Saved the Day
I wasn't really one to be scared of a lot of things. Ignore the fear of rats and all, but other than that J was a pretty fearless person.
Except for right now at least. Principal Perry was currently doing a backpack check. I had every right to say no but... this woman scares me.
"A-ha! Cell phones are a violation." Perry said, just like she had to Leo who was now waiting by Adam and Chase.
"And you going through my personal belongings is illegal." I smiled as she narrowed her eyes at me, dropping my phone into the bin. I rolled my head back. "C'mon I need that! It tracks my blood pressure!" I said as she crossed her arms.
"And why does it do that?" She asked as I sighed.
"I'm diabetic." I lied as Perry grumbled, reaching in and handing my phone back as I smiled. "You have saved a life today."
"Yeah whatever. Just get back to your loser squad." She ordered as I walked over to Adam, Chase and Leo, who all gaped.
"You got your phone back for lying?" Leo gawked as I shrugged.
"It's a natural talent of mine. Perry knows she is never allowed to question the students mental or physical disabilities." I grinned as Chase crossed his arms at me.
"You really are good at what you do." He complimented as I shrugged.
"I am the smartest woman in the world." I said before yelling as Bree appeared in front of me. I smacked her arm roughly. "Quit doing that! Someone is going to catch you using your bionics!" I said as she scoffed.
"Don't worry. I use them all the time and no one has seen me. I am the fastest person in the world." She praised as Chase shook his head. "Besides, Chase didn't see me swipe his lunch money." Bree chuckled and showed us Chase's money. He patted his pockets, raising a brow at her.
"Oh you're good."
"Hey, you!" Perry yapped, shocking Bree who froze up. "How'd you get past my checkpoint? I sent you to the back of the line." She questioned as I made a pointed look at her.
"Uh... that wasn't me." Bree lied as Chase snickered awkwardly.
"Must've been somebody else." Chase continued as Adam chuckled.
"Yeah someone who can't climb ceilings." He smiled innocently before leaning down to me. "Saved it!" He sang as I shook my head.
"No. No you didn't." I deadpanned as he frowned at me.
"You four have an answer for everything, don't you?" Perry glared as I smiled.
"Well, I don't like to brag. But the answer to your question is yes." Chase and I said in unison as Perry gave the two of us an odd look. I clicked my tongue while fist bumping Chase.
"There's one thing I pride myself on..." Perry started before Chase interrupted.
"Your incredibly sturdy calves?" He asked.
"No!" Perry bellowed.
"You bloodhound sense of smell?" I questioned as Perry groaned.
"No! My instincts! And my instincts tell me that you four are trouble!" She snapped as I looked at Chase with worry.
"Well, I don't like your instincts at all, and you can tell 'em I said that." Adam spoke up as I shook my head in disappointment.
"I can't put my finger on it, but ever since you arrived, strange things have been happening around here. And the only strange thing I'll tolerate is the janitor." Perry said as we all turned to the janitor. "I have to, he's my cousin." She gagged as a group of men walked past us.
"Who are they?" Leo spoke up. I had almost forgotten about him.
"Air-conditioning repairmen. They're here to check on the strange winds that have been blowing around here for months." Perry answered and walked over to the repairmen as I nudged Bree.
"She's talking about you." I muttered as Bree rolled her eyes.
"The only mysterious wind around here comes from Adam." She commented as Adam chuckled.
"Just so you know, tonight is parent/teacher night. Which means tomorrow is "you're grounded" day!" Perry chuckled before stopping to point at me. "Which reminds me, your parents haven't answered my calls." She said as my eyes widened.
"They... must have been in a meeting! You know them... always dead busy." I winced as she frowned and walked away, Chase looking at me.
"You haven't told Perry? What are you going to do when they have to be here?" He asked as I stuttered to find my words.
"I'll just- um... I'll just do what I normally do! Lie!" I cheered as i felt my heart skip a beat.
"Anyways, what the heck is parent/teacher night?" Bree asked as Leo rolled his eyes.
"It's when teachers tell your parents every bad thing you've done—Forgetting homework, skipping class, staging a protest for better bathroom soap." He said as we all frowned at him. "Don't look at me like that. You're all benefitting from my rebellion." He continued as I sighed.
"No, Leo.. we aren't." I admitted, Adam, Bree and Chase nodding in agreement.
"If Perry tells Davenport about the strange things she's seen, he'll know we're using bionics in school and he'll pull us out for sure." Adam said as Chase and I nodded.
