Chapter 19: Payback
Contains mature subject matter... Viewer discretion is advised
"Hey! You listening?" Alex asked, looking up from her work.
"Huh? What?" The young man in front of her stuttered.
His bright blue eyes snapped back to her. She could see a light blush rising to the surface of his face. He was quite good looking; dark brown curls, that he kept cut short, bright ocean blue eyes, his sharp cheekbones and strong jaw made him look like a Greek god, the dark tanned skin and solid muscle also helped.
Alex chuckled. "I asked what happened. I'm going to have to stitch it."
"Oh. Uh ya, okay." He smiled sheepishly at her, "were putting a fence around the tomato plants, it's really hot out and I got a bit dizzy, the saw slipped."
Alex hummed in response. She looked at him again, scrutinizing him. He had slight bags under his eyes and they looked a bit haunted.
"Were you part of the group we rescued from WICKED?" Alex asked gently.
His eyes flashed, he clenched his jaw, but he nodded.
"Sorry. I know it's a sensitive topic. However, you need to slow down. Take more breaks out of the sun and drink more water. Okay? I don't need you passing out." Alex said gently, but firmly.
He opened his mouth to protect, but Alex cut him off.
"No." Alex said louder, her hands stopped working and she looked him dead in the eye. She sighed, she reached out and gently cupped his cheek, and continued in a gentler tone, "I know they deprived you guys of proper food and then tortured you. Your body needs to heal. End of discussion. You will get back to peek health eventually." She let her hand fall back. "Be gentle with yourself."
He deflated, hanging his head, but he nodded. Alex went back to cleaning the cut on his hand. He winced when she had to use tweezers to get some splinters out.
"So...what's your name?" Alex asked.
Alex glanced up at him, his head was turned away, looking in the corner of their make shift MedHut. Alex peeked over her shoulder to where he was looking and she smirked.
Turning back at her work, "So Simon. Anything of interest catch your eye these days?" She kept her voice casual, but smirked a bit.
His head whipped back towards her.
"No! No...not at all. Why do you ask?"
"Oh nothin'. Lots of good lookin' people around here, ya? Some shucken beautiful eye candy." She raised an eyebrow.
She turned back to the table beside her preping the needle and thread.
"Oh..uh, ya...ya I guess so." He cleared his throat and shrugged.
"Got your eye on someone, there Simon?"
Alex saw him, out of the corner of her eye, glance to the corner of the room again. She smirked even bigger.
"Not particularly, I got a sweet tooth, so I like a lot of candy."
"Sure? Something in the candy store catch your eye? That blond in the corner, lookin' like a real good snack. Hmm a delicious happy meal." Alex teased, raising an eyebrow at him.
His big blue eyes widened in horror and his face went red.
"You and him..? I'm sorry! I didn't know!" He stammered.
"Mmm. He does give some bloody fantastic hugs!" Alex nodded seriously.
Alex watched in ammusment as Simon shook his head furiously.
"I'm sorry.'s not like that! No..I'm sorry. You guys are together, no...not like that at all!"
"Insest is frowned upon, Simon." Alex grinned as his face went from bright red to ghostly white back to red.
"You..and him..? Not..? ...your related...? What?" He stammered.
Alex threw her head back and laughed.
"Oh Simon, my sweet sugar candy man." She patted his knee. "That beautiful blond young man sleeping, recovering from a stab wound is my brother." Alex choked between giggles.
"Well this is embarrassing." He muttered, rubbing his face with his good hand.
"Not at all. I think he's quite good looking, we are we do share the same genetics."
Simon snorted. "Sugar is sugar, Sugar." He winked at her.
"I like you Simon." Alex declared.
"I think we established I don't swing that way, but I'm flattered." He snarked.
Alex threw her head back and howled again. Simon chuckled too.
"You're all good. Keep it clean, come back in a day or two and I'll remove the stitches." Alex smiled, patting his hand.
