Inescapable | Eight
Oikawa watched as the motorcycle finally stopped in front of a bar. The rider took off his helmet, and as expected, the brunet could still recognize his spiky black hair. He soon entered the bar, and not long after, his dog Tofu followed.
A short while passed, and Oikawa's car was parked in front of the small building. Oikawa immediately stormed out of the vehicle and ran into the building.
Surely enough, as an elite businessman, he was caught off guard at the sight in front of him. There's so many people inside, he couldn't see where he was going. It reeked of alcohol, blood, and smoke; he was surprised at how people choose to waste their time in a place like that.
"I heard the money's here, Issei?"
Oikawa immediately turned. He could barely hear it, but he's sure that's his Iwa-chan's voice.
"Proof?" a foreign voice asked back. This time, Oikawa managed to see where it came from. The counter, and it was actually his Iwa-chan speaking with the bartender.
Oikawa saw the ravenette showing his phone to the bartender, who nodded and handed him a thick brown envelope along with his drink. It was enough to boost his spirit, as Oikawa quickened his pace, struggling to make his way through the sea humans.
But again, luck wasn't on his side tonight. As he finally reached the counter, Iwaizumi already disappeared.
With a tired sigh, Oikawa took his seat and ordered a drink, leaning on the counter in a desperate manner.
"Got dumped by your girlfriend?" the bartender asked, placing his cup in front of him. Oikawa glared, letting out a growl as he took a gulp of his drink.
"Chill, dude. I'm just joking. I mean, you wear fancy clothes and seemed like you just lost the love of your life... I hope that's not the case, though."
"Something similar to that, but luckily it's nothing like getting dumped or rejected." Oikawa decided to change the subject, "How can this place be so crowded?!"
The bartender laughed, "Biker gangs. They never stayed for long, don't worry. Just don't offend them in any way and you'll be fine." He eyed Oikawa, "You're new here, aren't you? I'm Matsukawa, the owner of this place. Call me Mattsun, everyone does that."
Oikawa nodded, "Mattsun, eh? Well, nice to meet you." He huffed, "By the way, who's the guy you just talked to? And how the heck can he pass through this crowd that easily?!"
Oikawa was surprised to see the guy's jaws fell agape. "You... You don't know who he is?"
"Uh... no?"
The bartender let out a heavy sigh. "He's one of the best fighter in this area, the Crowned Knight. Of course anyone would make way for him."
"Crowned Knight?"
"The name came from his job," Mattsun started, "He's a very well-known assassin, his works' always done quick and clean. But he's not the type who kills anyone for money, he did background checks on both the client and the target, only killing those whom he thinks are better off dead. Quite hard to please, like a noble; that's the 'Crowned' part. But at the same time, he could be knight of some sort; his job is to kill people, but he saved a lot, too. If he knows he's able to, he'll help the person, even a complete stranger. He had helped so many, that's why all of us respected him. Hell, without him I wouldn't have had this bar."
Oikawa couldn't help but to smile inwardly. Of course, that totally sounds like his Iwa-chan. "He's that generous? What do you think of him?"
"Personally? Well, he's really secretive about anything outside his job. But he's polite and has manners, with a good sense of humor. And he never starts trouble, that's a bonus. A cool guy, actually, as long as you don't get on his bad side. Then you'll be dead, literally."
It was silent for a while, Mattsun noticing every twitch Oikawa made as he finished his drink.
"If you want to talk to him, you should hurry. He never ordered much drinks, he should be leaving anytime soon."
"Just start with a simple greeting or something. We never know his real name, so we call him Kishi." Mattsun suddenly gave him a meaningful look, "Oh, right. You never introduced yourself either."
"I'm Oikawa, but people calls me Grand King."
"Grand King and Crowned Knight? I'm sure the two of you will get along just fine." Mattsun pointed towards a table at the corner. Sure enough, Oikawa could now see his 'target' sitting there, petting Tofu's head as the said dog continued wagging her tail.
"I hope that's not a sarcasm," Oikawa replied with a smile, "Thanks a lot, Mattsun. Off I go." He rose from his seat, and made his way through the bar, which now looked much more decent without the large group of bikers from before.
