11. Better off without her. (ADEMIDE'S POV.)
"My sister is at it again, I guess," Samuel said almost immediately. I answered his video call once he had studied my face.
Painful how I still couldn't recognize his face, I found out after vainlessly trying to make out his face like I was able to do with my parents. Maybe I was only made to recognize those few people I can now. But I'd really like to know what this young man who was so unlike his sister and also very similar to her in some ways looked like.
Growing up without being able to recognize people faces didn't really feel like a disorder to me, and I was so used to living that way, in a faceless world. But ever since meeting Mary and finding out I could make out her face, I get I've gotten greedy for more. Wanting to be able to recognize everyone that means a lot to me, like my parents, my sister, and Samuel.
I chuckled at what he said, the thought of Mary swarming through my mind with a force I had never been able to control. "What makes you say that?"
"You are seated in your car looking dejected, frustrated, angry, and hurt," Samuel explained in a tone that sounded pretty sure. "And I know that that Little Witch is the only one that can make you feel all those emotions at once."
The truth of his words pierced through my heart, I always knew she had something on me, right from the very first day I met her. Before I felt really delighted about it all, right now, I just want out of this whole thing that makes me feel this way. Having her think so little of me isn't really settling well with me, and the fact that she might never trust me in her life weighed on my mind. This only made me realize that I'm really better off without her, really.
"Ade, what happened between you guys, now?" Samuel's voice called out to me again.
"She thinks I've been with another woman this past five months," I said, chuckling sadly as the severity of this hits me harder than before. Damn, it really hurts that she would think I'd do that to her.
"What? Why would she think so?" Samuel sounded pretty bewildered and a little angered.
"She doesn't know, no one told her," I explained.
"Why haven't you told her? Do you like being treated as a cheat?"
"I figured it wouldn't matter to her. No matter what I tell her, Mary wouldn't believe me. She thinks I'm worse than a vermin," I said, ending it with a dry chuckle.
I heard Samuel sigh. "I really don't understand Mary sometimes, I've only ever learned to cohabit with her even though she's my sister. So I really don't know what to say, and from your look, it seems like you want to give up on her and also don't want to."
I rubbed my hands over my face, thinking of all the reasons I should really get over Mary and all the reasons I couldn't or can't. Seeing her look so broken and torn made me feel bad and it broke my heart completely, but the fact that she was this way because of her lack of trusting me and giving me a chance to explain things breaks it more.
"I really don't know anything anymore, Samuel." I puffed air into my cheeks and out. "Was there anything you called me for exactly?"
"Seeing how you look, I really don't think I should burden you with this," Samuel said, letting out a heavy breath.
Hearing him, I could figure out what the issue had to be. "Girl issue, also?"
"Temi won't pick up my calls," Samuel said.
"Don't ask me what you should do, I don't understand this ladies just like you." I raised my hands in mock surrender. Turns out we were both clueless oafs.
"Yeah, whatever, bye." He paused, then added. "Whatever happens with Mary, try to take it easy with her."
I smiled at what he said. The boy could never bear anything bad happening to his sister, and it really amazes me how much he cares about her. "Okay, bye."
I hung up the call, and stared out my car into nothing in particular for several long minutes before I decided it was about time I went into my house, atleast now I should be able to face my parents without being angry at them for causing all this. Thinking about it, I couldn't really blame them, I definitely would have done the same for Mary's sake.
I got out of the car and walked in to see my mum still parading around and a look of worry permanently hatched on her face. All these are still somehow new to me, being able to recognize her face and all. This also means I can read her emotions even when she's pretending, it's a good thing I had a lot of practice from watching and reading Mary's expressions, it had always being something unique and amazing for me to do, coupled with the fact that it was Mary, someone who happens to have taken the biggest space in my heart.
"Son, is everything okay?" My mum asked, staring at me in fear and curiosity.
"She won't believe me," I stated, walking over to the mini bar. I took a bottle of tequila off the bar and sat on the stool. I heard a sound of surprise from my mum as I uncorked the drink and placed it directly on my mouth, gulping down a large amount of it. It had to be a thing of surprise, Ademide never drinks. He was the perfect son who never drinks just for the sake of it.
"Ade, I'm really sorry, I didn't know not telling her would cause this much issue." I heard her apologize.
I placed the drink on the counter and looked at her. "No, you doing that have only made me realize that I and Mary were never going to work. How could she..."
"Try to see things from her perspective," my mum cajoled. "You've been gone for months, and to her, it doesn't seem like you have a good reason to. Now you're back, and just when you both want to work things out, some other lady calls you and all that. Think about how this would seem to her. She definitely would put two and two together and come up with an explanation of her own since you're not providing her one."
"But she should have asked me if whatever the lady said was true, and the annoying thing is Vera didn't say anything that wasn't right to Mary, Mary just chose to make her own meaning out of it. That's how Mary is. She jumps at every opportunity to paint me as a lair and cheat and the worst asshole ever. It wouldn't be the first time, and I think it's about time I let someone like that out of my life. I'm better off without her."
Saying that out loud, I wondered if I really believed that I was better off without her, but it's way better than having to prove my worth to her every single time without her ever acknowledging the effort. Love was really shitty.
I picked up a shot glass and poured some drink into it, and downed the content immediately.
"She does have trust issues, I guess a lot. People with trust issues as big as hers must have..."
"I know where it all stems from," I said, cutting her off. The thought of all those men who messed up her thinking and made her believe that men weren't trustworthy made me boil up in anger, I wanted to find them all and pour out all my anger and frustration on them for treating her mum that way and turning Mary into someone who can never believe in a man. "Her trust issues and all, but I'm not one of those people. It really hurts having her treat me that way."
"Then you should understand her a little," my mum explained.
"But she shouldn't treat me that way, no. My only offense is loving the wrong person." I filled up the shot glass and drank the content in one gulp again.
"Are you trying to get yourself drunk?" My mum asked, seizing the tequila.
I forced it out of her hand gently. "Don't you have like some meeting to go to? Where's Dad?"
"The meeting is for tomorrow morning, and your dad has some urgent meeting that I still do not know about," Mum said, ending it on a frustrated note.
"Go solve your husband issues somewhere else while I drown my sorrows in alcohol," I said, dismissing her with a flick of my hand.
She smacked my hand, making me howl in pain as I rubbed it. How did she get so strong? She gave me a pained look and ran her hand over my cheeks. "She really got you bad, huh?"
I rested my head on the counter, letting my mum's hand linger on my face as I thought of everything that ever attracted me to Mary in the first place. I remembered the very first day I met her in person after hearing all about her like it was just yesterday. Seeing her tiny body dressed in that baggy track down, and that big t-shirt as she hit Samuel, who looked a lot bigger than her, was really fascinating to watch.
I had stood watching her in awe with my coffee raised halfway to my lips. And I could still remember the shock I felt immediately she turned towards my way, and I saw her face for the first time, a face I could recognize. It had me glued to the spot for the first few seconds, and throughout the little conversation we had, I still hadn't gotten over it.
The first thing that came to my mind then was how she was someone created just for me, and at that moment, I thought of immersing myself in her, physically, emotionally, and definitely sexually. She had taken over my life like a storm then and never left since that day.
I smiled in between the turmoil of emotions I felt. "She really got me bad."
So, how do you like seeing things from Ademide's perspective for the first time?
Mary is really doing this guy one thing oo.
See ya guys later.
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