I Touched Your Stuff
Tasha and Davenport had finally left for Australia, which meant Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and I would get a whole weekend to party. In the lab, at least. I wasn't risking getting grounded again.
I typed away at my tablet, grinning like a mad-man as I started overriding Chase's prank on Davenport. He slammed his fist on the table, pointing accusingly at me.
"Stop ruining my prank!" Chase yelled as I scoffed.
"Prank? You're turning his money into euros! At least I'm making a prank and buying completely refundable inflatable castles. I just got one that has three floors!" I grinned as Leo walked in, pulling Chase from the computer and yanking my tablet out of my grip, cancelling my orders
"Hey! I was in the middle of buying a 30 foot unicorn!" I complained as Leo sighed, a gust of wind telling us Bree got back from New York. I turned to look at her, gagging at the sight that was not pretty to see.
"Where were you?" Leo asked as Bree started talking in a very annoying accent.
"Well, I was headed to New York City, but I got stuck in Jersey. Check out my bling." She said and showed her earrings. "Boom! How's ya like them sparklers?" She grinned as I rolled my eyes.
"Either you stop talking like that, or I'll do something to make Spikette do it for me." I threatened as Bree gasped at me.
"Bree, look what you did! You got butterscotch pudding all over my broccoli! What a delicious mistake!" Adam said as he ate the broccoli.
"Aw, I'm sorry, Adam. I meant to get it on your face!" Bree yelled, going to whip the butterscotch on Adam, who dodged it and got it on me and Chase. I clenched my fists together.
"Ho ho! Boom I'm throwin' puddin' here!" She laughed as I twitched, actually trying to hold Spikette back as I forced a laugh, licking my lips as I got ready to fight.
"Alright that's it!" Chase and I yelled in unison, grabbing cupcakes and going to throw them at Bree.
"Bring it! Adam, hold my hoops." Bree ordered, taking her hoops off and handing them to Adam while Leo got in the middle, stopping before we could have a food fight.
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Stop! I really need this weekend to go well for me." He said as we all scoffed.
"Chill out Leo." Adam said as I nodded.
"Yeah what's the big deal? We are just having a little fun." Chase joked as I looked at my cupcake, which looked really tasty at the moment.
"I'm not. If Davenport trusts me to stay home alone, then next he'll give me a project in the lab, and then he'll let me go on a mission with you. Don't you want me to go on missions with you?" Leo asked.
"Ehh." Chase answered.
"I guess." Adam said.
"Not so much." Bree said, still with her annoying accent.
"I'd rather be crushed by rubble again." I answered honestly as Leo frowned at me.
"Okay, that's it. No more crazy foods, no more pranking Davenport, and no more breaking your curfew to go to New York." Leo demanded as Bree scoffed.
"Jersey! Whateva." She snapped, turning to us. "This guy, what a nudge!" She complained as we all shrugged in agreement.
"Just get in your capsules and go to sleep. I'll turn on a nightlight for you." Leo said as I dipped my finger in the frosting, wiping it on Chase's nose before running to my capsule.
I felt the comfort of my pajama's as my capsule changed my clothes, fixing my posture as Leo turned on the green light, which didn't really resemble a night light very well.
I woke up to the sounds of sirens blaring, looking at everyone, then at Adam, who was sobbing. Bree got out of her capsule, only to start bouncing off of the walls and disappearing into the lab.
"Go she where'd?" Adam asked as he frowned, stepping out of his capsule. "Go she where'd?" He asked again, still saying it backwards. "Oh uh."
I stepped out of my own capsule, feeling completely normal for the time being. Chase stepped out of his, stumbling into the desk in front of our capsules. "Vanessa? Where are you?" He asked, looking around in confusion.
"Chase. I'm literally right in front of you." I said as he shook his head.
"I can't see anything. All I see is pixels!" Chase exclaimed as I frowned, going to put a hand on his shoulder before electrocuting him and throwing him into the desk on the other side. I gasped, covering my mouth.
"Oh my god! Chase are you okay?!" I asked as he slowly stood up, his hair sticking up straight.
"I'm... I'm fine. Leo must have done something to mess with our bionics." Chase concluded as Adam was still laughing.
"Hilarious is that! Chase electrocuted you!" He laughed as Chase and I joined in for a moment.
"Adam's speech must have been impaired. He can only speak backwards. My vision is obviously messed up and you, Vanessa... are a walking electric fence." Chase said as I slowly backed away from Adam.
