Chapter 26: Worst Nightmares (Part 2)
**Trigger warning**
Also want to thank Elanabear09 for this chapter idea**
Alex wasn't breathing.
Minho shook her shoulders, panic flooding his system.
Felix didn't wait and he took off sprinting down the path towards the Kitchen area.
Minho layed Alex onto the ground and did his best to keep her breathing. Captain Ronin had taught them all first aid. He punched her nose, tilted her head back and pushed all his air into her lungs. He could see her chest moving, but she wouldn't breath on her own. It seemed like forever, he was alone with an unconscious non breathing Alex. Maybe, just maybe he saw her chest rise a little...
The door behind him banged open and he was pushed aside. Brenda knelt down beside Alex's limp body.
Newt, Simon, Sonya and Felix came sprinting in as well.
"What the bloody hell happened?!" Newt yelled.
Brenda was doing a quick assessment.
"I don't know! Everything here was deserted and dark. I heard screaming, the door was locked. Felix had to override the system! She had it programmed to simulate her worst fears! I don't know what happened!" Minho wailed, still in panic mode.
He couldn't lose her! They left all those fears behind! They were safe here! None of those fears could happen here! Why would she do that to herself? They left that terrible world behind! They were healing and recovering. Her nightmares were becoming less! Why...why would she do this?
"She passed out from fear and panic!" Brenda finally said.
She had pulled an oxygen tube and a small portable canister out of the emergency med bag the training area kept on hand. She slipped it over Alex's head and secured it around her ears, turning the oxygen level up.
"Min. You did good. You got her breathing. She's okay. Just unconsious. She's okay." Brenda said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
Minho took a shaking breath. He ran a trembling hand through his hair. He leaned back on his hands, trying to calm down his racing heart. Sonya knelt down beside him and pulled him into a tight hug, he wrapped his arms around his sister in law.
"She's okay. She'll be okay Min. You did a good job." She reasured him quietly, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I can't loose her!" He whispered.
"You won't. She's okay." She whispered gently.
"I can't see any other physical injuries. Her brain couldn't keep up with her shallow breathing, there wasn't enough oxygen. And her heart was pumping too fast. Her fight or flight system over did it." Brenda said, as she finished doing a more detailed assessment.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was quiet for a moment.
"We should move her, the cement floor can't be bloody comfortable!" Newt suggested, crouching down, brushing some hair out of his sister's face.
Minho got up and slid a hand under her knees and under her back. He picked her up, careful of her tube. He carried her to the door. Simon opened it for them. Minho stepped outside into the sunshine. Alex twitched making Minho freeze. Alex gasped and her eyes shot open. She gasped again. Minho could see the pure raw terror in her eyes.
"Hey! Hey's okay. Your okay." Minho said gently.
Alex let out a wild screamed, and flung herself out of Minho's arms. She hit the ground, tangled in her oxygen tube. She wouldn't stop screaming. The others scrambled outside.
Alex had scrambled back, pressing her back into the wall, sobbing, arms flaling.
Minho crouched down in front of Alex.
"Hey, Sunshine. Your okay." He said quietly, reaching a hand out towards her.
Alex's face twisted into fear, anger and anguish. She screamed a wild feral scream and then snarled at him. She ripped the air tube off of herself and lunged at him. Minho let her tackle him and then rolled with the momentum. She snarled and screamed. She wasn't just trying to just throw punches like she normally did. She was trying to scratch and claw, even biting, at any part of him she could reach. She was acting like a feral wild terrified cat.
Minho still managed to to maneuver his body so he took the brunt of it. He would rather take a punch then have her hurt herself in her PTSD state. This time however her super soilder strength must have kicked in. Minho was straining trying to hold her. Every muscle was working over time, veins were popping and he was grunting from the effort.
"Sonya! Go...get...Ronin!" He panted.
He saw her spin and take off with the same speed as Newt pre limp and as her sister, running ran in the family.
"Felix! Simon! Newt! Help!" He panted. His voice straining.
The boys all jumped forwards.
"Don't-hurt-her!" He said between grunts.
"It's a bloody PTSD attack!" Newt hissed. He had grabbed on, holding her down.
"CHLOE IS DEAD! RAEGAN IS DEAD! THEY TOOK HIM! I HAVE NOTHING!" She screamed and fought harder. A wild screamed ripped from her.
"I'm good for nothing! All I'm good for is to be used! I'm worthless!" She sobbed.
Everything she cried ripped into Minho's heart.
"They took everything!" She screamed.
"No! Alex! That's not true!" Minho cried, louder over the screams of Alex.
"He's gone! They took him! They'll kill him now!"
"I'm not gone, Alex."
"WICKED will kill him this time!"
"I'm right here! Alex I'm right here!" Minho cried.
Alex still fought. It was taking all four of the guys to hold. Minho finally gave up trying to hold her gently. He climbed on top of her, his knees on either side of her hips, straddling her. He sat down, holding her hips down. He grabbed her face between his hands.
"ALEX!" He yelled at her.
Her wild terrified eyes snapped to him.