"Well, then we can't give Principal Perry any hard evidence." Chase said.
"Which means no super strength, no heat vision, and no super speed." I ordered as Bree gasped.
"Well what do you expect me to do? Walk?" She asked as I nodded.
"Yes. We all have to act like normal people." I said as Chase frowned.
"That means you can't use your electrokinesis to charge your phone." He muttered as I spat.
"Yeah okay, smarty pants. At least it's not noticeable. You two have fun though." I smiled to Adam and Bree as they glared at me.
"I myself plan to ace parent/teacher night by kissing up to all of my teachers. That way, my mom will let me go to the big concert I've been looking forward to—The Riffraff Jammy Jam!" Leo danced as I grimaced.
"Ooh! I wanna go to the Riffraff Jammy Jam!" Chase cheered as I covered my eyes from how badly he was dancing.
"Chase if you don't stop dancing I'm going to ignore you for the rest of the day." I threatened, hearing him stop dancing.
"Watch this." Leo smirked as Miss Watkins walked past us all. "Miss Watkins! Wow, that new haircut is workin'. I thought you were Angelina Jolie!" He complimented as she smiled and walked into the cafeteria, turning to all of us. "That's good enough for a C+."
I crossed my arms as I waited in line for my lunch, Adam groaning in annoyance. "Ugh! This hotdog's not even hot! And don't get me started on the fact that it's not even a dog!" As he started to use his heat vision, I whacked him in the head. "Ow! What was that for?"
"No heat vision! Perry has been watching us like a hawk since the backpack search." I whispered as we all waved to Perry, who was glaring at us. Leo walked up to us as Bree cried in annoyance.
"I feel like I've been standing in lines all day! I just want pizza! Not being able to use my super speed whenever I want is killing me!" She complained as I scoffed.
"At least now you see how annoying it is for the people without super speed." I commented as she groaned.
"And You think it's hard on you? My bag of cookie bits got stuck in the vending machine. I couldn't call for Adam to shake 'em free." Leo complained as Adam sighed.
"Oh, I love shaking your cookie bits." He smiled as Chase and I gave him a concerned look. That definitely didn't come out right.
"That's it. I'm speeding to the front." Bree said as I grabbed her.
"Don't make me zap your chip again." I threatened as she shook her head, continuing before Leo gripped onto her.
"Control yourself, woman! Do something! Shut her off!" Leo ordered as Adam, Chase and I grabbed one of her limbs while I hooked onto her legs, lifting her up and out of the cafeteria as Bree yelled for pizza. Leo scurried off to distract Perry
We carried her into the main hall. "Put me down! I want pizza!" Bree yelled before we finally let her go. Leo walked out of the cafeteria, dragging me over to the vending machine.
"Perry kept asking me about your parents. You have to tell her the truth or-"
"Vanessa, Leo look out!" Chase yelled as I looked up in time to see the air conditioner fall. I shoved Leo out of the way as I dropped to the ground, my force field appearing as I heard it clang, opening my eyes to see it Adam setting it down. I released the force field as Chase ran over to help me up.
"Are you okay?!" He asked, searching my body for any injuries as I nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I reassured as I turned to look at Leo, who was on the floor giggling
"I'm walking towards the light! It's so peaceful!" He yelled and flailed his arms as I rolled my eyes, helping him up.
"HEY!" We all froze in horror and slowly turned to see Perry. "What did you do to my school?!"
"We're fine, thanks for asking." Chase scoffed.
"It's not our fault. The air conditioner fell from the hole in the ceiling." Adam explained as Perry looked up at the ceiling then at the air conditioner.
"Well, if it crashed from that hole up there, what's it doing sitting unbroken right here?" She asked as Adam giggled nervously.
"Well, it's not because I caught it and put it there.... saved it." He sang as Perry glared at us.
"You four did this! You sabotaged my school!" She bellowed while I scoffed.
"If we wanted to sabotage your school we would have done it last year." I joked as Perry hummed.
"You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll just see what happens when I watch the video footage." Perry grinned as Chase, Bree, Leo and I'd eyes widened in panic.
"Oh, good, she said it doesn't-- wait, the video "whatage"?" Adam panicked as I shook my head.
"You don't... have to do that, Principal Perry! You know how strong you are? Well Adam, here." I said and patted his shoulder. "Has been working out a lot. I mean, he can lift Chase into the air!" I smiled as Perry frowned.
"Anyone could lift Chase into the air." Perry commented as Chase glared at her.
