7. I need you back in my life.
I placed a hand on my chest to calm my racing heart as I stepped out of Ejiro's apartment to see Ademide, leaning against his car, head down, waiting for me. It wasn't like this was our first date ever with each other, but it made me nervous all the same. I and my friends decided that it would be better to have the stylist come with us to her place so they can monitor the whole process as they claimed. I stared at Ademide, who was looking absolutely smashing in the Navy blue suit he had on.
I glanced back to look at my friends, and they awarded me with a thumbs up, mouthing how I look perfect. I ran my hands over the white, satin dress I had on. It had a sweetheart neckline and was a little off the shoulder. The dress stopped a little above my knees and had a waistline that made my waist look even more sexy than it was. The red shoes I had on were a great contrast with the white of my dress and the almost white color of my low cut.
I took in a deep breath, wore a smile on my face, and clutched the res purse I had with me before making a move towards my once estranged boyfriend. Immediately, Ademide heard my footsteps, he raised his head up and a beautiful smile appeared on his face immediately. The smile had my heart doing a crazy flip dance as I walked the rest of the way towards him.
"Hi," Ademide said immediately, giving me a once over. "You look amazing."
"Why, thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I stopped myself from ogling him before I ended up looking more like some creepy girl instead of amazing.
Ademide pushed himself off the car and pulled open the passenger seat of the car for me. I got him, throwing the cutest smile I could muster towards him. I watched him make his way to the driver seat, then get him.
"So where are you taking me?" I asked.
"What do they call it again." He looked at me as though he was going to tell where it was, then gave me a sly smile. "Ah, I remember, it's called a secret."
And just like that, he ignored me and turned on the ignition. For real.
I shook my head and decided to let him keep his little secret for now. It's not like it would be a secret forever. I put on the radio for some music and changed the channel for a few seconds before I came across the one that was actually playing good music.
I settled back and bobbed my head along with the music, while Ademide drummed his fingers against the wheel. This was the atmosphere we continued in until the next song came up, and I started hearing 'Something different' by Adekunle Gold. My cheeks heated up at once as I remembered the first and the last time the song was played with I and Ademide in the same vicinity. Ever since that day, I never really listened to the song willingly again. I decided I'd let it play. Luckily for me, Ademide wouldn't remember it. Who keeps such silly things in mind?
"Ohh, it's that song, our song," Ademide said, a knowing smile on his lips. I groaned and reached over to change it, but he held my hand. "Let it play, I like it. I even like it more with you beside me."
I jerked my hand out of his and turned my face away from him, way too embarrassed to do anything else. Ademide made it all the worse with his chuckling and singing along with Adekunle Gold.
But really, what was there to be embarrassed about?
I stayed the way I was, listening to the song and watching the scenery. I soon sat up when I noticed the way we were going. "Why are you going into UI (University Of Ibadan)? So we are having a date inside my school?"
"No, we are not," Ademide replied. I waited for him to provide me with a better explanation, but nothing came from him.
"Then why are we here?" I asked, staring at the scenery before me with an annoyed look plastered on my face. I really hated coming to this school when I didn't have classes or rehearsals. It feels like a prison.
"We are here because our means of transportation is here, and I will entertain no more questions," Ademide said with finality in his tone.
I scoffed loud enough for him to hear and folded my arms over my chest. So much for second chances. I decided I'd just calm down and see what he had coming up his sleeves, but I couldn't stay calm when I saw him driving through a dark and lonely road, I knew this had to be the famous road to Awo, the one that people didn't really like passing through because it was too dark.
What are we doing here then?
My heart jumped in my chest as I thought of the possibility of Ademide wanting to use me for ritual, but then I shook the thought off my mind as soon as it crossed it. But then Ademide said he wasn't back just for my body, then maybe...
Before I could make my allegations, a loud and almost deafening noise filled the area. It sounded very familiar, but I didn't want to believe my ears until I saw it. Ademide drove his car into the Awo stadium, where a helicopter was waiting along with three men dressed in a black suit.
"This is the transport?" I asked in shock.
Ademide threw me a smile as he turned off the engine of his car. "Yes, babe. Do you like it?"
I sat rooted to where I was, my mouth refusing to close. A fucking helicopter! Just how rich was the man I was dating?
I shouldn't be surprised though. He did buy a house in Ibadan just because I said I wanted to stay put here, and Mum did tell me about that one time Ademide paid Samuel's school fees. And the fees are huge.
"Are you going to come down, or do you want me to carry you out?" I heard Ademide ask beside me. I looked beside me to see him holding the door and his hand out for me, when did he even get here.
I took his hand, and gently got out of the car. Once I was out and beside him, he closed the door and placed his hand around my waist instead. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to calm my overactive hormones.
Ademide gave his car keys to one of the men along with some instructions, then looked at me. "We are going to Lagos. And I figured this is the fastest way there."
"Ahh." I nodded my head, still trying to calm myself. Then my nerves set in. "I haven't ever ridden an helicopter before, never even traveled by air before."
"Ohh you have nothing to worry about, I won't crash us down," Ademide said with a very serious look on his face. He let out a laugh immediately he noticed the horror stricken look on my face. "I'm kidding, we have one of the best pilots ever, and we have God, so everything is good." He pointed to the pilot who was at the pit, then motioned for us to get in.
