Y/N WAS an outgoing girl, filled with a sparkling personality that many people wished they possessed themselves. She was a sweet person, always trying to be polite and respectful even when she had that rebellious side all at once.
Often times she would be the one person to go sit at the table where the lonely kid sat at lunch to provide them company, or she would be the one to try and help the one kid that dropped their binders in the middle of the hallway of school.
But she wasn't perfect—not in the least bit.
She was still a teenager, meaning that she was going to make stupid decisions no matter how much of a gold star person she might've portrayed.
She's only human, so it's no surprise that she had her own personal problems.
Sometimes, the people with the biggest smiles are the ones with the most internal pain.
Boys at her high school were pigs—absolute douchebags that gave her all this unnecessary attention that she hated. Guys would violate her privacy, often cat-calling her in the halls or occasionally grabbing her ass nonchalantly.
Today was one of the bad days, and she couldn't help but stare at the concrete below her as she walked home alongside her best friend, Millie.
"I can't wait to go to the Schnapp's cabin at the end of the month, it's gonna be so much fun. Everyone's gonna—hey, what's up..?"
Millie rambled about countless things all the time and Y/N always listened, but when Millie saw that she was zoned out, she knew something might've been wrong.
"Nothing. Just that Jack Grazer is a real dipshit."
Y/N was absolutely livid on the inside, but on the outside, she looked vulnerable and pitiful.
She was shaken—she could still feel the way he gripped her like she was an object to claim as his.
"Goddammit, I'm gonna kick his ass."
Millie always thought that Y/N was too much of a pushover, and the reality was, she was just really easily manipulated. It was pretty much the same thing.
"Don't worry about it. Can we just forget about it, please?"
And with a nod of her head, Millie dismissed the topic for the sake of her best friend.
Their steps rounded the corner as they walked down Y/N's street where her house was located. The two girls slowed down in their synchronized steps as they saw a large moving truck with boxes littering the front lawn of the house right next door to Y/N's own house.
"Looks like you got a new neighbor.."
Millie nudged Y/N's shoulder with a smirk, trying to get her to befriend the new neighbors as they approached closer and closer to her house—seeing a curly haired boy standing with his back to them and looking around his new neighborhood.
"Hey !"
Y/N got the boy's attention as he swung around to see two girls standing behind him.
Y/N couldn't control the little gasp of air that left her slightly parted lips as she saw what he looked like—dark curly wayward hair with a universe of freckles scattered across his cheeks.
But her reaction was mutual.
The boy found himself submersed within the glorious pools of e/c that were Y/N's eyes. He found that her hair seemed to shine in the midday's sunlight, perfectly illuminating her complexion.
"Hey, I'm Y/N. And this is Millie."
"Oh, h-hey. I'm Finn."
"So, you're gonna be my new neighbor, huh?"
Y/N was always kind and personable, so she found it easy and almost routine to create a light conversation with a person.
"Yeah, my dad and I just got into town this morning for his new job."
Finn smiles thinly, nodding his head as he slid his hands in his pockets with nervousness.
"Oh that's cool. Maybe we could hang out this weekend—welcome you to the neighborhood, you know?"
Y/N's offer was one that Finn had never received so generously before. He found himself in disbelief that a pretty girl like her would ever be so kind to a guy like him.
No one had ever shown any interest or kindness to him.
It was a foreign feeling that Finn liked.
So he took the offer, and ran with it.
"T-That would be great.."
He chuckled with a toothy smile that was infectious to Y/N.
"Alright, your house? Saturday?"
And with a shy nod from Finn, Y/N and Millie agreed to meet at Finn's new house in the next two days.
"I mean, come on. Nirvana? Pink Floyd? The Rolling Stones?"
Finn was in disbelief that they've never heard of some of his favorite bands.
Y/N sat on the floor with her back against the couch in which Millie was sitting on, both of them facing Finn who was sitting on the floor across from Y/N.
Finn's living room was softly lit, only a dull lamp providing any minor light.