Finally reaching his destination, Oikawa cleared his throat and spoke up, "... Kishi-san, right?"
"Yes, that's me," the ravenette responded, pulling his cigarette away from his lips, and turned to look at Oikawa. "How can I help-..." he trailed off, stopping once he recognized the male in front of him.
Oikawa only gave him a forced grin.
"Yo, Iwa-chan. Long time no see, huh?"
If Natsu must use one word to describe the female driver in front of her, she would choose 'abnormal'. The woman had chin-length honey blonde hair, four earrings, and worst of all, a rebellious aura around her. In that time of the night, the streets may be empty, but she's speeding, and Natsu can only say that it was way too dangerous for a living being to stay inside that car.
"So, newbie," the driver asked, looking at Natsu through the rear-mirror, "They said you're Shouyou's little sister, Natsu Hinata. I guess this is the first time we met?"
"... Yes?" It wasn't that Natsu didn't know the answer, but the blonde woman's behaviour made her feel a bit uneasy, "I've never heard anything about you."
"Ahaha! That's good! Well, the name's Saeko Tanaka! Ryu's elder sister! Just call me Saeko, no formalities needed. Nice to meet you, Natsu-chan!"
"Likewise." Natsu leaned on the back of her seat and closed her eyes, the adrenaline finally left her system, as now she could feel a great exhaustion all through her body. She's quite concerned about her safety at the moment, but she decided it would be best not to worry about it.
The ride was spent in silence, except for Saeko's constant humming and the sound of Terushima's phone every once in a while. Natsu tried her best to rest, however she found herself unable to fall asleep. One factor was probably how she was still worried about her brother.
Terushima didn't explain much, all he said was that he knew Semi is their ally and Shouyou wasn't in any danger. Natsu wanted to ask more, but he had his lips sealed.
"Alright! We've arrived, ladies!" Saeko finally announced as the car stopped in front of the Bungalow. Terushima sent her a glare at her last word, which she ignored with ease, merely pointing at gate in front of them.
"Could you please, Teru-kun?"
Terushima let out a sight and left the car to open the large gate, while Saeko grinned at Natsu. "It will just be the three of us, along with Lev, your brother, and Taketora, another member you haven't meet."
"And everyone else?"
Saeko drove into the building, while Natsu could hear Terushima slamming the gate shut and locked it.
"Ryu's taking Kiyoko back to her mansion. Both of them will stay low for a few days. Kei and Eita are still inside that dance hall, they're investigating the incident. While Yuu had to go back to the hospital."
Natsu nodded, and as soon as the car was parked, the women made their way towards the meeting room. It didn't take long, and once they reached it, Natsu was greeted with the sight of his brother sitting on the couch, grinning at her.
"Good work, Natsu!"
She could feel herself losing her patience. A few more minutes and she wouldn't tolerate it any longer.
"Nii-chan, you have 5 seconds to explain everything." Shouyou's face visibly paled, "Five."
"O-Okay. So, I was the one who called you. It was your test before you can be a part of the gang."
"It doesn't sound like your voice. Four."
"B-B-But it's mine!" he cleared his throat, before he spoke up, "Hinata-san, you have to calm down, or your brother will be in danger."
And this time, his voice is the same as the mysterious caller's. So he wasn't lying.
"... And how can you do it?"
"Talent?" Shouyou shrugged, "I'm not sure. I've been able to do it for a long time. Though, it was just about two years ago when I started using it for the gang. Lev's idea."
"So you used it to scare your little sister to death and made her talk to creepy strangers in a luxurious party filled with elites she never wanted to meet?"
"Forgive me?"
"Well, Natsu, it wasn't all done for nothing. Now that you've finished the task, you're an official member of the Silver Lions," a voice spoke up. It was Lev, who had just entered the room with Yuu and another man she hadn't meet before.
"Woah, you're right, Noya-san! A beauty!" the stranger exclaimed as his gaze landed on Natsu. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity, while the man approached her and offered her his hand.
"Yamamoto Taketora, but I prefer Tora. And you are?"