He got up to leave but paused, "I never got your name, Sugar."
"Alex." She smiled up at him.
The next day at breakfast Simon was sitting alone at a table, Alex took her breakfast and plunked down opposite him.
"Simon my sweet sugar candy man! How's the hand?"
"It's fine. Now move your head, you're blocking my morning view." He pushed her head sideways.
Alex laughed and swatted his hand.
"What..or who are we staring at now?" Alex asked, swivelling around.
"You were right Sugar, this place is full of good lookin' people. Lots of eye candy." He smirked at her.
"Indeed, I'm always right. Now spill!" She pointed her spoon at him, and leaned in. "Which one? Who are we oogling? I want in!"
Simon looked at her for a second, grinned and leaned forward and whispered "He's right behind you, two tables over, dark hair, muscles, dark eyes... Mmm. What I wouldn't do to that piece of pie!"
Alex twisted around again.
"See him?"
Alex grinned and turned back to him. "Oh I see him. Oh my shucky goodness, those cheek bones and jaw!" She fanned her face.
"Right? And when he laughs, his eyes squint. It's so cute!"
"You should go talk to him! I bet he's really nice!" Alex encouraged with a big grin.
"No! I can't! I like looking at, window shop the candy bars, if you would." He paused and narrowed his eyes at her. "Wait..." He pointed his fork at her, "there's something your not telling me. What is it? He's taken, isn't he. Dammit Alex! Why do you do this to me?" He threw his hands into the air. When Alex burst into laughter again.
"I'm sorry Simon! I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! But your right! He is dreamy!"
"Oh dammit. You two are a thing, aren't you?" He sighed dramatically, "all the delicious ones are taken. But high five in scoring that one."
Alex was laughing so hard she snorted, and had tears running down her face.
Minho had gotten up for coffee and came sauntering over. He slid onto the bench beside Alex.
"Hey babe." He kissed her cheek, and turned to Simon with narrowed eyes, he crossed his arms over his chest, making his muscles arms bigger.
"Minho, love, this is Simon, my sweet sugar candy man. Simon, this is Minho. And chill dude." Alex swatted his arm, "he doesn't play for that team. In fact, we were both just drooling over your delicious cheekbones and jaw line. Weren't we Simon?" She turned and winked at Simon who went red and placed his face into his hands with a groan.
Minho's face went from a cold intimidating to a shocked look and then slid into a sly smirk. He flexed and winked.
"Well shuck ya. Drool away, baby cakes. Sorry my guy, I'm taken."
Alex snorted and rolled her eyes. Simon's horrified expression slowly relaxed, once he realized Minho wasn't going to bully him about who he was, and was secure enough in himself to shrug it off.
"Nah, babe, he just likes the eye candy. We'll sit from afar and watch you, yell at you to take your shirt off. Ya know...just be real obnoxious about it." Alex elbowed him with a smirk.
"Oh.. he'll take his shirt off? I'm in!" Simon smirked.
"Anytime. Anyplace." Minho winked at Alex.
" fun as this has been. I need to get to work. I'm holding you this heckling, I want shirts off and abbs exposed!" Simon sighed.
"Keep those stitches clean!" Alex yelled after him.
Minho turned to Alex with a cheeky grin.
"So...should I take my shirt off now? Or later?"
"Hmmm. Well...I got a few minutes before I need to be at work." Alex grinned, looking at her watch.
"Perfect." Minho grappled her hand and pulled her from the mess hall.
Over the next couple days Alex got Simon to come sit at their table, and introduced him to the group. He got along with everyone. He had enough snark and sass to keep up with Alex and Minho, he was gentle, kind and sweet, but was tough enough and knew how to talk smack, to handle Gally. He meshed with the group so well, it was like he was always part of them.
The girls loved to hangout with him because he gossiped, gushed and drooled over their crushes just as much, he was also one for all the spicy details.
"So Simon, I know you like to gush with your eye on anyone?" Kenzie asked one evening. They were all sitting around a fire, eating snacks.
