19. Iyawo Oga's privilege
Meaning of title: Boss' wife privilege
I nodded at the driver as I gave him the bill in my hand and adjusted the brown lunch box in my hand. I stared at the huge building before me as my eyes grew relatively wide of their own accord. I looked towards the parking lot where several cars that I do not have any interest in knowing about were parked.
I looked and felt way too small to be in a place like this. My sunflower yellow flare dress didn't look like something suitable for the great Nelvo autos, not even the shoulder-length brown wig I had on could make me feel right at this place. I adjusted my white cross bag and clutched onto the box as I tried to maneuver my way around the glassy water fountain and move towards the huge rolling glass doors.
The doors were too intimidating, and I knew that there was no way in hell I could pass through that door without making a fool of myself. As I stood there contemplating what to do, a security man who must have noticed my plight approached me and pointed towards the other push and pull door.
An awkward smile filled my face at my stupidity and blindness. How didn't I notice that there was another set of doors? I smiled at the security officer who showed me the door and nearly screamed when I heard a beeping sound before the doors opened for me on their own. Wow, this was some crazy kind of security technology, and it sounded just like what Ademide would do.
The instant I stepped fully into Nelvo autos, I wanted out. What kind of humongous building was this. Everyone in here were dressed officially and seemed to be busy with whatever they were doing. My eyes glanced around the large reception hall and towards the elevators where several securities were mounting each door.
My mouth was wide agape as I scanned the whole place, wondering what I was supposed to do. I noticed that everyone entering the elevators had to put some kind of badge on the knob before the doors yielded open. Everyone in the place had this same badge on them. I could see 'verified visitor' written on the badges of one of the men that passed by me and watched as he used it to board the elevator to wherever he was going.
This could only mean one thing, if I wasn't an employee with a badge of my own, I have to get one for the visitors. I gulped as my eyes traveled towards the counter table where they seemed to be sharing there and badges and wondered what I was going to tell them I was doing here. Now, who the fuck asked me to set up this surprise visit?
If I knew Ademide's company had all of this protocols, I would have just stayed back in my house, sleeping. I thought of calling him now but knew that would spoil the surprise. I took in a deep breath and walked towards the receptionists tables. I stopped before the one that was less busy and glanced at her name tag.
"Good day, Miss, how may we help you?" Miss. Bello asked in a flat tone, a plastic smile on her face. I could imagine how frustrating it must be to fake a smile for everyone.
"I'm here to see someone," I said in a low voice wondering how I'd table the fact that I wanted to see their CEO before her.
"Who, Ma'am?" She asked, clicking some pads on her keyboard.
"Ademide Adeshina," I said and felt everywhere go quiet almost immediately. I looked towards the other receptionists to find them giving me furious stares. I ignored them and stared at the one I had business with.
Miss. Bello glanced at her desktop once again before she looked up at me. "Do you have an appointment, Ma'am?"
And that was the issue. Do I tell her it's a surprise visit? "Actually, no."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Adeshina does not take visitors who do not have an appointments with him. If you'd like to fix an appointment with him, you can visit the company website and email the personal secretary." Miss. Bello ranted off in a pretty monotonous tone, it sounded as though she has had to tell a lot of people this. She gave me a once over then a pitiful look. "Let me be frank with you, sweetie. You look pretty young and would get any man you want if you put your heart to it, but definitely not Mr. Adeshina, I heard he's pretty crazy about his fiancée."
Uhmm, excuse me, I'm that fiancée.
Although, I wasn't used to it yet, I was unofficially his fiancée. The only thing was that instead of a ring I had a bunch of keys to call mine.
Before I could even say anything, one of the other receptionists butted in. "I mean, I've seen countless ladies come here to see him and we've always told them the same thing, you all should give up. I get that he's hot and all but he's not even friendly."
"I've never even seen him smile before," another one added. "He's a pretty strict fellow and can't be any romantic, why would any lady want him?"
Uhmm, I think you all might be mistaken, My black Adonis isn't all of that. Or is he?
"You heard it, sweetie," Miss. Bello added in a pretty sickening tone. I would really shove her face in if she called me sweetie one more time. "You should go."
I rolled my eyes, realizing there was no way I could convince these ladies that I was actually the fiancée they were talking about. Looks like my surprise would have to wait till another day, but as I made to turn on my heels, I heard a different voice call out to me.
