Chapter 21: Absa-shucken-lutly
It was about 9 months since they stepped foot onto the island they called home. Vince had adopted a Glade Tradition; once a month on a Friday they would hold a big community Bonfire. Snacks and drinks for the older ones and special drinks for the younger ones, marshmallow roasting, music and dancing. Alex always looked forward to these. This evening Vince had something special planned. There was something huge hidden under a big tarp.
"Come on Alex! Just wear the shuck dress!" Sonya fummed.
"I don't wear dresses...they show...too many scars!" Alex protested, folding her arms.
"Wear the damn dress woman!" Brenda yelled from across the room.
"But I don't wanna!" She whined, flopping down onto the bed, throwing an arm over her face.
"You will wear it or I'll force you into it!" Kenzie threatened.
"Wear it, ya Stick!" Harriet yelled coming out of the bathroom, pointing a toothbrush threateningly at Alex.
"Please Alex? It's one night, and Vince had some big plan. Come on! What's the harm?" Teresa asked, her smile was sweet and innocent.
She walked over and pulled her arm. Brenda and Sonya came over and helped pull her up.
In the end, Alex wore the dress and reluctantly let Teresa and Sonya wash and brush her hair until it was silky. Alex didn't really want to admit it, but she felt pretty. It was a lower cut neckline, then she was used to; showing off many of her scars, and her dragon tattoo and the back was cut deep too, showing off her big tattoo down her spine. Her arrows and paw print tattoos on her sides would peek out if she raised her arms and twisted. The colour of the dress made her red hair stand out and made her hazel eyes pop.
Once the fire was roaring, drinks were passed out, Vince climbed up onto a big rock and addressed the community gathered around him.
"It's been 9 long months of planning, and organizing. We have come a long way together, look what we have accomplished!"
He spread his hands wide, looking around at the people. "So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible. Your friends and your family." He raised his jar into the air.
"So here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this.." he motioned to the huge thing behind him, "this is for them."
He pulled the tarp down, revealing a huge stone that rose into a point in the air.
"So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." He raised a knife and chisel and placed them down beside the rock. "And welcome to the Safe Haven." He raised his jar. The crowd cheered.
Alex raised her jar, and cheered as well. She took a sip of her drink and went to sit at the edge of the crowd, lost in her melencoly thoughts. She saw a few Gladers make their way down to carve a name or two.
For you troublesome trio. grouchy Admiral Alby, Uncle Alby. I miss your wisdom, kindness and unwavering support. Jeff and Clint..I miss your friendship, your kindness, my work buddies. Padro, Winston, Zart, Adam, A.J, Leo...this is for you! I'm alive and here because of you. Thank you for your sacrifice.
She was interrupted when a small hand grabbed hers. Alex looked around and saw Chloe holding her hand. She had tears running down her face. Little Raegan was beside her, also crying.
"What's wrong, loves?" Alex asked as she knelt down in front of the girls.
"Can you come with me? I can't do it alone." She sniffed, pointing to the rock. Alex smiled sadly at her.
"Absolutely. Let's go honor a brother who loved you so much."
Alex forced a smile as her stomach clenched, when she thought about what she had to do to her brother.
Alex picked up Raegan, and hand in hand with Chloe they walked down to the rock that was embedded into the ground. Chloe picked up the chisel with shaking hands and carved Zach's name. Chloe handed the chisel to Raegan. Her big green eyes looked at Alex. She knelt down and helped the little girl carve her mom and dad's name.
The girls looked at Alex, expectantly, waiting for her to carve a name. Alex had to take a few deep breaths. She stood up and saw Glader names. She ran a hand over their names: Alby, Jeff, Clint, Winston and Zart, Pedro...everyone's name carved. She was frozen trying to take deep breaths, when she felt another hand on her shoulder making her jumped.
"Sorry." Chuckled Minho softly.
"We left Chuck and Matt for you." He said gently, kissed her shoulder softly.
He looked at Chloe and Raegan, and grinned, making his eyes crease. The girls smiled back at him. "Hey kiddos. How ya doing?"
"Good, FlaMeanO." Chloe smiled cheeky back. Raegan giggled wildly when Minho swooped her up onto his hip.
"FlaMeanO? What the shuck?" He laughed, looking at Chloe.
"Ya! Flamingo and Minho combined." Raegan giggled, hugging him around the neck.
"Ya! Cuz Flamingos are big and bright and flashy. Like you. So combined them." Chloe added, with a big goofy smile.
