Crush, Chop and Burn Part 1
This is a quick warning. Obviously I am an older author, so this won't be childish and terrible writing. There will be language and some more explicit scenes (still questioning if I'm ready for the smut) so yeah enjoy:) don't forget to vote and comment
On month ago
Vanessa sat at the round block of cold concrete in the center of Mission Creek High, writing the rest of the answers on Trent's homework with a blank yet annoyed expression. She tapped a period at the end harshly, giving Trent a forced grin as he stood and towered over her with a smile.
"Here's your homework. Now pay up before I tell Perry." Vanessa said and held her hand out as Trent groaned in annoyance.
"Why are you always asking for money? The other kids I torment and force to do my work don't." He complained as Vanessa rolled her eyes, patting Trent on the shoulder.
"Because they are scared of you. I'm not." She mused as he frowned, crossing his long arms.
"And why not? I'm very intimidating!" He threatened as Vanessa chuckled.
"Because you can't even tell the difference between a squirrel and a rat. Face it, Trent. You can't scare me." She said as Trent made a noise of defeat, slapping a $10 in her hand and walking away, jumping in front of a kid before pushing the cafeteria doors open.
Vanessa sighed quietly, pocketing the money as the front doors to the school opened. She turned her head, seeing Leo Dooley walk through with three other kids who seemed too excited to arrive.
Smiling with confusion, she walked up to Leo. "Hey Leo. Who are these guys? And... girl." She asked as Leo grinned.
"Hey!. These are my step-siblings. This is Ad- Adam." Leo said and dragged Adam over to him. The tall boy looked down at Vanessa and waved with a sweet smile.
"Then Bree, and Chase." Leo introduced as Vanessa smiled at Bree and Chase before making eye contact with him.
Chase's eyes widened in awe, Vanessa mimicking him as he smiled bashfully.
"Um... Chase?" Bree said, snapping her fingers in front of his face as the two shook their heads, returning to Earth. Bree chuckled awkwardly, shaking a hand. "Don't mind him, he's never seen a girl in his life."
"Hey that is not true! I saw six girls on our way in here." Chase argued as Bree raised her hands in defense. Vanessa frowned at them.
"You've- you've never seen a girl? Like... ever? Not even on television?" She asked as they all sucked in a breath, realizing a mistake Chase had made. There was a loud clang, everyone's heads turning ti see Adam hand a girl her locker door.
"Woah. Talk about brute strength." Vanessa gawked as Chase walked over to Adam, dragging him and Bree with him as Leo and Vanessa stared.
"So. You have three new siblings. Whats it like?" She asked as Leo's eyes widened in horror, a nervous smile spreading across his face as the bell rang.
"Oh look gotta get to class!" He said before stopping and seeing Chase screaming and falling to the ground.
"What's up with the cute one?" Vanessa asked as Leo laughed, the two of them walking over to the three new students.
"Oh Chase? He has ultra sensitive bi- HEARING. He has really sensitive ears." Bree blurted as Vanessa frowned, questioning what she was really going to say. Chase sat up, resting his upper half on Adam's legs.
"What was that?" He asked, wiggling a finger in his ears. Vanessa frowned once more.
"It's called a bell. It rings every 45 minutes, 8 times a day so... good luck with that." Leo said and ran off to the locker rooms as Adam and Bree followed after, Chase falling.
Vanessa sighed, outstretching her hand and helping Chase up. "Well since Leo wasn't friendly and introduced me. I'm Vanessa. Valin." She said as Chase smiled awkwardly.
"Chase Davenport." He said as Vanessa smiled. "So... where's the locker rooms?" He asked as Vanessa showed Chase the way.
With her hands on her hips, Vanessa grimaced at the boys playing basketball, sighing as Leo spoke up.
"I hate gym class." He said as Bree scoffed.
"Why?" The girl asked, everyone watching Leo catch and fail at dribbling a basketball. Vanessa snorted, covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing more.
"That's why." Leo deadpanned as Chase chuckled.
