Don't Open Your Eyes [Angst w/h/e] (WWII AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
A/N: Whoever said in the comments of that Great Depression AU that the Air Force was the safest you were absolutely wrong.
I wish that photos would fricken load because I've got pictures of a B-14 bomber. I think it's a B-14. I could be wrong. The pics will be at the end of the chapter because hopefully they'll load after I write more.
Also this is a continuation to the Great Depression AU.
SuperNovaRueGrey23 grab tissues
Caution: Major Character Death!!!
"Angel..." Crowley thought as he jumped out of the plane, "Send me an angel."
He felt one of his shoes fly away. At least he had another pair with him. Everything was changing around him.
Just a few years ago he was happy. He was back with Az, drinking Coke-A-Cola and secretly slipping kisses in bathroom stalls. They had their good times together. Those times were over.
The air around Crowley was freezing. It turned his cheeks a fair shade of pink and his lips pale. His suit gave him warmth though. It was almost like wearing an electric blanket. His was working well right now, which was a rare thing. Sometimes the heat would go out in places. Other times it would get too hot and he'd return to base with burns.
Az was up in the sky right now too, but no where near Crowley. He wasn't jumping though. He was flying, and it was terrifying. His heart was pounding inside his chest. He was trying to think happy thoughts. If he was going to die, he wanted to die happy. He was thinking of Crowley.
"The boy let the bird go. The bird flew far away. But when the boy called for it, the bird would always come back."
Az could close his eyes and see Crowley's face. Right now, he was fighting to see him again, so he couldn't close his eyes. It was terrifying. He just had to keep flying. The B-14 Bomber he was piloting was taking damage, but it was holding up. The payload just had to be dropped and he'd return back to base.
He hoped he'd make it that long.
He kept pushing on until the drop point was released. Then he did he best to try to get everyone home.
He was doing pretty good at first. Everything was okay- well as okay as it could be. Things were alright until they were close to the base.
Fires did tend to happen though, especially around the engine.
"Az! We're going down!"
He didn't know who said it, but he had a response. "We can make it home!"
He felt the plane start to lose altitude. He kept pushing on.
"Az! We won't make it!"
Az shouted, "I'm going to try! If we don't, it's been one great ride with you guys! See you in the next life!"
He clenched his teeth and kept pushing on until he lost all control. By then he was breathing in smoke through his mask, instead of oxygen. He took it off and closed his eyes. He then took off his radio set.
He could see Crowley.
"Hey Az."
"Shh, angel, it's just us. You can call me Anthony."
Az let his voice crack. "I'm so scared."
"What are you scared of Anthony asked? Too high up? Come on, worst thing that could happen is you fall and break your arm. Don't be scared, I'm right here with you."
Az said, "I'm afraid of dying Anthony, I don't want to leave you behind."
"Oh, Az, I'm going to be alright. Go on. I love you."
"I love you too."
Anthony grabbed his hand and said, "It's getting a little warm out here. Why don't we go get a Coke?"
Az smiled at him and said, "But you're just my imagination. You're not real. You're a comfort memory. When I open my eyes-"
Anthony said, "Then don't open your eyes. Stay with me, Az. Just stay. We can stay together and go get Cokes and I'll make the sweetest of love to you in the back of my Bentley after I drive you somewhere to look at stars. We'll stay together until we can get married. Don't you want to marry me some day Az? Me and you. Imagine it, Az. Keep your eyes closed and show me."
The next thing Az knew he was standing at the alter. He was wearing nice clothing. Anthony was standing across from him.
"I do."
"Do you Az Zira Phale take Anthony J. Crowley as your lawfully wedded husband?"
Az said, "I do."
"By the power invested in me these two are officially bonded in marriage. You may kiss."
Anthony then kissed Az. It was beautiful.
It was an outdoors wedding and everything was hot. Bees were buzzing, but they didn't sound like bees. They sounded like metal.
Anthony pulled away from the kiss and said, "Don't open your eyes, Az. Don't leave me. I love you."
Az's eyes fluttered open. He was faced with an inferno.
He tried to close his eyes again, but Anthony wasn't returning.
Az was not at peace when the plane finally hit the ground, killing him on impact.
He didn't die happy.
He died in love.
Anthony Crowley was just arriving back at his home base. He was planning on smoking a few with his friends. He also had a letter from his sister to read.
That's exactly what he did. He was in the middle of reading the letter when he heard the rumors of the plane that went down.
The next day word of his worst fear came true.
Az was dead.
Crowley wasn't himself ever again.
"Knew the guy?" another pilot named Hastur asked.
Crowley responded, "He was my best friend. -He can't be dead. He's missing. I need to find him."
