin the moment." I smiled, Chase leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine, the smile still on his face.
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