When Joost came back from his and Tantu's smoke, he was glad to see Elke laughing.
Stuntje had moved to sit on the sofa's armrest. With his sleeve rolled up to his shoulder, he showed Elke the tattoo that Apson dared him to get. The story of too many Jägerbombs and a night out in Berlin was all too familiar.
Elke doubled over to laugh into her hand with Alanis by her side. Apson, Daan and Enzo surrounded the sofa, their efforts to ease the air doing wonders. They laughed along with Elke and Joost's apartment was a drastic difference to how the owner and Tantu left it.
The late hour brought everyone's leave. While the front door sat open, Joost's friends took their time in saying goodbye.
'We live about ten minutes from here so call me if you need me, okay?' Alanis said, holding Elke's hand. Her statement included Apson who was giving a long goodbye to Joost.
Elke appreciated Alanis' sentiment and thanked her sincerely. She watched the girl push Apson out the door, not even noticing Tantu walk by with her backpack by his side. From Stuntje's stories and Alanis' friendly chats, the day's events had slipped Elke's mind.
Elke changed into the clothes Alanis had brought from her apartment. While Joost waited in his living room, she was thankful that her biggest worry now was sleeping in the same bed as him.
His large bed had dark grey covers and his bedside tables were covered in wired earphones, lighters, sunglasses and more. He had apologised about the state of his floor, which Elke could barely see under all the clothes and sneakers. But while standing in her sleeping attire, Elke didn't mind any of it.
Just like Joost had mentioned, a large Stitch plushie caught Elke's eye. She couldn't stand to see it slumped against the wall next to his open drawers. So, before she settled onto Joost's bed, she heaved the blue monster up from the floor and sat with it under the covers.
'You've found my darkest secret,' he joked. The plushie was far more innocent than the other things Joost had to hide. But when Joost walked in, his toothbrush in his mouth, he couldn't resist the sight in his bed.
'You left him on the floor,' Elke scolded playfully. 'That's a sin.'
Joost chuckled and finished in the bathroom. Running a hand through his messy hair, the man stopped just short of the bed.
'Are you sure you're comfortable with this? I really don't mind sleeping in the living room,' Joost looked at the girl sitting with her legs crossed on his mattress.
'Of course. I should be the one sleeping on the sofa but...'
Joost didn't need her to finish. He knew she was terrified at the idea of sleeping so close to the front door. He said nothing about the fact that Elke was seated where he usually slept. If she had picked the other side, Joost would have encouraged her to change, anyway. This meant that if anyone came in, Joost would have direct access to the gun buried in his drawer.
Laying on her back, Elke watched as Joost reached up to pull his shirt off. A heat grew on her cheeks and she turned on her side. The blinds over the window became greatly interesting as she felt the dip of the mattress.
They laid in silence for a moment after Joost turned off the lamp. Elke's eyes drooped, her day of crying leaving them dry and stinging. But she remembered being under her bed frame, her phone clenched in hand and the agonising fear returned.
She rolled over and could make out Joost's bare back. The movement of the duvet and the creak of the mattress made Joost look over his shoulder.
'Are you alright?' he asked, his voice low and thick.
'Um... I'm not sure.'
Elke felt the bed shift as Joost turned over. His breath fanned her face and an arm wrapped around her shoulders. The pull into Joost's bare chest made Elke's breath hitch. Her nose hovered over the stretch of his neck and at the smell of his body wash from his shower, Elke's head dropped in exhaustion.
Her own arms wrapped around Joost's middle. Their bare skin hummed with warmth as they held each other. In just his sweatpants, Joost felt his own muscles relax with Elke against him. Her face sat in the crook of his neck and he angled his nose to hover over her hair. He inhaled, adoring Elke's fresh smell and the way it smoothened all his worries.
She was addicting and the motivation to keep her safe only strengthened with her in his arms.
It was too dangerous to be making any deals now. Roan's body had been found and word had spread through the underground community. The headlines 'botched drug deal turns deadly' scared off any new and existing clients. Those who had worked with the Dutch group before insisted they would be back when things died down.
This wasn't ideal but it gave Joost and his team more time for the dire matters. Without these deals, Enzo had the capacity to help out in the workshop.
Looking away from the elevated Mustang above him, Enzo saw a car screech as it pulled into a parking space outside. He let his arms fall to his sides and stepped over all the tools and creeper.
'Still keeping this shit show running?'
'It's an honest income,' Enzo shrugged while dapping up the man.
'Pfft, nothing's honest nowadays.'
Enzo couldn't argue with that, especially when talking to a convicted felon.
'It sounds like Joost has got himself into some trouble,' the man said as he and Enzo walked through the workshop. They passed Apson and Daan, who acknowledged the new comer with a quick nod.
'Yeah but this time, it's partly from his own doing.'
'What does that mean?'
Enzo held the door open to the backroom. Alanis wasn't in today nor was Tantu, leaving the three computer screens off and the room empty. The two men sat down at the metal table and Enzo strung along his explanation.
'We've had to pull back on the deals for now. We can't guarantee that anyone hasn't already been bought. Since we don't know why Acid's back, Joost wants to focus on weeding him out,' Enzo leaned back in his chair, his tall, lanky frame making his legs stretch far under the table.