"Hinata Natsu. Nice to meet you, Tora-san." Natsu cringed as Taketora swooned over her, while her brother lunged at him, yelling 'Don't you dare touch my sister, you perv!'.
"Kinda chaotic here. But you'll get used to it, trust me," Saeko assured, turning on the TV at the corner. Natsu only huffed at the statement, plopping herself onto the couch and crossed her arms.
"Well, it will definitely take a while."
The brunet followed Mai outside, and she led him towards a dark alleyway. His smile didn't falter even when her 'scary-looking' companions stood not far away from them, watching him threateningly. It doesn't take long before she stopped, crossing her arms and turned to look at him.
"You're one of the very few who has ever been able to catch me in surprise, sir. I would like to know your name," she stated, but frowned when he gave her a shrug.
"Everything comes with a price, especially information. Of all people, you should know that the best, Nametsu-san," he mused out, "What are you willing to sacrifice?"
She has yet to be able to read him. He may be smiling, but it was obviously a fake one. As if he was mocking her.
"Just tell me who you are. We don't want my friends there to interfere, right?"
The man glanced at the three men outside the alley. "I don't mind, actually. It's not like they can do anything against me."
She sighed, gesturing her said bodyguards to come closer. "He said you guys won't stand a chance against him. I think you would be offended," she informed, "How about you take him to the car now? I want to force him to spill everything, but we can't do it here."
One of the man, a tall young ravenette, walked towards his target, and about to grab him. But the brunet caught his hand and gave him a disapproving look.
"Don't I look familiar, Kindaichi Yuutarou?" he asked, "I was only gone for two years."
Kindaichi's expression changed drastically. "How did you know my-..." he trailed off, but soon his eyes were filled with disbelief as he recognized the man in front of him, "... No. He's dead. You can't be him."
The mysterious man turned his head, and used his free hand to lift his hair up, revealing a tattoo at the back of his neck. A small nose between whiskers, 3 on each sides, and a pair of cat ears on the NEKO text above it.
"Read it aloud," he commanded.
Faint gasps were heard, and Neko released him. "I recall you were there when I made the deal with the Iron Eagles. How about you tell me what it is about?"
Kindaichi could only obliged, "... The Iron Eagles shall never bring harm to the Golden Cats, be it intentional or not. If it happened, offenders will be punished by leaders from both organizations, and had to fulfill the requested compensation from victim's side."
"That's just the second one," Neko commented, crossing his arms, "What's the first?"
Kindaichi gulped. "Neko is one of the leaders of the Iron Eagles, and members are to follow his orders anytime."
Neko gave Kindaichi a meaningful look. "Now you and your team can leave. Consider the gang's deal with the Selfish Informant completed. And you will report everything regarding both your gang and the Golden Cats within 24 hours."
Kindaichi nodded hesitantly.
"Last thing: do not inform your superior about any of this. Dismissed."
With the two other men, he scurried away, entering their car in a rush and drove off almost immediately. Mai watched the whole scene in silence, a bitter smile on her lips. Her attention went back to the brunet in front of her.
"So... Neko, huh? You were declared dead two years ago."
"Declared by who?"
She had no answer.
"See? No one really knows. People merely assumes. And it's your job, as an informant, to reveal the truth behind those assumptions. Am I right?"
"What do you want from me, Neko?"
"Your cooperation."
Inuoka let out a tired sigh as he finally reached the house. His superior's car was nowhere to be seen, so that definitely means he has yet to return. Quite a good news, actually. However, when his eyes landed on the silver motorcycle that was parked in front of the garage, Inuoka couldn't help but to cringe in annoyance.
"... Fuck."
The brunet slowly pushed the gate open, walking towards the front door. It was unlocked, as he hoped for, and Inuoka entered the house. The intruder he expected was sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels of the TV, but turned it off as soon as Inuoka walked in.
"Yo, Inuoka! Good morning!"
"Konoha-san, I told you to inform me in advance if you want to come here."
"But there's no fun in that," Konoha Akinori, Inuoka's superior and Kozume's partner, responded. "Oh, right. About the files you sent me. What was that for?"
