"Oh, Ser Trafalgar, I did not expect to see you so early of a morning."
I often walked the Royal gardens of a morning whenever I had the chance, and I was surprised to find the mysterious lord seated by the fountain, where I had first officially spoken to him.
Instead of snoozing by his feet, Bepo was standing in an almost human-like way, dipping a paw into the rippling water, turning his head at the sound of my voice.
"Your Grace." Trafalgar Law stood and bowed to me respectfully. "Sleep is not a friend of mine, so I decided to take a walk." He explained, glancing to Killer, who was lingering close behind me.
The sun had barely begun to rise, but I could understand. Sleep had been evading me also, especially now since the date of my marriage announcement drew frighteningly near.
"Would you mind if I joined you both?" I asked hopefully, which took him by surprise. It wasn't that I was interested in him as a suitor. It was more like a morbid curiosity. He was far different to the others.
"This is your garden, Your Grace. You can do as you wish." Not the most inviting of responses, but it would do. Smiling, I turned to Killer, motioning my head back towards the castle.
"Killer, I will be fine. Go and get some breakfast for yourself."
Killer's body language said plenty. He didn't want to leave me with the dark-haired stranger, but he didn't argue. With a heavy sigh, he bowed to me, and gave a sharp nod to Trafalgar before leaving us alone.
At least he is starting to relax a little...
Trafalgar waited for me to sit myself down before he too sat, making sure there was a respectable distance between us.
"Tomorrow is the first day of the tourney. I would ask if you are looking forward to it, but I already know the answer."
It wouldn't take a genius to come to that conclusion. I enjoyed some aspects of the tournaments, but not the jousting, or hand to hand combat displays. It was the colours, the sounds, the smells. I never truly got to experience much of it, sitting up in my royal box, but I longed to.
"Truthfully, Ser, I would much prefer tying myself to a stone and throwing myself into the sea." I chuckled dryly, mostly joking. Bepo stepped down from the fountains edge, shaking his wet paw before ambling over to sit against my leg. He was a huge creature, but so adorably docile. I ran a hand through his soft, snowy fur.
"What a coincidence. I was contemplating doing that myself to avoid competing." The Lord snickered, though his lips had very little curve to them. "Have you given any thought as to who you shall be offering your favour too, Your Grace?"
Oh no, I forgot about that...
During special tourneys, knights and other participants are free to request or accept a favour. A personal item from a woman, usually of high born blood. I had given the occasional favour, such as a flower or untouched handkerchief, but only by my father's order.
"I forgot that would be expected of me..." I sighed, deflating and putting a little more of my weight against the polar bear, who didn't seem to mind in the slightest. "Is this your attempt at requesting it, Ser Trafalgar?"
Scoffing, though quickly trying to cover it with a cough, Trafalgar shook his head, waving me off with his marked hand, which caught my eye.
"Your Grace, it would be wasted on me. I don't fare well when it comes to jousting. Swords are more my game."
I hummed a little, distracted by what had captured my eye.
"Those are tattoos, are they not? I rarely see them in person. What is it that you have written on your fingers?" I questioned, leaning a little closer when he pulled his sleeve down to show me properly. "Death..? That is...rather dark?"
Trafalgar laughed, and it was a dry sound, though not at all fake.
"I suppose it is, Your Grace, but for me it is a reminder of what ny hands are capable of. Where I come from, I practice as a surgeon. Life is, at times, in my hands."
A Lord that is also a surgeon? How peculiar.
"Then...would life not be a better word?" I asked, in all seriousness, yet again he laughed. There was little emotion behind it, though it just seemed to be the kind of person he was.
"Perhaps." He trailed off into a sigh, and I continued to give Bepo my attention, his cold nose pressing against my exposed wrist as I pet him. "Has His Highness mentioned anything regarding Lord Portgas since he was called to meeting?"
Shaking my head, I looked up from the affectionate polar bear, kind of curious as to why he would ask me, of all people, something like that.
