Chapter 28: Love Note (part 2)
Alex stepped out of Sonya's Cottage, escorted by Jorge on one arm and Newt on the other. Sonya ushered the little girls out the door, and down the short path to the beach.
The group, with the help of Ronin and Vince had set up benches on the beach. Gally had built a beautiful simple pergola, which they laced white cloth and lights through. Once the ceremony was over there would be a big bonfire and food, drinks, dancing and fireworks.
Alex and Minho couldn't figure out who was going to be who, because everyone in their group had special places in their hearts and lives.
So they just told them to walk down the aisle with their significant other, they didn't care in which order. With the exception of Simon, he would escort Chloe and Reagan, because Newt (and Jorge) were walking Alex down the aisle.
Once everyone was lined up, a guy they found in SafeHaven who could play the violin started to play. And the ceremony began.
"Ma Hija, breath!" Jorge chuckled.
"I can't!" Alex whispered.
"Alex. You will be fine. Everyone here is because they love you and want to support you!" Newt patted her hand gently.
"'s not's...the other thing...I think... I've caught feelings! It hurts...right here," she pointed to her heart. "I...can feel it growing in size." She whispered back.
Newt snorted. Alex grinned, "shhh Newt. Don't ruin my wedding!" She scolded.
Herriot and Aris walked down the aisle first arm in arm, then Brenda and Thomas, followed by Felix and Teresa, followed by Gally and Kenzie and lastly Sonya and Fry. Then Simon walked down with the little girls, who stopped and tossed flowers and flower petals on the sandy ground. They kept giggling. They eventually made it.
Newt and Jorge stepped forwards, holding their arms out. She looped her arms into theirs holding her bouquet of wild flowers, her bare feet in the warm sand. Everyone stood up and turned towards Alex.
"Here goes nothin'!" She whispered.
"You sure about this?" Newt teased.
"I have never been more sure about anything in my whole life." She smiled at him.
Newt kissed her cheek, "then let's get you down this bloody aisle!"
"Now we're talking!"
Alex lifted her head and finally got to see Minho. Her lungs stopped working, her heart fluttered. He was beautiful. He wore a fitted white button up, sleeves rolled up showing off his biceps his tattoo peeking out the bottom, tucked into tan pants, his hair as always styled mariculously, in its signature swoop. He had a beautiful sexy smirk on his face.
When his eyes landed on Alex his jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. He quickly used the heel of his hand to wipe his cheeks.
Jorge and Newt guided Alex slowly down the middle of the benches, ever closer to Minho. The guys had kind up beside Minho and the girls lined up on the other side. Captain Ronin stood in the middle. He was going to officiate for them.
Alex and her escorts made it to the end of the aisle. Minho stepped forward. Jorge kissed Alex's temple.
"I love you." She whispered.
"Love you Ma Hija, I told you you were worth it." He whispered back. Alex smiled at them.
She turned to Newt, who gentle kissed her forehead.
"My beautiful baby sister." He whispered, tears in his warm gentle eyes, "always causing me your his trouble." He chuckled quietly.
Alex couldn't help it and she snorted. "I'll always give you trouble, dear brother! But I still love you."
"She's all yours man." Newt said clapping Minho on the shoulder.
Minho grinned at him. But his eyes slid right back to Alex, his eyes were so squinted, she could hardly see them, his smile was so big his dimples showed.
"Your drop dead gorgeous Sunshine." He whispered.
"Your not so bad yourself." She whispered back.
He held out his hand. She took it and they stepped up, closer to Ronin. Alex handed her flowers to Sonya and turned back to Minho, holding both his hands.
"You may sit." Ronin's voice rumbled.
While Ronin gave a quick speech about love and commitment, Alex couldn't help but just gaze at Minho. He gazed right back. She couldn't believe they were actually here. Their dream that started in the Slammer, way back in the Glade, actually finally came true. They both had been through so much, it was amazing that they actually were standing here.
"I shucken love you" Minho mouthed to her.
She grinned at him, "I know!" She mouthed back, making him chuckle.
Alex glanced out at the guests, it wasn't a big wedding, Vince, Dr Prior, Amy, Petter and Maddie were in the front row with Jorge. They had light candles and placed them on the bench for each of their fallen brothers. One candle each for Chuck, Matt, Alby, Clint, Jeff, Winston, A.J, Leo, Bark and Zach.
Behind them was everyone who she had worked and fought with side by side in The Right Arm, and the people they both came to know over the few years in SafeHaven.
Ronin finished his speach, it only took a few minutes.
"Rings? Alex.." Ronin rumbled.
Alex turned to Sonya again, she handed her a simple band of a dark titanium. Alex turned back to Minho, she fidgeted with the ring. She took a deep breath.
"Minho." Her voice already broke, full of emotion. She paused and took a deep breath, "shuck sakes woman, your been a hot mess all day!" She scolded herself.
"My personal spicy disaster." Minho chuckled, making everyone chuckle.
Alex grinned, "you should have seen us all with that note you sent! Shuck sakes Min! You trying to ruin my wedding?" She teased, Minho smirked at her.
"You weren't supposed to say anything!" Kenzie called. Everyone laughed.
