20. Together, forever. (The end.)
I clutched onto my fiance's arm as we both stepped out of his office. We didn't get into the elevator like we had done before, but instead, we took the huge spiral staircase that seemed like it had no end. I sent him a curious look, wondering why we were about going through such punishment.
Without looking at me, Ademide chuckled. "I wanted to give you a little tour of the company. There's a department I believe you're definitely going to love. I'll give you a more detailed tour another time. We aren't going all the way down to the basement level on foot." He glanced at me then winked before we continued walking down the first level of stairs.
I felt instant happy chills spread through me at the thought of taking a tour of this magnificent building. "Did you also draw the blueprint of this place?"
Ademide slung his arm across my waist as he moved me towards the right direction when we landed on the next floor. "Yes, I mean, that was one of the reasons I was always so busy back then at Lagos."
I nodded my head as a look of realization filled my face. "Yeah, you were always up late on calls and having numerous meetings. I still can't believe you successfully hid something this huge from me."
I looked at him to see a frightened look settle on his face. He rubbed his free hand over his neat cut before moving on to scratch his stubble from his cheeks to his chin. I shook my head at his antics.
I scoffed. "Cat definitely got your tongue."
"Actually." He coughed. "I wasn't so sure it was all going to turn out well, I didn't want you to be disappointed in me if it didn't and thought it would be a good surprise for you when it eventually does work out."
I chuckled as my hand went around his waist so as to easily maneuver our way. "You sure know how to smoothly talk your way out of situations."
"Been taking lessons from my dad recently," Ademide said then burst out laughing. "I mean, we both can't get any more clueless with the women we have in our lives."
I joined in his laughter but soon stopped when I noticed we were now walking along a hallway that had different people moving around with bowing heads as Ademide and I passed. I felt suddenly self-conscious as I could tell a lot of eyes were on us, but Ademide didn't seem to mind any of this. No, the smile on his face looked like he was pretty much enjoying showing me off.
No wonder he had suggested this tour. Ademide Adeshina, you are my fiance, but you never cease to amaze me.
At this point, I couldn't care less if everyone had their eyes on me, or if there were some animosity in the eyes of every lady passing by us. I mean, it doesn't even matter, Ademide doesn't give two fucks, neither did I.
My mouth naturally went wide open as my eyes fell on the beautiful building that looked like it was supposed to be on its own but was attached to the main building through this hallway. "Focus press!"
Something about that name focus sounded so familiar but somehow, I couldn't place a finger on it.
"Yes, welcome to take Focus press, a digital first publishing company that is soon to be launched." Ademide said as the huge glass doors opened on their own accord with a beep as we stepped in front of it.
The instant I stepped into the building, I felt my whole world instantly light up as a smile filled up my face. A publishing company. He had said he wanted to show me a department I might love, but I never suspected that it was actually going to be a publishing press.
I looked around the large hall like room we were currently in and knew that it was the reception. Ademide who wasn't as starstruck as I was, led me by the waist.
"That is the marketing team over there." He pointed at a double door not to far away but lead us towards the other direction. My eyes shone bright as we stopped in front of the two sliding doors that had 'Focus editing team' written on it. "And the department I wanted to show you."
"This is unbelievable!" I gasped, taking in the number of desks that was filled with several people working. Whatever they were doing had to be very important because unlike the other places that we stepped into or passed, these set of humans didn't seem to take notice of us. "I thought it wasn't launched yet. What are they so just working on?"
Ademide chuckled. "The company will be launched with the first edition of Focus Magazine, and I believe they are nearing their deadline." Ademide clicked his tongue. "Mr. Salami was definitely a wise choice for cheif editor."
"Focus Magazine?" I asked again as my eyes went towards Ademide's face that were filled with so much joy. The name sounded oddly familiar, I could have sworn there was an already existing magazine with such a name. I soon ignored my suspicions as a thought crossed my hand. "Oh my God! I could literally just do my internship here."
"No!" Ademide stated firmly, letting go of my hand as he started walking towards a staircase.
I followed him, questions biting at my insides. "Why can't I? I mean, it's a publishing press."
Ademide stopped once he had successfully climbed the stairs and looked down at the several members of the editing team dispersed on the first floor before he walked downwards and stopped in front of an office that had CEO on it.
I ignored the fact that this Adonis of mine actually has two offices and instead asked the most pressing question. "Why can't I intern at your company?"
