Chapter 17: First Meetings
** After they rescued Minho**
"ALEX! UNCLE NEWT!" a tiny voice yelled. A flash of blond hair ran up the ship ramp.
"Raegan! Wait! Come back!" Chloe yelled, trying to chase after the little girl.
She didn't stop. Raegan had heard Alex and Newt were back and that Alex was really hurt. Raegan took off trying to find her. She was quick and lost Chloe in the crowd. She zigg zagged through the people loading the huge ship. Her little legs took her up the ramp of the Berg. She froze when she saw Alex and Newt laying on the floor of the Berg, wires and tubes everywhere
She screamed.
It was a heartbreaking cry of a small child who had lost everything already. She ran forward only to be swooped up by big strong arms.
She fought and cried, trying desperately to get to Alex and Newt.
"Hey! Hey there little munchkin. Slim it nice and easy, peanut!" A deep male voice said.
"No! No! Alex! My Alex is there! And Uncle Newt! No! Please!" She cried, still trying to fight the strong arms.
"Your Alex?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Yes! Now let me go!" She wailed.
"I'll make you a deal." He said calmly.
She stopped fighting, crossed her arms and pouted.
"I'm listening."
The guy holding her laughed. It was a deep loud, belly laugh.
"You've spent time with Alex." He chuckled.
"Okay, munchkin. Here's the deal. I'll let you down. If you stop running. We can go sit beside them. But we need to be gentle." He paused. "Do we have a deal?"
Raegan thought for a moment. And nodded slowly. She was placed gently down onto the ground. She turned to see who had scooped her up. Her eyes went wide. He was tall as a giant, with big muscled arms, squinty eyes and black spiky hair. His smile made his eyes twinkle. He squatted down in front of her and held out a large hand.
"Names Minho." He said with a serious expression. Raegan hesitated, and caustusly held her own hand out.
"And your name, princess?" He asked, rasing an eyebrow.
"Raegan." She squeaked.
"Well Miss Raegan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Alex told me all about you."
Her big green eyes widened even more.
Minho smiled again, making his eyes crinkle. He stood up, and held out a hand.
"We can go see them, we just need to be careful. They got hurt, but will be okay. They are resting right now." He explained.
She slowly reached up and took his hand. Together they walked over to where Alex and Newt were sleeping.
Minho sat down, and gently brushed a kiss on her forehead. Raegan sat hesitantly beside him. Her big green eyes wide as she looked over both Alex and Newt. Her bottom lip began to tremble. And big tears slipped over her lashes.
"Hey, Princess. No need to cry. She's just sleeping right now!" Minho said gently.
Her eyes flicked between Alex and all the tubes and up to Minho who was smiling gently at her.
Raegan cried harder. She burried her face in her knees. Without thinking Minho leaned over and picked her up, placing her in his lap. She turned towards him and cried. He rubbed her back and hummed a song, the same one he usually hummed when Alex needed reasurance. Her sobbing slowly became sniffles. And that soon became regular breathing.
She sniffed. She raised her head and pointed at the tube under Alex's nose.
"What's that for? It looks scary!" She asked.
Minho shifted and leaned against the Berg wall, and quietly explained everything, what all the wires and cords were for Alex and Newt.
Raegan's breathing had slowed down and when Minho looked down, the little girl was asleep, curled up in his arms.
He couldn't help it, he smiled. There was this weird warm tingling feeling spreading from his chest. It was a similar feeling when he watched Alex sleep. He knew he was in trouble then, this little girl was going to steal his heart. He leaned his head back on the wall of the Berg, and closed his eyes, chuckling at himself.
His eyes snapped open and whipped his head around when he heard frantic feet storming up the ramp.
"Raegan?" Chloe yelled panicked, "Raegan where the shuck are you?"
Minho waved a hand, catching her attention. Chloe froze, and then shrieked, "MINHO!"
Chloe scurried over and threw her arms around his neck. He chuckled. With some difficulty, he didn't want to wake up Raegan, he withdrew an arm and wrapped it around the girl, giving her a hug.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed me!" He teased.
"Dude. We all missed you!" She smiled. She sat down and snuggled in. "You have no idea." She whispered.
He kept an arm around her.
" are you? Tell me everything!" Minho asked, leaning his head back.
He listened to Chloe chat away about everything and anything. Eventually even she ran out of things to say. And they were quiet.
"How did you find Raegan?" Chloe asked.
"She came tering up the ramp...seeing Alex scared the klunk out of her."
"Ya...but how did this-"
She pointed to the sleeping girl and then waved her hand up and down,
"-happen? She never ever does this. Ever. If it's not Alex, it's Newt or Jorge, and barely. That's it!"
Minho shrugged. "Dunno kiddo."
