Dinner is Served
I love that there's so many ppl excited for this story.
The only comments I get these days are from Don't Let Me Go and L'affaire lol
Without further ado
About a month later, Marinette has finally gotten used to most of the routines in the mansion. She was taught how to clean and maintain it. Tikki had even given her a uniform it was a bit plain for Marinette's liking so she decided to spruce it up by adding some of her signature flowers to it.
Marinette got along with the staff pretty quickly just as she expected. Everyone loved the baked treats that she made, especially Plagg who was a very huge fan of her famous cheese bread. He begged for the recipe and in exchange he showed her some of his dishes allowing Marinette to become more familiar with the kitchen. It made Mari happy to bake again, she had almost forgot how much she loved it. It had been sometime since she last did some baking ever since her parents tragic deaths.
Whenever she ran into Adrien it was always pleasant, they never spoke for long, but when they did it was mainly the two catching up the years they didn't see each other. However, just as much as she runs into Adrien she would run into Lila, who didn't hide her distain about Mari being here, but the blunette didn't let it effect her work ethic, just as she wouldn't let her past feelings for Adrien effect it either.
It was now evening and Marinette was in the middle setting the table for the Agrestes to have dinner when suddenly someone came rushing into the dining room.
"Marinette!" Trixx yelled and ran over to the blunette. "We have a major problem!"
"What's wrong?" The young designer asked concerned.
"Kitchen. Now!" Trixx pulled her in the direction of the kitchen.
Marinette followed until they passed the entrance where Wayzz stood in the middle waiting for the two of them. "What's the problem?" She asked again.
"We have a minor setback." Wayzz sighed. "Plagg got his hands on some rotten cheese, got sick, and had to go home early."
"..and now it's an hour before dinnertime and we don't have any dinner!" Trixx finished. "Plagg's the only one who knows his way around the kitchen and knows what the Agrestes like."
"What about Tikki? Doesn't she usually help Plagg in the kitchen?" Marinette questioned.
"She's currently trying to nurse him back to health." Wayzz responded.
"That's why we need your help Marinette!" said Trixx.
Mari was a bit confused. "Me? What can I do?"
"You've cooked with Plagg plenty of times so you must know your way around the kitchen. Do you think you could come up with a meal to serve in less than an hour?"
Marinette was at a bit of a loss for words. She knew she was a good cook, but she wasn't fully familiar with the Agrestes eating schedule. "I'm not sure if what I make will be suitable for the Agrestes, I mean I know Adrien isn't picky, but I would really hate to hear it from Lila."
"There's like a 1 out of 10 chance that she'll be out there having dinner with Mr. Agreste. She tends to dissappear every other night or she just goes to bed early." Trixx groaned.
Wayzz rested a hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Just come up with the best thing you can think of for dinner. If you want you can use Plagg's recipe books on the table. I'd try to do it myself, but Trixx and I aren't very handy in the kitchen."
"It's true." Trixx added. "Plagg nearly chewed my head off for burning his cheese once."
Marinette sighed, "Okay fine I'll see what I can come up with."
Somehow with some sort of miracle and luck, Marinette was able to come up with a meal within the short amount of time she was given. It was a chicken recipe made with biscuits and an assortment of vegetables.
Due to the short timespan though she had to make the biscuits using premade dough instead of making them fresh. Luckily Plagg had a bunch of that around since he wasn't as much of a baker as he was an actual chef.
"Okay Dinner's ready!" Marinette called.
"Great!" Trixx said while cleaning up. "I'll straighten up in here. Can you take it out to the dining table?"
"Oh you dont have to do that I could-"
"Don't worry about it just make sure they get their food." Trixx smiled.
Marinette shrugs and takes the tray of food into the dining room. As she entered she marveled at the huge room with the crystal chandelier hanging from the top. She still can't believe such a big room was designed just for eating in.
Marinette saw Adrien sitting at the end of the dining room table.Trixx was right, he was alone sipping tea while reading something on his tablet, his wife was nowhere in sight. She walked to the blonde and sat his tray in front of him.
"Thank you." He said politely still focusing on whatever was on screen.
