Chore Wars
Yes I mixed up episodes again. Cry about it.
I set my cereal bowl in the dishwasher as Leo walked in from the hallway, spitting the breathing tube from his goggles out of his mouth.
"Ugh. Okay. Toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean. And may I just say, you people are disgusting!" He grimaced as I chuckled, Tasha handing Leo his chore money.
"Is all of that really necessary?" I asked as he looked over to me.
"If you used or even looked in that bathroom... you'd understand." He muttered, counting his money before cheering. "Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a T-shirt. Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas." He grinned as Tasha shook her head, turning down the chance for Leo to see the movie as Adam, Bree and Chase walked in.
"Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever." Adam laughed as I leaned on the counter.
"He was cleaning the bathroom so he could see his favorite movie." I told them as Leo nodded.
"Yep. But someone who shall remain nameless—" Leo started, looking over to his mom who waved at everyone. "— won't let me go."
"Wait a minute. You get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" Chase asked as Tasha nodded.
"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha explained as I hummed in confirmation. I never had to do chores until I turned 14, since my nanny would always do them when she was at the house.
"I want chores!" Bree beamed.
"I want money." Chase walked over to Tasha.
"Oh, I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals!" Adam grinned as Tasha frowned at him.
"You guys can finish my chores. There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank-Manager put a freeze on my fun account!" Leo mused, throwing his gloves onto the counter and walking out as I grabbed a cup and filled it with orange juice.
"What about you, Vanessa? How much do you make for doing chores?" Adam asked as I sipped on my juice.
"None. I do chores but I don't make any money since I got half a billion from my parents company that I have apparently been owning since they died. But the bank just told me yesterday about it since I turned 16 and got everything they owned. So I am now officially a millionaire." I praised as everyone's mouths dropped open.
"And you're just now talking about this?" Bree said as I shrugged. "What did you parents do for a living?!" She asked as I grinned.
"Valtech. They were coming back home to make the A really big deal with Tech Town." I smiled as they all frowned.
"Then why did you live in such a small home?" Adam said as Chase slapped him.
"My parents were not big on wanting attention. They just wanted to be successful business owners." I explained they all went back to what we were originally talking about.
After Tasha left, Adam lifted the couch up and tilted it, dirt and coins falling out of the crevices as he gasped. "That's where I put my luck floss!" He grinned, taking it out.
"If you use that, I will hurl." Chase said as Adam smiled.
"And then I will clean up that hurl. Ka-ching!" He said, using the floss as I fought the urge to throw up my orange juice. Adam, Bree and Chase started to work fast at cleaning, and as I set down my Hal-empty cup, Adam grabbed it and dumped it out.
"Hey! I wasn't done with that!" I yelled as he shrugged.
"Ya are now." He said, continuing back to cleaning. Chase used Bree as a mop, who used her super speed to clean the floors.
"Woah. I can see my reflection in this! And I am having a great hair day." I joked as Tasha came back in, giving Adam, Bree and Chase their chore money.
I sat down at the cyber desk and opened the small box as Chase walked in, gawking at the large locket I raised into the air.
"That is a really nice locket." He said as I smiled and nodded.
"It's a family heirloom. Been in my family since the 14th century. I was supposed to get it on my 18th birthday but, I have it now." I said with a small sigh, placing it gently back in the box and leaving it in the cyber desk.
"Well I was coming up to tell you that Adam wanted to show you his bacon-pack." Chase frowned as I chuckled.
"Alright." I groaned, following Chase back upstairs. "Oh, by the way, my manager called. They bumped my signing to tomorrow so I won't be here. Do you think you can watch over the locket? I don't trust anyone in this house." I asked as Chase nodded with a smile. I grinned and kissed his cheek.
"You're the best."
The next day
Chase's POV
I ran around the house in a panic, flipping every pillow upside down and searching under anything that had a space. I can't believe I lost the locket. I could have sworn I hid it next to that stupid jewelry box.
"What are you looking for?" Bree asked as Adam continued to eat the three year old peanut butter.
"This locket that Vanessa trusted me to watch." I answered as their eyes widened.
"Was it big and silver and had a pretty diamond in the middle?" Bree described as I snapped my fingers.
"Yes!" I smiled, hoping she knew where it was.
"Haven't seen it." She lied as I groaned.
"Bree! That locket has been in Vanessa's family for centuries! If you guys sold it she will never trust me with anything ever again! You need to get it back!" I demanded as Adam looked over at Bree.
"I don't know if we can get it back without her knowing." Bree grimaced as I frowned.
"Why not?" I asked. Of course they could get it back without her knowing. The most they could do was steal it back. Bree sighed and pointed behind me, and the realization struck me as I tended up.
Slowly turning around, I saw Vanessa with the biggest look of betrayal on her face.
"Don't. I trusted you, Chase. The one thing that I had left to remind me of my mother... and you lost it." She snapped as I stuttered over my words.
"It wasn't my fault! Adam and Bree sold it!" I accused as the two of them looked down in shame.
"I know." Vanessa responded as she looked over my shoulder at Adam and Bree. "Which is why they will be getting it back themselves. Without Chase or I's help. And if you can't get it back by the end of tomorrow, you owe me 70 thousand dollars to replace that locket." Vanessa spat as Bree gasped in astonishment. I know she was upset about the locket, but why was she acting like this?
"70 thousand? We don't have that kind of money!" Adam said as Vanessa forced a chuckle.
"I guess you should have thought of that before selling something that wasn't. Yours." She finished, walking down to the lab, her heels clicking aggressively on the floor. Adam and Bree looked at each other, helpless as I followed Vanessa down.
"Vanessa I'm really sorry. I thought I could hide it well but... I didn't try hard enough. I didn't even know that Adam had found it until an hour ago." I admitted as she covered her face and leaned on the cyber desk. She slammed her fist down, glitching in the process and short-circuiting the house. The back up generator turned on quickly, but the lab's lights were dimmed.
"I just... god I've been so stressed about all of this. Finding out that I have to run a multi-million dollar company at 16 after my parents just fucking died, and now the locket I was always promised to have has been sold to god knows who-" I heard her started to choke up as she cried, running over and wrapping her in a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry about all of this, Ness. But I promise, I'll get the locket back. Adam and Bree won't have to do it. I'll use the money I got to buy it back." I said, wiping the hair out of her face as she sniffed.
"You will?" She breathed out as I smiled and nodded. "Thank you." She whispered. I kissed the top of her head, bringing her back into the hug.
Vanessa's POV
I slowly raised my head up as I felt a tap on my shoulder, my nap on the cyber desk not draining the stress I had. I saw Chase grinning, holding something behind his back as I yawned.
"What?" I gasped as he showed me the locket, quickly snatching out it out of his hand to make sure it was real.
"I had to ask Davenport for some money but... I got it back!" He cheered as I smiled down at the locket, hearing a jingle as I set it down. "There's one more thing in there, by the way." Chase added. I opened the locket, looking inside to see a ring.
"Is this a promise ring?" I asked as he smiled and nodded. "Are you going to break this promise ring?" I raised a brow as he chuckled, shaking his head.
"No.. but from now on, whenever I promise you something, I intend to keep that promise." Chase swore as he put the ring on my right hand. I smiled down at it and looked up at Chase, giving him a loving kiss.
"I love you, Dottie. And I swear, I will never lose anything you give to me ever again." Chase said as I hummed.
"I love you, too. Now don't go and lose my heart." I joked, Chase chuckling.
"I would never."
I'm really tired.
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