"Weird. She doesn't listen. Hardly talks. Terrified of people and groups." Chloe shook her head.
"You forget...I'm Minho. And I'm awesome!" He chuckled.
Chloe rolled her eyes.
"You have spent too much time with Alex."
He chuckled, closing his exhausted eyes. It may have been a few days since he escaped WICKED, but he was still exhausted all the time. Chloe was watching him, her head leaning on his shoulder, her face turned to him.
"Imma get a blanket. Be right back."
A few minutes later she came back and Minho was already asleep. Chloe flung a blanket over him and Raegan and then another over her shoulders and snuggled back into his side. He stirred, automatically an arm came around her and pulled her close. The three of them had a nap.
"No! I don't want to wake them up!"
"Look how cute they are!"
"Papa MinMin!"
There were a few chuckles and giggles.
"I can hear you, you shanks!" Minho yawned. His back was stiff and his one arm was numb.
Frypan, Gally, Thomas, Teresa, Brenda, Kenzie, Finn, Sonya, Harriet, Aris, Felix, Jorge, Captain Ronin, Doctor Prior and Vince were all crowded around.
"That's a lot of people to wake up to. Shuck it guys, where's the fire?" Minho asked, lifting his head off the Berg wall.
"We couldn't find the girls." Jorge said, "We were worried about them."
Sonya knelt down beside them, gently brushing a strand of hair out of Raegan's sleeping face. "Ever since ...uhh Alex left to go after the guys and bring you back...Raegan hasn't been herself. Even more quiet, she's been acting out, won't listen, her nightmares are worse..."
Minho frowned, looking down at the sweet little girl curled up in his lap, her face pressed into his chest. He knew Alex had rescued her, knew Alex had an attachment to her. But didn't realize how attached the girl was to Alex. With how fast Chloe got attached to Alex...he should've seen it coming.
"Well she seemed just fine when we talked, a little upset seeing Alex and Newt like that." Minho shrugged looking up at the group.
There was a collective gasp. And everyone's eyes went wide.
"Huh. Same reaction as Chloe." He yawned again, closing his eyes.
The group stared at him.
Minho popped an eye open, and gave them a side eye, "all of you guys had trouble handling this little pipsqueak?" He smirked at them.
"All right let's leave Papa MinMin to his girls." Frypan teased.
"Oh he's gonna be so whipped." Kenzie laughed.
"Oh he so is already!" Brenda agreed, giving her a high five.
"You have no idea. Alex had him SO whipped in the Glade, now with those two? He's doomed." Thomas agreed.
"Gone are the Batchelor days, my good man!" Felix chuckled.
The group had left, walking back down the ramp. Sonya was the only one who stayed. She sat down between her siblings. Minho didn't bother opening his eyes again, but asked quietly,
"How have you been doing since...ya know...?" He asked her.
She pulled up her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs placing her chin on her knees.
"Better. I guess. Regular food and rest has helped. Still struggling with the nightmares
..anxiety and panic attacks." She said quietly.
Minho just hummed. Nightmares, he was familiar with, anxiety and panic were a constant companion. She still had the markings of the WICKED torture and the beating she took when she called out to him at the train.
"What about you?" She asked, turning her head to look at him.
He just shrugged.
Sonya watched him quietly. With his head tilted back, eyes closed, she could tell he had lost colour and weight. She could see the bags under his eyes, and the exhaustion behind his twinkling eyes. And she could see the signs of hard torture WICKED put him through. But the smile showed he was content. He had two little girls snuggled into him sound asleep; he was absentmindedly rubbing Chloe's back and running his fingers gently through Raegan's long blond hair.
Sonya smiled.
"Minho..." Sonya started quietly, Minho picked his head up and looked at Sonya.
"I don't know you that well... I only got a few quick conversations with Alex about you...and she told me some pretty spicy stuff, there big guy" she smirked.
Minho smirked right back. She shook her head with a smile.
"But...anyone who can sit with a little girl, he's never met and have her settled enough and feel safe enough to fall asleep, is alright in my books. If the way you've taken care of those two today, is any indicator of how you'll take care of're alright in my book."
"Aww thanks Son, that's so touching! I'd wipe the tear but my hands are stuck." He sassed.
Sonya flipped him off and stuck her tongue out, making him chuckle. They sat for a little bit longer in comfortable silence, Sonya watching Minho and the girls. Sonya eventually got up saying she needed to help Frypan in the kitchen.
"Your good here?" She asked.
He nodded, she kissed the top of his head and She left and he fell asleep again, with a smile on his face.
Alex woke to the sound of giggles, her eyes fluttered open. Alex turned her head and her heart nearly stopped. Tears stung her eyes as she watched.
