Night of the Living Virus
Surprisingly, no one had noticed the new occupant on my hand since Chase gave me the promise ring, but they have noticed the locket that I wear almost every day.
I walked into the living room as Adam, Chase and Leo started up their game again. Mental Chaos. Chase and I played it last week, and it's about as addictive as cocaine. I was caught playing it last night by Tasha when I couldn't sleep.
Speaking of Tasha, she walked in, a not-so-happy look on her face. "Leo, will you stop playing that game? It is nothing but a huge time-waster that is going to rot your brain." She ordered as Leo groaned in agitation. I ran up to the three boys, going to snatch Leo's headset before Mr. Davenport could.
"Ooh, Mental Chaos! I got next!" He grinned as J glared at him.
"Donald! I was just telling Leo that he's playing too much." Tasha put her hands in her hips as Mr. Davenport giggled.
"you're telling me. He almost beat my- hey who beat my high score?!" Davenport yelled as I grinned like a mad man and raised my hand in triumph.
"That would be me. I downloaded a bunch of cheat moves into my database and used it to beat your high score." I grinned as Davenport whined.
"That is so low of you, Ness." He complained as I scoffed.
"That's not low. That's clever." I said as I took the headset out of his hands. "Alright Adam, not to be a jerk but beat it. I still need to beat Chase after last week."
"Good luck, I have 47 hours of gameplay on this thing." Chase snickered as I showed him my gameplay hours, everyones eyes widening in shock. "How?! You would have to be playing this game everyday for over two weeks!" He asked as I shrugged.
"Why do you think I keep glitching?" I said and on cue I glitched, shocking Adam with a small bolt of lightning. "Ooh. Sorry." I apologized as Adam frowned, rubbing his chest while making the hole where I snapped him bigger. Bree walked in, an annoyed look on her face.
"Hey, I thought I told you guys to get lost. The coolest girls in school are coming for a sleepover, and I don't want this place smelling like feet and pickles." She said as I frowned.
"Really? You know they will only stay because of the house, right?" I asked Bree as she scoffed.
"No they won't. They totally think I'm cool enough to be in their clique." She grinned as I sighed, shaking my head.
"Whatever you say, darling." I said with a forced smile. Chase turned to Tasha.
"Hey, why does she get to have a party?" He asked.
"Because she needs to socialize more with girls so she'll stop challenging random strangers to loogie contests." She said as I grimaced.
"Aw, but she's the champ!" Adam yelled as I held in a gag. Bree's loogie contests were something I never wanted to witness.
"You gotta work up a green one. They're, uh, meatier." She smiled, Davenport and I held the grimace.
"That's my little princess." He muttered before leaving the room.
"So, I have watched every slumber party movie ever made. We're gonna have a pillow fight, we're gonna put cucumbers on our eyes, and then we're gonna shave Francesca's legs. Her knees have eyebrows." Bree grinned as I raised a brow.
"You do know that's not how sleepovers actually go, right?" I asked Bree, who laughed.
"Please, how many sleepovers have you had?" She asked while I calculated them.
"106. Not counting the one where Jessica left after throwing up glitter... that's when we were six. She's changed." I said as everyone frowned. "Anyways, I've had a sleepover with Stephanie. She's a total bitch. My house may have been small but it was still nice but all she did was complain about it. She stole half of my clothes, and some of my jewelry. Trust me, cancel this thing before it's too late, Bree." I said as she laughed.
"Come on, Ness she isn't that bad anymore. She's so nice." Bree said as Chase walked over.
"I'd stop trying to pull her out of this, Dottie. Bree's more stubborn than a mule." He said as I sighed and nodded, walking down to the lab with him and Adam.
"What if we try and ruin it so Bree will see how much of a jerk Stephanie is?" I suggested as Chase and Adam grinned like maniacs. "I'll take that as a yes."
I walked over from the kitchen with Adam and Chase, holding a fresh batch of salt cookie as I smiled, forcing one at Stephanie as she frowned at me.
"What are you doing here?" She asked in her annoyingly high voice.
"Oh nothing. Parents are out of town in Guatemala so I'm staying with Bree for the week." I lied as she scoffed.
"Yeah right. Like your parents could afford to go there. You still live in that small and danky house." She snapped as my grip on the tray tightened before I forced the smile again.
"How about a cookie? Fresh out of the oven." I bellowed through gritted teeth as Chase smiled.
"Or a healthy and delicious snack?" He asked as all the girls looked at each other with suspicion.
"Yes. Care for a horse "Da-ver-ver"?" Adam asked as Chase suddenly looked ill.
"Ugh. I don't feel so good." He grumbled as I stepped back, Chase yelling as his hand ripped through his sweatshirt. Adam yelled, flailing his arms up and knocking over the tray of cookies and his own dish, hiding behind Caitlin.
"It's alive! It's coming out of his chest!" He cried as Chase and I deadpanned.
"Adam we've been over this. He doesn't actually have three arms!" I snapped as he nodded.