"My point is... Adam caught the air conditioner with his strangely... yet not suspiciously, strong arms and set it down, leaving it undamaged! There is nothing you need to-"
"ALRIGHT ZIP IT, CUPCAKE!" Perry snapped as I flinched. "Fine. I'll believe you all for now. But the next time something at this school happens and I find you three in the middle of it, that video footage is going to call my name." Perry sang before walking back to her office, everyone sighing in relief.
"Wow, Dottie. You are really good at getting out of trouble." Bree complimented as I hummed.
"Learned from the best." I said and looked over at Leo, who struck a pose. "Though I may have got it from you guys." I continued, Leo frowning.
"Well I think we all can thank you, Dottie, for saving our asses." Chase said as I grinned.
"You're welcome. But I still think we should get that footage. Even if Perry won't show Davenport, she looks at the footage every night to watch Trent torment Leo." I said as Chase made his idea face.
"Davenport's invisibility cloak! We can use that to get the file." Chase suggested as I grinned.
"Great idea! Bree super speed back home and get it." I ordered as she nodded and did so.
"Okay so while she's gone-" before Leo could finish, Bree was already back. "And she's back." He said as I took the cloak from Bree.
"Alright. I'll run in there and use my electrokenisis to fry the file, that way Perry can't use it." I narrated as everyone nodded.
"Alright but be quick. Tasha and Davenport will be here any minute." Adam said as I nodded, putting the cloak on so only my head was visible. I looked down and laughed at myself.
"Whoa! Hey, guys, check it out! Follow the bouncing Nessie!" I joked and hopped to Perry's office. Before I walked in, I put the hood over my head, slowly opening the door.
"Huh? Whose there?! Ugh these drafts!" Perry complained. I quickly stepped out of the way as she slammed the door shut.
I found the file on her desk, quickly walking over and touching it, watching as it sparked and smoked. Perry turned around, grumbling.
"What?! No! Now I can't watch Trent do his Daily Dooley Wedgie!" Perry cried as I quickly ran out, taking off the cloak and yelped as I saw Davenport and Tasha.
Mr. Davenport looked at me and forced a smile before he saw the invisibility cloak. "What are you doing with my very expensive invisibility cloak!?" He asked as I chuckled nervously.
"Definitely not spying on Perry to change Leo's C+ to an A in Miss Watkins class?" I lied as he fumed, snatching it out of my grasp, handing it to Bree.
"Speed that home will you?" He ordered as Bree disappeared and reappeared. "You are lucky that it didn't get ruined." Davenport said before walking into Perry's office with Tasha.
"Did you destroy the file?" Leo asked quickly as I sighed and nodded, all of them cheering. "Awesome! See? Your secret is still safe." Leo grinned.
"And it's still all thanks to Nessie!" Adam cheered as I raised my hands up.
"Technically it was Chase's idea to use the invisibility cloak to-"
"Oh just accept our gratitude!" Bree demanded as I chuckled.
"Fine. You're welcome, guys."
Mr. Davenport and Tasha walked back over, angry looks on their faces. "So. Who wants to explain the air conditioner to me?" Davenport asked as we all shared nervous looks.
"I Uh... have to go walk my fridge." I blatantly lied, bolting out of school and back to Davenport's.
"Well, that was fun. I happen to think that my first parent/teacher night was a huge success! Mainly because I will never be asked to go again. Point Davenport. Up top." Davenport chuckled as we all gave him a hi-five.
"So... are we all good here?" I asked with a worried smile as Mr. Davenport sighed.
"I'm gonna let this one slide... Because you guys did save Leo from being crushed by an air conditioner. And besides, it's not like you guys have ever used your bionics at school before, right?" He joked as the four of us shared glances.
"Pfft... whaaat? That would be crazy!" I said with a forced smile.
"Never." Chase smiled.
"Ever." Bree lied.
"Sometimes." Adam admitted. "Saved-it." He mused as I glared at him.
"You say that one more time and I will Fry your tongue." I threatened as he covered his mouth.
"It was cool of you to cover for us like that." Chase said as I shrugged.
"No biggie. Besides, after I explained the whole thing to Tasha, Leo and I are going to go to the RiffRaff Jammy Jam." I grinned as Tasha cheered while walking in.
"Whoo-hoo! We are going to the Riffraff Jammy Jam! Riffraff Jammy Jam! Riffraff!" Tasha sang as she danced poorly, hip bumping Leo as he silently begged for help.
"Not with moves like that." I muttered as Adam, Bree, Chase and Davenport shook their heads.
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