"Oh, no, not at all, Ser. My father seldom includes me in discussions of such nature. Tis not a woman's place, after all...according to him..."
Trafalgar nodded absently, discarding his initial thought before deciding to change the topic of conversation.
"Your guard, he seems like a man well versed in combat. Would you have any issue if I borrowed him to assist in my jousting practice?"
Quirking a brow, I felt a little confused by his request.
"Did you not say moments ago that you prefer swordplay?" I asked, and the man nodded, adjusting the seal-skin cap atop his head.
"Correct, Your Grace, but don't you think it would be best for me to practice some, so I don't end up gravely injured by one of your other, more athletic suitors?"
He has a point...but why Killer? We have plenty of squires and knights who would jump at the opportunity.
It wasn't that I didn't want to be parted from Killer longer than I already had. No, not at all. Absolutely not. He was a free man wherever it counted, but it still struck me as a strange request.
"Well...I see no issue, as long as he accepts your invitation. Ser Killer is a dear friend to me, so I find it important to allow him to make his own decisions."
Trafalgar's eyes were studying me closely, as though he was trying to find what made me tick. It was mildly unnerving, in a way.
"Forgive me, Your Grace, but I have never heard of royalty being so kind to those in service to them. Certainly not referring to them as a friend."
I shifted in my place, Bepo nuzzling higher up under my chin, rumbling happily as my fingers roamed through his fur.
"I would like to say we are close. Killer has always been gentle with me, and makes me feel safe. Not in a typical way, like other guards." I explained, deciding that I trusted Trafalgar enough to be honest with him. "I am friends with my handmaidens, and other members of the castle staff, but Killer..."
"Are you falling for him, Your Grace?" Trafalgar's pointed question nearly caused me to audibly squeak, the flesh of my cheeks heating up.
"S..Ser, I implore you, please do not suggest such a thing..!" I stammered, looking away immediately. "I simply care for Killer, and speaking from his actions, I believe he cares for me in the same manner. O..Of course there is no romance involved..."
My goodness, he is certainly perceptive...
Trafalgar continued to study me for a few more moments before humming to himself, standing from the edge of the fountain and offering me his hand. Bepo, upon seeing his master move, stepped back from me obediently.
"Forgive me for making inappropriate assumptions, then. Allow me to escourt you back to the castle, Your Grace. If you are still willing, I will send for Ser Killer later, if he is in agreement."
Feeling rather foolish, I accepted Trafalgar's hand, allowing him to hook my arm with his and lead me back towards the castle, Bepo ambling slowly behind us.
" is fine, Ser, though again, there is definitely no romance involved. Not at all..."
It felt strange, being on horseback again after so long.
What was also strange was the fact that Trafalgar Law had requested for me to meet him far out by the coast of the city, to supposedly practice for the upcoming jousting tournament.
Princess (Y/N) herself had explained to me what he had asked, but for some reason she had seemed kind of flustered. Had he tried something with her? No, he didn't seem like the type.
I spotted the Lord in question, waiting patiently at the large, flat overlook, and I pulled my mare to a stop a few yards away, dismounting and beginning my approach on foot.
He turned to me, face unchanging, but I wasn't just focusing on his expression. I didn't miss the way he began to reach to unsheath his long-sword.
By the time we met in the middle, I had long since pulled my machetes from their holsters, the sharp clang of metal on metal partially drowned out by the crashing waves upon the coast.
"Hello to you, too, Law." I grunted, pushing him back a few paces as I uncrossed my blades. Scoffing, the rather lanky man began to circle, and I did the same, not stupid enough to allow my eyes to stray.
"How big of an idiot are you?!" There was the anger, burning through such a stale, stoic face. He was good at hiding it when he needed to, that was for sure, but now there was no need. We were very much alone.
"You can't really talk. What's idiotic is calling me to meet up like this." He took another swing, but I easily avoided, falling back into our close-knit dance.
"What other choice did I have? You're not even supposed to be here! What happened to in and out, undetected?!"