Ademide turned those breathtaking eyes of his on me as a coy smile spread his lips. He gazed at me from head to toe, drinking in my appearance as though he was just seeing me for the first time today. I tried my best not to squirm under his guileless eyes. "Because then I might not get any job done. The thought of you being a building away from me is enough to set my soul and body on fire."
"What!" I yelled, forgetting I was in a working environment, but all Ademide did was throw his head back in laughter as he reached for my hand which I jerked out of his grasp. "I'll be a whole building away, does it make any sense that it should affect you?"
"Calm down, short screamer," he said gently pulling me by the waist as he lead me towards the office door. I felt him bend over me from the back as he said into my ears. "It's not like I have any decision making power over the company. Moreover, is it possible to intern at your own company?"
I didn't know what came over me, but all I knew was that the close proximity of Ademide behind me wiped all of my senses away, so even though I couldn't make sense of what he was saying, I nodded slowly. I watched him reach his hand over my head as he pushed open the office door.
It was the moment I stepped into the room it all finally made sense. "My company?" I asked as my eyes fell onto the nameplate on the large oak desk that had CEO Adenaike Mary written boldly on it. "The fuck!"
"Language," Ademide said gently in a cautious tone as he maneuvered his way around the desk and stood behind the chair. "What would I want to do with a publishing press? You are the one who's obsessed with books and writing."
I didn't know how to explain it, but nothing made much sense to me anymore. "So you just woke up one morning and decided to build a publishing company for your girlfriend?"
"Fiancée." Ademide corrected with a smile but when he noticed my stern face, he became serious. "I didn't just wake up and decide to do this, I've been planning it for a long time now, even before I went back to Cotonou. So I just added it to my company plan, killing two birds with one stone. Moreover, you came up with everything."
"I did?" I asked, arms akimbo. "Must have been in my dreams."
"No, no." Ademide shook his head, then he motioned for me to come closer with his fingers. I squinted my eyes as I walked towards him and watched him open the drawer of the desk and bring out a scrapbook that looked kind of tattered.
The moment I got closer to him and my eyes took in the big note clearly was when it all came rushing back to me. "Focus Magazine!"
Ademide laughed, taking in my shocked features. "Finally! I was hinting at it by mentioning the name several times."
"I can't believe this," I said in a wobbly voice as I sat down on the chair, my hands and eyes running over the rough book. "I wrote this back in SS3. How did you get it?"
Ademide sat on the desk. "Your mum gave it to me one time when we were talking. She told me of how you used to run a hand written weekly magazine back in your school and I found it endearing."
I laughed as the memories filled my head. I had been so vexed back then that our school didn't have a press club and wanted to start mine. I had eventually resulted to handwritten articles which I passed around for people who wanted to read it. I chuckled at the little dove drawing under the huge 'FOCUS' lettering.
"A few of the articles here will be making it into the first ever publication of the Focus Magazine. The cheif editor is working on editing them," Ademide said, his smiling eyes peering down at me. "I was going to bring you here next week so you can start working with your cheif editor but luckily for me, you came on your own two feet."
"This doesn't make any sense, how do you suddenly expect me to start running a company? I don't mind the idea of writing but this is on a whole new level." I managed to stumble these words out of my mouth despite my awestruck state.
Ademide rolled his eyes. "It's not a big deal. You can hire a vice president to assist you." My eyes naturally slit into daggers as I glared at him. I nearly burst into laughter as I saw him gulp. "Maybe it is a big deal."
I let out a heavy sigh as I tried to gather round my thoughts. "When is this company supposed to launch?"
"On your birthday, that's two months away, so you have all the time in the world." Ademide chuckled slightly. He hopped down from the desk and brought out some documents from the drawers and placed them in front of me. "On that note, everything concerning this publishing press is now in your hands, madam CEO. Your finance director, Cheif Editor, HR manager and every other managing heads of these company should send you an email by Monday. Now I can just relax like the oko madam (Madam's husband) that I am."
"Oko madam." I scoffed, wondering how I became a CEO all of a sudden. "I'm supposed to be 'Iyawo Oga!"
"Yeah, yeah." Ademide laughed, arranging the files and the scrapbook back in the drawer. "Let's go before Mr. Salami figures out you're on desk. I still have to test drive that car and I do not think you're ready to take on any administrative duties at the moment."