The guys were off doing something, and the girls invited Simon to come hangout with them.
Instantly he went pink. And Alex grinned at him knowingly.
"No. Not really."
"Lier." Brenda yelled, throwing popcorn at him.
"Come on! Tell us!" Kenzie whinned.
"I know!" Alex sang, with a huge grin.
"You do not, Sugar! I never said anything!" Simon insisted.
"You didn't have to! I knew the first time we met!" Alex grinned at him.
He gasped, turning even reder. Making Alex's smile even bigger.
"Ha! I knew it! I knew it!" She screamed, jumping up off the log she was sitting on.
"Oh shut up Alex." He grumbled.
"Oh go on! Go talk to him. He ain't gonna bite!" Alex giggled.
"Who? Who is it?" Sonya asked, raising an eye brow.
"Oh, I think you know Son..." Alex winked at Sonya.
She gasped and went wide eyed and then grinned from ear to ear, and squealed.
"Hey! No twin telepathy thing! No fare!" Kenzie whinned.
"Girls! Please! Don't do anything!" Simon bagged the sisters, who both looked quite smug.
"Lips are sealed, my Candy Man." Alex said, pretending to zip her lips.
"But you better get a move on! Cuz a guy like that doesn't come around all the time!" Sonya smirked.
"NEWT!" Simon, Sonya and Alex yelled simultaneously.
Brenda, Kenzie and Teresa gasped and then went "oooh!" And then grinned and squealed.
They spent the rest of the night discussing Newt, in more detail than Alex or Sonya ever wanted to again.
The guys were busy helping Minho put the roof on the cabin he was going to surprise Alex, Chloe and Raegan with. Minho was sitting up on the top with Newt and Thomas, nailing down a few boards when Thomas brought up relationships.
"So...umm Newt... are you okay?" Thomas stuttered, "with uhh..."
"With what Tommy?" Newt asked, pausing and wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"Umm with us...and now I'm umm kinda dating Brenda... we're okay?" Thomas asked, fidgeting with the hammer and nail in his hands.
"Yeah, Tommy, were good!" Newt said.
"Are you sure...cuz...well...umm.." he glanced at Minho.
Who raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Dude. I ain't stupid, and I don't care. Newt you swing for one team, Tommy Boy you swing for both teams. I don't care. I know you guys had a thing in the Glade and Scorch. Doesn't bug me one way or the other." Minho said.
"Oh...okay..good..." Thomas said awkwardly, and then glanced at Newt, who looked ammused at his awkwardness.
"Tommy. Slim it nice and easy. Brenda makes you happy. That's great! I'm just fine." Newt said.
"Ya, Tommy Boy. Pretty sure Newt has moved on and has his eye one someone else. So stop being so self centered!" Minho chuckled, hammering in another nail.
"What? I'm! Self centered?...what?" Thomas sputtered.
" do you know?" Newt gasped, looking at Minho with huge panicked eyes.
"Oh come on man! I can see how you watch him. And I see how you blush when his name comes up!" Minho smirked at his best friend.
"I do not!" Newt said with indignation.
Minho just laughed.
"Who are we talking about?" Thomas asked, clueless as ever.
"Seriously dude?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Hmmm. Let's think this through." Minho said, his voice dropping with sarcasm, as he tapped his chn. "Our entire group has paired up. And we have a Newtie here alone and single. A new dude is brought into the group by Alex...also alone and single. Hmmm I wonder who Newt could possibly have his eye on."
"Dude!" Gally called up, passing them another log, "he means Simon, you stupid shank! Newt likes Simon!"
"Oooh! You mean-" Thomas started.
"Ya I mean! Even Gally gets it!" Minho said rolling his eyes.
"Uh thanks?" Gally rolled his eyes, but climbed the ladder so he wasn't yelling up at them.
"Guys?" Newt said, with a small smirk.