'Where is Joost?' the man looked around as if to find the blonde in the shadowed corners. 'If he wants Acid gone as much as I do, then he should be here making a pipebomb to put under the cunt's car.'
'It's a bit more complicated than that, Donnie.'
What could be more complicated than Nathan being back in The Netherlands and botching all your deals? Donnie thought to himself.
The man had no time for stragetic planning and slow-burn revenge. When it came to the Belgian, Donnie was prepared to unload every bullet he owned into Nathan's body. The whole reason he had been out of the loop until now was because of him. His years behind bars had been agonising and every day, Donnie prayed for the day that he would kill the man that had wrong him and so many others.
Nathan was the one person that Donnie would never do business with again, no matter how desperate he was for something.
'Acid's got people looking for some money and Joost has taken it upon himself to keep it from him. That way, we can find out why Acid would risk being back here with you on the loose,' Enzo said and Donnie wasn't yet following.
'Doesn't sound complicated to me?'
'The money's been tied up with a girl.'
'A girl?'
Donnie still wasn't following and Enzo sat back in a lengthy pause. The man stared at the fair-haired dealer who had given him all the information he needed. Enzo knew Joost, as did Donnie, so the mention of a girl should have been all he needed to say.
Enzo watched as Donnie's wrinkled forehead smoothened and the corners of his lips twitched upwards. The look of realisation replaced one of confusion and Donnie propped his elbows on the table to lean forward in intrigue.
'Oh, I see. A girl,' Donnie repeated mockingly. 'Joost's blowing me off to fuck around with the Bonnie to his Clyde?'
'She doesn't know anything. He doesn't want her involved.'
'Well, that's wishful thinking. I thought he was smarter than that?'
If it had been any other situation, Enzo would have thought the same. They had been in the business long enough to know that everyone who touched the underground was already involved. When you're dealing with people that didn't have morals or boundaries, your choices were invalid.
Elke's case was the classic example. Without her knowledge, her deceased boyfriend had put a target on her back. The backpack of money was her initiation and Enzo would have agreed with Donnie in saying that it was futile for Joost to try to change that.
But Enzo sympathised for Joost's optimism. He wouldn't be playing so hard at a seemingly losing game if he didn't care about Elke. Enzo, of all people, knew about Joost's tough childhood, and to hear that he had found someone outside of their profession made Enzo wish he had the same optimism.
Deep down, Enzo was rooting for Joost and Elke's happiness. He just wished that they lived in a perfect world where Joost, or anyone in the workshop, could just walk away.
'So, Joost wants Acid gone before this girl finds out she's in the middle of it all?'
Enzo nodded and bit the inside of his cheek. Donnie seemed to be in thought. Was he going to risk being caught and put away, perhaps forever this time, for Joost's happiness? He wanted Acid gone just as much, but Joost was never one for dirty play and bold statements. Was Donnie prepared to suffer the grueling torture of planning Acid's take down?
'Alright. I'll help the Albino get his happily ever after,' Donnie said, hoping that he wouldn't regret it.
The cup of tea in Elke's hand was half-full. Joost's apartment was warm, letting her sit in the living room in just her pajamas. But outside, the cold day had found a way to nip at her bare arms from the open window next to her.
Joost leaned out with his cigarette, listening to the news report that played on the TV. He stared down at the street below and hated to think what he was going to be turning around to.
For the first time in months, both Elke and Joost had slept in until the late morning. They awoke to their legs entangled under the warm covers and with Elke's head on Joost's head. While on his back, Joost's arm was snug around her shoulders. Being the first to open his eyes, he pressed his lips against her hair and enjoyed the weight of Elke on his left side.
Joost thought they would make breakfast together and share kisses in the kitchen. After he finished his cigarette, he would turn and see Elke in her large t-shirt, well-rested and smiling prettily in the late morning. But he didn't catch her in time before she turned on his TV and was met with the dreaded news report.
A single tear fell down Elke's cheek. As if yesterday's crying wasn't enough, her eyes were bloodshot once again. The body in the skip was already identified as Roan's and three missed calls waited on Elke's phone screen. One from her mother, one from Arabella and one from a rogue friend of Roan's that she had barely shared a word with. Only two texts followed but Elke would wait to send her replies.
Shutting the window, Joost lowered himself onto the sofa. His added weight made Elke sink into his side and he reacted immediately when her arms flew around his abdomen. Shirtless, Joost drew Elke into his chest and let her grip him tightly. He knew that she would be upset, but it didn't change how he felt about Roan.
He wasn't worth Elke's tears even in death. But Elke wasn't like Joost and would never wish death upon anyone, not even Roan. Joost reminded himself that it was Elke that was under his arm. So, he leaned back and rested his head on top of hers. He waited until the news report was finished before he changed the channel.
'What do you want to do today? We'll do anything you like,' he said, his thumb stroking circles underneath her sleeve.
'Can we talk?' her voice was shaky but hopeful. 'About you?'
'About me?'
'I want to hear about you and your life. I'm sick of mine at the moment...'
Joost pressed his lips together. He had been saying the same thing for years. But what Elke wanted to know would be of the times before then.
'Sure,' Joost smiled. 'We can talk about me.'
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