I ignored his laughing ass and stood up from the chair, knowing sooner or later I'll have to meet Mr. Salami and every other person that suddenly works for me, but right now, I couldn't wait to see what my Adonis had been working on day and night. Although I wasn't sure my heart could withstand any elaborate surprise anymore.
As we headed back towards the main building, I wondered to myself if my mum knows about this development, knowing the close relationship both Ademide and my mum had, I'm sure she was aware of all these things. I decided to put all these thoughts aside and focus on the man whose hand was now back on my waist as he led me towards one of the elevators, that definitely wasn't a private one.
My hand clutched onto his as we stepped into the empty elevator, three ladies rushed in after us, pressing their tags against the key but the moment their eyes fell on both Ademide and I, they stopped and looked at the door of the elevator again as if to confirm if it was the private or the common one.
Ademide beckoned them in with his head. They had a skeptical look on their faces as they stepped in and the one guy that came in after them looked way too confused. My face was set straight as I watched all these unfold dramatically, it all felt too funny for me, but really, I couldn't imagine being in the same elevator as my boss and his fiancée.
I took my mind off this as the door closed and my usual anxiety stepped in. Ademide's hand on my waist grew more firm and I grew relatively calm. My calmness didn't seem to last though when a whole new feeling set in. It started when I felt Ademide's hand leave my waist and I turned to look at him to see him bending down to do something on his shoe.
An awkward smile sat on my face as I took in the stiff necks of the four quiet people in front of me, they must wish they had boarded a different elevator. Their concerns didn't seem to bother me anymore when I felt a hand trailing along my legs slowly until it stopped just between my thighs, grazing my panties slowly. I gasped out loud before I could remember that I was in the elevator with other people that wasn't Ademide.
"Nevermind, it's just anxiety, she's a little claustrophobic," Ademide explained to the curious faces who turned back in fear, wondering if I was okay. They all nodded their heads and went back to their mournful silence.
I threw a glare at him but he was looking straight ahead with a mischievous smile on his face as his hand slid across my slit over my panties and at moment, I questioned my decision of wearing a short flared gown and not wearing some tight jean short underneath it. All of these seemed to flow over my head as several familiar feelings surged through me, I bit my lip as I sent a pleading look towards Ademide.
I saw him fish out his phone from his pocket and typed something on it, while his fingers kept on working wonders on my most private part. I fought the urge to moan as my eyes rolled around my head.
The vibration from my bag brought me out of my reverie and I hurriedly brought out the phone that was the culprit. I saw that it was a text from Ademide.
"I've always wanted to do this."
My eyes grew wide as I ignored all of the unwanted but pleasurable emotions that was flowing through me from my very aroused core and typed urgently on my phone, "stop!"
Ademide sent me a cute pout as he continued his one hand typing.
When I saw his message and felt his hand stop moving, I breathed a sigh of relief. My phone vibrated in my hand again and the message I saw staring back at me blew my mind off again. The fuck!
"When I'm done, though."
And at that instant, I felt one of his finger slid beneath my panties and into me slowly. I bit down hard on my lip to stop the impending moan as dropped my phone in my cross bag and clutched onto his arm tightly. The nerve of the guy. I wished so much that there was no one else in the elevator with us. My eyes glanced towards the button to see that everyone in the elevator seemed to be heading to the ground floor. I looked up at the timer to see that we still had about twenty more floors to go.
Ademide's hand didn't relent in any way as he added a second finger, slightly hitting that spot that only accelerated the climax I could almost see myself hitting. I couldn't hold it anymore at this point as my free hand went over my mouth, trying to stifle my moan. My head spun back as I felt my whole body light up in furious pleasure, letting that build up I could feel from my abdomen take it's course. Damn his hand.
And just as the elevator hit the ground floor and I heard that beep, my orgasm hit me like a wave. I felt utterly lightheaded as my knees grew weak and I stumbled. Ademide's fingers slid out of me gently as his hand went across my waist, holding me steady.
"I hate you," I said to him when my head had calmed down a little and the four people in the elevator had left. I wished dearly that they had no iota of idea on what just happened behind them.
Ademide kissed me gently as the elevator doors closed once again and said against my lips. "I love you too."
He moved towards his right side and placed the two fingers he had used on me into his mouth, sucking on them gently as he muttered, "never gets old."
I didn't know why I was so surprised when it wasn't even the first time he would be doing this, but I was still nonetheless mortified.
