Inescapable | Six
The man stared incredulously at the screen in front of him, before slowly tearing his gaze away and inhaled deeply, pushing his glasses up and glared at the younger brunet, who immediately held his hands up and looked away.
"... I don't think I've done anything wrong, Kozume-san," Inuoka replied simply. He's starting to get used to his superior's glare, resulting in his lack of fear when he was given one.
Kenma clicked his tongue, huffing slightly and started typing in front of his computer, his eyes back on the screen. "You're lucky he's just asking you to contact my old username. Do you know who he is?"
"Uh... Your friend? He did said that the two of you are friends, you just had a fight."
The older programmer shook his head. "Far from that. He's my nemesis. And he's 'locked up somewhere' like what he said because he deserves to be." Kenma grabbed his phone and began to dial a number, muttering 'This is why kids shouldn't be roaming through the internet. They're too freaking naive, it's getting into my nerves.'
"So what are you going to do now? Are you calling the cops?"
Kenma only gave him a meaningful look.
Semi stopped the car, walking out and opened the door, offering his hand and led Natsu out.
"You're all alone now. I wish you luck, Hinata-san. I'll pick you up in a few hours." Natsu nodded, and the man went back to the car, giving her one last nod before he drove away.
Natsu smiled, as sweetly as she could, as she entered the dance hall. Her lips parted at the sight in front of her. The chandelier, the soft background music, the smell of expensive perfumes and colognes; honestly, they are all so refreshing, after months of working inside plain white rooms, with the smell of blood and ethanol.
"Don't be so surprised, Young Lady," someone said, and Natsu turned, to see a tall brunet in front of her. He was smiling down at her, a too-friendly look on his face, which made her recognize him almost immediately. Oikawa Tooru. "I'm quite sure you've seen something more beautiful than all these lights. Me, maybe?"
Oh Lord, this guy sure is narcisstic.
"No, sorry. You look better in glasses, Oikawa-san," Natsu replied. Oikawa's expression turned into one of surprise, before he slowly pulled out his glasses from his shirt's pocket and put them on.
"I thought this made me look like a nerd?"
Natsu chuckled, "Well, apparently, I'd rather see a nerd who really looks like one."
"You mean, even without them..."
"Yes," she smiled, "The little UFO tells everything," she pointed at the small pin on his collar.
Oikawa gasped. "But they're real, trust me-..."
"I believe they are," at her words, his eyes lit up immediately, excitement radiating from him. He started rummaging through his pockets, a victorious grin on his face.
"I always told him to believe me... Now he has to," he stated, finally pulling out his phone and rushed to dial someone. Placing the phone beside his ear, he spoke up, "Makki!"
Natsu eyed him carefully, then her gaze landed on the dog in front of his feet, who tilted her head at her.
"Get back here now, I've found the flaw in your argument! People believe in aliens!"
Natsu placed her finger in front of her lips, and the dog stayed silent. The young doctor smiled in satisfaction, before she slowly walked away from the male CEO, towards the table of desserts, where she quickly blended in with a group of women in their beautiful dresses.
"Of course I'm not bluffing! There's a lady here who also said that-..." Oikawa stopped himself in midsentence, when he realized that there's no longer anyone in front of him.
'Hey, what's wrong? Grand King?'
"... Forget it, Makki. She disappears."
'Good for you. Maybe you've meet the said alien just now.'
'Just kidding. Do you want me to find her?'
"Hey, hey, hey! Look who is it! Sawamura-sensei!" the owl-like man exclaimed twice as loud, mock-saluting the ravenette before he took the glass of wine from his hands.
"Don't call me that," Sawamura cringed, "You haven't change, have you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing. So, how are you?"
Bokuto's expression turned serious, "I just fought with Kuroo before I came here. That's all, it seems."
"You sure you're fine?"
"I'm still a soldier, Sawamura. It'll take more than that to beat me. What about you? Job's good?"
"Getting busier with exam seasons," Sawamura chuckled, "But I'll survive. What about the military?"
Bokuto leaned on the nearby table and started tapping his fingers as he took a sip of his wine. Sawamura's eyes widened in surprise, before he regained his composure in a few seconds.
Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap. Tap tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap.
"Nothing much, the same usual. Still peaceful, fortunately. People called us for simple things, wild dogs and lost packages."
"Sounds a bit hard. What else?"
Bokuto hummed, deep in thought, tappjng his fingers again. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap. Tap tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
"I guess that's all? It's tiring, but I think I can handle it."
Sawamura nodded silently. His gaze travelled around the dance hall, but soon stopped on a quite peculiar pair who stood near the corner of the room.
"Hey, Bokuto," the ravenette called. Bokuto hummed in reply, looking at he direction his friend had been staring at, "That's Kageyama, right?"
"So it seems."
"Do you know the woman beside him? The one in the red dress?"
