A Happily Ever After
*Lin's POV*
Things have settled down completely since Steven has been locked away, Pippa and I are really focusing on our family.
The adoption certificates and the new birth certificates came in today! Elizabeth, Skyler, and Natasha were officially both mine and Pippa's.
DNA doesn't make a family; love does.
That's all that my heart was filled with. Love.
Love is a funny thing. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you happy, it makes you angry, smile, frown, grow, hurt, but most of all, love makes you feel safe.
And when you feel safe, you know you've found love and where you belong.
When I look at those three darling little girls, I feel love. They are my daughters. Sebastian is Pippa's son, just as he is mine.
We may not all share the same DNA, but we do share a common love, and that's all that matters.
Today, we're celebrating Sebastian's fourth birthday, and the triplets 6 month birthday thing.
We rented out the local Chuck E Cheese. It's got something for everyone, and it's a big enough space for all of our friends and family.
As all the kids ran, and waddled about, I sat down at a table with my wife. She's stayed kinda quiet lately.
"Pippa, baby, are you okay?" I asked gently.
She shook her head, and grabbed my hand from across the table.
"Lin, what's the purpose of us being married if we don't have anything to show from it?"
"Pippa, what are you talking about? We have a beautiful family."
"One child of which, is only a combination of you. And the other three, a combination of me. We don't have a kid that's a mix of the both of us. Isn't that the whole point of being married? To start a family with your loved one? To have something that shares both of you?"
I sighed "Baby, you know that it doesn't matter to me. Sebastian is both our son. Skyler, Natasha and Elizabeth are mine and your daughters. Sure, maybe biology says differently. But anyone can make a kid. A parent is someone who is there for the child, someone who raises the child, takes care of them when their sick, holds their hand and comforts them when their scared, and more. Everything that you've been doing for Sebastian for the last two and a half years. You're his mother. And I've been here for the girls. I'm their father." I said and looked at her, kissing her hand.
I noticed she started crying. I got up and hugged her.
"It's just, I wish there was a mix of you and I running around. Biologically. Don't get me wrong, I love our children, but don't you want a mix of us to carry on our names? For generations to come? Lin, I... I think I want another baby."
I looked at her and kissed her head. "Pip, baby, why don't we wait a little longer? It's only been six months, your body needs time to recover. But I promise, some day, we'll have a combo of you and I running around, okay? Someday, baby, someday."
*Two years later*
"Congratulations! You have a beautiful, and healthy baby boy." A nurse said and handed our son to Pippa.
Pippa smiled and held him, gently stroking his cheek with her finger.
I smiled and walked over to her, standing by the bed, looking at our son.
"Eric Alexander." I said looking at him.
Pippa nodded and smiled "Eric Alexander"
My life and family were complete.
It was me, my beautiful wife, Phillipa, our son Sebastian, our daughters Skyler, Elizabeth and Natasha, and the newest addition, our youngest, Eric.
I was right where I belong.
The end.
*Hello, hello, hello! Sorry if this all seems rushed. But I have finished this book. I hope you all have enjoyed it. I really didn't know where to take it, so I figured I'd let it go with a nice long chapter to sum it all up. Thank you all again for the endless support, I really appreciate it and love all of you. I have a few ideas for my next book (I'm leaning towards a Hamliza one). But comment and tell me what'd you be interested in! Tell me who you want me to write about, what you want me to write about, and it doesn't have to be only Lin and Pippa, it can be anyone from the cast! But tell me your thoughts on a Hamliza book and comment your thoughts, ideas or opinions! -Matthew*
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