"Yes?" They all asked, looking at him grinning.
"Shut up!" Newt grumbled, "I don't even know if...I don't probably won't work." Newt sighed.
"Hahaha. Not the way Alex talks. You should ask her for details, my man." Minho grinned.
"Now that I think about it...yep! 100% next Bonfire, ask him to go!" Thomas grinned.
"Do it man. I told Minho back in the Glad - and I'll tell you now. Don't be a slint head and shuck it up. Go. Do something about it!" Gally nodded and clapped Newt on the shoulder.
Minho nodded solumly, "it's true. GalPal gave me great dating advice 'don't be a slint head and shuck it up more, go fix it.' Words of wisdom right there!"
"Or! We can get this bloody house finished!' Newt grumbled.
"Agreed!" Minho nodded, "but also agree with Tommy Boy and GalPal!"
"You will never call me that again!" Gally narrowed his eyes at Minho.
"Simon!" Alex yelled, poking him in the chest.
"What? Jeeze woman!" He said sounding slightly scared.
"You will march your delicious Sweet Sugar Greek god Candy Man Arse up to my brother and ask him to dance tonight at the bonfire." Alex ordered.
Simon crossed his arms and looked down at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Only, Sugar, wear this." He smirked, holding up a dress.
Alex frowned at the piece of clothing. She didn't like wearing anything other than pants, but the dress wasn't too bad...a simple black t shirt skater dress. But was a dress.
Alex growled. She narrowed her eyes at him. He stood with a smug look on his face.
"Deal." Alex said. Snatching the dress from his hand.
His eyes went wide.
"Haha! You didn't think I would?" Alex chuckled at his shocked expression.
Alex pulled her shirt and pants off and pulled the dress on. She pulled her hair from its messy pun and grabbed the brush and ran it through her hair, and threw it back into a ponytail.
"Looks like you have a dance partner, hey Simon?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
He was grumbling and grinding his teeth. Alex chuckled at him. She threw her white Converse sneakers on and looped her arm through his and pulled him from his hut and out towards the bonfire that had starting.
They walked up towards the group. Minho and Newt turned, Minho's mouth dropped and Newt's eyes went wide and watched them come towards the group. Alex let go of Simon's arm and sauntered towards Minho, swinging her hips just a bit more than normal, making the dress swish back and forth around her knees.
He wrapped her up in a hug, his strong arms around her waist, lifting off the ground.
"Shuck Sunshine. You look amazing!" He whispered in her ear.
"Ya, somehow when I bring out my femanin side, it makes me feel... different." She chuckled.
"Well...I like it. I mean I love you no matter what... wearing anything. Well nothing would be better...but I like it." He whispered. His lips tickles her ear, and set shiveres down her spine.
"Shuck it Min! There are people around! Keep your pants on!" Alex chuckled, but she was feeling really warm, and was possitive her face was flushed pink.
"I don't wanna!" He whinned.
"Later." She whispered back. "Thank Simon. It was an agreement. I wear this shuck dress if he asked Newt to dance later!"
"Well..." He smirked at her, placing her down, he turned to Simon who was talking shyly with Newt.
"Dude. Thank you so shucken much!" He clapped him on the back.
Simon looked confused for a moment, then smirked when Alex slid up next to Minho, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"She's always hot. But this dress is shucken amazing." He smirked, kissing her temple, while he slid his hand from her back down to her butt. Alex grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the fire and the music.
"Come on Simon! A deal is a deal!" Alex yelled.
She could see him groan. Newt looked between them, an eyebrow raised.
Alex watched as Simon turned to Newt with a small smile and red cheeks, while Minho spun her into his chest.
"I think your agreement is going to benefit everyone." He whispered.
"Slim it boy!" Alex chuckled, "there is a lot of evening still! And the girls are still awake."