Minho was showing Raegan what a thumb war was. Her tinny little hand was wrapped in his large one. She was giggling so hard she couldn't actually play, she was using both hands to try keep his thumb down. He was laughing along with her.
She managed to hold his thumb down, and she jumped up dancing around.
"Cheater pants!" Minho pretended to pout.
Alex laughed quietly. Minho glanced in her direction and smiled wildly, making his eyes squint and his dimples show. He winked and looked back at Raegan who was still doing a victory dance.
"Come here ya little Ragamuffin!" He called and caught her around the waist, pulling her close.
She squealed when he caught her. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear. She gasped and her eyes went wide. She spun around and squealed again, and tried to jump forwards. Minho still had his hand around her little waist, preventing her from going anywhere.
"What did we talk about?" Minho asked, rasing an eyebrow at her.
She slumped in defeat, "I need to be careful. Alex has a big owie. And she needs rest cuz it still hurts. And Uncle Newt has a really big owie, and he's sick. So we have to be extra careful." Raegan said.
"Right. Now if you can be gentle I'll let you go."
"Okay." She nodded her little head
Minho took his arm away, and she scrambled over to Alex's side. But then hesitated. Alex smiled up at the girl. She raised a slightly shaking hand and cupped her tiny little face.
Raegan burst into tears.
"Raega-Dolly! What's wrong?" Alex asked quietly, her throat dry and scratchy.
"You left! You left me! You left me! And almost didn't come back!" She sobbed.
Alex's eyes filled with tears. She felt ashamed of herself.
"Oh Raegan! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry!" Alex choked.
Alex's chest was hurting, and tears slid down her temples into her hair. Alex pulled Raegan closer, she laid her little head on her chest, and cried. Her little first grabbing handfuls of Alex's shirt. Minho scooted closer, and brushed some sweaty hair off Alex's face. He left his hand on the side of her face, he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. Minho was gently rubbing Raegan's back, letting the girls hold each other and cry.
Chloe came back up the ramp. She stopped at the top, and frowned. She threw her hands in the air.
"Seriously? I leave to go pee and this is what happens? You all break or somethin'?" Chloe sighed exasperated.
She shook her head but came over too, dropping down beside Alex. And joined the group hug.
The supper bell rang, pulling everyone out of their conversation and giggles.
"Okay Miss Ragamuffin and Miss ChloeKinns, it's time for supper. Let's go eat and then we can come back. Deal? Alex isn't going anywhere." Minho said.
"Are you sure?" Raegan asked.
"Cross my heart!" He replied solumly, drawing an X over his heart.
"Okay..." Raegan nodded slowly.
Minho leaned over and gave Alex a quick kiss and whispered, "I'll be back babe. Don't go anywhere."
"I don't plan on going anywhere. I love you!" She smiled at him. Her smile slipped, and she frowned. Her eyes searching his.
"What's on your mind Sunshine? Lay it on me!"
Alex hesitated, "Min..those girls mean the world to me...are you okay with... everything? With them and me...and us..? All of us? We're kind of...a package deal now." Alex whispered, she bit her lip, trying not to cry.
Minho stared down into her beautiful eyes. He could see the doubt and worry.
"Are you worried I'd leave you because of them? should know me better. I love you. And if you love them. Then I will to..I think I already do."
He leaned in again and kissed her, her face in his hands.
"Okay you two! Enough, eww! Cooties!" Chloe shuddered.
"I think it's cute." Raegan pouted, crossing her arms.
Minho pulled away winking at Alex who gave him a small smile and stood up. He turned and swooped Raegan up and threw her over his shoulder. Carrying her down the ramp.
"Chloe...take notes from this little one. I like her! You've spent too much time with Newt." Minho laughed.
"Ya!" Raegan giggled, "he likes me!"
Minho walked into the dinning Hall on the ship with the girls; one on his hip the other holding his hand tight. He spotted their group and walked over to the table and sat down, the girls beside him.
He noticed immediately Raegan's change in behavior. She clamped her mouth shut and wouldn't look anyone in the eye, and she refused to talk to anyone. She hardly ate anything. He made eye contact with Sonya and raised an eyebrow.
"This is normal" she mouthed back.
He furrowed his eyebrows.
A few of the group tried to talk to her during supper but she turned away and buried her face in his side, her little body shaking. Minho leaned over and picked her up and placed her on the table, right in front of him. He gently put a bent finger under her chin and gently raised it, making her look at him.
"Miss Ragamuffin. What's the matter?" He asked quietly, leaning forwards.
She shrugged. Her lip quivered, big tears ran down her face. He frowned, thinking.
"Is it too loud?"
She nodded.
"Too many people?"
She nodded again.
"Do you feel scared?"
She nodded and sniffed.
"I know. I feel the same."
She used her fists to rub her eyes.