Well, y'see...
I could understand his irriation, but still, convening like this, in public, was a major risk. Very unlike Trafalgar Law.
"I got roped into some free for all fighting Tourney! How was I supposed to know the fuckin' King was gonna be there?!" It was my turn to strike, and just like I had, the ravonet dodged.
"Your gorilla of a brother was losing his god-damned mind thinking you'd been captured! Though, technically, he wasn't exactly wrong!" More metal against metal, but I wasn't concerned. Even though it was obvious he wasn't using a fraction of his actual strength, I could have easily won if a legitimate attack was made.
"It isn't the worst predicament to be in! Just consider me a third pair of eyes on the inside!" I pushed Trafalgar back for the final time, and the man heaved a frustrated sigh, returning his sword to his sheath, as I did my blades.
"Eyes on the Princess, you mean." He muttered, and I paused, unsure of what he was getting at. "Don't play the fool, Killer-ya. She told me how gentle you are with her, and how much you care for each other. I very nearly lost my breakfast."
Why the hell would she say all that to a stranger? Is she that confident in our friendship?
It wasn't smart of her at all, to be saying anything like that to anybody. She was lucky it had been Trafalgar, of all people.
"It's all part of the act I gotta play." I replied through grit teeth. "Besides, she's a good person. You've seen that for yourself."
"I have! She smells like honeysuckle."
I glanced to the stone benches a little ways away, Trafalgar's polar bear Mink companion sitting up and stretching.
"Bepo, stay out of this." The man snapped sternly, returning his attention to me. "She could be the goddess of all things good as far as I care. She's Sakazuki's daughter. Getting close to her is dangerous."
Though he couldn't see my eyes rolling, I knew he could tell they had by the grit of his teeth.
"Says the asshole trying to win her hand." By no means did I intend to let a tone of jealousy slip through in my voice, and I prayed he didn't hear it.
"I'm sticking to the plan! She isn't going to choose me, because that's not what's supposed to happen! I made sure of that! You, on the other hand, are running around with your head up her ass like a snipped dog!"
It took a lot to not draw my weapons again. I didn't hate Trafalgar, but we definitely clashed at times. Our views on certain things were vastly different, and it was currently showing as clear as day.
"Listen, you play your part, and I'll play mine. It doesn't change anything." I grunted, trying to rid myself of the bitter aggression so I could speak to him straight. "How's everyone holding up? Do we have a set time now?"
Trafalgar shook his head, motioning for Bepo to approach. The large, bipedal bear hurried over to hand his companion a scroll of parchment, and the exhausted looking man unfurled it.
"Last message I received was two days ago. Portgas-ya and his men are already seaborne, and your bloodthirsty oaf is camped out not far South, awaiting a signal."
At least everyone seems to be doing fine. Just a waiting game, now.
I was growing more and more uncomdor being out in the open, freely talking to Trafalgar. There had already been too many risks taken, especially on my part, and I didn't want to push it.
"I'm heading back. Let me know discretely if there's any update."
Turning to head back to my horse, I heard Trafalgar clear his throat, obviously not letting me leave without likely another verbal bite.
"Try not to get further attached to the Princess. You can't keep her. She's a liability."
Fuck off. This meeting is a liability...
I simply waved over my shoulder to let them know I had heard loud and clear, remounting my horse and starting back towards the castle. He was right. He often was, much to my dismay. The Princess wasn't somebody I should have ever had contact with, let alone gotten close to.
However, I couldn't help it. She was one of the kindest people I had ever met, and she had no control over her situation. She didn't deserve what she was going through, nor what was coming, but what could I do? Interfering any further would be moronic.
...But I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself...
***An elderly man tried to tip me $50 at work last night after I helped him pick out a bunch of Marvel stuff for his granddaughter (tipping is uncommon/not really a big thing in Australia). I declined politely and then he came back not long after and gave me a box of donuts. I nearly sobbed.
Next Time: The Tourney Begins!***
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