Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt3
A/N: I guess you can call me Snakespear now. Hiss hiss. Also at the end I'm only going to PG-13 stuff excluding the jokes.
Beelzebub whined, "It's hot out here Hastur. Let's go home. Plus, the Fells are out and hot weather leads to hot bloodedness. I don't want to get in a fight."
Hastur said, "You're like one of those guys who struts into a bar and slams his sword on the table, then says, 'I hope I never have to use you.' By the time he orders his another drink, he pulls his sword on the bartender for absolutely no reason at all."
"Really?" Beelzebub asked as he paced along the dusty cobble road.
"You have anger issues. You know that. If the smallest thing makes you angry, you're on fire. If you're in the mood to get angry, you find something to get angry at."
"You'd fight anyone, for anything. Even if there were two of you, you'd fight. You've been in so many fights your brain has scrambled like an egg. You think you're going to teach me about restraint?"
Beelzebub said, "If I were in a habit of fighting the way you do my life insurance would reach the Heavens."
"Your life insurance?"
Beelzebub said, "See, it's further going up. Here comes the Fells."
"I don't care," Hastur said.
Gabriel shouted, "Hello Crowleys! I'd like to have a word with you!"
"Just a word?" Hastur asked, "Put it together with something and make it a word and a blow."
"I'm ready to do that if you give me reason," Gabriel replied.
Hastur asked, "Can you find a reason without me giving you one?"
Gabriel said, "You hang out with Antony."
"Hang out? Like we're musicians? If we're musicians you can plan on hearing nothing but noise," Hastur said as he drew his sword, "This is my fiddle. I'll use it to make you dance."
Beelzebub said, "Men, we are in public. Go somewhere private or speak rationally. Everyone can see us here."
Hastur said, "They can see what they want to see, but I'm not preforming a show for anybody."
Antony trotted down the road. He seemed happy. He was happy. The sweet taste of Azira's lips was still left on his mouth. He couldn't wait for tonight, so he could drink from Azira's pouring fountain of love and show him love in return. It made his heart flutter to think about touching Azira's soft milky skin. He could just imagine how wonderful it will be to please his lover.
Gabriel said, "You are not worth my time. Here comes the man I'm looking for."
Antony asked, "You are looking for me, good Gabriel?"
"You... You're a villain Antony," Gabriel growled.
"Oh, Gabriel, I have reasons to love you that you don't even know yet. I will put aside rage and insults. Goodbye, I can tell you do not know who I am."
"Antony, your words can't make anything you've done better. Turn and draw your sword."
"I don't want to fight you," Antony said, "I've never done you harm. I love you. Be satisfied, because I love you for reasons you don't know yet."
Hastur said, "Romeo, you're making a joke of ourselves. -Gabriel! Fight me!"
Gabriel drew his sword.
Antony begged, "Please put your swords away, please."
It was too late though. Hastur and Gabriel were already fighting.
Antony drew his sword and said, "Help me Beelzebub. We can make them stop. Stop Gabriel! Stop Hastur! Stop! This isn't allowed! If you're caught you'll be put to death!"
Antony jumped in between the two. This gave Gabriel an upper hand. He reached under Antony's arm and stabbed Hastur. Gabriel ram after that.
Hastur cried out. He was bleeding. "I need a doctor! I need a doctor! May a sickness curse both your families!"
Antony said, "It can't be that bad. Just a scratch. Have faith."
Hastur said, "It's over Antony. It's over. I'm going to die. It's your fault."
Soon after Hastur died. Gabriel had came back to gawk.
"There he is!" Beelzebub shouted.
Antony drew his sword. "Gabriel! Either you or I shall join Hastur on his way to what ever afterlife he deserves!"
Gabriel and Antony clashed. Pure hatred glossed both their eyes. Antony won the fight. Gabriel died.
