The Pole
❝ I installed a stripper pole while you were gone because it made me think of you. ❞
thank you for this... xD
Only two weeks had passed since Crowley had fallen asleep. A short nap, by the Demon's standards. However, it was still enough time for the Angel to somehow have that thing installed in their home.
It was about mid-July, hence the open window that allowed a gentle breeze to drift through the house. As Crowley crawled out of bed he stumbled into the main room, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes. Intending to head for the couch where he assumed Aziraphale to be sitting, the Demon began to plod forward. Suddenly just as Crowley looked up, he found himself running straight(or more gay in his case...) into a pole. Crowley fell backward and cried out, which caught Azirpahale's attention as if the ringing of the pole when Crowley hit it didn't.
The Demon's hands covered the spot where his skull came in harsh contact with the pole and whimpered as he saw Aziraphale's figure above him. A headache began to wash over his mind and he growled.
"What the Heaven was that??" Crowley hissed when the Angel placed his hand on his head, immediately easing the pain.
"Oh, that" Aziraphale glanced in the direction of the pole in question, "while I was looking through some magazines I found an advertisement..."
"And?" The Demon questioned and the Principality chuckled softly, sitting on the ground next to Crowley.
❝ I installed a stripper pole while you were sleeping because it made me think of you. ❞
"YoU wHaT??"
"Do you not like it?"
Crowley simply crossed his arms and tried to brush off the pink hue forming on his cheeks. He did not answer Aziraphale's question. Secretly the Demon didn't necessarily mind it, but the thought that the seemingly innocent Angel had a Stripper Pole installed in their home made him flush. He knew Aziraphale knew what it was he had installed, he could tell by the shine in the Angel's eye, but what other things could Aziraphale be hiding in that angelic mind of his.
Crowley buried his face in his knees, not seeing the not-so-angelic smirk pass over the Principality's lips.
What Aziraphale didn't know is that Crowley did indeed know how to pole dance and would put on a show in a few weeks
//. I'm so sorry about this. It turned out trashy and pretty unedited...
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