"So what if you suck at basketball? Chess club is where the actions at!" He mused as Vanessa frowned.
"No way. Robotics is so much better. Leo remember the time-"
"Where you created an android you were going to sell to Davenport industries so he could use them as human replacements. Yep... you never stop talking about it." Leo said as Adam laughed.
"No way you're the girl he rejected! Awww that must have sucked." He joked as Chase smacked him. "Ow!" He yelped and rubbed his bicep.
"Yeah I guess. But now I use it to do my chores."
Just then, Bree caught a basketball, looking at all of them frantically. "What do I do?!" She exclaimed.
"You throw it!" Vanessa said as Bree did so, slamming the ball into Kavin's face. Vanessa pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing.
"To someone whose looking!" Leo exclaimed and waved his arms dramatically, Bree running over to Kavin as Chase walked over to Vanessa
"Y'know I really liked the idea of the android. It probably would have saved hundreds of lives if Mr. Dave- ... dad, had accepted your android." Chase praised as Vanessa smiled.
"Really? Thanks Chase." Vanessa thanked as he grinned.
"Annnyyyways..." Leo interrupted as he walked towards the center of the gym. "I just wish I could one up these guys and go all NBA in their faces!" Leo said as he waved his arms around.
"Why can't you?" Adam asked as Leo gave him a 'seriously?' Look.
"Look at me! There's more meat on a dog bone!" Leo yelled as Vanessa shrugged.
"You're not wrong. I watched you almost get swooped up by an eagle." She reminded as Leo leaned towards her.
"I thought we agreed to not talk about that." He whispered as Vanessa giggled.
"Well now you have us to help you out Leo!" Adam said as Leo's face washed over with panic. Vanessa's eyes widened as Adam picked Leo up like he was a pebble, tossing him easily to the basket.
"I- Adam how did you-.." Vanessa went silent for a moment. "Look I know Leo is tiny and all but i know he's not that light." She continued as the three siblings gave her a nervous look.
"Adam is... really strong?" Bree lied as Vanessa shrugged.
"Alright I'll buy it for now." She said as everyone cheered and crowded around Leo.
Several hours later
"Chase, when you said you wanted to show me something cool, I was expecting a pretty painting you did in art. Not showing me a certificate of you becoming a chiropractor in the Philippines." Vanessa complained as Chase grinned.
"It's cool!" He argued as Vanessa sighed, patting his shoulder and leaning slightly closer.
"Sure it it, Chase." She whispered before walking into the gym and up to the group.
"Where were you guys?" Bree asked, giving Vanessa a pointed look.
"Chase here... was showing me his new achievement. Guess whose now a chiropractor in the Philippines." She exclaimed as Chase pointed to himself.
"It's me. I'm the chiropractor." He said as Vanessa rolled her eyes, sucking in a breath when she saw Kavin and walked up to him.
"Congratulations Chase, you scared a girl off to talk to a guy with a throbbing nose." Bree said as Chase frowned.
"Hey Kavin. Is your nose alright?" Vanessa asked as he smiled and nodded.
"Yep. I can't even feel it. If it gets worse they're gonna drain it!" He said with enthusiasm as Vanessa laughed.
"Maybe you should go back to the doctor and have it checked out again. I don't think your nose is supposed to look like... that... after it gets hit by a basketball." Vanessa pointed out as Kavin scoffed.
"I'll be alright. I just have to fall asleep sitting up." He said as Adam ran past the two yelling at the schools mascot, Dooey Dingo.
"Uh.. I gotta go. I'll see you later?" Vanessa said as Kavin waved goodbye, Vanessa dragging Bree over.
"I don't want to worry anyone but what the hell is up with Adam's eyes?!" She whisper yelled as Bree gasped.
"Oh! Thats uh... it must be his contacts! Yeah uh Mr. Dave- dad, made him these contacts to hell with his vision and boy oh boy they suck." Bree said as Adam shot fire from his eyes onto Dooey.