Minho threw his head back and laughed so loudly people looked over. Alex smiled, feeling content. With Minho, Chloe and Raegan laughing and teasing each other, Alex turned back to the memorial rock and carved Chuck's name. Chloe really did remind her of Chuck.
You would have really liked her Chuckles. She would have given you a run for your money. Keep Bark and Matt company, and remember don't bug Alby too much. I'll see ya over the rainbow...sometime. Love you Buddy.
She also carved Matt's name.
Oh my Mattie Pie. I'm sorry. I miss your goofy lopsided smile. Keep Chuck out of trouble, you were the brains in our Troublesome Trio. Can you look after Bark with Chuck? And no more itching powder in Alby's pants! I'll see you over the rainbow. Not yet, I'd like to live a while here. Love you Buddy!
She smiled again, with a few tears in her eyes as she brushed her hand over the names of her fallen brothers.
It had grown quiet behind her and she turned to see just Minho standing behind her, watching her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Uh oh...not sure if I like that look. What do you have planned, Minny?" Alex asked cautiously, but she couldn't help but smile at his cheeky look.
He had gained back the weight he lost trapped in WICKED. With the hard physical work of Savehaven, if it was possible, he gained more muscle than he had in the Glade. After one weekend trip back to the mainland, Minho came back with a huge tattoo of an intricate maze mixed with a sun on his shoulder. It went down his arm, and spread into his chest and back. Everytime he pulled his shirt off Alex couldn't take her eyes off him, it was hot. He was hot. And he made her stomach backflip every time.
His eyes twinkled, "Just come on, Sunshine. Let's go sit on the beach."
He stretched out a hand, she laced her fingers in his and walked down to the beach. They took off their shoes, and walked down the beach hand in hand. It was a warm evening, with a light breeze. She could hear the party behind them, and the sun was setting. It was a perfect evening.
"Ya know, I don't think I remember ever seeing you in a dress." Minho remarked, looking her up and down.
"The girls made me wear it. It was in a box of clothes from the last scavenge. Not sure how I feel about it..." Alex muttered, trying to readjust the neckline.
"Stop fidgiting. You look beautiful, babe." He stopped walking and turned to look at her, pulling her close.
He gently ran a hand across her shoulder and collarbone, making her shiver. He then ran his hand up her neck and through her hair, then back down her arm, then he laced his fingers into hers. His other hand rested on her hip, pulling her close, then slipped his hand to her lower back. He started to slow dance, slowly turning in circles with her. She hummed contently, laying her head on his chest.
"I shucken love you. Like so shucken much!" He whispered.
He gazed down at her his eyes forming little half moons. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
She looked up through her long lashes at the young man she loved with every fiber of her being. She could feel her heart swelling with love.
"And I shucken love you too Shuck Face." She whispered back, she reached up as far as her tip toes would go and then pulled his head down to kiss him. He kissed her back hungrily, his hand slid down, his other hand at the nap of her neck.
Alex pulled away, then looked over, standing a little ways away down the beach stood Frypan, Gally, Felix and Kenzie. All three had their arms crossed and smug looks on their faces.
Minho's face light up, and a mischievous twinkle sprung back into his eyes and a sly smirk graced his handsome tanned face.
"GREAT IDEA GUYS!" He yelled back.
He turned on his heel and tugged Alex away towards the forest. She could hear Frypan, Gally, Felix and Kenzie laughing, someone pretended to throw up. Alex's face was burning.
Minho pulled her towards a little path in between the trees. Minho scooped her up, bride style and carried her down the path.
"Min? What the shuck are you up to?" Alex asked him suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him.
He chuckled, "I'm taking great advice from some smart people. Now shush and enjoy this." He smirked again.
All Alex could do was sigh, she wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders. The path grew wider as the trees thinned, he placed her down, her bare feet in the soft warm sand. Minho turned to face her.
His face was a little pink, and he shifted from foot to foot. He ran a hand through his hair.
Alex crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Minho?" Alex's voice took on a demanding tone. "What the bloody shuck is going on?"
"Well. We have done a lot of talkin' and I've made a lot of promises. Most I'm not sure if I can follow through on. But this one...this promise I can.. hopefully...if you still want, that" he stuttered.
"Minho! What the shuck are you talking about?" Alex demanded, though she was very ammused with his nervous studdering.
She tried not to smile, but her lip was curling into a smirk.
He sighed. "Okay lemme try again. Okay. Umm."
He stepped closer and gently brushed his fingers over the stone necklace he had given her back in the Glade.
"Remember the promise I made back in the Slammer?"