"Excuse me, Miss."
I turned towards the voice to see an older lady dressed in a higher fashion than the other receptionists step into the cubicle. I looked at her name tag to see that she was Mrs. Ilori, the head receptionist. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Can I have your name please?" Mrs. Ilori asked as she brought out a brochure, ignoring the other receptionists who are now pretending to be fast at work.
"Mary Adenaike," I answered, wondering why she needed my name.
The lady's eyes grew wide as she stared at the brochure in her hand. What did she see? "You must be Mr. Adeshina's fiancée, I'm sorry about the delay." She bowed lightly.
"H-how did you know?" I asked, my eyes moving from the woman to the other receptionists who seemed to have gone pale with disbelief.
"Every receptionists and secretary were given a handbook before starting working here and in the handbook contained a list and pictures of people who are personally related to Mr. Adeshina and should be allowed to see him whenever they come here and you are on that list, Ma'am." The lady explained, shocking me. I never knew Ademide would go this far. Mrs. Ilori threw a heated gaze at the ladies. "I had no idea none of them read their handbooks which could result in them getting fired."
"Oh, it's fine, Ma, I haven't waited for long," I reassured the furious woman, while also enjoying the look of evident shock on the other ladies faces.
"I'll lead you to his office my..." Mrs. Ilori stopped talking immediately as her eyes focused on something behind me. "Good afternoon, sir."
The other receptionists did the same thing too, standing up to greet whoever was there. I looked back out of curiosity to find my Ademide dressed in a grey suit in the midst of several men of different age group dressed in a similar fashion like him. I felt my heart seize up as my eyes fell on him, unable to contain my happiness as a smile spread across my face. I couldn't believe I already miss him this much when I saw him just yesterday.
Ademide's face split up into a smile as he walked over to where I was, leaving the men he was with waiting. He stopped in front of me. "I knew it had to be you." He bent closer to me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "What a pleasant surprise, short screamer."
I fought a blush as I tried to keep my heart and raging hormones calm, I couldn't be such a mess in public and he shouldn't be this way in public either. "I wanted to have lunch with you." I made a show to raise the lunch box in my hand.
Ademide's eyes traveled towards the box before he collected and raised it to his eye level, a huge grin on his face. "I was actually going to lunch with some investors."
I reached for the box immediately. "Then you should go, I'll see..."
"Mr. James," Ademide called out to some man behind him, cutting me off as he held onto the box tight. "You can head on to lunch with them, I have something important to attend to. Let them know all of their concerns will be addressed."
"Okay, sir." Mr. James nodded and headed towards the men in suits.
Ademide stretched his hand towards me, but I was too starstruck to even take his hand, how could he just dismiss his lunch meeting because I was here? It was obvious, this man wouldn't get any work done if I keep coming to his workplace. "What important thing do you have to attend to?"
"Lunch with my fiancée," he said, shrugging nonchalantly as he took my hand and headed towards the elevators. "I can't believe you came to find me at work."
"Yeah, me too and it's definitely the last time," I said and stopped in my tracks when he stopped and awarded me with a sharp glare. "Well, I can't have you leaving your work undone because of me." I quickly glanced back at Mrs. Ilori. "Thank you, Ma'am."
The lady smiled and nodded in return as she looked from me to Ademide. The other receptionists seem to be out of their wits as they stared at Ademide as though he had grown an extra head. Take that! How could they say my Adonis was unfriendly and unromantic?
I ignored them and stared up at the big baby who was still glaring at me. I pulled his hand as I let out a chuckle. "Come on, babe."
Ademide wiped off his glare as he lead me towards the lone elevator at the far end. He placed his fingerprint on it and the door opened up. No surprise there, it was definitely a private elevator. I squeezed his hand tight as I looked around the small place, already feeling nervous about being in such a small place, but then I felt Ademide's hand on my waist as he pulled me closer to him and raised my head up to look at him.
I gasped as I felt my body aligning with his, unable to comprehend anything else but the sudden shiver cursing through my body. Romance in the elevator, who would have thought of that?
"Just look at me, love, and you'll be fine," he breathed onto my face as he kissed my lips slowly. I kissed him back, getting lost in him and forgetting where I was. Ademide really has his way with things.
