To Dance Amongst The Heavens [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
A/N: Part 2 of To Dance Amongst The Stars. TheJalapenoOnAStiick grab some tissues now. Okay not as sad as the first one but I tried.
For thousands of years Aziraphale and Crowley swayed in each others arms. The two burned as brightly as ever. Time moved in reverse, and nobody cared. The only focus in the world was their lover's eyes.
Aziraphale believed that Crowley had very pretty eyes. They softly glowed like candles.
Candles, there were plenty of candles. Scented candles of all sorts. Aziraphale loved them, especially the ones that smelled like apples. Not only did they smell like fruit, they smelt like Crowley.
Crowley loved seeing Aziraphale so happy. Aziraphale was almost always happy, almost.
It didn't take Crowley long to figure out when something was wrong with Aziraphale.
"Angel, what's wrong?"
Aziraphale wanted to ignore Crowley. He didn't respond to the question the first time Crowley asked it. There was something about Crowley's persistence though. After asking a second time Aziraphale gave in and said, "My star is burning out. Crowley I'm dying!"
Crowley cupped Aziraphale's cheek and asked, "Is there anything we can do about it?"
Aziraphale fell into Crowley's arms, not saying anything. Crowley whispered, "I don't want to loose you again Aziraphale. We have to stop it. I can't go on without you."
Aziraphale looked up at Crowley and said, "Someday you'll burn out too. Then I suppose that will be it for the both of us."
Crowley closed his eyes and stated, "I don't want to die. I don't want you to die. Nobody is dying."
Tears began to drip down Aziraphale's cheeks. He closed his eyes to try to stop the rush of tears. He told himself that he didn't need to cry in front of Crowley.
It was Crowley who began to burst out in tears anyways. He knew people occasionally disappeared from this place, but he never pictured Aziraphale burning out.
They both knew there was no stopping it. They didn't have much of a choice. Aziraphale slowly faded away until he was nothing.
Crowley had to learn to dance alone.
For a little while anyways. After enough time, Crowley began to fade too. He didn't care. He was too sad about Aziraphale to care about burning out too.
When the day came Crowley didn't mind fading completely out of existence.
If you were to look from the middle of the universe (where Earth would have been if it had been created at the time, but since time was moving backwards until now, God had not thought up the Earth) you probably wouldn't have noticed two stars that had just burnt out. That's because light doesn't work that way, but if you wait for a very long time you would notice two not so distinct holes where stars once were.
Those holes came about the day the angels came about. The day an angel named Aziraphale was created for the twelve thousanth time.
Aziraphale was one of God's best creations. He had eyes that were blue as the seas that were recently created. Hair as white as clouds. He was shaped differently from the other angels too. Just a bit rounder, and just a bit shorter.
God was satisfied with her creation. This one was one of her trick cards in an ineffable game of poker in a dark universe. She loved plaything this card.
The new angel stared at Her.
"Go on Aziraphale, you can have fun with the others for right now."
Aziraphale asked, "Are you sure you don't need help with anything right now, All Mighty?"
God brushed her fingers through Aziraphale's hair, leaving star dust in it. She responded, "No, Principality Aziraphale, I do not need assistance with anything at the moment. You're still a child, go explore the Heavens. You'll have your time of use, just wait. Patience is a virtue."
Aziraphale did not question God. The new angel decided to walk around and try to take in all the sights.
"I'm going to get you Luci!"
Aziraphale was directly in the path of two sprinting angels. One was bright, almost like a star. He was almost too bright for Aziraphale to see. The other angel was completely visible to Aziraphale.
He had ginger hair, and eyes made of gold. He was covered in star dust. He was absolutely gorgeous. Something seemed familiar about him.
"Watch out!"
Aziraphale got trampled by the two angels. Things went dark for a moment before he saw a flash of what looked to be an evil being sitting in front of him, laughing in the middle of a very crowded place. There seemed to be edibles on fancy plates all around them.
Then he woke up. The glowing light above him had dimmed to reveal a normal angel. The ginger was down at Aziraphale's side, attempting to find any injury.
