Death Spikette Smackdown
I sat down at the cyber desk as Mr. Davenport looked at my bionics, a hopeful look on his face.
"Alright, Vanessa. Today's the day we see if you can activate your powers without using the power pellets." He smiled as I nodded and took in a breath. I stood up, getting in my force field stance as I wave my arms in a circle, the purple cylinder appearing around me as Adam, Bree, Chase and Davenport cheered for me. I grinned and stood up as the force field disappeared.
"Great job, Dottie! You did it on your first try!" Chase praised as I nodded.
"Now I don't have to eat human dog treats!" I grinned as Mr. Davenport smiled.
"You're finally out of your training wheels!" Adam joked as we all laughed.
"Alright while I would love to stay here and keep congratulating Vanessa on this big achievement, you guys still do have school so get dressed for the day before you're late." Mr. Davenport ordered as we all got in our capsules, changing into normal clothes and headed upstairs to eat.
"Nessie! You know what today is right?" Leo asked as I took a seat next to Chase at the island, my eyes widening in horror.
"Death spiral smack down..." I whispered as Chase and Bree frowned.
"The what?" Bree asked as I cleared my throat.
"After school today is the big Death Spiral Smackdown. Me and Adam are gonna unleash the fury! You guys gonna come watch?" Leo asked as Chase smiled.
"We'd love to, but we're gonna go to the mall and check out the escalator. I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping." Chase praised himself as I nodded, Bree sucking in A breath.
"Ooh, um, were we supposed to do that today? Shoot, I-I can't make it. I have a really big test to study for." She lied as Chase frowned in disappointment, clearly buying the lie.
"Oh.. okay. Well I just hope I don't get my pants caught in the escalator.... again." Chase grimaced as I sighed.
"If you do I'm not buying you another pair. You already lost three to that escalator." I complained as he sighed, Leo grabbing the power pellets.
"Never had this cereal before." He said, going to put it in his mouth before I smacked it out of his hand.
"No! Those are our power pellets."
"I don't care what they're called, as long as they make my milk chocolaty." He smiled as I rolled my eyes.
"I thought you were here when Davenport explained what they are?" I asked as Leo shook his head. "They're bite-sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics." I explained as Leo frowned.
"These are what you've been eating?" Leo asked as I nodded.
"Yep. Except for today. I've finally learned how to activate my bionics on my own." I grinned as Leo smiled.
"Good job, Nessie!" Leo cheered.
"They taste like dog treats without the livery aftertaste." Chase said as we frowned at him. "I'm guessing."
"Well your guess is correct. Those things are disgusting and I'm so glad I don't have to eat them anymore." I sighed as Leo closed the lid, grabbing Adam's favorite cereal.
"Well, I guess I'll just have these then." He said as I stopped him.
"Careful, Leo! Those are Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's. Studies have shown they slow down your brain activity." I said as Leo frowned at me.
"Bree was right. You are turning into Chase." He said as I gasped, turning to Bree who quickly looked away as Adam walked in, gasping.
"Yummy Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's!" He said and snatched the box out of Leo's hand. I rolled my eyes, nudging Chase to tell him it was time to get to school.
Chase and I all walked down the hallway, him grabbing me and pulling me to the wall. "Oh okay so we are going to do this here." I said suggestively as Chase tried his best to not blush.
"No. That's not what we are doing. Look." Chase said and pointed over to Bree, who was still here. "She said she had to study for a test."
"You really bought that? Come on, Chase, you're the smartest man in the world and couldn't tell your own sister was lying." I said as he rolled his eyes, pulling his hair over his ear to listen to Bree's conversation with Caitlin.
"She lied to me!" Chase spat as I gasped dramatically.
"Wow. Millions of dollars of technology for you to get a tiny grasp of the obvious." I said as he sighed.
"She thinks she can ditch me and get away with it? Ohh. She is going down. I'm going to use my Override App on her." Chase chuckled like a maniac as I frowned, crossing my arms.
"Thought that was supposed to be used for emergencies only?" I questioned as Chase narrowed his eyes at me.
"Connect to Bree." He said after tapping his temple and gently slapping his face as Bree hit her's hard. I leaned against the wall, watching the scene unfold.
"This is going to end in the two of you embarrassing yourself." I foreshadowed as Chase looked over at me and frowned.
Caitlin and her friends ran away from Bree, Chase disconnecting the Override App. "Wait, don't I also have that installed in my chip?" I asked as Chase thought for a moment and nodded, a smirk appearing on my face.
"Vanessa don't you-" before he could finish, I tapped my temple, tilting my head.
"Connect to Chase." I said with a villainous laugh as he glared at me. I ran in my spot and jumped, chase running straight ahead and slamming into the lockers, collapsing to the ground and groaning as I disconnected the app. I walked over to him, crossing my arms and leaning forward.
"I'll do it again if you embarrass Bree again." I said and walked away, leaving Chase to glare at me as I walked into the cafeteria in time to see a boy get thrown into a trash can.
"Man, that cereal's really got me going! I could bite the head off a gazelle!" I heard Adam say as he started growling and biting at the air. I frowned, watching Leo back away from him slowly.
I ignored Principal Perry's speech as I walked over to Leo, grabbing him by the ear. "What is up with Adam?" I asked as Leo rubbed his ear.
"What's up with Adam? Oh he's just excited to pummel some people! Y'know how he is- I didn't do anything." Leo said as I crossed my arms and raised a brow at him.
"Did you give him the power pellets after we told you how dangerous they could be?" I asked as Leo reeled back a smile.
"Maybe one... bowl." He admitted as my eyes widened, slapping Leo's arm.