"Well..." Bokuto scrunched ip his nose and slowly shook his head, "... No. Never seen her, never know her. Maybe his girlfriend?"
Sawamura chuckled slightly, "Highly unlikely. But it's kinda strange, isn't it?"
The owl-like man huffed. "I don't know what is it, but my guts told me that something's up."
Kageyama Tobio was never good at socializing. However, he still went to the party, with no intention to talk to anyone (he came for the free food and the drink; nothing illegal, right?), just standing at the corner and watched as many people from various backgrounds acknowledge each other in a really rare event. It's kinda interesting, somehow everyone in the building seemed like a good person, although years in military taught him that it's far from true.
"Aren't you at least a bit lonely?"
Kageyama abruptly turned, to see a woman already standing by his side. She was wearing a red dress, her brown and blonde hair curled slightly. Compared to every other ladies there, most probably she's the least rich-looking.
"No," Kageyama muttered, looking away amd took a sip of his wine. She chuckled and copied his action, her eyes scanned the whole room in a curious manner.
"Well, would you mind if I stay here? I'd rather have no strangers coming up to me. You seemed like you'll be able to save me if anything happens."
Kageyama turned. "Why would you think so?"
"Your figure. You have well-trained physical features. Your arms and legs seemed strong and from how you react when you first saw me, I can see how you always keep your guard up."
"And you're not worried that I might be the one who hurts you?"
"I'm sure you wouldn't do that," the woman smiled, "But as I said before, you have well-trained body. Are you into sports? Or maybe, you're a cop?"
Kageyama shook his head, "I was a part of the military."
"... I quit." Kageyama wasn't sure if he would regret telling this stranger, "An incident happened and I just decided that I can't stay and deal with more conflicts. So I left."
The woman nodded in understanding, "But wouldn't you regret it? And what about your friends?"
"A part of me did regret it," Kageyama admitted, "It's almost impossible for me to return no matter how much I want to. But it wasn't just me, most of my team also left. Maybe... we were in a state of shock. From the ten of us, only two stayed in the military. The rest, even our leader, after two of us were killed on the incident."
"I'm sorry."
Kageyama nodded, "It's alright." His gaze travelled around the room once again, as soon as he felt some kind of danger.
"That's them, " Kageyama stated, "The one with golden tie and the one with freckles. They're the ones who stayed in the military." Maybe I've crossed the lines now, Kageyama thought, but I want to see her reaction.
She raised an eyebrow, "Oh? I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. Well, same goes with criminals, I guess."
Kageyama nodded, while the lady continued, "Almost no one seemed like a bad person, until you found out how someone close to you is a part of a gang, or maybe if your neighbor is actually a wanted terrorist."
"Exactly," he confirmed, "Truthfully, I despise any kind of illegal organizations like those gangs. They did things just as how they want it, not caring about the consequences."
"But now it seemed like they have gone inactive, no?"
He chuckled. "As if. They all just got better at hiding. However, our current concern is human trafficking. There has been some kidnapping efforts, although they all failed, but the number of reported cases has increased gradually, now getting dangerous."
"They all failed?" The woman stared at him with interest, "It's kinda suspicious."
"I don't know the exact details, since the military received the reports from the local cops. From what I've heard, most of the kids were kidnapped, but later were saved by masked strangers who went as far as to guide them home."
Her face turned into one of shock, and Kageyama turned at her as she spoke, "That happened to me when I was young."
".... What?"
"I don't remember what happened, but they did save me and-..." Her words were cut off when the lights suddenly went out.
"Everyone, please calm down. We will fix the problem as soon as we can!" A voice announced loudly among the worried whispers, his voice somehow is shaking with nervousness.
"That's Oikawa-san, right?"
Kageyama nodded in reply, and the lights went back on. But before anyone could sigh in relief, everything went dark for the second time.
"... Be careful," Kageyama muttered, "It's highly unlikely that this happened just by coincidence. Oikawa never lets anything out of plan happens, especially accidents like this."
The lights returned, but then it blinked once again.
"I think it's over," she stated, "But three times in a row? It's just..."
"There's something going on." As soon as those words left his mouth, he regretted it. It was as if he asked for it.
Two gunshots were heard, and everything turned chaotic.
I still don't understand why do I have to make a new username.
Your own fault. You should have listened to me.
... I know you're going to use my old username for your 'important business'.
Glad you understand. But it's better for you not to know about what I'm doing. Not yet.
Stop treating me like a kid.
I have the right to. Just follow my orders and you will understand. Are you done yet there?
Alright, I found the files. Now what?
Send them all to Trojan, and also tell him to come meet me as soon as he can.
I'm on it. But where are you right now?!
Somewhere. Looking for more strays.
You're crazy.
The job's done.
He's still asleep, too drunk to leave his couch.
Just get out of there, Dodger. Get back to the Guillotine and start transferring the data to my computer.
I found my target. Stop messaging me. Hades, out.
... Maybe, just maybe, I do hate you.
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