"Great. Don't touch anything." I said with an annoyed nod. "Bree's speed must have been glitched. She could be anywhere." I guessed as Chase nodded, slowly making his way over to the cyber desk.
"I guess we have to wait for Leo to wake up so he can help us fix this."
I swung my arm back and forth as I laid on the cyber desk. Luckily I didn't short circuit any of the technology, so I could lay somewhat comfortably. Adam was chilling in the inflatable raft and Chase... was panicking in a corner.
Leo walked in, whistling a happy tune. "Good morn—Aaahh!" He exclaimed, looking at us all with shock.
"Leo? Leo? Is that you?" Chase asked as J yawned and sat up.
"What happened?! All I did was go to sleep!" He asked as I sighed.
"Leo, something happened to my vision. I can only see pixels." Chase explained as he started to walk before tripping over a chair. "I'm okay!" He yelled, jumping up.
"Buddy up what's?" Adam said and smiled, Leo pointing at him in confusion.
"He sounds different." Leo stated the obvious.
"Yeah, that's 'cause he can only speak backwards. It was fun for about the first five minutes—Now I just want to rip his head off." Chase said as Leo turned to me.
"And what about you?" He asked as I sighed again.
"Anything I touch will be fried, shocked, or die. So don't touch me." I smiled as he took a step back.
"Wait. Wait, where's Bree? And if you say she went to Paris for crepes, I'm gonna lose it!" Leo complained as Chase shrugged.
"I don't know where she is. Something woke us up in the middle of the night, she started bouncing around the room like a pinball, and I haven't seen her since. I haven't seen anything since." Chase said as he held into Leo's shoulders, trying to touch his face.
"All right. Okay. Okay, I'm gonna—I'm gonna call her and I'm gonna get her back." Leo said as I hopped off the cyber desk, lighting a piece of paper on fire with my foot in the process. "Call Bree." Leo said as I stomped at it, only making it worse. Adam walked over, putting it out.
"Thanks." I said as he grinned.
"Welcome you're!" He cheered as I sighed.
I turned to see Bree standing in front of a dinosaur before her phone died. "Oh uhhh." Adam hissed as Chase was back in the corner.
"Guys, a little help here, please." He called out as Adam brought him back over. My leg grazed the inflatable raft, a loud popping noise echoing in the lab as Leo walked over.
"Alright how about you—" he went to guide me, realizing what would happen and then just pointed. "Take Chase's corner." He ordered as I sighed and listened, crossing my arms and standing in the corner.
A loud beeping started to go off, all of us panicking. "What is that?!" Leo asked as Chase shrugged.
"Well, it's either Mr. Davenport's radon gas alarm, or it's his emergency phone. And being that none of us have passed out yet, it's his emergency phone!!!" Chase yelled as Leo went to answer it.
I groaned and went to rest on the pole before stopping and sitting straight up again. "Just, hurry up and fix this! I don't think I can go much longer not being able to touch anything." I said as I heard Davenport ask to talk to me.
"Uh she can't! Her and Bree are... painting each other's nails!" Leo lied as I gave him a "you know I hate nail polish" look.
"Oh.. you mean the nightlight?" Leo asked as he walked over to whatever that green thing was. "... No. No, I did not. Um... I should go. Tell my mommy I love her." Leo winced at the last sentence as J glared at him, watching as he unplugged the 'night light.'
I heard Tasha yell they were coming home, my eyes widening as Leo ended the call. "Great job, Leo. You just gave us less than a few hours to find Bree, and fix this mess!" I snapped as Leo groaned.
"I'm sorry. When I freak out, I talk baby talk. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go upstairs to take a night-night with my binky." He said before I stood in his path.
"No. You are going to fix this now." I demanded as I heard Chase chuckle.
"I am so glad I am not on the bad end of that conversation." He said as I glared at him, Gally he couldn't see it.
"Mr. Davenport said something about a LEMP being dangerous. Leo recalled as I groaned, looking at said LEMP.
"Because it's a giant glitch machine! That's what goofed us all up!" I exclaimed as Leo got the message.
"Ohhhh. So this is one of those things that Davenport talks about we're not supposed to touch? Good to know... Good to know."
"Look, we have to fix this before they get home. I'll locate Bree's signal and send her the coordinates so she can find her way back." Chase went to go type in the coordinates to Bree's chip, Leo stopping him.
