"(Y/N), dear, eat your meal. If it goes cold you shall end up with a pained stomach."
I glared daggers at my step-mother from the other end of the table, my food remaining untouched, steam fading away as it sat before me.
"I refuse to partake until I see an end to this nonsense." I growled, my fists tightening around the material in my lap when my father bared his teeth.
"Nonsense? The only nonsense is your inability to follow orders!" He barked, one of his skittish servants refilling his thrice empty wineglass. "Your duty as Princess is to marry a high-born man and give me heirs! Princes!"
But I'm the rightful heir!
"Sweet girl, Hina married your father by Hina's father's command, and your mother before me." My father's wife, Hina, tried to talk me down, but it only irritated me more, especially the way she spoke in third person.
"An event that likely contributed to her decision to kill herself..." I muttered bitterly, flinching when a heavy fist slammed down upon the table.
"Enough! Your chosen suitors shall be arriving on the 'morrow! You shall treat them with respect, and you shall make them believe you will make a fine wife!"
I fought the urge to bang the table as hard as he had, but I knew it would result in nothing but punishment, so I just sat there, grinding my teeth over the sides of my tongue, tasting the faint tang of copper.
"Tell Hina about your new ruffian guard. Has he been doing well on his first day?" The youthful woman across the table asked, trying to ease the tension. I had no personal issue with Lady Hina. She was not cruel to me, but her kindness was shallow and only out of obligation. I merely resented the fact that she sat where my mother once had.
"Yes." I responded through grit teeth, finally picking up my fork and poking at the seared fish on my plate. "Ser Killer is very respectful and has already proven my assumptions correct. He is a fine guard."
Neither my father nor my step-mother seemed convinced of what I was saying, but at the very least they chose to hold any negative comments.
"In the morning a tailor shall pay visit to your quarters to fit you for a new gown. On the fortnight your engagement shall be announced. You should consider yourself blessed that I am giving you any input at all." My father took a swig of his wine, and I stood abruptly, a servant catching my chair before it could fall.
Two weeks...
"Pardon my leave, Father. Step-Mother. I suddenly feel unwell. Have a pleasant evening." I spoke flatly, unable to force any form of polite tone into my voice before curtseying and turning to leave.
The moment I stepped out the door, Killer was at my heel, having been waiting in the hall for my exit. Not a word was spoken for the longest time, the only sound being my heels clicking against the stone floor, and Killer's boots only seconds out of time.
Instead of my room, I stormed my way out into the vast garden, continuing until I felt as though I was far enough away from the castle, and my family, before I dropped down into a skirted squat, hiding my face in my covered knees.
" okay, Your Grace..?" Killer asked cautiously, having stopped a few feet away. I knew I likely looked a pathetic fool, but I needed to vent, and he was less likely to be ever-prying like Perona.
"Killer, tell me, what are your thoughts on political marriage? Forced marriage?" I asked him, my voice taut to near breaking point.
"If I'm honest, Your Grace, it sickens me."
I'm glad you feel you can be truthful with me.
Uttering a frustrated laugh, I brushed a hand back through my hair, likely causing it to look a right mess.
"I must say I have to agree with you..." The garden wasn't completely silent, buzzing with the song of lustful cicadas, filling in the short while where no human words were spoken.
"I'm sorry. You deserve more than that, Your Grace." Killer offered me a quiet apology, and my chest ached. There were many rare things in Marineford, but one of the rarest of all was sincerity, which was what Killer was offering me.
He's kind. He has no reason to be, yet he's so very kind.
After taking a few moments to get over the strong emotion, I looked up to find his hand waiting before me, his other behind his back.
"A walk may do you some good, Your Grace. Anything but crouching in the dirt."
Accepting his gloved hand, I allowed him to help me to my feet, the urge to chase his hand once it left mine strong, but not unbeatable. Dusting off my skirt, I kept my eyes to the ground.
"When we are alone I do not mind if you skip the honorifics, Killer. It must get tiring."
Keeping his distance, respectfully, Killer turned his head left, then right, scanning the garden that was dimmed by shadows.