Alex nodded. "How could I forget?" She whispered.
"Well, I made you a promise and I intend to do my shucken best to follow through. Step this.."
He stepped sideways. Grabbing her hand and pulling her, running the rest of the way down the path. Alex could see the excitement on his face, she couldn't help but laugh. Minho stopped at the edge and flung a hand wide.
Alex eyed him suspiciously then her eyes travelled to the beach and the tree line. Her mouth dropped and she gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.
"You didn't?!" She breathed, looking back at him.
"Sure as shuck did, Sunshine." He smirked slyly back at her, "even has a lock, just like we said."
Sitting snug in the forest tree line was a small wood cottage. It had a small front porch facing the beach.
"Minho! This is the little place we had our first picnic!" She gasped again.
Alex turned in a circle, taking in the surrounding. Big trees towered over the little cottage, wild flowers grew everywhere, there was a big porch swing attacked to the roof which extended over the porch.
"It's all ours." He whispered as he pulled her close.
"Is this where you have been going for months when you say Vince or Captain has you doing stuff?" Alex put the pieces together.
He just smirked. "I've had some help."
"Can we go look?" Alex asked, trying hard not to squeal, glancing at the little place.
"Of course! It's yours." He laughed at her. Alex pulled him down and kissed him quickly on the lips. She grabbed his hand and pulled him. She tried to take in every detail of the cottage Minho built. It reminded Alex of a fairy tail cottage.
Alex laughed and looked over her shoulder, "your Hassel and I'm Gretel, this is our cottage and... Vince can be the witch this time!"
Minho laughed loudly. Alex stepped causiously up the steps of the porch, trying to see everything at the same time. She spun in circles, Minho stayed on the sand watching her in ammusment. She spun back towards him, her hair flying and dress twirling by he knees, a huge smile plastered on her face, and happy tears in her eyes.
"Alex?" Minho asked quietly, almost uncertainly.
He shoved a hand in his pocket and ran the other one through his hair, then rubbed the back of his neck.
It was Alex's turn to look at him in ammusment.
"Yes Minho?"
"I'd also like to make good on another promise. Alex... Alex of the Glade; previous MedJack, Farmhand, Cook, Runner...My second in command, My Sunshine and my Dragon Warrior, my Ninja assassin, have my heart..."
"Minho!" Alex breathed, her hands covering her mouth, and her eyes wide in stunned disbelief.
Minho cleared his throat, a shy smirk on his face. He had gotten down on one knee at the bottom of the porch steps and pulled out a small little box.
"I know we're super young, but.. I've lost you too many times and I've watched you almost die one too many times. My mind was wiped of you twice. I don't want to spend any more shuck time away from you...I want to make good on all my promises. I wanna have a long shanky life with you. Wanna upgrade from a smoke show girlfriend to wick hot badass fiancee?"
"...Min..." was all she could squeak out.
He opened the little box as he stood up. Inside the box sat a small simple ring of white gold and a perfect little cristal clear diamond in the centre
"Absa-shucken-lutly!" Alex squealed.
She flew down the steps and launched her self into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him, he held her up, kissing her hungerly.
He pulled away just enough to murmur against her lips, "so that's a yes?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes, you shank! Absolutely!" She held his face in her hands and kissed him again.
He gently placed her down on the sand and took her hand and slid the danty simple ring onto her finger.
"Minho! It's beautiful!" She whispered looking at it and then up at his beautiful sparkling coffee brown eyes.
"This was all planned out, wasn't it?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
"Oh shuck ya! Like since day one when we got here! Jorge helped me find the ring on the mainland, the girls and Doctor Prior kept you busy all the time...the guys, Vince, Cap and Jorge helped me with this," he nodded towards their home.
Alex gasped putting everything together, she turned towards the home, muttering outloud, "Brenda and Sonya....oh I'm going to murder them! They made me wear this ridiculous dress...and made me do my hair...they knew!"
She turned back to Minho who was chuckling at her flustered frustration. He gently grabbed her shoulders, pulling her forward, he wrapped his arms around her, she hugged him around the waist.
"You look absolutely beautiful. And yes, everyone knew about tonight, and everyone helped." He kissed her forehead.
He raised his voice, "They all very shucken codependent." And peeked over her shoulder towards the cottage.
The door flung open, "WE ARE NOT!" Brenda scoffed.
"We just need to know what you're doing-"
"-when your doing it-"
"-and with who-"
"And where your doing it-"
"NO! I don't want to know when they are doing it! Eww!"
"Eww not like that! Get your mind outta the gutter!"