"Can you hear me?" the ginger angel asked. Aziraphale sat up and said, "Yes, I can hear you just fine. I think I perhaps hit my head."
"Well I'm Raphael, but I'm thinking about changing it to Crawley" the ginger stated, "And this is Lucifer."
Aziraphale then black out again. The next thing he knew he was laying in front of God. Raphael and Lucifer were attempting to explain what had happened to him, but She knew already.
"It's alright dears. It seems as if he's waking up now. Perhaps you should go tend to your patient, Raphael."
Raphael walked over to Aziraphale and said, "You just hit your head a bit. I'm going to take care of you until you feel better. She healed you for the most part."
Raphael didn't hesitate to pick up Aziraphale.
Raphael had decided he quite liked Aziraphale. There was something warm, comforting, and familiar about him. Aziraphale couldn't help but like Raphael too. If Raphael wasn't hanging out with Lucifer and his gang, Aziraphale would find himself tagging along with Raphael. It was like this for years. As the two grew, so did their feelings.
There was of course, undeniable sweet moments between the two. It started off as smiles that just had a little something to them. That led to complements, which turned into subtle flirting.
You can guess what that came to. God never said her angels couldn't love each other. It's easier to ask for forgiveness then permission anyways.
Raphael was a curious angel. He wasn't that nervous when he asked Aziraphale if they had mutual feelings.
They were what you'd think to be normal teenage angels. God loved to watch them grow quickly over and over again. God also liked watching their relationship.
She did have her card tricks though. When the two were nearing what God would call "adulthood" she let Raphael fall. He had asked too many questions anyways.
How it all hurt Aziraphale.
"Raphael! Raphael what's happening?"
Aziraphale stared upon his friend who was quickly shedding feathers.
"Aziraphale, I asked too many questions. Principality, please remember that I always loved you, and if I can love in my heartless form, I will always forever love you."
It was at that moment Aziraphale went to kiss Raphael, but it was too late. He was falling. He felt everything around him burning. His hair went up in flames. All hints of stardust floated back into Heaven. His face of freckles disappeared. Blood flew from his mouth. He had sharper teeth now, and what seemed to be pointed finger nails. His wings had sprouted black feathers.
A key that he had always wore around his neck shot back into Heaven, landing in Aziraphale's hands.
Before he knew it, he was in Hell, and he was no longer Raphael. He didn't remember even being Raphael, for the most part at least. A hard hit to the head makes you forget things.
In this case Crawley, formerly Raphael, also remembered something he wasn't supposed to, from his last life. It was him drinking and laughing with an angel.
As he woke up in a pit of fire he screamed out, "Aziraphale!"
He could never make any sense of why he screamed out that name. It wasn't until the Earth was created that he began to figure out who Aziraphale was.
The angel of the Eastern gate. The principality. The softest angel, with wings white as snow. He knew this angel from somewhere, but couldn't figure it out.
Perhaps they danced in Heaven together once. That was it.
That was what had happened. Angels didn't dance after Raphael fell. Just common courtesy, and nobody had knew why.
Aziraphale didn't recognize Crawley as Raphael, and wouldn't see it until much later. He just saw a demon that was stirring up trouble.
For six thousand years they'd stir up trouble together. Aziraphale and Crowley. They'd stop the end of the world together. They'd drink and dine together.
Nothing different from the story you know, except for the fact that this time God rolled the dice a bit. She pushed for Aziraphale to love Crowley just a little bit more.
God decided that Aziraphale and Crowley were good for each other.
It was so obvious. The angel and the demon realized this too. It was shortly after Armageddon, Aziraphale found himself tucked into Crowley's bed. The demon laid beside him, running his black nails through the angel's tufts of white.
Aziraphale tapped his fingers on Crowley's bare chest.
"Dear, I love you."
Crowley smiled and said, "I know angel, I know."
"Something has been bothering me though," Aziraphale sighed. Crowley's stomach dropped. He had a terrible feeling about what was about to happen.
"You were once an angel. I know who you were now."
Crowley asked, "And what does it mean to me?"
Aziraphale responded, "You were Raphael. It all fits so well now. I have your key."