Antony ran away after winning. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
Azira blushed as he thought of Antony. "Oh, I wish night would come faster. When everyone is sleeping, I will be Antony's and his only. I will submit to him. I'll learn how to do such a strange act. I'm aching for his fingertips to brush against my skin. Come, my veil of darkness, so I can see my lover Antony by only dim candle light. Give me my Antony, so I can give myself to him. I feel so impatient."
The nurse walked in with the rope ladder. She looked glum.
"What is it, dear nurse," Azira asked.
"He's dead! Gabriel is dead! Antony killed Gabriel!"
Azira fell to the floor crying. "Not Gabriel! Not him! Not my dear cousin Gabriel!"
In all truth, this reaction was fake. Gabriel and Azira were friendly as children, but as they grew, they grew further apart and gained a disliking for each other. Out of respect, Azira still cried.
"Antony, my husband Antony is... He's a serpent disguised like a sweet apple tart... He's- He's a fiendish angel! He's a crow with the feathers of a dove! I hate him but he seems so handsome! He's a saint who should be damned! How could something so dark and evil live in someone so beautiful?"
"Shame Antony! He deserves his punishment of being banished! He's a liar and a cheater!"
Azira stood up and gasped, "Nurse- I hope your four remaining teeth rot out and you get toe fungus for saying such a thing! He deserves no shame! I'm a monster for being angry at him! I will not speak bad of my husband! He loves me! He loves me more than Gabriel! I will cry tears of joy knowing Antony is alive, but I will cry tears of sorrow knowing Gabriel is dead. I should be happy knowing my husband is alive- but he's banished... Oh that's terrible. Where are my parents?"
The nurse sighed, "Crying over Gabriel's dead body."
"I'll cry my tears when their tears have dried. I'll cry for Antony's banishment. Pick up the rope ladder, it's useless to me now. He was going to use it to climb up and make me his own. I will never marry again, for I only love him."
The nurse said, "I'll go find Antony. He'll comfort you. I know where he is. I can promise you he'll be here."
Anathema said, "Antony, quit crying. Come on out. You're a magnet for trouble."
Antony opened the door and asked, "Yes, Anathema? What us the news? What is my punishment?"
"You're being banished. That's it. You're not dying."
Antony fell to the floor and cried, "That's even worse! I will no longer be part of this city! I won't be able to see Azira! It's pure torture! Hell shines a brighter light than being away from my angel, Azira!"
Anathema smacked him on the head with a broom stick. "Quit being ungrateful. You have your life."
"Life without Azira is death! I can't live without him!"
There was a faint knocking on the door.
"Get up Antony," Anathema said as she walked to the door, "Who is it?"
The nurse said, "It's me. I come with word from Azira."
Anathema opened the door. The nurse spotted Antony on the ground. She sighed, "Oh Azira is crying like that too. Stand up, Antony, because your husband will not!"
Antony sniffled and got up. He asked, "What does Azira say? What words do his loving mouth speak? Is he mad at me?"
"Nothing; he's crying so very hard that he can't say anything. He screams Gabriel's name and then your own."
Antony grabbed a dagger and asked, "Where is my name kept so I can cut it away?"
Anathema pulled the dagger away and said, "You will not stab yourself. You've killed Gabriel. You want to kill yourself. All this death will certainly lead Azira to die of sadness. Stop whining, you ungrateful serpent. If you want to be happy, go see Azira. He's waiting for you. Just leave before the morning light. Go to Mantua. We'll ask the Prince to pardon you while you're gone. -Nurse, go to tell Azira to hurry his family to bed. Antony will come once they're asleep. I'll tell Azira."
Antony blushed and said, "Tell him to be ready to scold me."
The nurse then left.
Anathema said, "It's getting late. Antony, go boy, go. Goodnight."
"Goodbye, Anathema!"
Antony then left.
"Oh Antony, you're coming for me. Where are you?"
Antony looked at the blushing boy from over the rope ladder. "Azira, I'm right here."
"What are you waiting for? Come on! I've been waiting!"
Antony swung his legs over the wall and ran to Azira's bed. He kissed him softly.