"You're welcome." Adrien paused and immediately looked up at the dark haired girl smiling down at him. Her smile faltered when she noticed the surprise look on his face "Im sorry, is there something else you need?"
"No, I just didn't expect you that's all." He chuckled. "I thought you were Trixx or Tikki."
"Well Trixx is in the kitchen cleaning up and Tikki is absence today."
"Is she alright?"
"Yes she's fine she just had to take care of someone."
Adrien nodded and looked at the meal placed in front of him. "Food smells really good today." He picked up his fork and began to take a bite. "Wow this is delicious. Plagg's really outdone himself today."
"Oh...um...I forgot to mention. Plagg is out sick today that's actually the reason why Tikki is gone too. She's taking care of him."
"Then who cooked dinner?" Adrien asked confused. He was well aware that Tikki and Plagg were the only ones skilled in professional cooking. Truss and Wayzz were only able to make simple meals.
"I...I did actually." Marinette said with a slight blush. "I don't know much about gourmet cooking, but I hope you like one of my meals from home."
"Of course I do." He smiled brightly. "Honestly Plagg's always trying to sneak cheese in my meals all the time so this is refreshing." They laughed.
Marinette looked over at the clock on the wall. It was nearing the end of the work day and everyone was due to go home soon. Well in her case she would just go upstairs.
"I should get going." She clasped her hands together. "Enjoy your meal, Mr.Agreste and goodnight."
"W..Wait Marinette!" He called out to her making her stop suddenly and turned back to face the blonde. Adrien cleared his throat. "S..Sorry I didnt mean to startle you. I was just wondering if you have had anything to eat yourself?"
She blinked. "No I haven't eaten. I was planning to later."
"Well..Since its the end of your work day I was wondering if you'd like to.." Adrien hesitated not sure whether or not he should ask his next question or if it was even appropriate to ask in first place. "...would you like to join me?
Marinette was surprised by his sudden question. It's not that she minded eating with Adrien or was uncomfortable around him, she actually enjoyed his company very much. Its just that he was her employer and there was also the fact that she was pretty much on bad terms with his wife. Besides she wasn't sure if his offer was genuine or just out of pity.
"Im sorry, but I have to help Trixx in the kitchen." She replied feeling bad about rejecting his proposal.
"Oh..okay. That's fine. Honestly Im pretty sure that was very inappropriate of me to ask. Im sorry." Adrien smiled, despite the disappointment he felt at her rejection. "Have a goodnight Marinette."
Marinette nodded and made her way towards the exit. She placed a hand on the door leading to the kitchen and stopped there. She turned to look back at Adrien sitting at the table eating alone.
Now that she thinks about it, Trixx did say that there was a one out of 10 chance that Lila would be home for dinner. Does that mean he always sits in the big empty room eating meals...alone?
Marinette suddenly felt like a hypocrite. She was just worrying a second ago that his invitation was given out of pity and here she was considering his offer cause she felt the same towards him.
Despite every logical thought in her mind screaming at her that it was a bad idea. She turned back around and made her way to the table. Adrien hadn't notice until she had pulled a chair that was at his right side of the table and she sat in it.
"Marinette?" He asked slightly confused.
"If its alright with you Mr. Agreste." She said looking at the table cause she couldn't meet his face for some reason. "Id like to join you for dinner after all."
"Marinette you don't have to if you don't want-."
"I do want to." She said suddenly, surprising him in the process. "S..Sorry, but I mean it though. I really do enjoy your company."
Adrien smiled brightly. "I feel the same way."
They ate together and began to talk, they hadn't realized but they had been engaged in conversation for the past two hours. Trixx and Wayzz had left to go home for the day giving their goodbyes to the duo before leaving the mansion grounds.
Marinette and Adrien were still conversing. The blue haired girl was laughing at something the blonde had said before she noticed another figure entering the room.
Adrien followed her gaze and their conversation came to a halt as they noticed Lila standing near the dining room entrance.
"Well..." The brunette started with a sneer. "I see our newest worker seems to not want to work. Why don't you make yourself useful and go make me a martini? I've had a long day."
"Lila..." Adrien groaned at his wife's rude behavior.