"I'm right shucken here!" He yelled desperate.
"Minho?" She whispered, her terrified eyes still trying to focus.
"Ya. I'm here, babe. I'm here."
"Minho! The girls! They died! I couldn't save them! Both of them died in my arms! I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't save them! I need to die!" She cried again.
She start thrashing again.
"I need to hold them! Their bloody bodies! They're re just laying there! They're just rotting! I need to hold them! I want to die!"
Alex screamed and struggled to sit up.
"No! Alex, they didn't die!"
"Yes! I saw it! They died! I saw it! I saw it!" She cried.
She was breathing heavy, trying to fight the boys while crying and screaming.
Finally Sonya came sprinting back towards them, Ronin on her heels.
"What's going on?' Ronin growled, his eyes taking in the situation.
"The shuck if I know!" Minho snapped.
He was still sitting on her hips, clamping them tight between his knees, he had her wrists in his hands, right to her own chest. Simon was holding her lower half. Felix and Newt held the shoulders down. And she was fighting and screaming with everything she had. Trying to break free, trying to bite anything that came close to her.
"She was stuck in the simulation room. I had to override the system!" Felix grunted
"This is the worst PTSD panic attack I've ever seen!" Minho cried.
"They're dead! I'll never see them again! I want to die!" Alex cried, thrashing.
Robin growled, "How can I help?"
"She's not going to shucken believe us that the girls ain't dead. Come help hold her. Newt?! You and I have to go pull the girls from school. She needs to actually see them. Brenda? Is there anything that can help calm her? Some kind of sedatives?"
Brenda nodded, "ya, back at the Med station. I'll be a few minutes, but I can get there."
"Then go!"
Brenda took off. Ronin came over, Minho got off as Alex tried to buck him off screaming and snarling again.
"Sonya, stay with her? She might listen to you..? Maybe..."
Minho got up, panting. With Newt beside him they sprinted towards the makeshift school. Minho hated leaving Alex alone during something like this. What if something happened? Something worse? What if she hurt Sonya?...well Ronin and Felix are there. Them, plus Simon should be able to hold her.
"Hey! You listening?" Newt called.
"What? No. What did you say?" Minho asked, glancing beside him.
Newt was keeping pace with him quite well, considering. But maybe that had to do with his adrenaline rush and his sister needed them.
"I said, she's gonna be fine. Ronin, and the others have it under control. And they all care for her. She'll be okay."
Minho nodded, not really knowing what else to say.
They skidded to a halt infront of the school building. Huffing hard, Minho pulled the door open. Aris spun around surprised to see them. Aris helped in the school with the kids who needed extra support in the class.
"What's up guys? Where's the fire?"
"We need Chloe and Raegan. Now. It's an emergency!" Minho panted.
Aris didn't ask questions just nodded, "wait a second, I'll get them."
He spun around and ran down a short hall to the back door. He flung it open. Minho heard kids voices shouting and laughing. He paced back and forth, waiting impatiently for them. Finally the door opened and the girls came sprinting down the hall.
"Papa! Uncle Newt" Raegan cried.
"What's wrong?" Chloe demanded.
"Is Mama okay" Raegan asked, her big green eyes full of unshead worried tears.
"I hope so. Come on! She needs to see you." Minho explained quietly.
He swooped Raegan up in his arms and spun around out the door. Newt and Chloe right behind him. Newt had grabbed Chloe's hand.
"Why's Mama need to see us?"
"'cause she's really sad. And very scared. She's having a nightmare and she thinks...she thinks she didn't save you. She needs to see you both, so her brain can understand that you two are okay." Minho explained as they ran back towards the training ground.
Even before they round the bend in the path, they could hear Alex screaming wildly and calling for the girls.
"Mama!" Raegan screamed.
She wiggled and twisted out of Minho's grip. He placed her down, still running. Chloe and Raegan took off towards she struggling noises. Minho right at their heels.
They rounded the bend, and saw that Alex had managed to sit up and also managed to get a hold of a knife. Ronin had her way from the front blocked. Simon, Felix and Sonya were blocked her escape attempts to the side.
"I'm worthless! I couldn't save them!" Alex cried. She sliced her arm a few times, making it bloody.
"No! Alex, you did! You did save them." Sonya cried.
Ronin tried to grab the knife from her hands, but she slashed it, making him back up.
"I want to end it all! Everyone is gone! My family is gone!" Alex cried. She held the knife up to her own throat.
"No!" Chloe shrieked.
"ALEX!" Minho screamed
Raegan just screamed. All heads turned to look at them, including Alex.
"Chloe?" She whisper. "Raegan?"
Both her hands reached out towards them, dropping the knife. Felix grabbed it and flung it away from the group.
Both girls sprinted towards her, and flung themselves into Alex's arms. Raegan wrapped her little body around Alex, like a little spider monkey. Chloe threw herself into Alex's lap, wrapping her arms around her. Alex stopped fighting and clung to them.
"Your real? Is this real?" Alex choked between sobs.