By the time we made it to the basement level, I was a lot more composed and all of my eagerness had returned. Sadly for me, my mouth seemed to only want to hang open from the moment I stepped foot into the laboratory to find several men and women in lab coats and goggles working on one thing or the other.
Ademide who wasn't the least bit fazed by all these went into the office of the man be introduced to me as Dr. Badmus, the Head technician and got the keys to the car. And just when I thought I had seen enough, we got to a large parking space where a single black car stood magnificently in the center of.
I ran towards the car out of excitement as I walked around it, taking in the beauty. "This is gorgeous."
Ademide chuckled. "I know right."
It was a lot more beautiful and sleek than it had looked on the internet. I still didn't know much about the properties of cars and all that but I definitely know that the crossed over letter 'N' logo stood for Nelvo cars. "Can we really take it for a drive?"
"Yep, not too far though." Ademide pressed a button on the key and the two front doors of the car opened. I squealed as I ran towards the passenger side and took a seat, my back resting against the blue comfy leather seat.
The ride was just as I had expected, smooth sailing and lovely. I connected my phone to the phone and started playing soft jams through it, a wide smile on my face. All Ademide did was shake his head as he chuckled.
I wasn't such a fan of car rides but the one thing making me so happy was the fact that this very car was Ademide's creation, it made me so hyper for no reason. Ademide parked the car when we got to a field not too far away from his company. We both stayed put where we were, listening to Sam Smith as we enjoyed the peaceful view of green grasses ahead.
I turned sideways towards Ademide to find that he was already staring at me, his head resting against the seat and a beautiful smile on his face as his alluring eyes beckoned to me softly. I felt myself blush internally as I became totally ecstatic.
"Why do you do all that you do?" I found myself asking, unable to keep it in anymore.
Ademide looked genuinely confused by my question. "All that I do?"
I nodded as I took in a calming breath. "Building the house that I always wanted just so you could propose to me, building a publishing press for me just so I could fulfill my childish ambition and constantly finding numerous reasons to still be with me."
Ademide scoffed, giving me a look that spelt that the answer to my question was way to obvious. "Because I love you and want to make you happy always."
I ran my tongue across my bottom lip as I quietly asked, "why do you love me so much?"
Ademide smiled. "I don't know and I don't even know when I started loving you, but as for why I love you so much." He chuckled slightly and his eyes became intent. "Maybe it's because of how you love me. I see how you manage to still love me even when doubt and fear is piercing through your mind and I can't help but love you more and more than I already do. Even when you felt like everything around me is a lie, you still loved me deeply and I couldn't help but love you more. You didn't care much about guys, but when it came to me, you seemed to have your heart all out for me. Now tell me why I shouldn't love you so much?"
A smile filled up my face as I felt an unknown drop of tear slide across my face. "I want to do a lot for you too."
"You already do enough, my short screamer," Ademide said, pushing the hair around my face behind my ear. "Moreover, I only lent you the start up money for your company, you still have to pay me back."
"Ohh." I mouthed, sitting upright. "How much are we talking about exactly?"
Ademide's face grew pensive in thought. "Uhm, about a hundred."
"A hundred naira?" I asked, confirming how stupid I was. Ademide awarded me a look that said that he clearly found me weird. "A hundred thousand?" He still maintained his keen look. "A hundred million?"
Ademide smiled right then. "Yeah, a hundred million."
"And when exactly do I have to pay back?" I asked, already calculating in my head if it wasn't too early to file for bankruptcy.
Ademide drew closer to me, a mischievous smile on his face. "When we have our first great grandchild."
My mouth fell open. "Great grandchild!" He clearly didn't consider this a loan.
Eagerly, my black Adonis nodded his head. "You have till forever to pay me back. That means you have to be right by my side forever."
"Ohh." I chuckled, finding everything he was doing unbelievable. "I guess it's you and I, together forever."
He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Together forever, it is."
I didn't know what forever was going to be like for me, but there was one thing I knew for sure, I wanted it to be with Ademide and I'll damn well make sure of that.
The End.
Finally, it's the last chapter.
I might drop bonus chapters once in a while whenever the ideas pop into my head.
All I know is, I'll wait patiently in my room till my Ademide falls into my hands from heaven because I ain't about to start going out😂😂😂
I mean, just like Mary was sleeping in her room and found Ademide, I want that.
Love, Mary Aden
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