"It's fine." Marinette whispered in Adrien's direction before standing up from her seat and picking up her plate. "I will get that martini for you right away Mrs.Agreste."
As Marinette left the room to walk towards the kitchen. Lila walked over to the blonde. "So now you're having dinner with the help?"
"Lila don't be rude. You know Marinette's an old friend of mine and she's been through a lot." The blonde scolded. "I know she's an employee but do you think you can try being a little nicer?"
"Fine whatever." Lila scoffed.
"By the way where have you been all day? I thought you said you were visiting family."
"I was."
"Dressed like that?" He gestured to her outfit that had been a crop top with a low v-neck and a tight skirt that hung tight around her hips paired with stilettos.
"Is there something wrong with the way I dress Adrien?" Lila said sounded offending. "What are you trying to say that I look like some kind of slut!"
"No that's not it-"
"Ugh I cant believe you!" Lila turned away from her husband angrily. "You always do this! I cant have one day to myself without you getting suspicious for no reason!"
"Lila please..." He said grabbing her hand and gently pulling her to him. "It's not like that okay. It just worries me when you're out so late and I don't know where you are."
"I told you I was with family."
"I...I know." Adrien sighed. "Just please let me know next time if you're going to be out so late. Can you do that for me?"
Lila sighed, she brought herself closer to Adrien and took a seat on his lap straddling him. "Okay I promise I'll tell you if im going to be out late. Will you forgive me?"
Adrien sighed once again and despite all his suspicions he replied. "Yes, I forgive you."
She placed her hands on his chest and leaned in to place her lips on his. Adrien knew she was just doing this to make him drop the subject but at this point he was too tired to continue the conversation. She began to grind against his crotch and despite wanting to protest the blonde let out a slight moan.
Adrien knew he should put a stop to this before Marinette came back and caught them. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back gently. "We should stop Lila. Marinette could be back here any second."
"So?" Lila replied then dived back in for another kiss and whispered against his lips "It's not like it matters if she sees us."
"That...That's not..." Before he could finish the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted them.
They both turned to see Marinette over on the side of the table holding the martini that Lilac asked for in her hand.
"Your drink Mrs. Agreste." She said placing the drink on the table. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"
"No, that will be all. You're dismissed." Lila waved her away and went back to kissing on her husband.
Marinette nodded and made her way out of the dining room. While Lila began to kiss on his neck Adrien watched Marinette's retreating figure from the corner of his eye until she disappeared into the hallway. He couldn't help but feel bad about how this night ended on her end and he really hoped things wouldn't be awkward between them the next time he saw her.
Meanwhile, Marinette walked down the hallway. She made her way to her room and as soon as she walked in closing the door she leaned back against it and slid to the floor.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid what was I thinking!" She groaned thinking back to before. "Why did I agree to have dinner with him?!"
The blue haired girl sighed thinking back at dinner. She wasn't sure why but it brought her peace to sit there and talk to Adrien about subjects that were utterly useless, but it was fun to do so. She wondered if he felt the same way.
Then her mind went to Lila and the picture of the two of them making out at the end of the dining room table flashed in her mind.
"They're married." She told herself. "It's perfectly normal for them to do that. Whatever feelings I have on the matter are irrelevant."
Marinette walked over to her desk and sat in her chair. "Its okay eventually Ill have the money to be on my own and if that doesn't work...there's always Shanghai.." She looked at the picture on her desk of her mother and father smiling back at her. "I wish you were here...maybe you would know what I should do."
Even with all the thoughts in her head one thing was clear. She absolutely could not under no circumstances fall for Adrien Agreste.
Whew that chapter took a lot out of me.
Also I've been craving shrimp for the last hour and I don't know why.
Anyway for those of you that dont know I'm back! Sorry it took so long to post like...two years long.
Honestly if you're interested in knowing why I was gone for so long you can read my message board or the latest chapter to Laffaire.
Or you can just not give a damn IDC.
I wont promise consistent chapters honestly who knows when this story will get another one, but I promised myself that if im gonna write stories im going to do it for fun and when I have time to do it.
I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter im actually looking forward to writing more of this one!
Ciao for now!
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