Inescapable | Two
A young man sat alone inside his room, staring at the screen in front of him. The computer showed him the set of codes he had been working on for the last few days, the ones with the mistake he couldn't seem to find.
Finally, he let out a deep breath, and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, leaning his forehead on the desk and groaned.
"What the hell is wrong with me...?" he muttered, clearly frustrated. He had been making little to no progress for the last two weeks and that fact was stressing him out.
With loud huff, he decided to leave the room, grabbing his coat on his way out and locked the front door of his house. It was late at night, the streets were empty, but the silence itself was relaxing enough for him.
"Ah. It has been a while since my last late night walks..." he muttered, rubbing his palms together in attempt to warm himself a bit. "I should have wore some gloves..."
The sound of laughter was heard all of a sudden, coming from a distance. He tensed up, alarmed, and felt the urge to ran back to his house. Anything that wanders in the night brought danger.
However, his curiosity got better of him. He followed the source of the noises, the hushed voices and the occasional chuckles, until he reached the end of the streets.
By the time he arrived at the scene, the place was already empty. There were, however, some empty beer bottles on the ground, along with snack wrappings and crumpled old newspaper. The smell of the paint was still fresh, lingering in the air, and that was what caused him to find something interesting.
A newly-painted graffiti on the wall.
It may be a simple thing for others, but for him, it was special. He doesn't know why, but he felt something strange as he looked at the graffiti, which wasn't even close to 'a piece of art'. It's just some words in colors and a bit doodles, the typical bunch of signatures and anonymous protests.
"Why does this seems familiar...?" he muttered to himself, brushing his fingers against the wall, "Something similar like this..."
His thoughts was cut off as his phone rang. Mindlessly, he picked it up, and greeted the caller.
"It's half past one in the morning, Inuoka."
'Well, you answered right away, didn't you?'
"You're using the phone in my house. How did you get in?" The man shoved his hand in his pocket, and began to walk away from the place.
'I finally understood the concept of your teachings! Now that I've tried it, picking locks isn't that hard!'
"Inuoka," he said with a sigh, "What are you doing in my house, without my permission, at one-thirty in the morning?"
'I'm bored, hungry, and I can't sleep.'
"You're kidding me," he grunted, "Stay there and don't break anything. I'm on my way back."
'Can I eat the apple pie?'
"No." His tone was somehow strict, as if it was something no one was allowed to do, "But there's some leftovers on the table. It's all yours."
'Wait.' From the phone, he could hear footsteps, shufflings, and a shriek in delight, 'Uwaah!! Fried chicken! Thank you so much!! You're so considerate, Kozume-san!!'
The man, Kozume, let out a chuckle.
"Now shut up and eat, Inuoka. I'll be there soon. And please, don't make a mess."
"I guess I should warn you just now, Natsu..." Shouyou trailed off, "They're a bunch of weirdos, so... please tolerate them..."
"I will, don't worry. You're the only one I can't handle, Nii-chan!" the woman replied with a smile, before she walked out of the car, and followed her big brother. He led her inside the building, while Natsu looked around in curiosity.
"Any backstory about this all?" she asked.
"Explanation. I find it strange how you suddenly brought me to an empty building filled with some blood stains and shreds of broken glass. Were there murder here? Why would you meet up with your friends in a place like this? Etcetera, you know what I mean."
He cringed, "Just wait a bit longer, alright? It would be easier to tell you everything with them helping me."
She hummed in reply. They walked past many doors and halls, until they finally stopped in front of a room, which Shouyou entered without hesitation.
"Yo! Am I late?" he asked, waving slightly at the people inside. Natsu couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow in amusement, as the sight was somehow... peculiar.
Two adults were sitting at the corner, playing video games, one has a scary face and wearing a suit, while the other one was definitely considered small for his age, with a small part of his spiky brown hair bleached, and also scarfs around his neck.
On the couch, sat a tall blonde, wearing glasses, typing on his laptop. Next to him was a very beautiful lady reading a thick novel. She was the first one who noticed the Hinata siblings, and smiled at them.
"No, you're not, Shou. And this is Natsu, right? It has been a while..."
Natsu couldn't help but to smile awkwardly, "Ah, you do look familiar..."
"Remember the ones who saved you when you were about to be kidnapped?" Shouyou asked, grinning slightly, "Sorry it took years before you finally met them again, Natsu."
The younger sibling's eyes widened in realization, "Ah! I remember! Kiyoko-san, isn't it?"
"Glad you didn't forget me," the woman smiled, fixing her glasses as she closed her novel, "I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, head of the Junsui Company. Nice to meet you again, Hinata-chan."
The blonde spoke up next, "Tsukishima Kei. Programmer and music blogger."
Natsu nodded politely, it was clear that this person demands respect, she could tell from the way he talks.