I made a cross sign over my body then got in, my heart almost out of my mouth. Everything felt so surreal, never in my life would I have thought that this would happen. If anyone had told me this morning that I would ride a helicopter before the end of today, I woulda told the person to get checked at the psychiatrist.
The first few minutes of the ride, I thought I would die or throw up even. I couldn't even bear looking out the window which Ademide was encouraging me to, but soon enough I did, and I must say I got rewarded with the most beautiful sight ever. I ended up enjoying the ride so much that I didn't want to get down when we got to our destination which was Lagos. His reason for wanting to have a date in Lagos is what I'm yet to figure out, but I wouldn't complain for the life of me because that helicopter ride was worth it.
I thought I was done with surprises for the day until we got to where we were supposed to have our supposed date. I stood with mouth wide agape as I stared at the big yacht a few feet away from me.
A date on a yacht!
Ademide is taking me on a date on a yacht!
"So this is the reason we came to Lagos?" I asked as Ademide got busy donning the life jacket on me.
"Yes, do you like?"
"What if I'm aquaphobic?" I asked staring at the wide water before me, and the only thing that came to mind then was how beautiful it looked under the night sky.
Ademide chuckled. "I happen to know you even enjoy traveling by water more than anything else."
Yeah, he'd know.
"Come on," Ademide said, running fingers across my cheek. "Dinner awaits."
I followed him into the more than luxurious yacht, almost finding it hard to stop myself from gasping in awe of the utter beauty. A host welcomed us immediately we entered and lead us to the deck where a table for two has being set with candles, roses, two champagnes in a ice bucket, glass cups, and everything to make a date beautiful.
Ademide pulled out a chair for me, placed a kiss on my forehead and whispered. "Thank you for accepting to come with me."
My heart swelled in my chest as I watched the man who was my boyfriend in awe. Was it possible for someone this sweet to ghost me out of his life without a tangible reason? And he obviously wouldn't be this amazing if he just wanted to have a little fun with me before moving on, would he? I watched him take his seat, then his eyes traveled over my face.
"You have to tell me what brought about this hair of yours, I've being dying to know," he said just as three servers came over to us bearing trays of food.
"Don't you like it?" I asked, not feeling so sure after all. I had being expecting to make mention of it for a while now, so I wasn't surprised.
"It's beautiful, different, but it's still you," Ademide answered. He motioned for the servers to go once they were done setting down the food that was consisted of sea food fried rice, and beef, and handed me a cutlery.
I smiled, accepting the fork. "I just wanted to do something different, I thought it would help get my mind off things."
"Off things, like what?" He asked, looking seriously interested now.
"For one, you," I said truthfully. I could remember the day I had cut off my hair, I had been so frustrated with the thoughts of him, and I couldn't look at my hair without thinking of his hands in it.
"Ohh." Ademide went silent, realization filling up his face.
I digged into the food, not knowing what else to say, then I felt his hand over my hand that was lying ideally on the table. I raised my head up to look at him, dropping the fork in my hand, and what I saw made my heart melt. He looked so vulnerable and made me want to pull him closer and never let him go.
"I know I didn't provide you with any explanation, and I know sorry wouldn't cut it," he started explaining in the most gentle voice I've ever heard him use. "I don't know what I was thinking, maybe I thought I could do without you, or maybe I felt that I would always have you no matter what. It sounds stupid, I know."
"It's the truth though," I said, realizing just how much this guy has taken over my heart. It didn't matter that he ignored me for the past five months, nor does what he was doing all those times matter. I loved him too much. "As foolish as it may sound, but the truth remains that you would always have me no matter what."
"Mary, I'm sorry for putting you through so much pain," he apologized, and I could tell that he really meant it. "Believe me, these past months have only made me realize just how much I need you. The moment I came to my senses, all I could say was that I needed you back in my life."
I blinked back tears as a smile spread across my face. "I'm just glad you're back here with me. I was so angry at first, but the truth remains that I need you too, more than I ever want to admit."
"Do you forgive me?" He asked cautiously.
I let out a chuckle as I picked up my fork. "If I don't?"
"I will probably have to continue apologizing till you do."
I laughed. "I feel like I make things way too easy for you, I should have let you suffer more for all the pain I went through for the past few months." Ademide pouted, looking absolutely cute, I must say. "I'm pretty sure I forgave you even before now."
"Really?" He asked eagerly.
"Yes." I nodded.
"Then you wouldn't mind that my parents are coming in to Ibadan in the next few days and they kind of want to meet you."
I choked on the food I was about to swallow and got into a fit of coughs. Ademide handed me a glass of water, which I gladly took, looking sorry. Once I had calmed down, I looked at him. "You say what?"
"I said my parents are coming—"
"I heard you the first time." I cut him off.
"Then why ask again?"
"They want to meet me, why?"
"Isn't it obvious," Ademide said in a tone that clearly said what he was about to say was obvious indeed. "They must want to meet their future daughter-in-law. You should eat up before your food gets cold."
I stared at Ademide as though he had a few bolts loose in his head. How could he expect me to eat after dropping such news on me? But come to think of it, this should be a good thing, right? No guy playing a girl would go through such lengths, right?
So what do you think about their date?
I'm also patiently waiting for someone to come and take me out on a yacht date too oo.
See ya guys later.
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