"Show me, Antony, show me your love before I fall impatient," Azira whined.
Antony said, "I will, oh sweet angel, I will."
Azira smiled and grabbed Antony's hand. "Promise not to hurt me?"
"I'll try my best, love... I've never done a thing such as this before."
Azira kissed Antony's cheek and whispered, "A sin as sweet as this sodomy always comes with a little pain. I can handle what you give."
Antony nodded and pinned Azira down against the bed. He pulled off his own shirt.
"Touch my chest, feel my heart beating, only for you, my sweet Azira."
Azira bit his lip and touched Antony's chest.
"My heart beats in the same way. May our hearts aline and may we align in the stars."
Antony kissed Azira's neck and whispered, "The only thing that will be aligning is your arse to-"
"Stop it! Antony that's such a lewd thing to say!" Azira giggled.
Antony muttered, "It's the truth."
Azira kissed him and said, "We don't need words to speak the truth. Say how much you love me, but don't say a word."
Antony trailed his hand down the side of Azira's body until he found the hem of his shirt. He raised it above Azira's head. Once it was off Antony kissed Azira's chest and neck.
Azira blushed as he felt Antony touch his soft skin.
"I bruise easy, dear Antony. Be careful."
Antony said, "I will. I promise. Nothing will damage your milky white skin."
Azira blushed harder. He softly giggled as Antony continued kissing him. Then they started doing other things, lasting long into the night.
"Are you going, Antony? It's still a long time before the sun rises. The bird that sang outside was the Nightingale, not the Lark. Don't leave me," Azira whispered.
"Look, angel, there the sun is between the parting clouds. The night is over."
"Can you not stay another minute with me?" Azira asked.
Antony kissed his soft lips and said, "I can not. I'll see you again."
"I refuse to believe that is the sun."
Antony said, "Oh alright, I welcome death. It is not the sun, because Azira says it's not. I will stay."
"No! No it's the sun! Go away! Be safe!"
They kissed again before Antony whispered, "Goodbye angel."
"Goodbye, dear," Azira whispered in response. They hugged and kissed one last time before Antony disappeared.
What Azira did not know is outside of his room, his mother and father were making plans to have Antony poisoned. That would bring the Fell household peace... At least everyone but Azira.
Once they finished discussing it. They walked into Azira's room.
"Are you awake, son?" Lady Fell asked. Azira looked at her and nodded.
"I don't feel well," he muttered.
Lord Fell said, "You'll feel better knowing the villain Antony will be killed."
Lady Fell said, "Last night we also received some wonderful news. We believe we have found you a suitable girl to marry. Thursday morning you'll marry a wonderful girl named Mellie. I'm sure you'll love her."
"No! Mother and Father I do not wish for marriage!"
Lord Fell laughed, "The whole village will think you're into acts of sodomy with men if you do not marry! Do you want them to think that?"
"I would rather them believe false rumors than marry."
Lord Fell said, "Boy, you must get over yourself. You may be sad, but a real man doesn't cry tears unless alone. Be a man. Marry your lady!"
"You spoiled boy!" Lord Fell shouted as he pushed Azira over. The young boy started to cry, "You cry like a woman! You're crazy! If you refuse to marry you are not welcome here anymore!"
The nurse cried, "Please sir, he's a shy, soft and timid boy. If you shatter his heart he will never love anybody."
"Shut up woman!"
Lord Fell then left. He slammed the doors shut as he walked out.
Azira looked to his mother and cried, "Delay the wedding! Please!"
"I will do nothing, you worthless brat," Lady Fell said. She left too.
Azira looked up at the nurse. "Help me."
"Look, Azira, you should marry the sweet girl. Antony has been banished. It's best to please your parents. You'll still be happy."
"Yes, Azira."
Azira laid his head against his dresser. "May I be alone?"
The nurse sighed, "Alright," and left. Soon after Azira climbed out the window and mumbled curses about the nurse.
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