At the corner of the room, the two other men had paused their game, and made their way towards the guest. "Yo! The name's Yuu Nishinoya!" the shorter one introduced himself, "I work in this place, the Bungalow, to make sure no one unwanted can infiltrate the hideout!"
"Technically, you have no job."
"Shut up, Kei!" Yuu yelled, "Anyways, if you need anything, just ask me!" he added, grinning at Natsu, which made her smile at the friendly aura he seemed to radiate.
"Well, we really do save the best for the last, eh?" the man questioned, a smirk plastered on his face, "Tanaka Ryunosuke, at your service! Currently working for Kiyoko-san, as-... Wait. Kiyoko-san, what was my job called again?"
Kei snickered, in a way that indicated how much he enjoyed watching the stupidity of humans around him.
"You are my assistant, and also my bodyguard."
"Right! You heard that! I'm cool, aren't I?" Natsu could only snickered, "So who are you, little lady?"
Natsu bowed, out of habit, "My name is Hinata Natsu, his little sister!" she introduced, pointing at Shouyou, "I had just finished my medical studies, and now gonna find a job in this city. Pleasure to meet you all!"
"A doctor?! Woah!"
"A general practitioner? Or a medical specialist?" Kiyoko asked, while she motioned the younger female to sit on the couch across hers. Natsu did as what she was told, while Ryu left the room, muttering something about snacks.
"Medical specialist. I am a pulmonologist, though I also have basic surgery skills." Natsu swore she saw Yuu cringed at her words.
"Pulmo-what?" Ryu's voice was heard as he entered the room with cups of coffees on a tray.
"Pulmonologist. A pulmonary disease specialist, a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary conditions and diseases," Kei explained.
"Are you a fucking dictionary?" Yuu asked, glancing suspiciously at the tall blonde, in which he ignored as he took one of the cups, sipping into the hot drink.
The megane only looked back at the guest. "I hope you don't mind coffee, Hinata-san. It is all we have at the moment."
"No, I don't mind. And just call me Natsu, I'm not used to hear my name with honorifics," she replied, taking the cup of coffee Ryu handed her, giving him a silent 'thank you'.
"Don't worry. Formalities aren't needed here, we even called each others by our given names," Kiyoko assured with a smile, "And before you ask, Ryu, pulmonary means 'of or relating to the lungs'." Ryu nodded, and the woman turned back at the guest, "It's admirable, knowing that you are younger than me, yet you already had such great title."
Natsu shook her head, "Ah, it's nothing. I guess I'm lucky to have so many people who supports me."
All of a sudden, a new voice interrupted their discussion, "Sorry for the wait. It took a while to talk with him."
"And the guy's still as cold as ever. He would be better off working as a military officer, wonder why he quit," another added. Natsu looked up, and almost gasped.
One of the two strangers had an undercut with spiky blonde hair, a tiny tuft of it fell over his forehead and his almond colored eyes. He also had many piercings, and though he looked like a real rebel with the way he was dressed, the kind, friendly aura he gave off made her feel a bit better, although she could tell he was analyzing her.
The other one, though, was really in contrast with his companion. He was very tall, with exceptionally long arms and legs. He had neatly parted light grey hair and slanted, green cat-like eyes framed with thin eyebrows. His expression gave out no clue of what he felt, his gaze was cold and serious. Long story short, he's intimidating.
"Oh? We have a guest? May I know your name, my fair lady?" the first one asked with a smile that would have made her melt if they met somewhere else.
"My name is Hinata Natsu, pleasure to meet you," she introduced herself as she stood up and bowed.
"Shou-chan's little sister? Never thought you would be this cute. Well, you got it from your brother," the one with the piercings stated, ignoring Shouyou's protests of 'I'm not cute at all! I'm an adult man!' as he grinned at her, "Terushima Yuuji. Just call me Teru or Yuuji, whatever you prefer. You wouldn't mind being called Natsu, would you?"
"It's okay, Teru-san." Natsu turned to look at the tall man, taking in his features. He didn't really look like a Japanese, probably a half-blood. Russian, maybe? Somehow he looks familiar. Or could he be...
He finally opened his mouth to speak. His voice was calm, but the tone was somehow strict. Natsu was sure he was some kind of leader, "My name is-..."
"Haiba Lev," Natsu cut him off, her eyes narrowed, "right?"
"Bokuto-san, here's the files you requested," a woman stated, putting down a stack of paper on to her superior's desk, before her hands went up to tie her tan colored hair into a ponytail, as her grey-blue eyes analyzed the man in front of her, "Are you okay, sir?"
"I'm alright, just a bit lack of sleep. Thank you, Suzumeda," the man replied with a small smile, running his fingers through his spiky white-grey and black hair, "Can you get me some black coffee?"
"Sure thing," the woman, Suzumeda, replied, before she turned to look at the other man inside the room, "What about you, Yamaguchi-san? Any requests?"