During the evening Alex danced, laughed, chatted and sat with everyone from their group. She danced with Raegan and Chloe, Minho danced with the girls too. She watched as Raegan took an instant liking to Simon. She was a hard one to win over, but she didn't have any problems with Simon. And he seemed to love her.
Alex had explained her situation, and the odd time accompanied her to the school pick up, so he got to know each girl a little. Tonight it seemed, there was something extra in the air.
Raegan and Chloe both seemed enthralled with Simon. When Alex was kissing her goodnight, she asked if Uncle Newt was going to marry Salamander.
Alex frowned and asked what she meant, but when Raegan repeated if Newt and Simon were going to get married Alex chuckled.
"I hope so kiddo. I sure hope so!"
Once Alex had joined to bonfire again, Papi Jorge had agreed to watch the girls, as wild parties weren't his thing anymore, Minho grabbed her hand.
A few more spicy Sala dances around the fire left him all hot and bothered. Alex pulled his hand and they left the group to wild cheers and catcalls. They wandered through the trees, just enjoying eachother, Minho would push her up against a tree every now and then to kiss her roughly, but they kept walking and talking and laughing. Even in SafeHaven they didn't get much alone time. So Bonfire nights were held in high esteem. It was date night.
Minho had her walking backwards, his hand around her back and the other tangled in her hair, kissing her. Alex pulled away, and placed her hand over his mouth.
"Shh." Alex whispered.
Minho cocked an eyebrow at her.
"Listen." Alex giggled.
They stood silent for a moment and the distinct noises of two people drifted towards them.
Alex's eyes went wide.
"You don't think?" She whispered.
"Alex...I really don't want to know!" He whispered back, a pained expression on his face.
"Oh come on!" She giggled.
"I'm staying here. I really don't need to see my best friend in any compromising positions." He folded his arms.
Alex shrugged her shoulders, "Suits yourself...but it'll be payback! How many times did he walk in on us?"
"Oh! You make an excellent point."
Together they crept silent and a shadow forwards following the noises.
They peeked around a tree and sure enough. Her suspicious were right! And she silently punched the air in a victory dance. Minho was trying hard not to giggle. He grabbed Alex around the waist and pulled her away.
"We can do it better, I'll show you." He whispered, his voice low and dangerous, making her shiver with anticipation.
He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He expertly steared them into a little grove of pink flowered trees. It was quiet and secluded.
He pushed her up against a tree and whispered, "definitely better!"
"Show me." She whispered back against his lips.
Minho and Alex slid onto the bench at breakfast. Both holding a mug of coffee and both with the same smirk, and twinkle in their eyes as they looked at Newt and Simon.
"Can we help you, you Shanks?" Newt asked.
"Dunno." Alex grinned.
"Well...your matching smirks are making me nervous." Simon said. He leaned closer to Newt, "is this normal for them?"
Minho smirked even more. Alex raised her coffee mug and took a dramatic sip.
"Not as nervous as what I could tell you..." she finally said, with an evil grin.
"What the shuck are you talking about?" Newt rolled his eyes. But the apprehensive look on his face gave away how nervous he was.
"Might want to find a more secluded place you too." Alex giggled.
Simon's face went pale and Newt's went bright red and and his eyes went wide in horror.
"Nice form. Just..." Alex srarted.
They jumped up and running away. Both of them howling with laughter.
Ahh, to finally be able to use Newt's lines back at him. Alex was in her glory! When ever she came across Simon and Newt, even in the middle of the dinning room she slapped her hands over her eyes, yelling at them, "are you decent?"
Or Minho would squeeze his way between them, didn't matter how close they were standing or if they were holding hands, he would seperate them and yell, "GUYS! PDA MUCH? Shuck sakes! Slim it you two, save it for the wedding night!"
Newt always ended up shaking his head with his head in his hands and Simon just had an ammused smirk on his Greek god like face.
"Why Alex? Minho? Why? Why do you do this?" Newt groaned.
"Ahhh paybacks a bitch, hey Newtie?" Alex and Minho grinned evilly.
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