He stopped kissing me and rested his forehead against mine, his hand holding tight onto my waist. We stayed that way, breathing each other's air in, until we finally heard the elevator door open. He held unto my hand again as he lead me out of the elevator and into a perfectly still hall. The place was so peaceful that I almost forgot it was in the same building.
He raised a hand to the two secretaries who greeted him as we passed and didn't stop walking until he had safely pulled me into his office and closed the door behind him.
"Wow!" I gasped, looking around the office. The place was so beautiful that I found myself running towards the glass wall that his desk and chair were backing only for me to see how high up we were. I stepped back immediately, feeling too dizzy. Who the fuck wants an office this high?
Ademide stepped up behind me and guided me towards the glass wall again. "Don't look down, love. Just look straight ahead and admire the view." I did as he said and felt my whole mood lifting up instantly, feeling that familiar feeling of peace I had felt when I had first stepped feet into Ibadan. The view was so beautiful. "Awesome, isn't it?"
"It's so lovely, Adonis," I said in a husky voice, smiling sheepishly.
"I knew you'd like it," he said against my ear and the next thing I knew, I was being lifted by my waist.
"What are you doing?"
Ademide didn't answer me until he had successfully placed me on his large desk and sat down on the chair, facing me. He stylishly took off his suit and moved himself along with his chair towards the suit rack to hang it. I wondered what he was thinking of doing at first, when he came back with a more mischievous look in his eyes. I gulped visibly.
Ademide chuckled at my reaction as he pulled the lunch box closer to himself and asked. "What did you make, short screamer?"
I took off my white cross purse in a bid to calm my nerves and placed it on the desk as I opened the box. "Pasta." I brought out the warmer containing the pasta. "Turkey." I brought out the Wrapped Turkey. "And fried plantain." I brought out the plastic plate.
Ademide's eyes grew wide as he loosened his tie then his shirt cuffs. I smiled, enjoying his reaction. I brought out the dishes and forks and served the food, all while seated on his table. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind, but Ademide seemed to be having a hell lot of fun, watching me dish out food while sitting on his desk.
"Lunch is served," I said, handing him the second fork in my hand. I glanced over to the couch and table not too far away and asked. "Don't you think we should go over there to eat. It's bad etiquettes to eat on your work table." As I said this, I made to stand up, but Ademide stopped me with his hand.
"No, stay right where you are," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I like having all of my food set on the table." I squinted my eyes at him, not getting what he was hinting at until he pointed to the food and said, "lunch," then he pointed at me and said, "dessert."
My eyes flared up with realization as my mouth fell wide open. I felt my cheeks heating up instantly, thank goodness I didn't have pale skin, if not, I would definitely be red in the face right now.
"Y-you..." I stuttered.
Ademide chuckled, enjoying every bit of embarrassment I was feeling. "Let's just eat here." His voice sounded so appealing that I couldn't argue anymore, until he added. "Gives me easier access to you."
I tried my very best to shove out all of the dirty images he just created in my head within the span of a minute even though I wanted him to do all what I just pictured. I picked up the dish. "That's it, you aren't hungry."
"What no!" Ademide screamed, reaching out for the dish and successfully retrieving it. "It's not my fault I'm a lot more hungry for you than I am for pasta." He added quietly before he dipped his fork into the pasta and started eating.
I found myself blushing hard at what he said, knowing damn well I felt the same way too. I decided to keep my libido in check and joined him in eating.
"This is good," he said, a huge smile on his face. "I could get used to you bringing me lunch everyday, short screamer."
"Don't!" I warned. "As I said, today is the last day I'll be doing this."
Ademide scoffed. "You wish!" I rolled my eyes in response. I knew I was just bluffing, but I definitely couldn't make coming here an habit. "You should see the finished product before you leave. I was going to take the car for a test run."
My eyes shone bright with joy as I heard this. "You mean, I can see the car in real life?" I remembered the several pictures I saw online and wondered if it would really be that beautiful.
A chuckle escaped Ademide as he shook his head. "Of course, love. Iyawo Oga's privilege. (Boss' wife privilege)"
I laughed, shaking my head. "You're not serious."
Me I want to be Iyawo oga too😂😂. Okun emi oga sef.
What do you guys think of this chapter? The final one is incoming. I love you all.
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