"I know but... it just looks so real." He whispered as ai caught Stephanie's eyes glued to the locket around my neck.
"Anyways. The cookies are ruined more than they already were so... I'm going back to the kitchen." I said before Bree yanked me over.
"What are you doing?! You're totally ruining my chance of being popular!" She whisper yelled as I groaned.
"Bree you seriously can't tell how much of a bitch Stephanie is? She totally dissed on my parents!" I said as Bree rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. I just want more friends so I can get away from Adam and Chase. Please don't ruin this for me anymore." Bree begged as I sighed.
"Fine. But don't come crying to me when Stephanie starts judging your clothes." I ordered, scratching at my neck from the locket itching it. I groaned, taking it off and setting it down on the counter before walking to the back room with Adam and Chase. I would get it in it's box later.
"So what about flour?" Adam asked as Chase nodded with a grin.
I had no clue what was happening, but all I knew was that Adam, Chase and I were dumping ants into Stephanie's sleeping bag when all of a sudden everything went dark.
Eddy suddenly appeared, but instead he was a flaming skull, laughing maniacally.
"It's the liver demon! Hide your livers!" Caitlin yelled as I frowned.
"Chase did you do this?" I asked as his eyes widened in fear.
"This isn't your prank?!" He asked as the two of us started yelling.
Caitlin mentioned the fact that she was scared before Stephanie did, all of them starting to leave before Eddy shut the doors.
"You're not going anywhere! This slumber party's just begun! Can I get a what, what?" Eddy asked as I shook my hands to get rid of the fear.
"Bree, what is going on?!" Stephanie asked as Bree smiled nervously.
"Something must be wrong with our smart-home system. That, or we built our house on the graves of the dead pioneer girls. Either way, let's not let it ruin our fun!" She cheered as I gave her a 'you're kidding, right?' Look.
We all ran over to the kitchen, the fridge door opening. "Any body hungry? Who wants a sandwich?!" Teddy asked as baloney was thrown on Caitlin's face, her screams of fear muffled.
"Boys, go get Leo and Donald and find out what's going on!" Tasha ordered as Chase scoffed.
"Are you kidding?! In a horror movie, the first person to leave the room always gets killed. After you, Adam." Chase said as Adam smiled.
"Oh, thank you. That's so nice." He said before walking off. I grabbed Chase's wrist, pulling him back so I could talk.
"If you die, I'm bringing you back from the dead to kill you again." I said as Chase chuckled.
"I'll be fine. Just keep everyone safe while we figure this thing out." He said before running down to the lab. I took the Opportunity to get my locket, realizing it was missing.
I really had to place it somewhere anyone could get to it? God I really just had a main character moment. I thought to myself, checking under everything to realize it was missing.
I grumbled and scanned for it, finding it in Stephanie's bag. Not surprised. I thought again. I wouldn't get it now, I'll get it when she leaves so I can show Bree that she's a bad person.
I ran over to Bree as Teddy started to turn the AC up to max. "Woah!" I yelled as Bree grabbed one of the support beams. I gripped onto the staircase, which was strangely wet. I grunted as I tried to hold on, hearing Stephanie scream as Bree let go of her.
I yelled as my grip came loose, sliding onto the floor as Bree dipped down to grab me. "Thanks!" I hollered.
"No problem!" She yelled back as the house suddenly went back to normal. They must have killed the virus. I sighed in relief as I got up, Stephanie slowly walking back, her hair high in a mess.
"Thanks for coming. Sorry my house is haunted. S'more for the road?" Bree asked as Stephanie turned to us.
"Just so you know, we're never coming back." She grimaced as I stopped her.
"And just, where do you think you're going?" I asked as she turned to look at me.
"Home? This place is a freak show." She said as I chuckled.
"Oh you aren't going if you have something of mine?" I gritted as she scoffed.
"What are you talking about?" She asked as I outstretched my hand.
"Don't know. Dump out the contents of your bag and we will find out." I asked as Tasha and Bree crossed their arms, turning to Stephanie who backed up in intimidation.
"I don't have anything of yours." She said as I hummed, snatching the bag out of her hand and dumping the clothes in the floor, rummaging through them. "Y'know looking through peoples things is against the law! I could have you arrested!" She threatened as I stood up, revealing my locket.
"And I could have you arrested for stealing." I snapped as she crossed her arms. Bree glared daggers at Stephanie as Tasha aggressively repacked the bag, shoving it at the blonde.
"For the record, that thing is hideous. I was just going to sell it." She said as I chuckled.
"I doubt anyone would buy it from you." I said and slammed the door in her face, slowly turning to Bree. "Told ya so." I said, going down to the lab.
I stopped to see Adam and Chase on the ground, calling for help. "Anybody! Chase smells!" Adam called out as I chuckled, asking out my phone and snapping a picture.
"Ness if you-"
"Already posted." I grinned, helping Chase to his feet and sat him in a chair, struggling to help Adam. "Geez how much do you weigh?!" I asked as he chuckled.
"A lot."
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