Inuoka shrugged, turning on the lights as he walked upstairs, followed by the older blond, "Who knows. I was told to stole it and send it to you."
"Stole it?" Konoha chuckled, running his fingers through his dirty-blonde hair, his narrow eyes stole a glance at Inuoka's expression. "Where from? It was so detailed, looks like an official report."
"Just the house next door." Inuoka pushed another door open; the largest room inside the house, his superior's office. It has at least 3 set of computers, 1 on each corner (with 3 monitors each), not including the laptops on the round table in the middle of the room.
"What took you so long, then?" Konoha asked, settling himself in front of one of the computers. Inuoka copied his action, leaving the computer at the farthest corner unused. Kozume's; it would be the death of them if they even dare to touch it without permission.
"He told me to take the files to the Guillotine. There's nothing I can do."
Konoha laughed, "That's Kozume for you."
"I'll never get used to it. He treats me as if I'm some kind of servant or anything like that. What a tyrant."
"No, no. You should be flattered. Kozume's the kind who never wants to rely on anyone. If he asks you for small errands like that, it means he trusts you."
Inuoka frowned in scepticism, but before he could say anything else, a knock was heard from the front door, surprising the two of them.
"We're not waiting for any packages at the moment."
"It's still six in the morning. Who the fuck suddenly visits someone at six in the morning?" Konoha exclaimed, looking at Inuoka.
The brunet gave him a flat look. "Technically, you did it."
"I was here since half an hour ago!" The blond started typing on his computer, and soon enough, his screen showed the picture from the CCTV at the front door. There, stood a tall guy, with messy bedhead black hair, carrying a laptop with him. "Okay, who the hell is that?"
Inuoka's eyes widened in recognition. "Shit, that's Kuroo-san!"
"Just kick him out! I'm not in the mood to deal with unwanted guests."
"We can't. He's a fucking VIP, Kozume-san will kill us if anything happens."
"I never know we got a VIP." Konoha sighed, "You go and take him in, Inuoka. Give him whatever he wants."
"Why me?!"
"Because I'm just a stranger here, while you seemed to have already met him before. Stop complaining and hurry up."
"Fine," Inuoka rose from his seat, "But you're calling Kozume-san."
"Yeah, I got it."
A group chat? Why would you bring Kishi-san here, Usagi-san?
Oh dear, how rude. You told me to contact him for my payment, I thought he has the right to know what we're talking about.
It seems like that Crowned Knight wouldn't be online anytime soon. He had an unexpected meeting with his old acquaintance.
You're avoiding my question. Well, it doesn't matter now. Back to the main topic, I couldn't find much things about Neko's death.
As all of us know, his death was quite sudden, and the gang he led, the Golden Cats, was disbanded soon after. Their representatives never reveal anything, but the Iron Eagles had leaked some information regarding the matter.
Make it short. I don't care about how he died, I want to know what happens after that.
I apologize. Onto the subject. His body was never found, but it was strange that there's no cases of anyone finding a dead body for the next three months after his death. Conclusion: Neko completely disappeared without a trace.
Is that all? It's kinda useless, Don't you think? Seems like I expect too much from you, Usagi.
My clients' satisfaction will always be my priority. Anything I can do now?
Your words are too harsh, Fukurō. You're an informant yourself; you already asked for Usagi's help, which isn't exactly something to brag about. It's good enough that she's cooperating, now you still have complaints?
Please pay no mind to what he said, Usagi-san. Do you find anything else? Even the slightest clue might help.
Are you still bitter about what happened, Kishi-san?
Thank you, Kishi-san. I'm not sure if it could be categorized as a clue, but I found it interesting.
A video game. Do you still want to hear about the details?
Go ahead.
The name is Forsaken Felines: The Siege. A fantasy RPG which had just started to gain its popularity last December. I haven't learned much about it, but the game just somehow reminds me of the Golden Cats. I think you should check it out.
Now that can be considered useful. You can talk with Kishi-san for the payment.
How kind of you, Fukurō. I have to go, I'll contact you later, Usagi-san. Thanks for the information. Kishi, out.
I'm taking my leave as well. Usagi, out.
Ah, they left.
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