"Missy, did you know these people are my friends? And Alex's friends and family...they are my family. Which means, they are your family now."
"I lost my mommy and daddy. Alex saved me from the bad men." She whispered.
Minho scooted closer so their faces were only inches from each other. His arms were resting on the table on either side of her, he losly locked his fingers around her back.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He whispered.
Raegan nodded.
"Alex saved me too, from the bad men."
She gasped and her tear filled green eyes went big in shock. He nodded seriously.
"And see that guy right there?" He pointed to Thomas. Raegan glanced quickly at him and he waved with a smile.
"Alex calls him Tommy." She whispered.
"Right. He helped save me too, and you see that guy?" He pointed to Gally, who was sitting beside Thomas. "The guy with the funny eyebrows?"
Raegan nodded, trying to hide a giggle.
Gally rolled his eyes.
"He helped Me and Alex get Newt the medicine he needed. He helped get me and Alex away from the bad men."
Her eyes went wide and she glanced quickly at Gally again, who gave her a smile.
Minho pointed out each person at the table and told her how Alex helped them or how they helped Alex. Explaining gently and quietly how they were part of a chosen family. How none of them actually had family. Kenzie and Finn had each other, but they chose Jorge as a papi and Ronin was like an uncle. How every one looked out for each other.
"And then we have Sonya. Did you know that's Alex's actual twin sister? Which also means Newt's baby sister?"
Raegan's eyes went wide. And shook her head.
"You didn't know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
She shook her head again.
"No! You goof! I told you that!" Chloe huffed, poking her in the side. Raegan smacked her hand away.
"And then lastly." Minho went on, "is Chloe. You know Alex saved Chloe too. And now she looks after her, just like she did with you. So you guys are like sisters now." Minho finished with a smile.
Raegan blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes again with her fists.
"So does that mean...Alex is like my new mommy?" She whispered, looking back at Minho.
Without missing a beat Minho nodded.
"And...and you kissed her. So are you married now?"
Minho smirked at the little girl.
"One day Princess. And soon, I hope." He whispered back.
"So your gonna be my new daddy?" She asked.
"Is that okay?" He asked, a little nervous all of a sudden. But he threw an arm around Chloe and pulled her closer.
He whispered so only the girls could hear. "Alex and you two come as a package deal. Do you think I could join your group? Make our own little family inside a bigger family?"
The girls were quiet and looked at each other at the same time they threw their arms around him and screamed a loud "yes!" Causing most of the dining room to turn and see what happened. Minho wrapped his arms around the girls, hugging them tight.
Minho grinned so big and so wide his face hurt. He hadn't felt this happy since he asked Alex to finally be his girlfriend back in the Glad. He had only met Raegan this morning, but he already knew without a doubt he would do anything for her. He felt the same way about Chloe.
The table all looked at him curiously. No one ever got Raegan to be that loud, or to look them in the eye that long.
"How the shuck did he do that?" Brenda asked, leaning over to Jorge, who shrugged with a smile.
"Okay, super is done, Raegan it's time for bed." Kenzie said. Standing up.
Raegan lowered her head and shook it, clinging tight to Minho again. Her scared pleading green eyes looked at him.
"It's okay Kenzie. I got it." Minho said. He stood up and picked her up.
"Chloe? Are you coming or in a bit?" He asked Chloe.
"Nah, I'm coming with my family." She stood up, grabbed his hand and together they left the table.
Everyone left at the table sat with mouths open.
Felix made the noise and motion of a whip. Minho threw his arm in the air and gave him the finger. Causing everyone at the table to burst out laughing.
"Girl dad looks good on ya, McDreamy Boyfriend!" Kenzie called.
"Shuck ya it does!" He called back with a smirk.
Minho followed Chloe to their sleeping corters on the ship. The girls quickly changed in their jammies while Minho waited outside. The door opened and Raegan was holding an orange kitten. Minho raised an eyebrow her.
"Mr Pickles this is Minho." She held the cat up so they were almost face to face. The cat just meowed.
Minho chuckled.
"He was rescued the same day as me! And Alex and Mr Marshmallow said I could keep him."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Mr. Pickles." Minho chuckled, taking the kitten, he started to purr.
Minho made a makeshift bed on the Berg floor for the girls and himself. They all lay down, carful of Alex's wires and tubes.
Alex lay on one side of Minho, Raegan on the other and Chloe snuggled in beside her. Mr Pickles snuggled on Raegan's chest. And the four of them slept all night, for the first time without nightmares.
And of course Frypan, Brenda, Thomas, Sonya, Kenzie and Felix snuck over and took a picture. So they would forever have photo proof.
Alex and Minho held onto that picture, framing it and putting it up on their home wall in SafeHaven.
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