Hastur said, "If that makes you feel better, just imagine that."
Crowley believed it. He survived the war. He went home. He just wasn't the same.
Sometimes people would find a young man in an apple tree mumbling to thin air. Sometimes he'd just be waiting. If you asked him who he was waiting for he'd respond, "I'm waiting for Az. He'll be here soon. He's trying to find a way home from the war. I'm going to be here when he returns."
Most people just smile and leave him be. People were still returning from the war after all.
Except there came a point where everyone who was coming home, was home.
Crowley would usually be able to will himself to stay home. He didn't live a lonely life though. Right next door lived his sister and her husband, and their wonderful little niece. Crowley got to name her. He loved her.
His niece was a highlight of his life. She brought him great joy. He loved having her around. Her name was Azzie.
When she was about sixteen she asked, "Do you have time to listen to me Uncle AJ?"
Crowley stared at the small TV. It was playing Gilligan's Island.
"Uh- nope. Watching Gilligan. -Just kidding. What you got to say?"
Azzie asked, "Do you know what a lesbian is?"
Crowley looked over at her and said, "Perhaps I might."
Azzie asked, "Would you hate me if I said I'm one?"
Crowley stood up and said, "Come here. I have something to show you."
She said, "I don't want to see anything. I want to know if you accept me or if I need to pack my stuff and leave."
Crowley said, "Of course I accept you, Azzie. You're my niece. I love you no matter who you are. Now can I show you something?"
Azzie said, "You can now, Uncle AJ."
Crowley then went and got a photo album. He opened it to a picture of him and Az.
"That's your friend, Az. The one I was named after."
Crowley sighed, "He wasn't just my friend. I loved him."
"Loved him?"
"I loved him with all my heart. He went missing though. We should look for him. Maybe he got back here and didn't know how to find me."
Azzie asked, "Do you still love him?"
"I do. I miss him a whole lot too. He was an excellent kisser. We used to sit in the apple tree together and flirt. We'd also drink Coke-A-Cola. And my Bentley. He was terrified of my driving."
"Uncle AJ, everyone is terrified of your driving."
Crowley smiled and said, "Az was the first. Beautiful boy. I'd do anything to have that boy back in my arms."
"Maybe someday, Uncle AJ."
As Crowley grew older, he started to lose his memories. It started with things like forgetting his car keys or sunglasses. Then it moved to forgetting about important dates. Then people. He forgot his sister's husband. He forgot what year it was sometimes.
And sometimes he'd go out by the apple tree, which was almost dead. It was giving new life to a new apple tree though.
He said he was looking for Az.
Over time he kept looking for Az. It was like his life depended on seeing him.
Some believed it was just his dementia.
He just wanted to see Az before he died. He had so many things to say. He wanted to tell Az that he loved him most of all.
Eventually his niece had to put him in assisted living. That was when he forgot about her. While in the senior home he kept insisting on going back to that apple tree and waiting for Az. His legs just weren't what they used to be. He couldn't get out and go wait.
Until one day when he stood up out of bed. His legs were good again. He was young again.
He went to the apple tree. On one of the limbs sat a familiar face.
"Anthony! I've been waiting!"
Anthony started sprinting to the tree.
"Az! Az I missed you!"
Az climbed down from the tree and opened his arms. "Anthony!"
Anthony was engulfed in Az's arms. He started sobbing.
"Az! Az I missed you!"
Az started crying too. "I missed you as well."
Anthony stared at him and said, "I promise. Me and you. We're going to go drink Coke-A-Cola and look at stars and everything. Az everything. I promise. Me and you. I promise I'll learn to drive better. I want to marry you. I want to love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Az sighed, "Anthony, there's no more rest of your life. You died. I died at war. Remember?"
Anthony tilted his head, remembering himself yesterday.
"Poorly, but I guess I do. You're saying I'm dead."
Az said, "I'm saying it's going to be me and you forever. Don't worry about anything, Anthony. You see, your car is here, and the diner... And-"
Anthony said, "You're here. That's all that matters. I love you. I love you so much."
Az buried his head against Anthony's neck and said, "I love you too."
"You know at war I begged for an angel. I should have realized I've always had an angel by my side."
Az said, "You don't need to flatter me like that."
Anthony sniffled, "But I feel like I need to, angel... Let's go get a Coke? Shall we?"
Az backed away from the hug, but gripped his hand tight.
"Of course, Anthony. Let's go."
After AN: it's currently 4:22AM. I've been up all night writing. I bawled my eyes out. Like to the point where my shirt was wet. I've never cried so hard writing a fanfic.
It was painful.
I'll be alright.
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