Yamaguchi grimaced, "Kaori-chan, please drop the formalities. I'm not used to it yet, especially if I hear it from you," this earned a chuckle from the woman, "Just tea is enough."
"No sugar, right, Tadashi? Alright gentlemen, please wait for my return!" As she walked out of the room, Bokuto landed his gaze back to Yamaguchi, "It has been a year and a half and you're not used to it yet?"
"Well... hearing it from her is weird... I mean, Kaori-chan and I share an apartment..."
"Oya oya? You do?" Bokuto asked, raising an eyebrow, "Ohoho, now I can imagine that. No wonder it feels strange for you," Bokuto snickered, "But anyways. Did you get the invitation from Oikawa?"
"Yeah, it arrived yesterday," Yamaguchi replied, showing an envelope to Bokuto, the one which he found in his apartment just the night before.
"So the idiot wasn't kidding when he said he's inviting everyone..."
"Bokuto-san, are you implying that I didn't deserve this invitation?"
"No, Yamaguchi!" Bokuto cringed, "Not really, at least. I mean, it's his company's silver anniversary, I thought he would invite his fellow CEO friends and such... Not soldiers like us..."
"I doubt he has that many of friends. Only a few can handle him, he's a dork."
"And yet look at him. Two years and the two of us are still working the same job, while he had a whole company under his command!" Bokuto whined, flailing his arms in the air, "I mean, it's getting boring in this office!"
"Well, indeed work is getting boring, there's no interesting case for a while. Only a few arsons and such, unlike-..." Yamaguchi cut himself off, as he realized what he was about to say, "... that case."
"As much as it was a quite traumatizing experience, I agree it was interesting. Although we lost 8 of our agents and no one was arrested in the end, I'll say that I prefer that rather than doing nothing like now."
Yamaguchi huffed, "So, are you coming to the party, Bokuto-san? I think I will, but it will be awkward if I went alone."
"Just bring Suzumeda with you, I'm sure Oikawa won't mind," Bokuto commented with a shrug, "I'm definitely going, but first I'll try to drag Kuroo there as well."
Yamaguchi frowned at the last part, "... Good luck."
The brunet couldn't help but to let out a sigh, taking off his glasses as he leaned back on his chair. His head was throbbing from the constant headaches he got from his job's pressure, not to mention the list of reports he had just received.
"Makki!" he whined, "I'm postponing tomorrow's meeting! Change the schedule to next week!"
Hanamaki, his assistant, shook his head in reply as he walked towards his superior's desk, "No, you're not doing that. The meeting will still be held tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and you will finish your works tonight. From tomorrow, after the meeting, you have to prepare for the party."
"You're not my mom, Makki! I'll fire you!"
"I dare you, Trashykawa," Makki calmly retorted as he slammed down a stack of files onto the desk, "You have to read this all before the meeting, it's about what you have to discuss. You still have a few hours so use it well. After all, there's also those emails that you must reply as soon as possible."
"You're giving me too much to do Makki!!"
"You're the one who wasted your whole weekend re-watching the aliens documentaries. I already tried to stop you, but you threatened to burn these reports," the blonde-haired man rolled his eyes as he finished his explanation, walking back towards the bookshelf and began to re-arrange it, "And then comes your stupid UFO researches, and you know I'm sick of that shit. All this books," he picked up one of them, pointing at the title, 'The Mystery of UFO, Is It Real?' as he glared at Oikawa, "they are just as dumb as you. I don't even understand how can you become a CEO when you're acting like a kid."
Oikawa puffed out his cheeks in annoyance, "It's called hard work, Makki! Now why aren't you doing anything? Do your job and stop lecturing me!"
Makki only gave a deadpan expression, "Shittykawa, I finished all my tasks during your two days E.T. movie marathon."
This time, Oikawa Tooru grimaced, his fingers gripping into his brown hair as he gave his assistant a helpless, disbelieving look, as if he was a child begging for more time to play.
Hanamaki ignored him.
Good evening, Usagi-san. I am a friend of Fukurō's, I hope you're already informed.
Your username sounded like the one in an online game.
I don't know how to respond to that.
Ahaha! I can imagine you saying that! I'm sorry, Your Majesty! Does it bother you?
... The name they gave me is getting annoying, that's all I can say.
But 'Crowned Knight' actually sounds good, in my opinion... So how should I call you?
Just 'Kishi' will do, Usagi-san.
Knight, eh? If you say so. Well, let's get into business. Fukurō told me that in exchange of the information I gave him, you will do me a favor.
Let me put this bluntly: your social skills sucks, Kishi-san.
I never intend to improve them. The deal, Usagi-san.
You're an assassin, right? At the moment, I have nothing to ask, so is it alright if the request comes later?
I don't mind. One question, Usagi-san.
Ask away.
What kind of information is Fukurō looking for?
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