"Leo! Too many of those and Adam could take down this entire school! He can't turn his bionics off if too many pellets are in his system!" I said as Leo groaned.
"Dooley! Tall guy! You're up!" Perry yelled as I gave Leo a "you better not" look as he gave me an apologetic one, getting up onto the death spiral as I stormed out to see Bree talking Swedish. I glared at her, my head snapping to Chase as I felt my anger start to boil up.
My vision turned red and yellow as Chase saw me, his eyes widening in fear.
Commando Mode: active
I pointed accusingly at Chase, rushes of anger and adrenaline flowing through my veins "HEY!" I yelled, my voice deep and brooding as Chase stiffened up.
"Uh oh." He said as Bree spun around, Caitlin and her friends having run off.
"What did I tell you about your stupid override app, Doll Face?!" I bellowed as Chase gave me a terrified smile.
"Chase... what's going on?" Bree asked as he ran over to her, using her as a shield as I huffed.
"Uh Bree... meet Spikette!" Chase cried in fear as the two backed up.
"Spikette? Am I forgetting something or just now figuring out Vanessa has a commando app?" Bree asked as I yelled, charging at Bree and Chase. The two yelled, running opposite directions as I ripped the handle off the door in front of me, chucking it at Chase and missing by barely an inch.
"This is not how I wanted to meet Spikette!" Chase yelled as I did.
"Oh what, you wanted to meet her in a controlled environment?" Bree asked as Chase nodded a yes. I grabbed the trash can, which felt much like a feather and chucked it at Chase, who dodged it quickly.
"If we don't do something fast, Spikette is going to destroy the entire school!" Bree stated the obvious as I felt my anger rise by a little bit, watching Chase like he was the prey and I was the predator.
"Come on, chicken legs!" I snapped. "You too afraid to hit a girl?" I yelled as Chase gripped the wall.
"I'm not sure you are a girl." He muttered as I stormed up to him, cornering him and grabbing his shirt. "NOT THE FACE NOT THE FACE!" He yelled as I went to punch him, feeling something hit my back.
I snapped my head around to see Bree holding a few loaves of bread, one loaf on the floor. "Come on, hit me instead!" Bree yelled as I dropped Chase to the ground, huffing as I walked towards her, electricity crackling from my arms as I blasted it at her. She dodged it with her super speed.
"Stop moving! Let me crush your bones and feed them to Perry's cats." I demanded as Chase stood up slowly.
"Vanessa... calm d-"
"Chase, you don't ever tell a girl to calm down." Bree snapped as I turned to Chase and shrugged in agreement before I went back to throw something at Bree.
Lea and Adam walked out cheering, before coming to a halt. "Ayo what's up with Vanessa?!" Leo asked as Chase leaned on the lockers.
"Her commando app was activated her anger or stress must have become to overwhelming so Spikette showed up!" Chase determined as I roared in anger, grabbing the round dingo seat and chucking it at Leo and Adam. Leo yelled and ducked as Adam caught it, setting it down.
"Adam use your super strength to pin her to the ground!" Chase ordered as I laughed maniacally.
"Go ahead and try, beef stick. You can't take me." I threatened as Adam chuckled.
"Oh yeah? Let's see then!" He challenged as I felt my head become dizzy, taking a step back as my vision was covered by a box.
"Commando App disengaged? What happened?" I said before yelling as Adam body slammed into me. "ADAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled as he cheered.
"Guys I did it Vanessa is back!" He grinned as Chase helped me up.
"Why was my commando app on?" I asked as everyone looked at one another.
"It was my fault." Chase admitted as I turned to him and frowned. "I went against what you said and used my override app to embarrass Bree in front of her friends." He continued as Bree scoffed.
"So that's why I was talking like a Swede. Thanks for that, Chase." Bree snapped as he sighed.
"Look I'm sorry, Bree. I was just upset that you lied to me. Why didn't you just tell me you had plans with Caitlin?" He asked as Adam Leo and I stood there awkwardly.
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." She admitted as Chase scoffed.
"Well you did. I would have understood if you just told me the truth." Chase finished, walking out of the school as Bree watched him leave, sadness in her eyes. I shook my head slightly, following after Chase.
I saw Chase sitting on the bench by the door, his leg bouncing up and down as he was deep in thought. "I'd ask if you were okay but I feel like it's a stupid question." I joked as he sighed, letting me sit down next to him.
"I just feel bad for activating your Commando App. But it was cool to see it in action." Chase said as I frowned at him.
"It wasn't my entirely your fault. Leo made me upset because he used the power pellets on Adam to win the Death Spiral Smackdown. Then I saw you using the override app on Bree after I told you not to and... it set off my Commando App." I explained as Chase sighed.
"It was weird to not be in control of my body. Or even remember what happened. It's like I blacked out. I'm sorry if I hurt you." I apologized as Chase shook his head.
"I'm fine. I just want to make sure you are." He smiled as I raised a brow.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked with a chuckle as Chase sighed.
"It's been two months since you got your bionics. I wanted to make sure you are adjusting to them well." He said as I nodded.
"Well I am. I finally don't have to eat the power pellets, I'm getting a hang of my abilities really well... all thanks to you for teaching me how to use the ones we share." I praised, giving Chase a quick kiss on his cheek as he blushed, grinning from ear to ear.
So I got to use my override app twice. Once to embarrass Chase, the other to save save Leo today during the death spiral smackdown finale when Adam was about to snap him like a twig.
Chase and I have finally agreed to start this "relationship" even though we've already kissed several times but never made it official until now. But we've decided to keep it a secret from everyone until the time was right. Because that time never seemed to come.
But it should... eventually.
Welp I just wrote about 7000 words in the span of two hours 🙂
Don't forget to comment and vote :)
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