"It wasn't there until you put it there!"
"I still wanna know!"
"Eww! Gross Finn!"
Everyone came pouring out of the door. All the people she held dear; Jorge, Captain Ronin, Dr Prior, Amy, (Vince was there...they had slowly started to get along and she was coming to respect him as he started to understand her struggles and what she had to go through.) Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Teresa, Sonya, Brenda, Harriet, Aris, Kenzie, Finn, Felix, Chloe and Raegan.
Alex stood frozen, her mouth open, flustered and beat red. How could all of them know about this and keep it hidden from her.
Sonya laughed and pulled her into a hug. "I'm happy for you! You deserve it!"
Newt was beaming from ear to ear as he came limping towards her.
"You slint head! How long have you known?" Alex swatted him.
He chucked swatting her hands away and pulled her into a hug too.
"Since day one dear sister. I knew the second he caught you from face planting in the homestead. You should have seen both your faces!" He chuckled. "But Minho talked to me the day after I woke up here, and then about a month ago he asked specifically." Newt answered quietly, then added even quieter, "He also asked Captain Ronin, and then Jorge, seeing as you look to him as a father."
Alex stood speachless. She knew Minho was kind and thoughtful, but this was next level. And if it was possible, she loved him even more.
"What's the matter Shanket? Do I leave you speachless?" A deep husky voice whispered in her ear.
She didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded. He chuckled again and kissed her temple and then turned to someone who came to clap his back.
"Mi Hija." Jorge said as he walked towards her with his arms open wide. Alex wrapped her arms around his waist. He gave her such a tight fatherly hug a tear slipped over her lashes and down her cheek.
"I'm glad to see you happy. You two of all people diserve this! A long happy life. And I will always be there."
"Same." Captain Ronin rumbled, as he stepped closer, his large hand on her shoulder.
"Papi. Marshmallow...Thank you. For everything. I honestly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and your kindness. Thank you."
Alex pulled away to look him in the eyes, his eyes crinkled as he smiled, she could see a little more grey in his beard and hair. Ronin squeezed her shoulder again and turned to Minho.
"Thank you again Papi J. Really. I love you." She said again, her eyes glistening.
"He's a good man. He'll take care of you. And you him. And I will always be right here, for both of you." He kissed the top of her head, giving her one more squeeze, before going to Minho.
Alex didn't get a chance to turn around before she was bombarded by a bunch of squealing girls.
"LEMME SEE!!" Kenzie squealed, she grabbed Alex's wrist pulling her hand up, "he wouldn't let anyone see it!" She pouted.
The ring was perfect, nothing huge or gaudy, it was simple and elegant. Alex smiled from ear to ear. The girls crowded around giggling and squeeking, admiring the ring.
"Brenda! I have a bone to pick with you! This rediculous dress! Why of all the things... this?" Alex huffed, but the smile on her face didn't have the effect she was going for.
"Cuz. Today of all gotta look like a put together female, not a nurse in srubs or ninja assassin or something. And besides this greeny blue is beautiful on you, it fits like it was made for you and...I'm sure Minho loves the cut if it." She winked. Alex's face heated up.
"Oh he definitely likes it. I saw the way his jaw dropped and eyes eyes just about popped out of his head when you walk out." Sonya giggled.
"Oh ya, McDreamy Boyfriend definitely loves it. Look! Even now, his eyes won't let you go." Kenzie also giggled, nodding towards Minho.
Alex looked over. He was surrounded by the guys, but his eyes locked into Alex, he he winked with his sexy smirk on his lips.
Alex but her lower lip, her face heating up.
"Don't worry were almost done, and he can rip that dress off." Brenda said quietly leaning in.
Alex's face heated up more. The girls all laughed at her.
"Okay, who owns me money? I said before a year was up! You sticks need to pay up!" Sonya yelled.
The group laughed while Alex gasped.
"Guys! A toast!" Gally yelled.
He had produced jars of his secret recipe. He passed one out for everyone, except Chloe and Raegan, the girls were handed a root beer. Gally raised his jar with a grin that made its way into his eyes, "to Alex and Minho, our Shanket and Shank. May you live a long shanky life! May you care for each other as fiercely as you fought for each other! To a long awaited happiness!"
Everyone raised their jars and yelled in agreement. Minho draped his arm around her, smiling down at her, she wrapped her arm around his waist, and gazed up at him. They met in the middle, and kissed each other. He turned towards her without breaking their kiss. He grabbed her hips and lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around him while their friends...their chosen family cheered wildly.
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