Crowley sighed in relief, "Keep it, I'm not an angel anymore. I don't need it."
Aziraphale placed his head on Crowley's shoulder and said, "Heaven is after me. I know they are. The key will be in my book shop for whenever you need it."
Crowley kissed Aziraphale on the cheek and whispered, "You have nothing to worry about angel. I'll always be right here."
Crowley believed he was a demon who was true to his word. Unfortunately Heaven took their angel back the one day when Crowley had to do an assignment.
Aziraphale quickly scribbled out a letter to Crowley. He knew Crowley would never understand why he let himself be kidnapped. He knew that Crowley would never understand why he didn't try to fight back.
He knew what was coming, that's why, and there was no stopping it.
Aziraphale didn't resist when he was crammed into a cage. Other angels laughed at him constantly. Angels weren't necessarily good, just like demons weren't necessarily bad. This was a time where angels were, to put it in a simple form, bad.
Aziraphale sat in the cage for days. That was until Crowley busted through the doors of Heaven.
"Crowley! Help me!" Aziraphale shouted. He wanted to be saved by his demon once again, even though something told him this time would be very different.
Angels ran towards Crowley. The demon's wings spread open, ready to block whatever came his way. They weren't enough though, they didn't stand against the higher ups. The arch angels were there with the others. They saw the key Crowley was wearing. Their first response was to break his wings.
The sound of popping and breaking was enough to make Aziraphale cringe. His only love was being broke to bits and pieces.
It almost killed Aziraphale to know Crowley was so close to him. He reached out for his angel. The closest they got to each other was just a soft brush of their fingertips.
After that Crowley was dragged across the floor, a pool of blood following him. Aziraphale stared in horror. He couldn't help but begin to sob. He knew he'd never see Crowley again.
Nobody heard it when Aziraphale whispered, "I will always love you, dear."
Nobody except God, who had watched this go down so many times. It was like clockwork.
It was the middle of the night when Aziraphale learned what was to come of him. He stood trial, then and there. He lost, and he knew this would be it.
With tears rushing down his face he prepared to step into the fire. Gabirel intently watched him. Aziraphale's eyes couldn't help but dart at the archangel.
"Tell Crowley, I love him."
Gabriel smirked and laughed, "He said that he loves you too. Silly demon thinks he could love an angel without having a few misfortunes. This isn't a misfortune though, this is a relief. A burden off our-"
Aziraphale stepped into the fire. It consumed him. He had never felt such a burning pain. It ran deep into his core.
Ashes were the only things left of Aziraphale. That was unless you reached the stars. One began to flicker in place.
This was when Aziraphale had realized there was something beyond burning. The rumors about dancing amongst the stars were true.
God pulled the angel out of the fire.
"Aziraphale, do you know why you're here?" God asked.
Aziraphale responded, "No, All Mighty, I do not."
The angel fell to his knees. She motioned for Aziraphale to get up.
"Aziraphale, Principality and Part Time Rare Book Hoarder, this is a special place I made with you in mind. Raphael helped me build it. I suppose you call him Crowley now."
Aziraphale got to his feet and said, "Yes, he's Crowley now. He's a demon."
She said, "That's nice. A place for star crossed lovers, my absolute favorites. Watch over Crowley, he needs it. Play with what you can do, Aziraphale. Wait for Crowley, and please for the love of me, learn something besides the gavotte."
"Oh yes All Mighty, I will do what you say."
Aziraphale seemed over joyed.
When the day came he found Crowley in a bath of holy water. Aziraphale laid a cold hand on Crowley's cheek. After his own death, Aziraphale had only been able to go to Earth once and touch Crowley. That was his goodbye.
Aziraphale felt so much joy radiating in him. After all these years he was finally able to say, "It's time to go, Crowley. Come on dear. I've been waiting for you. Let's dance amongst the stars."
Crowley smiled back at Aziraphale and sighed, "As long as you've learned something besides the gavotte."
Aziraphale pulled Crowley out of the bath and said, "Oh, of course dear. There's a proper way things go here."
And things went on like that forever.
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