"WHAT THE FU-" Bree smacked her hand over Vanessa's mouth, who turned to her. Just then, a cheerleader went flying into the air, and Vanessa was standing alone as Bree used her super-speed to try, and fail, at catching her.
Vanessa's eyes widened in horror, Leo realizing that his friend just witnessed two of his siblings using their bionics. "Uh Chase... Vanessa isn't running." He pointed out as Chase made a weird noise and ran up to her.
"Vanessa?" Chase said, waving a hand over her face.
"WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" Vanessa yelled, causing Chase to jump back as she turned to Leo.
"I'm going to scream. And then I'm going to run away. Or maybe your mom will show up in time to see me screaming, and I'll have to stay." Vanessa said as Leo held his hands to his chest, smiling nervously as Adam and Bree looked at Vanessa, who turned to them.
"Look. I don't know what I just saw. But I know that my 20/20 vision doesn't play tricks on me. So either someone is going to explain what just happened, or Leo is going home with one less friend." She continued as Leo gasped.
"Don't put this on me! They're the ones with-" before Leo could finish, the doors swung open, revealing two very angry parents.
"So." Mr. Davenport said, anger running through his mouth. "HOW WAS SCHOOL?" He asked as the three smiled. "GET IN THE HELICOPTER." Adam Bree and Chase all ran out, Mr. Davenport's his eyes landed on Vanessa. "Who is this?"
"Um... hello?" Vanessa said and waved awkwardly.
"Donald, this is Vanessa Valin. Leo's very close friend." Tasha said as he frowned.
"Why does that name sound familiar?" He asked himself as Vanessa took a step forward.
"Because... you rejected my android that I wanted to use for good purposes." She said as Davenport ahh'd.
"And uh... how much did you see?" He asked with a look of fear as Leo piped up.
"Oh she saw a lot." Leo said and booked it out of the gym, leaving his friend alone.
"So Donald i'm going to leave this one to you." Tasha said and ran out after, leaving Davenport and Vanessa alone.
"Okay so uh... whats up with tall, fast and handsome?" Vanessa asked as Mr. Davenport chuckled.
"Well you see uh..." the urge to run out was eminent for Mr. Davenport. But he knew that if he didn't tell Vanessa there was a chance she would reveal his children's bionic secret to the world. Vanessa waited patiently. She had no where to go. Her parents were ironically on a business trip in the Philippines.
"Adam, Bree and Chase are... bionic." Mr. Davenport started as Vanessa raised a brow. "I gave them these amazing special abilities that we use on missions to save the world. Granted, they haven't gone on a mission yet, they aren't people you should fear." Mr. Davenport said as Vanessa broke into laughter, Davenport frowning.
"I- ooh I'm sorry, Mr. Davenport but you think they are scary? Adam has rocks for brain, Bree hugged a lunch lady, and Chase... got excited for becoming a chiropractor in the Philippines." Vanessa said with the most honesty as she could.
"Oh just you wait." Mr. Davenport said with a villainous laugh. "Wait until you meet Spike." He grinned and started to walk out.
Vanessa stood in the middle of the gym alone, sighing as she walked to her locker and grabbed her book bag, walking alone in silence.
2:47 PM
"Hey Leo- where's you new siblings?" Vanessa asked as Leo sighed. The two hadn't seen each other at all that day, and Leo had began to worry he scared her off.
"Big D sent them away to some place in the Arctic and replaced them with robots! But they are actually Adam Bree and Chase because they switched them out last minute... so now they just have to pretend be robots for the rest of their lives." Leo explained as Vanessa smirked.
"I could do that." She said as Leo's arms dropped to his sides in disbelief. Vanessa chuckled, clearing her throat before looking straight ahead and moving like a very believable robot. "Except for the lack of mechanical noises, am I believable?" Vanessa asked in a robotic voice as Leo chuckled.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been posing as a human this entire time." He complimented as Vanessa stopped and laughed.
"Come on, Leo, let's go check out this lab you were talking about. Now that I know about your siblings secret, I think it's time I see everything."
"Alright... but I don't think you'll like it when Adam finds his old socks."
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