Alex felt more relaxed, she didn't like everything so formal. This was more her style, loose and fun. She grinned at Minho again.
"Let's try this again." She exhauled slowly.
" anchor to reality when life gets to be too much. My heartbeat to keep me alive when I feel like giving up, my compass when I'm are my everything. I have loved, laughed and lost with you beside me. And I would do it all again, just to be with you.
You know people say they don't really fall in love, it's more like a walk? Well I actually fell. I fell in love with you, right down those shuck bloody Homestead stairs!-"
"My bad!" Gally interupted, with a grin, "also, your welcome!"
Alex snorted and Minho threw his head back laughing.
"Shush Slint head! I'm in the middle of my heartfelt wedding vows!" She scolded, she tried very hard to keep a serious expression, but she cracked and giggled. Gally just winked.
" ran straight into my life, when I needed you the most, saving me from the wild tempest of the jacked world around us. Because of you, I'm living and thriving, I dare to dream of the future. If my memory was stripped again, I would fight to find you again. I love you, shuck face."
She slipped the simple ring onto his finger. And then wiped the tears away from her cheeks.
"Minho...your ring?" Ronin instructed.
Minho turned to Newt and he handed over a simple band. Minho turned back to Alex and cleared his throat.
"Alex. came up from that shuck box back in the Glad a fighter and a fiesty ball of fire. You light a wild fire in my chest. You were my guide, the sun in my darkness. When I was ready to give up, and those thunderclouds almost got to be too much, that ray of sunlight seeped into my stone heart. You broke those stone walls around my heart. I made some wild vows back in the Glade..."
"Oh are we going to reinact that?" Alex gasped, and giggled. He let a sly smirk cross his face.
"It wouldn't be my wedding if I didn't!" He winked.
"Oh shuck sakes." Alex giggled, shaking her head.
Minho knelt down on one knee and thew an arm wide,
"Alex! Sunshine, previous MedJack, Farm hand, cook, Running partner, my second in command, my hero, my rescuer! I vow to laugh with you- cuz we're shuckin hilarious. And comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow- probably joy, now that we have a safe place to call hime. I promise to always pursue you- cuz you're STILL somehow shucken faster than me! Alex, I vow to continue to fight for you- we have both been there, done that! I'll always have your back, babe. And I vow to love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my shanky shuck-faced life. She-Bean, Shanket, my Dragon Warrior and My Sunshine...Alex, you are my best friend. Sorry Newt, you were replaced a long time ago! You went from a crush, to girlfriend, to last upgrade. With this ring I upgrade you to Boss level, my shucken awesome, badass, smoke show, wife."
He slipped the ring on her finger to wild cheers from everyone. Alex was laughing and crying.
"You're such a dramatic shuck face!"
"Ahhh...but I'm now YOUR dramatic shuck faced HUSBAND!" he laughed at her.
"YOU CAN KISS THE BRIDE!" Ronin yelled over the ruckus.
Alex raised an eyebrow, her hands on her hips. Minho for up from his knee, giving her a roughish smirk, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Her wrapped one arm around her back, his hand slidding down to her lower back, dangerously close to her butt, the other hand at the nap of her neck and dipped her low, kissing her with all the love and passion he had.
The crowd jumped up and cheered, clapped and woolf whistled. He kept her dipped for a little longer. Finally bringing her back up straight. She smiled against his lips.
"One more thing." He whispered.
He broke the kiss and turned to the crowd, waving a hand for them to shush
"One more thing. It's very important." He called. He turned back to the line of girls behind Alex.
"Miss ChloeKinns and Miss Ragamuffin. Please come here. Front and centre!" He called.
The girls looked shocked, and shyly made their way over to stand on either side of Alex. Each girl held her hand. Minho got down on his knee again. Taking a hold of each of their hands. He looked both girls in the eye. He smiled gently at them.
"My girls. I'm not a biological father, but I asked you a long time ago, at the table in the shop mess hall, if you would have me and you said yes. I ask you the same thing now. Will you have me? I wasn't there when you took your first breath, or had your first nightmare, or your first heartache. But I vow, I promise to always be there for each and every breath from now on. I promis to fight off anymore nightmares and to hold you for any other heart breaks. I promise to cherish you and love you. You crashed into my heart and you settled in there nice and snug. I vow to be the best adoptive dad I can be."
He turned quickly to Newt who handed him two long slim boxes. And handed one each to Chloe and Raegan. They opened them and inside was a matching necklace to Alex. And under it was a note that said
I love you. Always. Cross my heart.
Alex threw her hands over her mouth and chocked on a cry. Both girls had tears running down their smiling faces. They both threw their arms around Minho.
He grinned from ear to ear. He helped each girl with their necklace. He stood up, each girl holding onto Alex's hand and Minho grabbed each of theirs, making a circle.
"Well I pronounce you Husband and Wife...and a beautiful chosen family." Ronin cried.
Alex leaned in and kissed Minho again. The crowd was back on their feet wiping tears, laughing, cheering and whooping.
She broke their kiss and turned to the crowd, "LET THE PART BEGIN!"
**Continued to Part 3
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