"I don't mind it, Your Grace. Better safe than sorry around here. I'm sure you know what I'm talkin' about..."
I very much did. Spies. Every man who meant something in Marineford had them at his disposal, some more devious and dangerous than others. I was surprised that a man who had only recently arrived knew the risks so well.
"I suppose you have a valid point. Would you at the very least walk with me? By my side? If it makes you uncomfortable, we can keep distance." I motioned towards one of the winding paths, lined with floral arrangements, and Killer bowed.
"As you wish."
Our walk began in a comfortable silence, my mind wandering as I thought of what was to come. I had seen forced marriages end both ways, well and poorly, but either way it was daunting. Terrifying. Sickening.
"Killer, would you be opposed to lending me an ear? I beg of you to tell me if you would prefer not to." I asked softly, glancing over at him on the other side of the path. His head faced dead ahead, but his helmet hid the true point of where his eyes were set.
"My ear is yours to borrow, Your Grace." He replied, giving me the go ahead. By my sides, my hands gripped the loose fabric of my dress skirt, and I watched as my shoes kicked tiny stones from my way.
"Marriage is not what concerns me. Words spoken and certain formalities acted under the eyes of our God. That is easy enough...What would come next is what terrifies me to the core. The things expected of me as a wife, with somebody I hardly know? Have no emotions towards? Would our God truly approve of that?"
If they do, they must be a horrid, spiteful God...
"Where I come from, Your Grace, in the South, we have not one God, but many." Killer replied, matching me step for step. "Gods of war, Gods of rain, Gods of earth and sea. None of them would approve of it, I can say that much."
Laughing solemnly under my breath, I bit down on my lip, looking over to him once more.
"The South already sounds like a wonderful place." Shaking his head, Killer stopped and turned to the bushes lining the path, bending slightly.
"Both the North and the South are cruel in their own ways, Your Grace. Just because the Southern Gods wouldn't approve of such a marriage doesn't mean they're always merciful." He explained, back facing me.
"Right now I would prefer all other cruelties than being forced to bed a pompous stranger with an urge to be king..." I sighed, my cheeks feeling a little heated when Killer turned, presenting me with a (F/C) flower.
"I offered my blades and my loyalty to you, Your Grace, not your suitors, and not your father. If you have no desire to lay with whichever pompous stranger dares attempt, then say the word. I'll gladly put an end to them."
He's so...
Slowly, but not at all cautiously, I accepted the flower, holding it to my chest as though it were the most precious of gifts. Honestly, it was. Such a thing held far more meaning than jewels or golden trinkets.
"Th..Thank you, Killer. I appreciate the sentiment, but you would be straight to the block on my father's command if you ever did such a thing. Still, the fact that you would even consider it means a great deal." I smiled at him, wondering if under his coverings he was doing the same. "If I may inquire, what originally brought you to Marineford? So far North?"
Killer took a step back, returning to his straightened posture, moonlight glinting upon the grip of one of the scythes on his hip.
"I had never been past the border, Your Grace. Just sightseeing until I heard tell of your Tournament and felt the itch to fight."
I had often heard of that itch, and I wondered what it felt like. Was it literal, or was it something more? Something deeper?
"It was hardly my tournament." I pointed out, still caressing the flower he had gifted me as though it were made of glass.
"Maybe not, but it was in your honour. By the way, happy name day, Your Grace." We shared a moment, looking directly at each other. I knew he was making eye contact, even if I couldn't see it directly. "It's getting late, Your Grace. I'll return you to your quarters."
Killer motioned his head, and I walked forward, even though I had no desire to. Going to sleep meant the day my suitors arrive would come, and that was the last thing I wanted. Still, hearing those heavy footsteps behind me laid a light cloak of ease upon me, and I drew the flower close to my nose, taking in its sweet scent.
Brutish? Ruffian? I think not. You seem more gentlemanly than most, Ser Killer...
***Decided to add a bit more before I introduce the suitors.
No idea why I chose Hina to be the Step-Mother. The only female Marine I could think of that wasn't Tsuru xD
Next Time: Ill Fitting Suit***
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