Minho dropped down beside them, breathing hard. The run itself wasn't hard, even holding Raegan. It was the panic, the adrenaline that made his heart beat faster, the fear of Alex not breathing, of her fighting for her life, the life of her girls...for him, seeing her almost cut her own throat.
He pulled all three girls into a hug. Holding his family. The girls clung to Alex. Alex clung to them, still sobbing.
"Is this real?" She asked again.
"It's real, love. It's all real. We're all here. And we're all safe." Minho reassured her.
"How? How are you alive? I...I watched you die! You were both dead!"
"It wasn't real!" Minho said firmly.
" wasn't real?" Alex asked confused.
"No! Mama I'm right here! You saved me!" Raegan whispered, between her hiccups. She has big fat tears slidding down her face.
"Me too! You saved me too!" Chloe's muffled voice said, she had her face pressed into Alex's shoulder.
"Me too, Sunshine! I'm right here." Minho said soothingly, stroking her hair.
"It was all a simulation. None of it was real."
" was! It was real!" Alex cried again. Another fresh wave of tears came, and her breathing was getting shallow again.
"No. If it was real, how come the three of us are still here?" Minho asked.
"I don't know! I don't!" Alex sobbed.
"Shh. It's okay. I'm here. We're all here. Your safe." Minho shushed gently, pulling her closer to his chest, so she could hear his heart. That always helped calm her.
He glanced at everyone around. They were all crouched around, ready to help again. His eyes caught Brenda who held up a small needle, cocking an eyebrow.
"It won't make her pass out. Just sleepy, and relax her, more cooperative." She whispered.
Minho nodded.
Brenda stepped quietly forwards and quickly poked it into Alex's neck. She was so busy crying and muttering to herself, she didn't notice.
Minho instantly felt her body sag a bit. Her grip on the girls loosened.
"You're okay now. Your safe." Minho repeated.
"It wasn't real...?" She said, almost to herself, trying to convince herself it wasn't.
"That's right." Minho encouraged.
"Let's get her home, that might help settle her too." Sonya suggested.
Minho nodded.
"Wait, I need to wrap that arm." Brenda cut in.
"Come on Ace, let's see that arm." Brenda said gently. Alex didn't move her arms from around the little girls.
Sonya gently pride her bloody arm away.
"No! No no no! Don't take them away! Please don't." She whimpered.
"No one is taking them, love. Just cleaning you up. See? The girls are still in your lap. They are right there. Good...come on.." Sonya spoke calmly and gently to Alex, while she slowly took her arms and turned it over. She kept talking soothing to her while Brenda cleaned her up quickly. Once she was done she nodded to Minho.
"Girls? Let's get up. Ya?" They nodded and slowly get up. Alex started to panic the second they weren't in her arms.
"No! No no no! Don't take them again! Please!" She paniced.
"They are right here."
Minho picked Alex up off the ground. Her fighting was sluggish and febal.
"Girls, come here so she can see you."
Sonya picked up Raegan, hold her so Alex could see her over Minho's shoulder. And Chloe held onto one of Alex's hands. Everyone else followed.
They slowly and awkwardly made their way back to their little cottage. The door was opened and everyone piled in. Minho took Alex straight to bed. The girls climbed on and snuggled in beside her. Alex's breathing was still shallow and ragged. She paniced evergrtime a girl moved and shifted.
Minho turned to the group.
"Uh, thank you..." He said awkwardly, running a hand through his hair and down to his neck, rubbing the back of it.
Newt claped him on the shoulder. "I made you promise me to look after her. That's what you've been doing. Thank you man! Couldn't ask for a better best friend!" He pulled Minho into a tight hug.
Ronin nodded his head. "I said the same. Keep that girl close. And you have. You've done good son." He clapped Minho on the shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I'm proud of you."
Sonya smiled at him and pulled him into a tight hug. "I got snippets of feelings from her way back...I know without a shadow of a doubt, just by watching you with her, you love her just as much."
Felix clasped his arm, "she's my sister; sister in arms, on and off the battlefield."
Simon did the same. "She's family, man, no need to thank us."
Minho looked that the small group, and his heart swealed. These people really were much more than friends. They were family.
"I'll bring supper by later. Stay with your family. They need you right now. Newt and I'll will come by and get the girls into bed. Alex needs you. The girls need you." Sonya nodded.
"Thank you."
The group left and Minho turned to his girls.
He crawled onto the bed, Alex rolled so her head was on his chest, tangling her legs around his. His favorite place to have her. She lay her head over his heart, listening to the steady thumb. He looked his arm around her pulling her close, he absentmindedly drew gentle circles on her exposed skin by her hip with his fingers.
Ragean crawled over them and lay snuggled up on Minho's other side, her head on his shoulder, and Chloe snuggled up, spooning Raegan. Chloe's head resting on Minho's bicep. Alex reached out an arm over his waist and held onto to Chloe and Raegan's hands. Minho pulled the girls closer.
" stay with me?" Alex asked in such a small broken vaunerable way, it broken Minho's heart. He squeezed his family tighter.
"Always!" He whispered into her hair.
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