"How about we let the person whose vision isn't impaired do the typing?" He suggested as Chase looked the wrong direction.
"Yes. Let's let the girl who can see, but can also short circuit the entire neighborhood touch the cyber desk. No offense, Vanessa." Chase said as J raised my hands up.
"None taken." I said as Leo sighed.
"We can send Bree the coordinates when we fix you three. But how?" Leo asked as Chase smirked.
"Well, Mr. Davenport did install an emergency video file on my internal hard drive. But we're only supposed to watch it in an emergency." Chase said as Adam smacked his shoulder.
"Oh, up wake! Emergency it is this!" He said and put the usb in Chase's finger into the cyber desk. We skipped through his videos until Leo stopped us.
"Okay, searching, searching, searching... Stop! There it is. "Someone Didn't LISTEN and Turned on the... LEMP." He said, slowly turning to Chase and I.
"Well that's eerily specific." Chase said as I narrowed my eyes at Leo. The video was obviously made for him.
"Get into one of the middle capsules with bare feet and press your hands against the sides of the cylinder. This connects the circuit, initiates a reboot, and will repair all damage." Davenport explained as I quickly removed my shoes.
"Nessie first since well.. she could probably kill us all." Leo said as I got into my capsule, pressing my hands against the walls. I felt something strange go through my body before walking out of the capsule, looking around in a fake confusion.
"Where am I? Who are you people?!" I joked as Leo slapped the desk.
"Great!" He said as I laughed.
"I'm just kidding, you guys are next." I said as Chase walked past me and into his capsule, then followed by Adam.
"Whoo! I think I'm okay. Wait, my voice isn't coming out of my butt, is it?" Adam asked as I sighed.
"And he's back." I deadpanned as Adam smiled.
"Okay, I sent Bree the coordinates, she should be upstairs by the time we get up there." Chase said as we all ran up in time to see Bree run in.
"I past Davenport and Tasha on my way here, so I went back and made it look like I got us breakfast." Bree said as she showed us a box of donuts, all of us cheering.
Not soon after, Tasha and Mr. Davenport walked in as Eddy showed up. "You are on the list, cupcake!" He yelled.
"Okay!" Tasha snapped as Eddy disappeared.
"Hey, what do you know? The house is in one piece." Davenport smiled as Adam, Bree, Chase and I gave each other nervous looks.
"Welcome home, mommy." Leo said, grimacing before hugging Tasha.
"Okay.... What are you guys up to?" She asked as Bree scoffed.
"Just chillin'. Ya know. We didn't do anything. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. You two—always so suspicious." Bree answered, hiding her hands behind her back.
"Hmm. I don't smell any fires... and no one's in a full body cast." Davenport examined as I smiled and sighed.
"See, Mr. Davenport? You had nothing to worry about!" I smiled as he gave me a suspicious look.
"Well, I guess we overreacted." He said as Tasha hummed.
"Right. I will go reschedule our trip to Australia. This time on a big plane with an actual. pilot." She smiled and gave her husband a kiss.
"Yep! And I... will go and find something that's not broken and possibly break it." Adam smiled before waking off.
"So... nothing happened while I was gone?" Davenport asked as we all ate out donuts, shaking our heads.
"Nope. Everything was perfectly fine!" I smiled, trying to hide my nervousness as Mr. Davenport laughed.
"Ahh. Anybody want to see a slide show?" He asked as we nodded.
"Ooh! Is it Australia?" Bree asked as I felt a wave of excitement.
"No!" Davenport laughed again. "It's my surveillance cameras that show everybody's movements throughout the entire house." He explained as I choked on my donut from inhaling sharply at the shock.
Mr. Davenport started narrating the photos he showed us. The first of me, Adam, Bree and Chase messing with his guitars. "Huh. I never thought of using my priceless guitar as a hammer." Next was of Adam and Chase being squished by the doors. "Wonder what will happen if I stick my head in here?"
The third picture was of Bree after Jersey. "Now that my hair's big, I can get on all the rides!" The fourth was of Adam and Chase in the inflatable raft on the cyber desk. "Here we are exploring the deep, dark waters of idiocy."
And the final one was of me, yelling as I popped the raft. "Well there goes my plans for the summer." Davenport finished as we all looked at him with awkward smiles.
"So..." Leo smiled as Mr. Davenport hummed.
"Uh, so, you're all grounded—forever!" He cackled, walking out of the lab.
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