"You mean like, the magazine?"
Millie's sarcastic answer made herself laugh, expecting Y/N to snicker along with her but upon seeing Finn's hurt reaction, Y/N decided against laughing.
"Those sound like such nerdy bands.."
It was Millie that made these remarks about Finn's band choice, and that made him become defensive.
"They're not. They're badass bands with amazing songs and great styles."
Finn's words spit out like a venom as he glared at Millie with a certain dislike—making her lift her hands in defense.
"What do you think, Y/N?"
Millie wanted to get her best friend's input, in which she hadn't been saying much about their quarrel.
"Well, if Finn thinks that the bands are cool, then I'm sure they are."
Y/N's kind response with a smile lightened Finn's mood instantly, causing his hazel eyes to soften at the niceness of her.
His curls bobbed as he looked down with a blushing face, avoiding the eye contact that
Y/N confidently made with him.
Nobody had ever shown him the slightest bit interest—no less the amount of kindness that a girl like Y/N so genuinely showed him.
"There's this concert at the end of the month that I'm going to where they're gonna play all these covers of so many amazing bands, and The Rolling Stones are gonna be there."
Finn seemed to be absolutely amazed by the fact that he was going to be attending the concert.
"Oh wow ! That sounds awesome."
Y/N meant that, and it were those 3 words that solidified Finn's approaching feelings.
"A-actually, you could come with me! It'd be so fun."
Finn offered with wide hopeful eyes, his confidence building up his courage at the fact that he just asked her out to a concert—with a guy she only knew for a few days but already found interesting.
Y/N smiled at his hospitality and sense of humor—the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he was passionate about.
Y/N smirked, feeling her own cheeks blush before Millie scoffed.
"Don't we already have plans?"
Millie was referring to the cabin party at the Schnapp's at the end of the month.
Y/N didn't even flinch at her words, but shrugged with a simple nod.
"Well, just..just think about it."
Finn smiled with his voice cracking, watching Y/N with hopeful eyes as Millie got up from the couch to look around his living room.
Her eyes glanced over a rustic box, reaching her hand to smooth over the top.
"What's in here?"
Finn's head snapped toward the direction of Millie's hand, quickly making his way to where she stood inquisitively.
Finn slightly moved her out of the way with a nervous facial expression as he gave Y/N a look before opening the box to reveal an assortment of guns.
Finn carefully picked one up, nervously waving the weapon around like it was no big deal.
Millie and Y/N gasped at the sudden appearance of the weapon before seeing Finn's nonchalant expression.
"These are my dad's antique guns. Don't worry, they're not loaded."
Finn chuckled as he set the weapon back into the box, somewhat putting Y/N and Millie at ease.
The night roared on with laughter and music before it neared the time that Y/N and Millie had to go home—Millie's mother picking her up.
Y/N left Finn's house with a hug, thanking him for letting them hang out at his house before leaving to walk the few feet down the sidewalk to her own house in the dark of the night.
She didn't see Finn watch her intently with every step she took as she entered her house.
She didn't see Finn turn off the lights in his room to look out his own window to see into
Y/N's room as she got there.
She didn't see that her window and curtains were opened enough for him to watch her get undressed and changed into her pajamas.
She didn't see that the little acts of kindness that she showed Finn, had the upmost impact on him.
Finn watched with wide hopeful eyes as she pulled her pajama shirt over her head and on top of her bra, tossing the other clothes to the side before flopping on top of her bed.
Y/N didn't see how much Finn thought he liked her.
Yet she didn't see that this small crush, was much more than that..
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a/n : so, this book may be one of the darker ones I've written, but I really love the concept.
N O T I C E :
as far as right now, I'll only update this book further d e p e n d i n g on if it gets reads & votes so I know if people want to read this :))
i took inspiration from one episode of a show I used to watch, but it wasn't a large topic to work with in the first place—SO i made my own plot !!
thanks for reading <3
stay tuned.. ;))
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