Guess Whose Back
I laid down dramatically on the main halls bench, groaning in annoyance as Chase walked up, looking down at me with confusion. "What are you doing?"
"Wallowing in my sorrows as I await for my inevitable demise." I sighed, Chase sitting down next to me as I scooted up, resting my head in his lap.
"And why are you wallowing?" He smiled as I looked up at him.
"Because Leo is mad at me that I won't listen to him about Marcus so he's been avoiding me all week. He didn't even thank me when I saved him from one of Trent's atomic wedgies." I frowned as Chase patted my head, running his fingers through my hair.
"He'll get over it eventually. Besides, Marcus apologized to Leo for lying, there's no reason he should be mad at you now." Chase reminded as I blew a hair out of my face.
"Yeah I guess you're right. Oh! Maybe I could take Leo on a trip. Y'know to Disneyland or something. He loves Disneyland so much. I bet if I took him there he'd-" suddenly I landed with a thud, blue skies blinding me as I squinted, standing up quickly.
"Chase?" I said with so much confusion, looking around before slowly turning to see Disneyland in all of its glory.
"What. The. Fuck."
Chase's POV
I stared at my lap with wide eyes. Just a moment ago, Vanessa was there, talking about trying to make it up to Leo. And then she just disappeared in a cloud of black dust.
"What the hell?!" I said and shot up as Adam, Bree and Leo walked over.
"Chase. Why does it look like you saw a ghost?" Bree asked as I looked at them.
"Vanessa just... vanished." I said as they all chuckled.
"What?" Adam asked, clearly not believing what I was telling them.
"It's just like what happened at the beach. She was talking about taking Leo to Disneyland to make up for not believing him about Marcus, and then she just vanished." I explained as everyone's happy faces turned to confusion and fear.
"What do she just:.. went up in a cloud of dust?" Leo asked as I nodded.
"Basically." I said before Vanessa reappeared next to me, Adam, Bree, Leo and I yelling.
"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Leo yelled and pointed at her like she was a witch as Vanessa shrugged in complete confusion.
"I don't know! I was talking about Disneyland, then all of a sudden I was at Disneyland! So I started talking about Chase and the school.. and now I'm here." She explained as I frowned at her.
"We have to tell Mr. Davenport about this. This is the second time this has happened. The next time could be fatal." I said as Vanessa pondered the idea before she shook her head
Vanessa's POV
I couldn't tell Davenport about this. I would tell him once I learned how to control this. "Vanessa we have to. If this is a glitch-"
"Then Mr. Davenport won't let me go to school anymore." I interrupted Chase as I sighed. "Look, until I have figured out how to control whatever this glitch is... I don't want Davenport to find out. And don't. Tell him." I ordered, looking at everyone as they all nodded.
I sighed and walked into the cafeteria, sitting down as Trent sat next to me. "Not now, Trent." I grumbled as he pouted.
"Aw you think you have a choice not talking to me." He grinned as I sat back in my seat, rolling my eyes. "Aright, I got a lot of shit to do, so I'm gonna need you to do my homework for the next few days." He demanded as I scoffed.
"No." I smiled as his dropped.
"What?" He asked, dumbfounded at what I said.
"I said. No. Unless you are too dumb to understand that as well?" I retorted as he glared at me, slamming his fists on the table.
"You don't get to say no to me!" He whined as I felt my stress and anger building up.
"And you don't get to boss me around!" I snapped, standing up as Trent did. He got dangerously close to my face, grabbing a cup of soda and dumping it on top of my head.
I gasped at how cold it was, hearing laughter echo in my ears as I looked at everyone. Embarrassment quickly clouded over the stress and anger as I heard the doors open, no doubt it being Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo who heard the commotion from outside.
Commando Mode: activated.
Spikette's POV
As Trent started to laugh, I grabbed his wrist, spinning him around and pinning him to the ground.
"How about I use your face to clean this mess up?!" I growled as Trent yelped in fear.
"Uh-oh." Leo muttered.
"Yep. She's back." Adam hissed in fear, no doubt mentioning me as I growled and forced Trent deeper into the floor, wiping his face around in the soda.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my biceps and lift me off of Trent, kicking and yelling to let me rip his face off as Adam set me down.
"How do we calm her down?!" Leo cried as Chase stuttered over his words.
"You can't! You have to let the commando app shut down on it's own." Chase explained as I snapped at him.
"Oh wouldn't you like to have your little girlfriend back, pretty boy?!" I growled as Adam and Bree slowly turned to Chase, who was staring at me with wide eyes.
"She's obviously joking." He laughed before deadpanning. "Okay now is not the time to talk about my love life!" He yelled as Trent stood up, pointing to me.
"YOU'RE DEAD!" He yelled as I laughed, yanking myself free of Adam's grip and gesturing for Trent to fight me.
Once again, Adam lifted me up and out of the cafeteria. "Where do we take her?!" He asked as Leo stammered.
"I DON'T KNOW?! Back home!" He suggested as they carried me out of the school.
I slammed my fists into the i breakable glass of Vanessa's capsule that they locked me in, yelling in fits of rage. I paced back and forth in the very small space, throwing out very non-child friendly words at them.
"Okay someone put some duct tape on her mouth!" Bree said as she brushed her fingers through her hair after I just insulted it. "She's being mean to me now." She whined as Chase rolled his eyes.
"I'll blast Spikette with some lavender. That way she'll calm down and smell good." Chase narrated as Leo started to talk Chase out of it, but he had already typed at the cyber-desk before tapping the enter button. A cold wind struck me from above as I suddenly smelt lavender.
Vanessa's POV
I could feel the anger slowly fade away as my commando app disengaged, the strong scent of lavender making me want to gag and panic.
"WHY DO I SMELK LIKE LAVENDER?!" I asked in a rushed voice as Leo started panicking as well.
"Chase just sprayed you with it to get rid of Spikette!" Leo answered as I shot him a look.
"Chase! IM ALLERGIC TO LAVENDER." I yelled as everyone started to panic when I began coughing, my throat swelling up as I tried to push my capsule door open. "Get me out of here!" I gasped out before slowly sinking to the floor as I tried to breathe.
"Leo! Why didn't you tell me she was allergic?!" Chase snapped as Leo gasped.
"I tried! But you weren't listening!" He yelled as I slowly watched the world fall into darkness.
My capsule door open and I fell, feeling a pair of arms lift me up and drag me to one of the chairs. My head rested lamely on Chase's shoulder as Bree rushed back in, stabbing an Epi-Pen into my thigh. I gasped in pain, my eyes shooting open as I took in a sharp breath of air.
"Phew... thank.. you, Bree." I breathed as she nodded as Chase sighed.
"I'm sorry, Dottie, I didn't know-"
"And that's the thing. You didn't know, so I don't blame you." I said as he pressed his lips together and nodded.
"Well, now that that's over... can we talk about what set off Spikette?" Adam asked as we all frowned at him.
"Seriously? You didn't noticed how sticky I was because Trent dumped soda on me?" I asked as Adam laughed, shaking his head.
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